Unveiling the Association between the Transaction Timing, Spending and Dropout Behavior of Customers Abstract The customer lifetime value combines into one construct the transaction timing, spending and dropout processes that characterize customer purchase behavior. Recently, the potential association between these processes, either at the individual customer level (i.e. intra-customer association) or between customers (i.e. inter-customer association) has received increasing attention. In this paper, we propose to jointly unveil all possible types of association between these processes using copulas, a flexible statistical tool to capture the association between probability distributions of different nature. Conceptually, we investigate the behavioral rationales that underlie the various types of association, and empirically, we investigate the existence and direction of these associations across four distinct product categories, namely online music albums sales, securities transactions, utilitarian and hedonic fast-moving consumer good retail sales. For all product categories, we find a substantial amount of association both at the intraand inter-customer level. For the product categories where the association is the strongest, we find that the association enhances the predictive performance of the model. Overall, we find that frequent buyers tend to spend on average more per transaction than others, and, for half of the categories, they also have a shorter lifetime. In turn, large buyers have, on average, a longer lifetime than others. At the intra-customer level, we find that the extent to which customers show so-called compensating purchase behavior (i.e. adapt their purchase quantities to the time since the last purchase) varies across product categories and across customers. Using these empirical findings, we show how firms can improve their targeted marketing decisions. KEYWORDS: Association, Copula, Customer Metrics, Customer Lifetime Value, Dropout, Pareto/NBD Model. 1 1. Introduction As firms are complying with increasingly stricter marketing budget constraints, customer lifetime value (hereafter, CLV) has become a popular customer valuation metric in marketing research and practice (Berger et al. 2002, Gupta et al. 2004, Kumar & Venkatesan 2006, Rust et al. 2004, Venkatesan & Kumar 2004). This metric integrates three key decision processes a customer makes: (i) the transaction timing process, or when to buy, (ii) the spending process, or how much to spend,1 and (iii) the dropout process, or when to become permanently inactive. Together, these decisions determine the cash flows that firms can expect from each customer over her lifetime and guide the allocation of marketing efforts across the customer base (Venkatesan et al. 2007). While these three purchase decisions have long been assumed to be independent of each other (Fader et al. 2005), recent research is exploring the extent to which they actually interact. An overview is provided in Table 1. In a non-contractual setting, the Pareto/NBD models the flow of transactions over time, accounting for dropout (Reinartz & Kumar 2000; 2003, Schmittlein et al. 1987, Schmittlein & Peterson 1994), while a separate Gamma/Gamma sub-model accounts for the monetary value of the transactions (Fader et al. 2005). In this context, an association between the processes can occur either at the intra-customer level, because the timing at which a customer makes a purchase interrelates with the value of this transaction (e.g. a long interpurchase time may lead to a large purchase, as in Jen et al. 2009), 2 and/or at the inter-customer level, because the expected number of transactions, transaction value and/or customer lifetime correlate across customers (e.g. frequent buyers may make, on average, 1 The spending process captures how much a customer spends per transaction. Usually, the CLV framework does not make a distinction between the number of units bought per transaction (quantity) and the price per unit, but considers the aggregate total (dollars) value of a transaction. For simplicity, we will refer to the notion of quantity per transaction or value per transaction interchangeably. 2 Note that the intra-customer association with the dropout does not exist as dropout only occurs once. 2 lower-value transactions than occasional buyers). In other words, the former association is a temporal/longitudinal association at the customer level, while the latter is a cross-sectional association at the customer base (or firm) level. Table 1: Literature overview of the association between the CLV processes Intra-customer Inter-customer association Setting Industry association References (by Timing - Timing - Timing - Spending - publication date) spending spending drop out drop out x x x Boatwright et al. (2003) x Borle et al. (2008) Abe (2009) x Non-contractual Online grocery Contractual Direct marketing Non-contractual Online music retailer, department Non-contractual B2B (office supply) and B2C (direct store, music chain Jen et al. (2009) x marketing in health & beauty) Singh et al. (2009) Abe (2013) x x x (Non-)contractual x x x Non-contractual Department store, music chain Non-contractual Online music retailer, hypermarket Non- contractual Online music retailer, financial Romero et al. (2013) x x Our study x x x x Direct marketing securities, hedonic FMCG, utilitarian FMCG In Table 1, we indicate, for each study, the type of association considered, whether it is a contractual or non-contractual setting and the industry under study. At the intra-customer level, Boatwright et al. (2003) make purchase timing dependent on lagged quantity using a generalized Poisson specification, while Jen et al. (2009) model the contemporaneous association between the timing and quantity decisions using a bivariate log-normal distribution. At the inter-customer level, Abe (2009) allows for a cross-sectional association between the timing and the dropout processes using a bivariate normal distribution, while Borle et al. (2008), Singh et al. (2009) and Abe (2013) use a trivariate normal distribution to capture the association between all three processes, either in a contractual or non-contractual setting. Finally, Romero et al. (2013) use a partially hidden Markov model to forecast CLV while allowing the purchase timing and 3 spending processes to be correlated between activity states at the intra and inter-customer level (keeping the independence assumption within a given state). Overall, these studies jointly provide evidence for the existence of the four types of association between the timing, spending and dropout decisions. They show that ignoring them substantially biases customer purchase behavior and CLV predictions (Jen et al. 2009). Based on the current literature, we identify a number of remaining open questions, which our paper aims to address. First, the existence of different types of association simultaneously requires a method to model all four associations jointly. So far, previous methods have only considered a subset of these associations, which can bias predictions and managerial recommendations. Second, there is still a large amount of confusion regarding the distinct interpretations of the various types of association. These associations underlie different purchase behaviors with distinct behavioral rationales. For instance, the intra-customer association between the timing and spending processes reflects the existence of compensating purchase patterns at the individual customer level (i.e. whether a customer who defers or hastens his purchase compensates by buying more or less). In contrast, the inter-customer association between these processes mirrors the customer heterogeneity in shopping behavior (e.g. routine vs. quick shoppers, Bell and Lattin, 1998). All studies so far have shown the predictive gains attached to modeling association but have not paid attention yet to the behavioral rationales that underlie the various types of association, nor to the implications of these different behavior types for companies. This paper addresses these important questions. On the methodological side, we replace the independent distributions for each customer’s interpurchase time and spend per transaction by a joint distribution (intra-customer level) and specify a joint distribution for the transaction rates, spending rates and dropout rates across 4 customers (inter-customer level). To link these distributions, we use copulas (Danaher & Smith 2011; Danaher & Hardie 2005) which are able to “couple” distributions of different family and unmask the true strength of dependence between two processes, which a classical correlation coefficient (e.g. Pearson) would not identify. We show that incorporating all associations improves predictions of customer purchase decisions. On the conceptual side, we develop a typology of the different levels (intra- or inter-customer) and directions (positive or negative) of association that possibly relate the transaction timing, spending and dropout processes to each other. In contrast to prior work, we explain how these associations translate in terms of purchase behavior and why they are likely to occur. We rely on the comprehensive utility maximizing framework (Chintagunta, 1993) that governs the tradeoffs that customers make when making purchase decisions. Customers decide whether to buy, when to buy and how much to buy based on a number of common underlying drivers, such as their unobserved reservation price, their stockpiling cost, transaction cost, budget constraints, specific consumption needs or preferences, sensitivity to (competitive) marketing-mix activities, to cite only a few (see e.g. Gupta 1988). In addition, their decisions directly interdepend on each other (e.g. for a same consumption level, a customer can buy small quantities often or large quantities occasionally). Based on this conceptual framework, we explain how our typology can guide managerial decisions. In order to investigate how our framework generalizes, we apply our model to four customer transaction databases, representative of different product categories and/or industries. The first one contains music albums sales at an online retailer (CDNOW).3 The second includes securities transactions at a major financial institution. The last two data sets concern the retail 3We thank Bruce Hardie who kindly provided us the data set. 5 industry; one contains transactions of a utilitarian FMCG, the other of a hedonic FMCG. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we define the intra- and inter-customer association between the transaction timing, spending and dropout processes and investigate how they characterize different purchase behaviors and underlying behavioral rationales. In Sections 3 and 4, we explain the copula methodology and show how to incorporate it into the stochastic buyer behavior framework by Fader et al. (2005). In Sections 5 and 6, we describe the four data sets and apply our methodology. Section 7 concludes with a number of important managerial implications, several limitations and suggestions for future research. 2. Inter- and Intra-Customer Association We observe transactions made by customers over a given time span. Each customer is characterized by the time preceding each of his/her transactions (i.e. interpurchase time) and the value of these transactions (i.e. units per transaction x price per unit). Over the complete time range, each customer is also characterized by an individual transaction rate (i.e. expected number of transactions per time unit or transaction frequency), spending rate (i.e. expected dollar value per transaction) and dropout rate (i.e. hazard for this customer to become permanently inactive, given that the customer is still active). In a non-contractual setting, we do not observe dropout but estimate it from the transaction stream. At the intra-customer level, we are interested in the temporal association between the interpurchase time and the transaction value, which varies across customers. At the inter-customer level, we explore three cross-sectional associations (between each pair of the three processes), which is defined at the customer base level (i.e. one parameter for all customers). Below, we provide a formal definition of each association as well as some behavioral interpretations and underlying rationales for each in turn. 6 2.1. Definitions Intra-customer association between the transaction timing and spending process: This association captures the degree to which the time preceding a given transaction (interpurchase time) relates to the value of this transaction. A positive (respectively negative) association indicates that a customer who delays his/her purchase (i.e. shows a longer interpurchase time than usual) will buy in larger (respectively smaller) quantities than usual on that purchase. The intra-customer association is customer-specific. Inter-customer association between the transaction timing and spending processes: This association captures the relation between how much customers spend on average per transaction and the number of purchases they make. A positive (respectively negative) association indicates that customers who spend on average less (respectively more) per transaction than other customers also purchase less frequently than others. Inter-customer association between the transaction timing and dropout processes: This association captures the degree to which the timing at which customers purchase on average is related to their lifetime. A positive (respectively negative) association indicates that customers who purchase on average less often (respectively more often) than other customers also drop out later than others. Inter-customer association between the spending and dropout processes: This association captures the relation between how much customers spend on average per transaction and their lifetime. A positive (respectively negative) association indicates that customers who spend on average less (respectively more) per transaction than other customers drop out later than others. 7 2.2. Behavioral Interpretations and Underlying Rationales Each association (direction) corresponds to a specific purchase behavior. In Table 2, we summarize the possible scenarios and we discuss each of them in turn. For each, we also review the potential drivers. Table 2: Summary of possible association directions and behavioral interpretations Direction/ Intra-customer association Significance/ Drivers Timing-spending Compensating behavior (e.g. a delayed purchase leads to larger Positive quantities) Purchase acceleration or deceleration (e.g. a delayed purchase leads to smaller Negative quantities) Promotion proneness (+), inventory and/or budget Potential drivers constraints (+), consumption (and direction of expandability (-),wear-out in the effect) variety seeking (-), satiation (-), state dependence (-), learning effects (-), addiction (-) 2.2.1. Inter-customer association Timing-spending Timing-dropout High- vs. low- Complementary potential segments segments (frequent/large (frequent/short-life buyers vs. buyers vs. infrequent/small infrequent/long-life buyers) buyers) Complementary High- vs. low- segments potential segments (frequent/small (frequent/long-life buyers vs. buyers vs. infrequent/large infrequent/short-life buyers) buyers) Spending-dropout Complementary segments (large/short-life buyers vs. small/long-life buyers) High- vs. lowpotential segments (large/long-life buyers vs. small/short-life buyers) Heterogeneity in shopping patterns driven by the tradeoff between acquisition and transaction Heterogeneity in Heterogeneity in loyalty, satisfaction, loyalty, satisfaction, trust, commitment trust, commitment (dis-)utility Intra-customer association between the transaction timing and spending processes Customers with a positive association are customers who show temporal deviations from their average buying patterns that reflect compensating behaviors (Jen et al. 2009). When they defer (resp. hasten) their purchase, they tend to compensate by buying in larger (resp. smaller) quantities. In contrast, customers with a negative association are customers who show either an 8 increasing or a decreasing demand for a given product (category). In the former case, they start purchasing earlier and in larger quantities, pointing out to purchase acceleration. In the latter case, they start buying later and in smaller quantities, indicating purchase deceleration. Finally, customers with a non-significant association do not show any systematic relation between how much and when they buy. Below, we review a number of reasons or situations when these different purchase behaviors occur. Behavioral rationale for compensating behaviors (i.e. positive association) A number of factors are likely to drive compensating purchase behaviors (i.e. positive intra-customer association). First, purchase decisions are influenced by price promotions and other marketing-mix variables. These activities often lead to pre- and post-promotion sales dips (Van Heerde et al. 2004), because customers adjust their purchase timing and quantity decisions based on the promotion calendar. They postpone their purchase until the next promotion (pre-promotion dip), buy more during a promotion, and stockpile (post-promotion dip) for future consumption (Hendel and Nevo 2003). This consumer inventory model is likely to translate into compensating purchase patterns. Therefore, proneness to price promotions and marketing activities should have a positive effect on the intra-customer association. We expect the product categories and the customers the most susceptible to pre- and post-promotion dips to show a positive association. Macé and Nelsin (2004) find that they mainly concern the storable, frequently promoted and high-budget share product categories and customers large households who own a car and work (i.e. have a limited time). Given the first point, inventory constraints are likely to create some interdependence between the timing and quantity decisions (Blattberg et al. 1981; Meyer and Assuncao, 1990). In case of limited storage capacity, a long delay between two purchases will require the consumer 9 to buy in larger quantities. Meyer and Assuncao (1990) explain that purchases reflect a rational policy among consumers for minimizing the long-term costs of consuming and storing goods. Likewise, the degree of storability or perishability of a good should also increase the association (Wansink and Deshpande 1994). In the same vein, individual budget constraints also affect the joint decision process. If the budget is limited, delaying a purchase will give the customer a larger financial freedom to buy in larger quantities. The smaller the available budget, the higher the interdependence between purchase quantity and timing decisions would become. Third, the degree to which customers adjust their consumption over time (i.e. consumption expandability or flexibility) also affects the interaction between both processes. Prior research provides support for the inclusion of an inventory-based consumption function in a model for purchase incidence and quantity (Ailawadi and Neslin, 1998) and raises the notion of endogenous consumption (Sun, 2005). In some cases, customers adjust their consumption to the level of their inventory (Ailawadi et al. 2007, Bell et al. 1999). We expect that, if a customer does not adjust her consumption based on her inventory, she will show a more positive association than in case of flexible consumption. Inventory-based consumption has been found to be most pronounced for high-convenience products (Chandon and Wansink, 2002) and for versatile and substitutable product categories (Sun 2005, Wansink and Deshpande 1994). Moreover, Krishna (1992, 1994) shows that, when customers stockpile a preferred brand, they tend to consume more of it. As a consequence, consumption expandability will moderate the intensity of compensating behaviors. This notion corroborates the finding of Jen et al. (2009) that customers with a positive association exhibit a constant spending stream while customers with a non-significant association show variable spending streams. 10 Behavioral rationale for purchase deceleration or acceleration (i.e. negative association) Purchase deceleration or acceleration has been found to be related to prior consumption (Seetharaman et al. 1999). On the one hand, customers can experience wear-out in variety seeking (McAlister 1982) as their marginal utility to consume a given good decreases with consumption (Hartmann 2006). Customers may satiate themselves with previous chosen goods or brands and switch brands in a quest for variety (McAlister 1982) or stop buying from a given product category. Enduring effects of prior consumption can be long lasting, depending on the consumer and the product. For instance, when people visit a tourist attraction, the experience provides utility for a lifetime to some customers (Hartmann 2006). Such cases are sometimes referred to as negative state dependence. Negative state dependence leads to purchase deceleration. On the other hand, prior purchase of a given brand can increase the probability of the brand to be chosen again (Howard and Sheth 1969). We then talk about positive state dependence, or inertia. Such positive state dependence is usually caused by preference change, which creates a form of loyalty (Dubé et al. 2010), or by customer learning. The learning literature indicates that, when they start buying a new product, customers, which are first unfamiliar with the brand, gradually gain knowledge and experience (learning) with the good, leading to purchase acceleration. Acceleration is likely to occur in particular for new products or new product categories, experience goods that require trials to evaluate quality, products for which customers gain efficiency in usage over time. Addiction is an extreme form of positive state-dependence. Finally, Seetharaman et al. (1999) find that the longer the interpurchase time, the lower the inertia becomes. The latter can lead to purchase deceleration. 11 2.2.2. Inter-customer association between the transaction timing and spending processes A positive association points to the existence of a dual customer base, in which a share of the customers buys more frequently and in larger quantities than another share (who buys at a lower frequency and in smaller quantities). The former segment represents a potentially higher source of revenues for the firm than the latter. In contrast, a negative association translates into complementary segments, in that a share of the customers buys in larger quantities but at a lower frequency than another share of customers who buys in smaller quantities but at a higher frequency. The first segment insures a sporadic but substantial stream of income while the other offers frequent and small revenues to the company. Finally, a non-significant association indicates that all four segments co-exist. In other words, the amount a customer purchase on average is not informative as to how often she purchases and vice versa. Behavioral rationale for the existence of different customer segments The customers’ different profile in terms of shopping patterns is a key driver for the association between timing and spending decisions at the inter-customer level. The role of shopping behavior variables, how often one visits the store and his/her average expenditure per trip has been found to influence his/her purchase behavior at the store (e.g., Ainslie and Rossi, 1998; Manchanda et al., 1999). Rhee and Bell (2002) make a distinction between occasional and heavy, frequent and light, frequent and heavy, or occasional and light shoppers. In the retailing sector, most research confirms the existence of, on the one hand, a segment of so-called regular, routine shoppers (e.g. once a week trip), and on the other hand, a segment of so-called frequent, quick shoppers (Bell and Lattin 1998, Kahn and Schmittlein 1989; Kim and Park, 1997). The former segment tends to buy more at each purchase occasion than the latter one who buys more frequently instead. Such segmentation leads a negative inter-customer association. 12 Transaction costs are known to drive shopping frequency decisions and are therefore likely to influence the direction and intensity of inter-customer association one firm might observe. Baltas et al. (2010) develop a household production framework that explains how households organize their shopping trips. Shopping pattern decisions are often seen as being rooted in a “household production” framework (see, e.g., Baltas et al. 2010; Urbany et al. 1996; Vroegrijk et al. 2013). Within this framework, consumers’ shopping decisions depend on the (dis)utility derived from the shopping activity as such (the transaction utility; Chintagunta et al. 2012; Gupta and Kim 2010), which competes with other household activities for the same resources. Because shopping involves an allocation not only of money but also of other scarce resources (e.g., time, effort), monetary as well as nonmonetary benefits and costs must be taken into account (see, e.g., Chintagunta et al. 2012). In line with the utility maximization theory, households are expected to select the shopping pattern that provides the most overall (acquisition and transaction) utility. For instance, Kim and Park (1997) find that routine shoppers have higher opportunity costs (e.g. they are time pressed) and lower storage costs and the lowest budget constraints, which enforce more regular patterns, while quick shoppers are more price-sensitive and exploit price promotions which create irregular shopping intervals. In other contexts however, it is possible that the customers with the lowest opportunity costs (e.g. time constraints) also have the lowest budget constraints. It could, for instance, be the case when the customers of a company show different preference structures (Vilcassim and Jain 1991), e.g. different levels of involvement. When buying their favorite brand, customers might buy more often and lot more than customers who do not have a strong relation with the brand. When the relationship with the brand or the store matters for the consumer, we expect to see a positive association. 13 2.2.3. Inter-customer association between the transaction timing and dropout processes A positive association points to the existence of complementary segments, in that a share of the customers buys at a lower frequency but for a longer period of time than another share of customers who buys at a higher frequency for a shorter period of time. The first segment insures the company a long-term stream of income while the other offers a short-term revenue boost. In contrast, a negative association translates into a dual customer base, in which a share of the customers buys frequently and for a long period while another share buys at a lower frequency and a shorter time. In this case, the former segment is clearly preferred over the latter one. Behavioral rationale for the existence of different customer segments According to Reinartz and Kumar (2003), purchase timing and customer lifetime are likely to depend on each other. They suggest that a high purchase frequency translates a strong relationship between the firm and the customer, which leads to longer lifetimes. This mechanism would result into a negative association. However, Morgan and Hunt (1994) suggest that this mechanism requires the interactions between the firm and the customers to remain satisfactory. Moreover, Kim and Rossi (1994) observe that consumers with a high purchase frequency are more demanding and price sensitive. They are more likely to search for cheaper alternatives and re-evaluate their relation with the firm. In this context, frequent buyers could actually drop out earlier than infrequent buyers if they face a negative experience. If this is the case, the association will be less negative or even become positive. The BG/NBD model proposed by Fader et al. (2005b) makes a similar assumption that a customer’s probability to drop out is tied with her purchase occurrence. After any transaction, the customer “flips a coin” whether to become inactive with a certain probability. The more frequently she buys, the more often the coin will be flipped. 14 2.2.4. Inter-customer association between the transaction spending and dropout processes A positive association points to the existence of complementary segments, in that a share of the customers makes small-quantity or low-value purchases over a long lifetime while another share of customers spends a lot on each purchase over a short lifetime. The first segment insures a long-term stream of income while the other offers a short-term revenue boost to the company. In contrast, a negative association translates into a dual customer base, in which a share of the customers spends a lot and for a long period while another share spends little and a shorter time. Behavioral rationale for the existence of different customer segments Customer satisfaction, commitment and/or loyalty are likely to underlie both the spending and dropout decisions of customers, feeding an association between both processes. On the one hand, Bolton (1998) and Bolton and Lemon (1999) find that more satisfied customers have longer relationships with their service providers as well as higher usage levels of services. It would translate into a segment of longer-life customers making larger purchases and a segment of shorter-life customers making small purchases. However, at the same time, customers who spend a large budget in a given product category are also likely to make involved purchase decisions (Reinartz and Kumar, 2003) and are more price-sensitive (Kim and Rossi 1994). They check competing offerings, are sensitive to their experience with the company and re-evaluate their dropout decisions in a more elaborate way than small buyers. This mechanism can lead the large buyers to have shorter lifespan at the firm than the small buyers, which would reduce or make negative the association between spending and dropout. 15 2.3. A Visual Comparison: Inter vs. Intra In order to provide the reader with a visual representation of the difference between the inter- and intra-customer associations, Figure 1 exhibits the transaction value (in Euros) in function of the interpurchase time (in weeks) of transactions made by five imaginary customers. Transactions made by different customers are represented with different symbols, while the average interpurchase time and transaction value for each customer is depicted in bold. [INSERT Figure 1 ABOUT HERE] When we focus on the inter-customer association level, we observe that the bold symbols show a positive slope, indicating a positive association between the average interpurchase times and the average transaction values. As the average interpurchase time is inversely proportional to the transaction rate, it translates into a negative association between transaction rate and transaction value. At the intra-customer level in contrast, we observe three customers showing a positive association (the crosses, lozenges, and stars), a customer with a zero association (the squares), and a customer with a negative association (the circles) between the interpurchase times and the transaction values. 3. Copulas A copula capture the association between two random variables π and π with given marginal distributions πΉ(π₯) = π(π ≤ π₯) and πΊ(π) = π(π ≤ π) . For example, πΉ may be an exponential distribution and πΊ a log-normal. The joint distribution function is given by π»(π₯, π) = π(π ≤ π₯, π ≤ π). Obtaining an explicit expression for the joint distribution π» is generally cumbersome, motivating the use of copulas. The Sklar's theorem (Sklar 1959) yields that, for any πΉ and πΊ, there always exists a copula function πΆ such that 16 π»(π₯, π) = πΆ(πΉ(π₯), πΊ(π)). (1) The copula function πΆ is assumed to be known up to an unknown parameter π. If π, π and β are the probability density functions corresponding to πΉ, πΊ and π», the copula density function π verifies β(π₯, π) = π(πΉ(π₯), πΊ(π))π(π₯)π(π). (2) Various families of copulas exist. The simplest one is the independent copula, which assumes the independence between π and π, given by πΆ(πΉ(π₯), πΊ(π)) = πΉ(π₯). πΊ(π). The corresponding copula density is then equal to one. One can find a plethora of other copulas in the literature (see Nelsen 2006, for more detail). Among the most common, there is the Gaussian copula, which corresponds to a multivariate Normal distribution. In turn, the Gumbel copula only allows for a positive association between π and π, while the Frank copula does not allow for extreme association values. More details on these various copulas are given in Appendix A. In order to illustrate the peculiarity of each copula, Figure 2 reports the contour plots corresponding to the joint distribution of two standard-normal random variables that have a Spearman rank correlation equals to .50, when specifying (i) an independent copula (upper-left plot), (ii) a Gaussian copula (upper-right plot), (iii) a Gumbel copula (lower-left plot), and (iv) a Frank copula (lower-right plot). While the joint distribution corresponding to the Gaussian copula is bivariate normal, the joint distribution corresponding to the Gumbel copula is asymmetric. In turn, the joint distribution corresponding to the Frank copula yields a weaker association in the tails compared to the Gaussian copula. We select the most appropriate copula based on goodness-of-fit, using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). [INSERT Figure 2 ABOUT HERE] 17 One of the main advantages of copulas is that they can fit complex association structures without affecting the marginal distributions. This is particularly interesting when the distributions of the single random variables are well-known. The usefulness has been recently demonstrated in a few marketing applications. For instance, Meade and Islam (2003) and Sriram et al. (2010) introduce copulas to model the association between the time of adoption of related technologies. Another marketing issue where multivariate distributions prove useful is the modeling of household's purchase timing or incidence across related - complementary or co-incidental - product categories, such as pasta and pasta sauce (Chintagunta and Haldar 1998), laundry detergent and fabric softener (Manchanda et al. 1999), or bacon and eggs (Danaher and Hardie 2005). The latter use the Sarmanov family of distribution (Sarmanov 1966), which is a special form of copulas. The Sarmanov family of distribution has also been used by Park and Fader (2004) and Danaher (2007) to model the association between multiple websites' browsing patterns, and more recently by Schweidel et al. (2008) to account for the correlation between acquisition and retention times across customers. Danaher and Smith (2011) demonstrates that the Sarmanov family is more limited in its ability to model even moderate-sized correlation levels than the copulas described in this section. Finally, copulas have also been used on a regular basis in other research fields, in particular in finance (Cherubini et al. 2004, Glasserman and Li 2005). We refer to Danaher and Smith (2011) for an extensive overview of copulas. Equations (1) and (2) extend immediately to the trivariate case, where the association between a set of three variables needs to be modeled. For the trivariate case, we focus on elliptical copula, i.e the normal copula and the Student copula with 5 degrees of freedom, allowing for fatter tails. The Gumbel and Frank copula can be generalized to the trivariate case, but result in an expression more complex to manipulate. Therefore, we do not consider them at 18 the inter-customer level. It is important to note that using a normal copula does not imply that the trivariate distribution is multivariate normal; the marginal distributions remain to be specified separately. The parameter of an elliptical copula is not a univariate scalar π, but a matrix of the form 1 π (π) = (ππ,π ππ,π ππ,π 1 ππ,π ππ,π ππ,π ) 1 (3) where the three parameters in π = (ππ,π , ππ,π , ππ,π ) are between -1 and 1, but such that π (π) is a positive definite matrix. In the implementation of the method, we reparametrized π as a function of three other parameters, all varying without restriction in the interval [0,1] and still ensuring positive definiteness of the correlation matrix (Pinheiro and Bates 1996). 4. Modeling CLV using Copulas For customer π, with 1 ≤ π ≤ π, we observe transactions at time points π‘π0 < π‘π1 < β― < π‘π,π₯π with π₯π the number of repeated transactions. The first transaction is made at time point π‘π0 , the last transaction is made at π‘π₯π ≤ ππ , where ππ indicates the time point at which the CLV needs to be computed. The monetary values of the repeated transactions are given by ππ1 , … , ππ,π₯π . The monetary value of the first transaction at π‘0 is not used to model the CLV since it might be atypical of future purchases. For customer π, we compute the interpurchase time between transaction π − 1 and π πΌππππ = π‘π,π − π‘π,π−1 πππ π = 1, … , π₯π , (4) and the recency of transaction π₯π π π = ππ − π‘π₯π (5) for 1 ≤ π ≤ π. The unobserved time of dropout of customer π, or the time to “death,” is denoted 19 by ππ . After π‘π,0 + ππ , the customer defects and makes no more transactions. The assumptions on the marginal distributions of the spending process ππ,π , the interpurchase time process πΌπππ,π , and the time to death ππ are identical as in Fader et al. (2005). The interpurchase time of a customer follows an exponential distribution with parameter ππ , such that the total number of purchases in a unit time interval follows a Poisson distribution with expected value ππ . On the other hand, the dollar value of a customer's transaction follows a gamma(π, ππ ) distribution, with mean π/ππ . Finally, the time to death follows an exponential distribution with parameter ππ , such that the expected lifetime equals 1/ππ . We call ππ the transaction rate, π/ππ the spending rate, and ππ the dropout rate of customer π. These transaction, spending and dropout rates are considered as random variables, as is common in a two-level hierarchical model. As in Fader and Hardie (2007), we allow for both observed and unobserved customer heterogeneity. We denote πππ , πππ , and ππ π the values of time-invariant covariates for customer π that we use to explain the transaction, spending and dropout rates. Covariates include customer socio-demographics as well as company-related customer characteristics. We specify ππ = π0,π exp(π½π′ πππ ) (6) π/ππ = (π/π0,π )exp(π½π′ πππ ) (7) π ππ = π0,π exp(π½π′ ππ ), (8) where the random effect π0,π follows a gamma(π, πΌ) distribution, the random effect π0,π a gamma(π, πΎ) distribution, and the random effect π0,π a gamma(π , π½) distribution. According to ((6) and (7)), a positive π½π indicates that the transaction rate increases when the value of a covariate increases. Similarly, a positive π½π implies that the expected transaction value 20 increases when the value of a covariate increases. Finally, a positive π½π indicates an increase of the dropout rate when a covariate increases. Note that we do not include time-varying covariates into the mode. Including time-varying covariates would allow the model to capture exogeneous effects having a potential impact on the customer bahavior. We leave it as a possible extension of our model. We extend the original CLV model in two ways. First, we introduce two levels of copula to model both the inter- and intra-customer associations. Second, we specify a customer-specific intra-customer association by accounting for both observed and unobserved customer heterogeneity. A complete listing of all model assumptions is given in Appendix B. Note, for completeness, that the fact that the original model by Fader et al. (2005) assumes independent priors for the various decision processes does not imply that the posteriors are independent (see Fader et al. 2010 for a discussion on this). 4.1. Modeling the Association Structure The inter-customer association is the cross-sectional association between the transaction rate ππ , the spending rate π/ππ , and the dropout rate ππ . Since the marginal distribution of the three rates were specified before, it remains to model the association using a trivariate copula ππππ‘ππ with parameter ππππ‘ππ = (ππ,π , ππ,π , ππ,π ) (see equation (3)). At the lower level of the hierarchical model, we define the intra-customer association as the association between πΌπππ,π and ππ,π , for each customer π. This association is captured through a copula ππππ‘ππ with parameter ππππ‘ππ,π . We parameterize the copula such that a positive ππππ‘ππ,i indicates that a transaction preceded by a longer interpurchase time (compared to the customer mean) is likely to be of higher value (compared to the customer mean). 21 4.2. Modeling Customer Heterogeneity Similar to the transaction, spending and dropout rates, we allow for both observed and unobserved customer heterogeneity in the intra-customer association ππππ‘ππ,π , by specifying ππππ‘ππ,π as a function of customer covariates ππ π(ππππ‘ππ,π ) = π½πππ‘ππ ′ππ + ππ , (9) 2 for a suitable link function π and with ππ following a π(0, ππππ‘ππ ). The link function ensures that ππ stays within the bounds of the copula family. 4 The parameter π½πππ‘ππ captures the effect of a covariate on the strength of the intra-customer association. It can be used to identify customer segments with different intra-customer association directions and intensities. 4.3. Estimation of the Model Parameters The parameters to be estimated (listed in Appendix B) are collected in a vector π. The log-likelihood of π given the observed interpurchase times πΌπππ,π , the recency π π and the transaction values ππ,π , for 1 ≤ π ≤ π, and 1 ≤ π ≤ π₯π , is given by π (10) logπΏ = ∑ log ∫ πΏπ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ )ππ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ )ππ ππ ππ πππππ‘ππ , π=1 where ππ is the joint distribution of the customers' individual parameters. Each individual log-likelihood is given by π₯π πΏπ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ ) = ∏ π(ππ > πΌππππ )π(πΌππππ |π)π(πππ |π) π=1 πππππ‘ππ (πΉ(πΌππππ |π, π), πΊ(πππ |π)) ⋅ π(π π |π, π). Here, π(⋅ |π) and πΉ(⋅ |π) are the density and cdf of the distribution of the interpurchase times, 4In particular,π(π′ππ ) = 2/πarctan(π′ππ ) for the Gaussian copula, π(π′ππ ) = exp(π′ππ ) + 1 for the Gumbel copula and π(π′ππ ) = π′ππ for the Frank copula. 22 and π and πΊ are the density and cdf of the distribution of the monetary values. The individual log-likelihood can be factorized as a product of three terms. Given the properties of the exponential distribution, we obtain π₯π π΄π (π, π): = ∏ π(ππ > πΌππππ )π(πΌππππ |π, π) ⋅ π(π π |π, π) π=1 = ππ₯π +1 π+π (11) πππ₯π exp(−(π + π)ππ ) + π+π exp(−(π + π)(ππ − π π )), as in Schmittlein et al. (1987). Furthermore, using (A3) from Appendix B, and denoting π Μ π the average of the monetary values of the repeated transactions, and log(ππ ) the average of their log-transformations, we have π₯π π΅π (π): = ∏ π(πππ |π) π=1 logπ΅π (π) = (π − 1)log(ππ ) − π₯π π Μ π π + ππ₯π log(π) − π₯π logΓ(π). (12) In order to compute π΅π , it is not sufficient to know the sample average π Μ π . We conclude that πΏπ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ ) = π΄π (π, π)π΅π (π)πΆπ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ ) with π΄π defined in (11), Bi defined in (12), and π₯π πΆπ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ ) = ∏ πππππ‘ππ (πΉ(πΌππππ |π, π), πΊ(πππ |π)). (13) π=1 Following the semi-parametric maximum likelihood approach for copula estimation (see for example Genest et al. 1995), we approximate πΆπ by π₯π πΆΜπ = ∏ πππππ‘ππ (πΉΜππ , πΊΜππ ), π=1 where πΉΜππ is the rank of πΌππππ among all other interpurchase times of the same customer, and 23 similarly for πΊΜππ . Since the above quantity only depends on ππππ‘ππ , and π΄π and π΅π only depend on the other individual parameters, we can decompose the log-likelihood in (10) as logπΏ ≈ ∑ππ=1 log ∫ π΄π (π, π)π΅π (π)ππ (π, π, π)ππ ππ ππ + log ∫ πΆΜπ (ππππ‘ππ )ππ (ππππ‘ππ )πππππ‘ππ . Since the expression above involves an integration, which cannot be solved analytically, we use Simulated Maximum Likelihood (SML) (see e.g. Green 2003, pp. 590-594). We draw π (πππ , πππ , πππ , ππππ‘ππ,π ) , for π = 1, … , π = 1000 from the joint distribution of the individual parameters, and approximate π π π π π=1 π =1 π=1 π =1 1 1 logπΏ ≈ ∑ log( ∑ π΄ππ π΅ππ ) + ∑ log( ∑ πΆΜππ ), π π (14) where π΄ππ , π΅ππ , πΆππ are defined in (11), (12), and (13), taking π = πππ , π = πππ , π = πππ and π ππππ‘ππ = ππππ‘ππ,π . The parameters involved in the first term of (14) are different from those in the second term, allowing for two separate maximization problems. The fact that the likelihood can be split in two parts allows us to study both levels of association separately. In cases where individual transaction data are not available, only the inter-customer association can be estimated. Also note that for customers making no repeat purchase, the model boils down to the traditional Pareto/NBD model. We then estimate π by maximizing the simulated log-likelihood in (14). Standard errors are retrieved from the Hessian of the log-likelihood. The random generation of the π (πππ , πππ , πππ , ππππ‘ππ,π ) is based on the same random uniform number for every π , ensuring enough smoothness of the log-likelihood function. Once the (hyper)parameters in π are estimated, following the empirical Bayes principle, it is possible to simulate from the posterior distribution of the individual parameters using the independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (see Appendix C for more detail). In the empirical 24 application, we are particularly interested in the intra-customer association parameter ππππ‘ππ,π . We obtain a point estimate for πΜπππ‘ππ,π as the average of the outcomes of the simulated Markov Chain. 4.4. CLV Prediction The customer lifetime value at horizon π» for customer π , πΆπΏππ,π» , is given by the discounted sum of all profits that will be generated during the next π» time units by this customer. Let π denote the time at which the prediction is made. Future transactions take place at times π + π‘1 , π + π‘2 , …. with corresponding transaction values πi,π‘1 , πi,π‘2 , …. Adapting Gupta et al. (2004), we define πΆπΏππ,π» = ∑ π‘π ≤π» πi,π‘π (1 + π) π‘π , (15) where π is the discount rate. Note that the πΆπΏππ,π» defined in (15) is a random variable. Once the model is estimated, it is possible to simulate future transactions for every customer, resulting in the simulated distribution of the CLV over the next π» periods. Our approach is similar to Singh et al. (2009). Details are provided in Appendix C. The average over the simulated distribution yields a prediction of the expected CLV for a given customer. Since we simulate the whole distribution of πΆπΏππ,π» , it is also possible to construct prediction intervals. 5. Data Our analysis is based on four data sets. Below, we describe each of them in turn and provide some summary statistics of the various data characteristics in Table 3. 5.1.1. Online Music Album Sales The CDNOW data contains the individual transactions of 2,357 customers on the online music site CDNOW. The data cover 78 weeks for a sample of customers who made their 25 first-ever purchase at the website during the first quarter of 1997. We use the first 39 weeks of 1997 for the estimation of the model parameters and keep the remaining 39 weeks as hold-out sample to assess the predictive performance of the model. 5.1.2. Financial Securities Transactions The securities transaction data are provided by a major international financial service institution.5 The data contain securities transactions made by 3,472 randomly-selected customers who made their first transaction between January 2001 and December 2003. Transactions include the purchase and selling of stocks at this bank between January 2001 and December 2005.6 Based on a discussion with the firm management, we consider a profit margin of 0.1% of the transaction and an annual discount rate of 12%. We keep the last two years of transactions (from January 2004 to December 2005, π» = 24 months) as hold-out sample to assess the predictive performance of the models. The data also contain socio-demographics and company-related customer characteristics that we use to model observed customer heterogeneity. Customer characteristics include a continuous customer age variable (which will be mean-centered in the model estimation), as well as a dummy variable living area accounting for the type of area where a customer is living. This variable takes the value one when the customer lives in the suburb of a city, and zero otherwise. As company-related customer covariates, we include a customer lifetime variable (also mean-centered in the model estimation), where the lifetime is defined as the number of time units since the first transaction of the customer. In addition, we also include a dummy variable taking value one when the bank is the customer's primary bank. 5 Due to data confidentiality agreements, we are unable to divulge more details about the companies providing us the data on the financial securities, functional/utilitarian FMCG and hedonic FMCG. 6Note that we remove the stock transactions part of an automated pension plan from the data set. 26 5.1.3. Utilitarian Fast-Moving Consumer Good The third data set is provided by a major packaged goods manufacturer and contains transactions of a FMCG that can be classified as utilitarian product (e.g. detergent, toilet paper, pet food) according to Dhar and Wertenbroch (2000) or Khan et al. (2005). The data contain purchases made between March 2007 and December 2009 by the 2,968 customers who reported their first transaction to the data provider between March 2007 and December 2008. All these customers live in the same European country. We keep the last year of purchase (from January 2009 to December 2009, H = 12 months) as hold-out sample. The data also contain the size of the household (which will be mean-centered in the model estimation) that we use to model observed customer heterogeneity. There is a substantial amount of customer heterogeneity in the RFM variables, as the large standard deviations confirm. 5.1.4. Hedonic Fast-Moving Consumer Good The fourth data set is provided by same packaged goods manufacturer than the other FMCG data set and contains transactions of a FMCG that can be classified as a hedonic product (e.g. ice cream, chocolate bar, wine, beer) according to Dhar and Wertenbroch (2000) or Khan et al. (2005). The data contain purchases made between January 2007 and August 2011 by the 5,682 customers who made their first transaction between January 2007 and December 2008. These customers live in the same European country as for the other FMCG. We keep the last 20 months of purchase (from January 2010 to August 2011, π» = 20 months) as hold-out sample. The data also contain the size of the household (which is mean-centered in the model estimation) that we use to model observed customer heterogeneity. 27 Table 3: Summary statistics of the various data characteristics Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Online music albums Number of repeated transactions Recency (in weeks) Average transaction value (in euros) Lifetime (in weeks) 1.04 6.85 14.08 32.72 2.19 10.73 25.76 3.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 29.00 38.43 299.64 38.86 4.73 9.57 2.38 48.89 0.43 34.91 0.90 7.24 11.14 2.91 16.18 0.49 0.78 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 33.53 0.00 48.00 35.07 19.73 99.00 1.00 36.43 1.00 7.85 11.69 928.64 16.01 2.49 6.65 7.31 959.93 5.21 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 19.00 19.00 6469 20.00 8.00 2.30 11.40 436.75 22.75 2.34 2.47 10.10 337.60 8.06 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 1.00 12.00 34.00 2093.00 36.00 8.00 Financial securities Number of repeated transactions Recency (in weeks) Average transaction value (in euros) Age (in years) Living area (Dummy, City suburb = 1) Current lifetime (in weeks) Primary bank (Dummy) Utilitarian FMCG Number of repeated transactions Recency (in months) Average transaction value (in eurocent) Current lifetime (in months) Household size Hedonic FMCG Number of repeated transactions Recency (in months) Average transaction value (in eurocent) Current lifetime (in months) Household size 6. Empirical Findings For each data set, we estimate a model with and without association at inter- and/or intra-customer level. First, we assess whether the various data contexts show evidence of significant intra- and/or inter-customer association, by comparing the fit of the various model specifications. Second, we report the parameter estimates, including the association parameters, and the forecasts obtained by the best-fitting models. 6.1. Model fit comparisons Model fit comparisons are reported in Error! Reference source not found. (in bold, the best-fitting model). For each specification, we select the copula (Gauss, Student, Gumbel or 28 Frank) that provides the best fit. Table 4: Model fit comparisons No association Intra-customer association only Inter-customer association only Intra- and inter-customer association -13,688 7 Null model 27,431 Frank -13,660 9 56 (<0.001) 27,390 Gauss -13,641 10 94 (<0.001) 27,360 Frank & Gauss -13,609 12 158 (<0.001) 27,312 -67,828 19 Null model 135,840 Gauss -67,495 25 666 (<0.001) 135,233 Student -67,149 22 1,358 (<0.001) 134,512 Gauss & Student -66,815 28 2,026 (<0.001) 133,902 -223,974 9 Null model 448,039 Student -219,306 12 9336 (<0.001) 438,733 Gauss -219,977 12 7994 (<0.001) 440,075 Student & Gauss -219,002 15 9944(<0.001) 438,155 -136,484 9 Null model 273,053 Frank -135,340 12 2,288(<0.001) 270,794 Gauss -135,000 12 2,968(<0.001) 270,114 Frank & Gauss -134,928 15 3,112 (<0.001) 269,998 Online music albums Log-Likelihood Number of parameters Likelihood ratio t-stat (p-value) BIC (with n=2457) Financial securities Log-Likelihood Number of parameters Likelihood ratio t-stat (p-value) BIC (with n=16434) Utilitarian FMCG Log-Likelihood Number of parameters Likelihood ratio t-stat (p-value) BIC (with n=23294) Hedonic FMCG Log-Likelihood Number of parameters Likelihood ratio t-stat (p-value) BIC (with n=13054) For all the datasets, we find that both levels of association improve the model penalized fit (see the values of the Bayesian Information Criterion BIC) and are jointly significant (according to a likelihood ratio test comparing a model with both association vs. the null model without association). For the online music album sales, the Frank copula at the intra-customer level and a Gauss copula at the inter-customer level offer the lowest BIC. For the financial securities, a Gauss copula at the intra-customer level and a Student copula at the inter-customer level offer the lowest BIC. For the utilitarian FMCG goods, the best penalized fit is given by the Student copula at the intra-customer level and a Gauss copula at the inter-customer level. For the hedonic FMCG product category, the Frank copula at the intra-customer level and a Gauss copula at the inter-customer level give the lowest BIC. For completeness, we also estimated the 29 same models without covariates and find that, for all datasets, the models with covariates and both levels of association yield the lowest BIC. In Appendix D, we report the parameter estimates, with their respective standard errors, obtained for the best-fitting models. Below, we discuss the specific association results. 6.2. Estimated intra-customer associations between timing and spending In Figure 3 to Error! Reference source not found., we plot the distribution of the intra-customer association for all the data sets. [INSERT Figure 3 to Error! Reference source not found. ABOUT HERE] For the online music sales at CDNOW (Figure 3), the intra-association is significantly positive but small for most customers. There is little heterogeneity between customers as the small πΜπππ‘ππ (= 0.14, standard deviation = .26) in Appendix D testifies. Our findings corroborate the correlation of .11 reported in Fader et al. (2005) and is in line with the findings of Boatwright et al. (2003) for an online grocery retailer. The compensating purchase behavior of the customers in this product category can be driven by the fact that customers allocate a relatively fixed budget to the purchase of music CD. They might also be likely to adjust their purchase timing and quantity decisions to the calendar of price promotions. For the financial securities (Figure 4), we find both positive and negative associations between the interpurchase time and the amount spent over time. There is a substantial amount of unobserved heterogeneity in the intra-customer association as the large πΜπππ‘ππ (= 1.85, standard deviation = .07, see Appendix D) testifies. We find that 20% of the population exhibits compensating purchase behavior (i.e. a significantly positive association), and 12% shows purchase acceleration or deceleration (i.e. significantly negative association). The remaining 30 68% have a non-significant association. The age of the customer has a significant effect (= -.38, standard deviation = .12) on this association. The older the customer becomes, the more negative the association between the interpurchase time and the amount spent at the next transaction. In other words, young customers are more likely to show compensating purchase patterns, possibly because of budget or time constraints. In contrast, older customers tend to show purchase acceleration, possibly because they are gradually learning how to make good investment decisions (learning effects); or purchase deceleration, either because their budget or interest (e.g. wear-out or satiation effect) in the stock market decreases over time. For the utilitarian product (Figure 5), we find a significant positive association for 15% of the customers and a significant negative association for only 5% of the customers. The individual consumption of this category is by nature non-expandable (e.g. toilet paper consumption) and any deviation, for instance due to marketing activities, is temporary and compensated by stockpiling. The product we investigate has a very long expiration time (1 to 5 years in this product category) and the demand in this product category is known to be sensitive to price promotions and to show substantial post-promotion dips due to its storage propensity. This explains why a substantial amount of customers show compensating behavior. Interestingly, household size has a positive effect on the association. Larger households tend to have larger storage capacity, and are therefore more likely to exhibit compensating behavior, which corroborates our interpretation that stockpiling is at play for these customers. The small fraction customers show acceleration or deceleration. The latter are likely to be customers who gradually enter or quit the product category (from or to a substitute category 7 ). Interestingly, the association we find is similar to the one reported by Jen et al. (2009) in another utilitarian 7 Due to data confidentiality, we cannot reveal the product category but it is useful to mention the existence of an important substitute category. 31 category (office supply products). For the hedonic good (Figure 6), only a very small fraction (about 1%) of customers show a significant association, all others have a non-significant association. Related to the nature of the product category, the large majority of the customers adjust their consumption to the quantities they bought (consumption expandability). These products are harder to resist and their purchase and consumption is more impulsive than e.g. utilitarian goods. When bought in larger quantities, the customer has the tendency to consume more of it. As a consequence, the quantity bought has little influence on the next purchase timing. Inventory-based consumption is known to be frequent in such product categories (Ailawadi and Neslin, 1998) and our results suggest that marketing activities have the potential to increase customer spending in this category. Interestingly, the household size plays no influence in this category. 6.3. Estimated inter-customer associations between timing and spending In Table 5, we report the parameters that capture the inter-customer association between the timing, spending and dropout processes (see equation 3), as well as their standard errors. Overall, the four product categories offer consistent results. Customers show a positive inter-customer association between their timing and spending decisions, a positive or non-significant association between the timing and dropout decisions, and a negative or non-significant association between the spending and dropout decisions. For all four product categories, higher purchase frequencies are associated with larger purchase amounts. The associations are the strongest for both FMCGs and relatively smaller for the CDNOW data and for the financial securities. Our results are in line with the positive association found by Abe (2013) for a large chain of music CDs and contrasts with the negative association he found for a Japanese department store in the same study. A negative association is 32 also found by Borle et al. (2008) or Singh et al. (2009) for a membership-based direct marketing company. As pointed out by Abe (2013), the associations are clearly context-dependent and should be investigated on a case-by-case basis. Table 5: Estimated inter-customer associations Timing-spending Timing-drop out Spending-drop out Online music albums Sigma (standard error) 0.28*** (0.03) 0.43*** (0.09) -0.17** (0.08) Financial securities Sigma (standard error) 0.15*** (0.03) 0.67*** (0.05) 0.03 (0.04) Utilitarian FMCG Sigma (standard error) 0.50*** (0.03) 0.13 (0.34) -0.38** (0.19). Hedonic FMCG Sigma (standard error) 0.76*** (0.03) 0.02 (0.30) -0.64** (0.30) ***Significant at the 1% probability level, ** Significant at the 5% probability level,, * Significant at the 10% probability level Our results indicate that we can find, in the four product categories, a segment of frequent and large buyers, from which firms could derive a large share of their revenues. These customers are possibly more involved and committed with the brand or product category, making their purchase utility higher and/or their transaction costs lower, compared to the other customers (Vilcassim and Jain 1991). Note that the estimated association parameters have the same sign and significance levels if the models are estimated without covariates. 6.4. Estimated inter-customer associations with dropout The association between the customers’ propensity to drop out and their other purchase decisions, i.e. when to buy and how much to buy, is also relatively consistent across the four product categories. Overall, we find a positive association between the customers’ propensity to dropout and their purchase frequency. Frequent buyers have, on average, a higher propensity to dropout (and a shorter lifetime) than the other customers, as also found by Singh et al. (2009) for their membership-based direct marketing dataset. The association is significant for the music 33 albums sales and for the financial securities, but not significant for both FMCG categories. The positive association is in line with the idea that each purchase occasion is an opportunity for the customer to re-evaluate her choice for a certain brand or store, and in turn influences her decision to drop out (Fader et al. 2005). The non-significant association for the FMCGs is also in line with the findings of Abe (2009, 2013). In turn, the association with spending is negative and significant for all categories, except for the financial securities. This result corroborates with the findings of Bolton and Lemon (1999) that large buyers tend to be involved in their purchase decisions and more loyal. 6.5. Forecasting Results In this section, we evaluate the predictive performance of the model that accounts for all types of association vs. the model that assumes independence between the timing, spending and dropout decisions. For all four data sets, we make all predictions on a separate hold-out sample, as described in the data section. In Table 6, we evaluate the accuracy of the CLV forecasts at the individual customer level by comparing the root mean squared error (RMSE) and the correlation between the actual and predicted values (correlation). We expect the benefits of accounting for the association to be most visible for the product categories where the associations are the strongest (i.e. the utilitarian FMCG showed a substantial intra- and inter-customer association between timing and spending; and the hedonic FMCG showed the highest inter-customer association between timing and spending) and, in particular, on the customers that show the stronger intra-customer association. In order to investigate this point, we also compute the RMSE and correlation for the top 10% of the customers with the strongest intra-customer association (in absolute value). 34 Table 6: Hold-out forecasting comparisons for the full sample (left panel) and the top 10% segment in terms of intra-customer association intensity (right panel). Full sample No association Intra- and inter-customer association Top 10% segment No association Intra- and inter-customer association Online music albums RMSE Correlation 70.07 .55 71.07 .53 149.66 .42 146.57 .46 Financial Securities RMSE Correlation 38.93 .42 38.69 .40 35.33 .35 32.11 .52 Utilitarian FMCG RMSE Correlation 9,951.35 .66 9,744.09 .66 11,169.79 .55 10,637.34 .57 Hedonic FMCG RMSE Correlation 2,255.94 .68 2,116.38 .68 3,600.58 .58 3,349.66 .58 In line with our expectations, the models with association substantially outperform the models that assume independence for both the utilitarian and hedonic FMCGs. As expected as well, the difference is more pronounced for the customers who show the strongest association (right panel). Finally, the results are mixed for the other two product categories. For the CDNOW data, the low association previously reported by Fader et al. (2005) and confirmed by our analysis has no influence on the accuracy of the CLV forecasts for the large majority of the customers. For the financial securities data, the model without covariate and with association offers the best out-of-sample forecasts.8 Besides the individual CLV forecasts, we also compare the aggregate predictions of the key components of CLV in Figure 7 to Figure 12: (i) the number of transactions made by each customer during the hold-out period, (ii) the probability that a customer makes at least one 8 For this product category, we use the models without covariates as their inclusion decreases the out-of-sample predictive performance of both the models without and with association. 35 transaction during the hold-out period, and (iii) the average amount per transaction during the hold-out period. As done in Fader et al. (2005) and Abe (2009), we divide the customer base into customer groups based on their number of transactions during the estimation period (i.e. 8 groups: no transaction, 1 transaction, ... , 7 or more transactions). The dotted lines depicts the actual values , the dashed lines the predictions without association, and the thick solid lines the predictions accounting for association. [Insert Figure 7 to Figure 12 about here] We find that modeling the association mostly helps with the predictions of the spending process (see bottom left panels). The improvement is most visible for the securities and the hedonic product categories (see bottom left panel). In addition, the association also helps with predicting the number of transactions (i.e. timing process), in particular in the hedonic category. It is important to realize that, while the gains in predictive performance are not very large, the main benefits of modeling the association in CLV also lies in the understanding of the behavioral rationales underlying the associations as well as in the managerial implications, which are developed in the next section. 7. Managerial Recommendations, Limitations, and Future Research The direction and intensity of the intra- and inter-customer association between the timing, spending and dropout decisions provide many insights to improve firms’ strategies. Among them, we focus on an important trade-off that firms struggle with, i.e. how maximize their short-run cash flows while stabilizing their long-run revenues. For instance, the customers who bring largest revenues might not be the ones who stay the longest with the firm and those who stay long might not bring sufficient revenues to the firm, as our empirical analysis before 36 has shown. In practice, firms often sacrifice short-run incomes in order to ensure a more long-term steady influx of revenues. The advantages of stability are numerous. It facilitates production planning, reduces inventory costs, avoids liquidity issues, and allows the firm to make long-run investments. In this section, we illustrate how companies can leverage the information on the various associations to address this point. We do so using the results we obtained on the utilitarian product category, which shows both significant and large inter-customer association between timing and spending and between spending and drop out, as well as a significant and highly heterogeneous intra-customer association. A similar analysis can be made for the other categories. From the previous analysis, we learned, given the positive inter-customer association parameters, that the utilitarian buyers are of two types. The first type is a frequent, large and short-lived buyer. Such customers form a source of short-run high revenues stream for the company. The second type is made of infrequent, small and long-lived buyers. In contrast to the former group, they represent a longer-run but smaller source of revenues for the company. Furthermore, at the intra-customer level, we learned that 15% of the customers tend to show compensating purchase patterns, that 5% of them show sign of purchase acceleration or deceleration, while the remaining 80% exhibit non-compensating purchase behaviors. From the stabilization vs. maximization perspective, the first group of customers (positive association) offers steady cash flows and be an interesting group to acquire and retain. Their compensating behavior leads to a stable revenue stream on average (i.e. return to the mean). At the same time, their compensating purchase behavior makes them no good candidate for temporary marketing actions such as price promotion. In contrast, the last group (non-significant association) forms a potential source of additional short-run revenues. If the company can induce them to spend more 37 or earlier than usual at a given purchase occasion (e.g. with a marketing action), they would not compensate for it at the next purchase and the company will be able to generate additional revenues. Both the inter- and intra-customer association can be used in combination by firms in order to decide how much to focus on the stabilization of their long-term cash flows or on the maximization of their short-term revenues. In Table 7, we portrait the various types of customers based on the association results along the dimensions of interest. Firms interested in stabilizing their long-term cash flows should maintain a sufficient number of customers in the first quadrant. Given that these customers generate comparatively little revenues, a critical mass of them is needed to ensure the firm’s survival. Alternatively, firms might be better off composing a mix of long-lived customers from the first quadrant combined with a more frequently renewed set of shorter-lived but higher-revenues customers from the fourth quadrant. In order to stabilize their long-term cash flows furthermore, firms can then choose, within each quadrant, to focus on the customers with a positive intra-customer association. Their return-to-the-mean behavior offer steady revenues. Additionally, they can also target the customers with a non-significant intra-customer association with short-run marketing actions, e.g. price promotions, to generate additional revenues. In any case, they should avoid the customers with a negative association who create a lot of instability. In contrast, firms interested in maximizing short-run revenues should focus in priority on the customers in the fourth quadrant. Among them, it is crucial that they focus on the customers with a positive or a non-significant association. The purchase acceleration or deceleration behavior of the customers with a negative association is unlikely to be profitable given the short expected lifetime of these customers. 38 A hybrid of both strategies can be attractive. Firms could for instance focus on the customers with a non-significant association in the first quadrant, which would ensure a long-term stream of revenues with temporary additional revenues generated by marketing actions, and in addition, on the small group of short-lived customers with a positive association in the fourth quadrant, which will in turn boost the overall revenues of the firm. In sum, the direction and intensity of the inter-customer association can guide firms in understanding and monitoring which customers contribute sustainably or temporarily to their cash flow stream and which customers contribute to the size of their revenues, and as such, be able to make better decisions in terms of which customers to maintain and grow and which customers to target with additional marketing incentives. Table 7: Repartition of intra-association as a function of purchase frequency and quantity for the repeat customers of the Utilitarian FMCG dataset Small buyers (less than 7.10 euros per transaction) (median dropout = 0.0502) Large buyers (more than 7.10 euros transaction) (median dropout = 0.0338) per Infrequent buyers (less than one transaction every 1.90 months) Median dropout = 0. 0542 Positive intra-association: 14% Non-significant association: 82% Negative intra-association: 4% Median dropout = 0. 0343 Positive intra-association: 13% Non-significant association: 81% Negative intra-association: 6% Frequent buyers (more than one transaction every 1.90 months) Median dropout = 0. 0368 Positive intra-association: 15% Non-significant association: 75% Negative intra-association: 10% Median dropout = 0. 0337 Positive intra-association: 21% Non-significant association: 72% Negative intra-association: 7% 7.1. Conclusions, limitations and future research While the Pareto/NBD, Gamma/Gamma framework developed by Fader et al. (2005) has been successfully adopted as a powerful customer valuation method for non-contractual settings, the potential association between the transaction, the spending and the dropout processes, both at the intra- and inter-customer levels, calls for the development of a conceptual and methodological framework to better understand customer purchase behavior. In this paper, we 39 propose an integrative approach, based on copulas, to account for both levels of associations between the transaction, spending and dropout processes and investigate the behavioral rationales that underline these phenomena. Despite our efforts, a number of limitations should be mentioned and raises suggestions for future research. First, while we do explore the association across a variety of product categories, the data we use for each application are unfortunately limited. In particular, we do not have marketing-mix information, either competitive or market-related variables. For instance, for the financial securities data, we do not have information on the stock market fluctuations, which may admittedly have a sizeable influence on customers' purchase and selling behavior. As such, we might overestimate the effect of the other variables. Future research that would incorporate marketing-mix variables could certainly provide additional managerial insights. Second, our method captures the contemporary association between the various purchase decisions but it overlooks the possibility of lead-lag relationships between the variables. Future research could benefit from adapting our copula framework to the context where longer lags would be considered. Note however that it would substantially complicate the estimation. 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Customer averages are reported in bold. 46 Figure 2: Contours plots corresponding to the joint distribution of two standard-normal random variables with Spearman rank correlation equals to .50, for (i) an independent copula (upper-left plot), (ii) a Gaussian copula (upper-right plot), (iii) a Gumbel copula (lower-left plot), and (iv) a Frank copula (lower-right plot). 47 2500 Frequency 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 Intra Spearman Correlation 0.08 0.085 0.09 Figure 3: Histogram of the estimated intra-customer association for the online music album sales. The x axis reports the spearman correlation. 48 1600 1400 1200 Frequency 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Intra Spearman Correlation 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 4: Histogram of the estimated intra-customer association for the securities transactions. The x axis reports the spearman correlation. 49 1200 1000 Frequency 800 600 400 200 0 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Intra Spearman Correlation 0.6 0.8 Figure 5: Histogram of the estimated intra-customer association for the utilitarian product. The x axis reports the spearman correlation. 50 3000 2500 Frequency 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Intra Spearman Correlation 0.15 0.2 0.25 Figure 6: Histogram of the estimated intra-customer association for the hedonic product dataset. The x axis reports the spearman correlation. 51 Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 6 # Transactions Probability 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 4 2 0 7+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks Predicted transaction value Predicted CLV 2.5 25 20 1.5 CLV Value 2 1 15 10 0.5 0 7+ 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 0 7+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 7: Securities transactions dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the full sample (thick solid line). Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 6 # Transactions Probability 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 4 2 0 7+ 0 Predicted transaction value 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Predicted CLV 25 20 1.5 CLV Value 2 1 0.5 0 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 8: Securities transactions dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the top 10% segment (thick solid line). 52 Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 8 # Transactions Probability 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 6 4 2 0 7+ 0 Predicted transaction value 7+ Predicted CLV 800 6000 600 CLV Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 400 2000 200 0 4000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 0 7+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 9: Hedonic product dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the full sample (thick solid line). Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 8 # Transactions Probability 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 6 4 2 0 7+ 0 Predicted transaction value 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Predicted CLV 1000 6000 600 CLV Value 800 400 2000 200 0 4000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 10: Hedonic product dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the top 10% segment (thick solid line). 53 Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 10 # Transactions Probability 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 8 6 4 2 0 7+ 0 1500 15000 1000 10000 5000 500 0 7+ Predicted CLV CLV Value Predicted transaction value 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 0 7+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 11: Utilitarian products dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the full sample (thick solid line). Predicted probability of at least one transaction Predicted number of transactions 10 # Transactions Probability 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 8 6 4 2 0 7+ 0 Predicted transaction value 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Predicted CLV 10000 1000 CLV Value 1500 5000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Transactions in Observation Weeks 7+ Figure 12: Utilitarian products dataset - Actual (dotted line) and predicted values for the hold-out period as a function of the number of transactions in the estimation period for the independent model (dashed line) and the copula-extended model for the top 10% segment (thick solid line). 54 APPENDIX A: Copula Density Functions Here we list the probability density functions of the copula distributions used in this paper. Gaussian copula A first family of copula that can be found in the literature is the Gaussian or normal copula, with density function 1 1 (A.1) ππ (πΉ , πΊ ) = exp (− π′(π (π )−1 − πΌ2 )π), 2 1/2 2 (1 − π ) where −1 < π < 1 , π = (Φ−1 (πΉ ), Φ−1 (πΊ ))′ , Φ is the univariate standard normal distribution function, π (π) is the correlation matrix 1 π (A.2) π (π) = (π 1 ), and πΌ2 is the identity matrix of size 2. This copula permits both positive and negative association between the variables. Values of π equal to −1, 0 and 1 correspond to the minimal value of negative association, independence, and the maximum of positive association. When combined with two normal marginal distributions, the joint distribution is bivariate normal. Gumbel copula The density of the Gumbel (or logistic) copula is given by ππ (πΉ , πΊ ) πΆ(πΉ , πΊ )[log(πΉ )log(πΊ )]π −1 = [((−log(πΉ ))π πΉ πΊ [(−log(πΉ ))π + (−log(πΊ ))π ]2−1/π (A.3) 1/π + (−log(πΊ ))π ) + π − 1] where 1 ≤ π < ∞ is the assocation parameter. Error! Reference source not found. is The copula distribution in 1/π πΆ(πΉ , πΊ ) = exp{−((−log(πΉ ))π + (−log(πΊ ))π ) }. The limiting case π = 1 gives independence while for π tending to ∞, one obtains a perfect dependency. Frank copula The density of the Frank Copula is given by (A.4) π (1 − π −π )π −π (πΉ +πΊ ) ππ (πΉ , πΊ ) = , [(1 − π −π ) − (1 − π −π πΉ )(1 − π −π πΊ )]2 where −∞ < π < ∞. This copula permits both positive and negative association between the variables. Values of −∞, 0 and ∞ correspond to the values of smallest negative association, independence, and the largest positive association respectively. Trivariate Student copula Let (π0 , π0 , π0 ) be a trivariate multivariate t-distribution with ππ degrees of freedom, and correlation matrix π . Denote πΉπ0 , πΉπ0 , πΉπ0 the respective marginal distribution. We say that a trivariate random variable (π, π, π) has a Student copula with ππ degrees of freedom and parameter π if the distribution of (πΉπ (π), πΉπ (π), πΉπ (π)) is the same as of (πΉπ0 (π0 ), πΉπ0 (π0 ), πΉπ0 (π0 )). For ππ = ∞, we find back the trivariate Gaussian copula. 55 APPENDIX B: The Copula-Extended CLV Model The model we consider is a two-level model. Conditions A1-A4 below describe the transactions process of an individual customer, i.e. at the intra-customer level. Conditions A5-A9 describe the model at the second level, i.e. at the inter-customer level. A1: If a customer is alive, the interpurchase times πΌπππ,π are exponentially distributed with parameter ππ . A2: The unobserved time to death ππ of a customer is exponentially distributed with parameter ππ . A3: The transaction values πππ are gamma(π, ππ ) distributed, with constant shape parameter π, and rate parameter ππ . In particular πΈ[πππ ] = π/ππ . A4: Conditional on the individual parameters ππ , ππ and ππ , we assume that ππ is independent of the interpurchase times and the transaction values. Furthermore the couples (πΌππππ , πππ ) are independent for 1 ≤ π ≤ π‘π₯π , but we allow for an association between πππ and πΌπππ,π . This association is modeled by a copula ππππ‘ππ depending on a parameter ππππ‘ππ,π . A5: Heterogeneity for the transaction rate is modeled as ππ = π0,π exp(π½π′ πππ ). Here the πππ are the values for the covariates of customer π, and π0,π is a random effect following a gamma(π, πΌ) distribution. A6: Heterogeneity for the dropout rate is modeled as π ππ = π0,π exp(π½π′ ππ ). π Here the ππ are the values for the covariates of customer π, and π0,π is a random effect following a gamma(π , π½) distribution. A7: Heterogeneity for the expected transaction value is modeled as π πexp(π½π′ πππ ) πΈ[πππ ] = = . ππ π0,π Here the πππ are the values for the covariates of customer π, and π0,π is a random effect following a gamma(π, πΎ) distribution. The parameter π is fixed. A8: The random effects π0,π , π/π0,π and π0,π follow a trivariate copula ππππ‘ππ with parameter ππππ‘ππ . Or, conditional on the covariates, the transaction rate, the spending rate and the dropout rate follow a trivariate copula ππππ‘ππ with parameter ππππ‘ππ . A9: Heterogeneity for the individual association parameter ππππ‘ππ,π is modeled as ′ππ π(ππππ‘ππ,π ) = π½πππ‘ππ + ππ , for a suitable link function π and with ππ following a 2 π(0, ππππ‘ππ ). The covariates are in the vector ππ , for each customer π. The (hyper)parameters of this model are in the vector 2 π = (π, πΌ, π , π½, π, π, πΎ, π½π , π½π , π½π , ππππ‘ππ , π½πππ‘ππ , ππππ‘ππ ). Conditions A4 and A9 describe the intra-association between the spending and the transaction process. Condition A8 deals with the inter-assocation. Conditions A1-A2 are standard for the Pareto/NBD model and conditions A5-A7 introduce the covariates in the model in the same way as in Fader & Hardie (2007). For identification purposes, there is no constant term allowed in π πππ , πππ , ππ . 56 APPENDIX C: Prediction Below, we outline (1) how we can simulate from the posterior distribution of the individual model parameters, i.e. the transaction rate, spending rate, dropout rate, and intra-customer association (2) how the CLV over the next π» time units can be predicted from the estimated copula-extended model. We use the notations of Appendix B. For every customer π, we (1) first generate values from the posterior distribution of the individual parameters, then (2) simulate future transaction data, and compute a value of CLV. By repeating this π times, the distribution of πΆπΏππ,π» is simulated. A point estimate is obtained by averaging over the simulated CLV values. ∗ (1) We generate a set of individual parameters (π∗π , ππ∗ , ππ∗ , ππππ‘ππ,π ) from the estimated posterior density ππ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ |πππ‘π). Using the Empirical Bayes principle, we replace unknown (hyper)parameters by their estimates. We sample from the posterior distribution using the independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with the estimated prior ππ (π, π, π, ππππ‘ππ ) as proposal density. This results in the following iterative scheme: 1. Let (πΜπ , πΜπ , πΜπ , πΜπππ‘ππ,π ) be the generated values of the individual parameters in step π of the Markov Chain. 2. Generate (π0 , π0 , π0 ) from the estimated prior distribution specified in 2 assumptions (A5)-(A8). Generate ππ from a π(0, πΜπππ‘ππ ), see (A9). 3. Compute ππ = π0 exp(π½Μπ′ πππ ) π ππ = π0 exp(π½Μπ′ ππ ) ππ = π0 exp(−π½Μπ′ πππ ) ππππ‘ππ,π = π −1 (π½Μπππ‘ππ ′ππ + ππ ) 4. Compute πΏπ (ππ , ππ , ππ , ππππ‘ππ,π ) π = min (1, ). πΏπ (πΜπ , πΜπ , πΜπ , πΜπππ‘ππ,π ) The likelihood πΏπ is given in equation(14). The Markov Chain takes then in ∗ step π + 1 the values (π∗π , ππ∗ , ππ∗ , ππππ‘ππ,π ) with probability π , while with probability 1 − π the previous values are kept. (2) For every generated set of individual parameters, we simulate a future transaction stream and the corresponding CLV. First we compute the posterior probability to be alive, π(ππ > ππ |πππ‘π), given the individual parameters, as 1 (A.5) ππ (π, π) = , π 1+ (exp((π + π)π π ) − 1) π+π see Schmittlein et al. (1987). Then we proceed as follows 57 1. We draw a value from a uniform distribution on [0,1]. If this value is larger than ππ (π∗π , ππ∗ ) , we set πΆπΏπ ∗ = 0 and consider the customer as ``death.'' Otherwise, we continue to simulate the transaction process. 2. We draw the time of death π ∗ from an exponential distribution with parameter ππ∗ . 3. Set π‘ ∗ = 0 and πΆπΏπ ∗ = 0. While π‘ ∗ ≤ π» and π‘ ∗ ≤ π ∗ a) Draw a value (π1∗ , π2∗ ) from the copula distribution with parameter ∗ πΜπππ‘ππ,π . b) Compute πΌππ ∗ as the inverse of an exponential cdf with parameter π∗π at π1∗ . c) Compute π∗ as the inverse of a the cdf of a πππππ(πΜ , ππ∗ ) at π2∗ . d) Update π‘ ∗ ← π‘ ∗ + πΌππ ∗ . e) Update πΆπΏπ ∗ ← πΆπΏπ ∗ + π∗ ×ππππππ ∗ (1+π)π‘ . Recall that π stands for the discount rate, and the ππππππ is fixed. As such, we obtain π = 4000 draws from the posterior distribution of the individual parameters and of πΆπΏππ,π» . The first 2000 values of the Markov Chain are discarded as burn-in period. 58 APPENDIX D: Parameter estimates (and standard deviations) for the best models Online music albums No With association association Inter-Association ππ,π ππ,π ππ,π Intra-Association Constant Household size Living Area Lifetime Primary Bank Age ππππ‘ππ Transaction Process π πΌ Household size Living Area Lifetime Primary Bank Age Dropout Process π π½ Household size Living Area Lifetime Primary Bank Age Spending Process π π πΎ Household size Living Area Lifetime Primary Bank Age Financial securities No With association association Utilitarian FMCG No With association association Hedonic FMCG No With association association - 0.28 (0.03) 0.43 (0.09) -0.17 (0.08) - 0.15(0.03) 0.67(0.05) +0.03(0.04) - 0.50 (0.03) 0.13 (0.34) -0.38 (0.19) - 0.76 (0.03) 0.02 (0.30) -0.64 (0.30) - 0.63 (0.14) - - 0.14 (0.26) - -0.07(0.12) -0.02(0.08) 0.01(0.07) 0.05(0.12) -0.38(0.12) 1.85(0.07) - 0.09 (0.26) 0.18 (0.07) 1.94 (0.15) - 0.48 (0.09) 0.40 (0.43) 1.35 (0.17) 0.55 (0.04) 10.58 (0.74) - 0.46(0.04) 7.32 (0.59) - 1.18 (0.04) 2.35 (0.16) 0.03 (0.04) 0.50 (0.04) -0.30 (0.07) 0.03 (0.05) 1.04(0.05) 1.84(0.16) 0.06(0.04) 0.33(0.04) -0.20(0.07) 0.03(0.07) 3.60 (0.18) 6.84 (0.33) -0.32 (0.06) - 3.44 (0.66) 6.51 (1.31) -0.24 (0.19) - 1.33 (0.04) 11.22 (0.37) -0.27 (0.06) - 1.16 (0.04) 9.58 (0.37) -0.27 (0.10) - 0.61 (0.04) 0.22 (0.04) 2.10 (0.29) 18.04 (3.93) 0.97(0.08) 6.89(1.20) 0.02 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.01 (0.07) 0.00 (0.01) 11.69 (1.19) - 4.30 (1.69) - 0.10 (0.05) -0.40 (0.06) -0.27 (0.10) -0.47 (0.09) 0.16(0.05) -0.56(0.06) -0.24(0.10) -0.56(0.09) 0.35 (0.12) - 0.73 (0.83) - 38.91 (3.22) 4988.73 (7.08) -0.60 (0.22) - 28.76 (3.62) 4984.32 (9.89) -1.20 (0.57) - 6.25 (1.19) 3.74 (0.27) 6.55 (1.10) 3.31 (0.16) 1.20 (0.06) 3.13 (0.13) 8.15 (0.92) 1.73(0.04) 2.60(0.09) 4.05(0.20) 15.44 (4.14) - 11.54 (2.63) - -0.03 (0.03) 0.01 (0.03) -0.38 (0.05) 0.82 (0.05) -0.04(0.04) 0.04(0.04) -0.33(0.04) 0.82(0.04) 0.77 (0.06) 2.85 (0.14) 2654.83 (322.55) -0.46 (0.07) - 1.48 (0.02) 2.02 (0.06) 754.64 (62.75) -0.44 (0.26) - 3.06 (0.18) 4.05 (0.18) 510.05 (55.22) -0.03 (0.06) - 1.71 (0.02) 5.05 (0.22) 1066.48 (61.93) -0.05 (0.06) - 59