TRENTHAM HIGH SCHOOL CO-OPERATIVE SCHOOLS TRUST TRUSTEE’S MEETING MONDAY 12TH JANUARY 2015, 5.00PM AT TRENTHAM HIGH SCHOOL MINUTES Present: 1. R Blencowe (RBL), A Pate (APA), I Hookway (IHO), R Jablonski (RJA) , R Foster (RFO), P Keen (PKE), F Dumbelton (FDU), G Leary (GLE),K Gardner (KGA), T Almond (TAL) Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Nicky Davies (NDA). 2. Declaration of Interest No personal or prejudicial interests in any matters on the agenda were declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting a) RBL reported that she had spoken to Sean Rogers regarding the non-attendance of a Cooperative Trust Member at the Trustee Meetings. It was felt that with the growth of the Cooperative Society and with the school being in a better position that there was no need for a representative to attend. RBL has however sourced a new contact at the Cooperative Society with whom she can contact when needed. b) RBL added that the reports from Chris Hollins, Kirsty Gardner, Laurance Morris and Katrina Meade would need to be deferred until the next Trustee Meeting. This is due to a Community Meeting not yet being held. 4. Trust Finances TAL reported that the dormant accounts for 2013/2014 had been submitted and accepted by Companies House on 11th December 2014. 5. Introduction/Update on Trentham Cooperative Trust to new Trust Partners. a) APA introduced the new Trust Partners and gave a brief overview into the background of how the Trentham Cooperative Trust was originally founded. b) RBL reported that she had liaised with the Cooperative Society regarding the attendance of two representatives from the Partner Organisations, Ash Green Primary and The Priory CoE Primary. The Cooperative Society is keen on local schools working together, but informed RBL that only one representative can be appointed as a Trustee for each Partner Organisation. It was agreed that the 1 Headteachers, RFO and PKE be appointed Trustees and FDU and GLE attend as representatives. All three schools want to be mutually supportive going forward. TAL is to forward the relevant forms. 6. Trentham Learning Partnership Both PKE and RFO delegated RBL to talk about the Trentham Learning Partnership (TLP) document. RBL presented the document to the Trustees and spoke about the TLP vision and that the Cooperative Trust meetings would be the best way of monitoring it’s progress. There are two priorities to the TLP: - - Leaders work in partnership to develop professional skills and to create a learning culture and a shared vision for pupils across Trentham resulting in enhanced community cohesion. To develop the quality of teaching through cross phase/school working in order to raise attainment and improve progress in all three schools. The Headteachers from all three schools already meet regularly, every half term, but Middle Leaders meetings are needed going forward. KGA informed the Trustees that there is a Senior/Middle Leader meeting on Friday 16th January at Ash Green. This will involve staff from all three schools. RBL informed Trustees that feedback from these meetings would be presented at each Trustee Meeting. There is also a joint twilight session on 27th April 2015 for all three schools to look at projects for the Summer Term and to enhance the Transition Days held at Trentham High School to involve both Year 5 and Year 6 students. RBL informed the Trustees that Trentham High School is now the Regional Training Centre for E-Learning and that we have extensive support from the RTC Members. Trentham High School is in the process of ordering a mobile set of iPad Minis which can be loaned to the Primary schools to enhance the knowledge of e-learning and help with the transition to secondary school e-learning. IHO commented on the following points: 1.1 Spelling error on ‘shared vision’ – PKE to amend 2.5 Positive relationships with parents – it was felt that we need more prominence on parents and inform them on what the Cooperative Trust is and wants to achieve. PKE suggested meeting with the parents whilst APA and IHO mentioned using the three schools existing channels to explain that all three schools are working together to aid transition. It was agreed that a Newsletter detailing the launch of the Cooperative Trust be published and then a termly Newsletter with updates. 2 RBL/RFO/PKE are to produce the first ‘Launch’ Newsletter and the three School Councils the termly Newsletters. GLE stated that all schools need to build the momentum with the community. It is important that once the momentum it built that it stays consistent for the benefit of the Cooperative Trust. 7. Articles of Association RBL produced an email from NDA stating her points of interest in regard to the Articles of Association. 4.2 & 4.3 & 13.3.2 - RBL has bought a Guide on the School Cooperative Society and also suggested their website. 5.3 - To be amended. 11.4.4 - Agreed and will be amended. 11.6.3 - Agreed. 12.1 - GLE suggested a letter to explain what the Cooperative Trust is. 12.2 - Agreed and will be amended (need 4 of 6 constituencies). 18.3.3 – To be amended to ‘1st Class’. 20.3 – Agreed. TAL/RBL to amend these points and re-send to Trustees. 8. Any Other Items. No other items to report. 9. Urgent Business – at the discretion of the Chair No urgent business to report. 10. Date and time of next meeting Tuesday 28th April, 2015 at 5.00pm, Room E4. 3