
 Very much work in progress
Presentation for Hard Core PKE grokkers
Everyone will see how this “works” differently
through the eyes of what this can do for me
Brainstorming phase
Planning phase
Gathering resources phase
Grants time lag= get started now
Implementation phase
Will never be “finished” “finalized”
Public Knowledge
What’s Needed When a Whole
Community “goes” ONLINE
One to Many
~Amplify single voice, Connect with many.
Many to one
~Collector of information funneled to one place.
Many to Many
~Multiplicity of concurrent connections
So, what is it?
PKE is a container of resources and tools and
PKE is a hub of connectivity for individuals and
PKE is a way to get “life” done online.
PKE is a community working together, online.
PKE is a place to learn, to do training, to get
help in online functioning. And more.
So, what else is PKE?
PKE is the place to fill out and file a zillion
forms for government interactions.
PKE is the place for government to reach out
with up to date information for its citizens.
PKE is the place citizens form and maintain
organizations to make their community better.
PKE is social interaction with anyone
anywhere in the region, or in a group.
PKE is even more:
PKE is city and county and schools and
universities, and health care providers, and
businesses and non profits and more...working
together BETTER than ever before.
PKE is knowing everything that’s going on
through a searchable community activity
PKE is learning whatever you need to learn or
want to learn. A School for both education and
for life.
That’s not all, but you get
the idea... a whole
community online
PKE is doing what a community does, and
doing things in ways that may never have
been possible before.
PKE brings benefits in enabling what’s already
being done and making that more efficient and
effective. Plus creating new kinds of
interactions, new tools, new services.
Premise of PKE
Information wants to be free, it wants to be also wants to be packaged. Packaged
information has added value; the more information is easily available, the more valuable information
packaging becomes. In the lives of individuals, there is not enough time to become experts on
everything they need to understand to make decisions. The need is there now, which will only
become greater, for a third party hand holder service that answers questions of individuals in many
many areas of life. Health, legal, governmental interactions, educational, technology use, citizen
forums, how to use resources of a community. Basically any service that people need, and some
that have never been provided for as yet, can benefit from an intermediary that packages the
information on a custom designed basis. This also works in the other direction as institutions and
corporations etc need to “reach out” to inform “consumers/citizens” etc in a customized, targeted
manner. And to take in data/comments.
Why PKE?
A problem for everyone: Too much info, too many
tasks, too little time. And it’s getting harder.
Maximize Local Resources through PKE: coordinate,
collaborate, eliminate duplication of services.
To educate the public in our complex world, requires
the best methods, the best media, the best tools, and
meeting the public where they increasingly live: online.
PKE helps do that job.
Institutions are moving online, but none are online
specialists; their core functions are other than
perfecting online capabilities. It’s appropriate for an
online specialist like PKE to work in a community
unifying way, to provide online functions and create
standards that simplify.
More Why PKE?
PKE is a “third place”. It provides a “ground of
community” that is not just work, is not just
home, is not just public space but is
somewhere that includes the functions of all
This third place helps recreate some of the
intimacy, connection, and efficiency we
treasure, that is found in cities and towns
which have a vibrant center.
Even MORE why PKE?
Some collection of online functions is inevitable here in
southern NM as elsewhere. But will it be the best it can
The choice is building it according to a comprehensive
plan that allows PKE to be all that it can be, or to
accept the kind of development that occurs without the
guidance of informed and comprehensive planning.
The online world can and will look like Colonias if we
don’t act to create PKE with intention and purpose.
5 Big reasons for PKE
1) Health services
2) Citizens and Government
3) Educational services
4) Technology how-to services
5) Local Community Building online
1) Consumers of Health Services need customized
current accessible edited information to make informed
decisions about medical care. Understanding their
condition, their medications, possible treatments, tests,
likely outcomes, possible providers etc. Health care
providers, governmental and other institutions, insurers,
Health Plans etc need an effective outreach to the
health care consumer. Effective efficient information
interactions will result in better care, and
will affect costs positively.
2) Citizens and governments need to exchange
information in effective ways in a variety of venues
including regulatory functions. PKE meets these needs
and more such as the means for new methods of
democratic government. Packaging of these exchanges
can increase the signal to noise ratio in both directions.
3) Educational Services are information based; various
institutions both public and private provide these
services. In every instance, better packaging, ie, more
customized interaction, means better access,
availability, usage, content, etc. Packaging allows
removal of duplication of educational services, and
provision of those presently obscure or lacking.
4) Technology how-to services. It is in the interests of all
who provide information through technological means,
and depend on the quality or effectiveness of those
means, that users of that technology are proficient in its
5) Local Community Building online, is a
complex undertaking, which requires the
centrality of tools and services that PKE
provides. Any community has many parts, places
and spaces to provide for all the needs of the
community members. This is true for online
community as well. PKE will not only supply the
“common ground” for online community… the
online infrastructure if you will…. but also the
means to connect and cross fertilize various
online community spaces.
Take a moment to relax…
Okay, now back to the show.
A Problem
Here’s a real world problem, with an example of how
PKE provides a solution.
The push/pull approach to information: Institutions gather
information from constituents, process the information,
and emit licenses, permits, services, etc. They also
gather information from the public and elsewhere to
make decisions, form plans and regulate. That is a pull
flow of information.
Institutions also have a need to push information out to a
select, or non select group. The Public needs to be
informed. Yet educating the public requires an ability to
push information to people that may or may not be
interested. Or know the value of the information before
they decide whether to receive it or not.
PKE the Solution
There’s clearly a role here for a manager and
enabler of this two way information flow. There’s
a GAP between citizen and government that an
information and media ombudsman enabler
networker, such as PKE, can bridge.
PKE Core Group
City of Las Cruces
Dona Ana County
LC & Gadsden Schools
NMSU many parts
Regional Health Industry
State & Fed gov in region
Regional Commerce
Regional Non profits
Regional Seniors/Teens Online
Community groups
Regional media
What Form will PKE
Pseudo Public/Private entity: non profit org?
Regional institutions and umbrella groups all
stakeholders. Independently governed by PKE
board of directors and ExecDir structure. All
stakeholders have rep on board.
Things to do with PKE
Earn diplomas, degrees, certificates, get training for a job, learn a new skill, learn a hobby.
Get help with understanding a medical problem, and resources available, make a doctor’s appointment, schedule a
surgery, connect with the right government health department, find out what’s covered by insurance and what’s not, get
a referral for a second opinion, contact a support group.
Learn about elections, who’s running, what their positions are, maybe vote online, maybe chat with a candidate, or
participate in an online debate or forum. Participate in online city council meetings, county commissioners meetings.
Connect personally with government officials, receive educational outreach from same.
Create and participate in neighborhood groups, exchange information of what’s going on, gossip over the fence.
Fill out forms for government requirements, and get help with that process, find the right person to talk to, the right rule
the right regulation, without spending all day doing it.
Promote and manage customer relations for your local business.
Find a friend or two or two hundred that you would never have met otherwise, and find time to talk using asynchronous
Participate in a club or civic group, co-ordinate between clubs and groups, start a new club or group.
Get the help using online tools and technology you need.
Some of what one might encounter at PKE
“WHAT I KNOW”: encyclopedia of local information
Growing archive, database
Blog Land
Vlog Land
Wiki World
Students produce media k-20 joint projects
Seniors, Students, and Gov work together on projects
Various production facilities coordinate projects, some joint usage
Seniors act as online resources, "support" and receive same
kids act as online resources, and help line for some peers and seniors?
Non computer home phone help provides "online access"
Collaborative Media/user created/PODCASTS
Vlog and Blog land
Theatrical etc
"talk radio"
Organizational process
Organization -Members
Create efficiencies of individual/ institution interaction.
Central processing unit for form intake
PKE tools, services listed
A Grab Bag list follows.
A Handholding interface to a comprehensive database of text, audio, video,
powerpoint files, online forms, and web links. Live Chat help, phone help.
“Get answers Now”…..AV chat, text chat, with various experts such as city or
county elected officials, department chiefs , and other community or extra
community resources on a scheduled basis. All such chats are archived and
become searchable.
A master directory to all community resources and live links
An encyclopedia of searchable FAQs on myriad topics
standard pushes of newspaper/radio/tv/mailout/magazine/
Run promotional contests for push educational projects. Those who can answer
an online test are eligible for some sort of “prize”.
Volunteer Board match-up of doers and needs
Services offered board for all community institutions in one place
Online tutorials for interacting with institutions
Citizen to Citizen bulletin boards
Agendas of upcoming meetings, “Packet”, Proposed Ordinances/Resolutions
Suggestion Log
Citizen to Citizen bulletin boards
partially user controlled/created online environment, consumer participate in
educational push
Grass roots organizing forums
Neighborhood associations
Online Surveys, Questionnaires
Agendas of upcoming meetings, “Packet”, Proposed Ordinances/Resolutions
Suggestion Log
Online surveys, polls, review stars etc, personal pages/history?
Man on the street interviews
Coverage of various community boards meetings
downloadable to iPod files
Comprehensive Planning processes
Advisory Boards and Committees
Task Forces
School Board
Parent Teacher Interaction
Student Government
Extracurricular program support
Extension services for Ag etc
Use area school children, DACC, and NMSU to produce educational
multimedia…free, and will generate local parental and other interest in otherwise
boring topics.
Volunteers monitor chat boards with help from “experts”…all communities need
discipline and regulation because some will be malicious.
Medical services directory
Medical chat and research online with public health nurses, volunteer doctors…
Medical insurance Q&A
Medicare Medicaid counseling/info
General counseling
Suicide Hotline
Educational Courses “online interactive with teacher” sourced from various institutions and individual
independent instructors, for all grade and age levels, and degree, certificate, licensing etc, plus adult
ed, literacy, drivers license, taxes
online interactive tutoring
Senior Centers and services
Rental Licensing in Las Cruces
Non Profit Hub and outreach, provide services for
Community Action Agency
abstract good online communication features from “My Space”, and “you tube”
Multiple Calendars of events
Directories of whos who for local organizations
Theatrical groups doing skits, reviews, of timely issues, use the creative community to help PUSH
education of public. Hold contests for media spots, “commercials’, short plays, other forms that
successfully push a theme, or issue. Take advantage of all the creative talent in the community.
economies of joint use by schools, DACC. NMSU, Public Radio/TV of production facilities, and
connect retiree judgement and experience with younger energies and capabilities.
co-ordinate efficient use of various resources
presently spread out over numerous organizations
newcomer welcoming/ education.
community oral and other history
direct and targeted “marketing”
gather, collate citizen input
form study groups for stakeholders re various
online store for regional tshirts, souvenirs, books
dvds etc
barter exchange for goods services
Financial Model
PKE will be a combination of free and fee services.
The core institutions will provide a base revenue from
contracts for services. In essence these institutions will
be transferring some of their online functions to PKE.
The constituents of these institutions will then have
access to the base services without cost.
Some services such as customized trainings or access
to specialized databases will be fee based.
Other organizations will provide resources to PKE to
host their group and services, both in-kind and cash.
Advertising will be present in some parts of PKE.
Membership fees from some online communities.
PKE “store” and “promotions” “fee events”.
Grants and annual funding from various sources.
License and lease of some PKE developed tools.
Hardware: Servers, Storage, AV production
Network connection costs
Software: Off the shelf, developed in house
Paid personnel costs.
Office & Facilities for hardware and AV and
online help personnel.
Volunteer and Board support functions
Insurance and other operating miscellaneous.
Generated Brand and Base of users
Generated Intellectual Property
Purchased, Leased, “Borrowed”
Capital Improvements
Some entry points to start PKE
Contract or grant to analyze how to move city department functions to web. First
analyze present function, and then design online replication improvement.
Survey regional institutions as to how they create online functions, what’s working
what’s not, costs, future concerns, plans, and contracting for help. Ask for feasibility
study/ demonstration project funds from all groups who would stand to gain. IE, pretty
much everyone in the region.
Pilot demonstration project such as SOL
Develop a service that could be packaged and leased to multiple institutions here. Roll
that out first.
Work with various institutions to form a quasi co-op center for online services perhaps
in conjunction with fiber optic ring roll out PKE as demonstration of what Ultra
Broadband is good for.
Work with NMSU CEL, NMSU RETA, NMSU Learning Academy, NMLN, IDEAL NM,
Cyber Academy, etc
Form a gathering of the tribes, of inner cadre and outer supporters, initiate a grass roots
“movement” toward establish PKE.
Big GRANT allows full development
Series of small grants/
start out slow and roll out as funds/support allow: garage approach
Arrowhead work now through ? May?
Gathering of supporters/ friends of PKE
Proposed SOL grant start July 1 07
CEL OTC class project fall 07
investigate and apply for funding ongoing
Form advisory board by Oct. 07 or earlier
JG, JP, CK, HTC SM DS, others research back
end ongoing
Useful concepts and
terms for PKE
Online Facilitators
Community Builders
Online Learning and Teaching
The Paradox of standardization and
Back End base technology for PKE
Work in Progress after this
Presentation ends here for now
Social Networks
Can be meta mind for problem solving
Multiperson social problem solving arrays
considered as form of artificial intelligence
We are not one person secluded from the rest of
the world kept apart by the technology we have
embraced…Rather we have become a part of it
through the technology, we have become a part
of something greater than ourselves.