Equality Analysis record Please use this form to document your Equality Analysis. Our guide to Equality Analysis will help you through the process. York St John University is committed to providing an inclusive environment that promotes equality and embraces diversity, and in which no-one is excluded unfairly. The purpose of the Equality Analysis is to design our policies and practices so that they take account of the needs of all students, staff and visitors. By doing this we can be confident that we do not discriminate and that we promote equality and good relations in study and in work. About the form This form helps you to consider the impact of a policy, procedure or service on people with protected characteristics and to identify steps that may be needed to meet the specific needs of people with a protected characteristic which are different to those without. In this form we use the general term ‘policy’ (or ‘policies’) to include strategies, policies, processes, activities (including service delivery) and decisions for which the University is responsible. Protected characteristics are: Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership1 Pregnancy and maternity Race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins) Religion or belief (including lack of belief) Sex (gender) Sexual orientation Filling out the form First, complete Stage 1 form. This is our screening form which helps determine the relevance of an Equality Analysis through 10 questions. If you answer more than 5 questions with ‘yes’ then a full, Stage 2, Equality Analysis is required. This is only a guide and if you answer fewer questions with ‘yes’ then you may still decide to conduct a full Analysis. If the screening shows that a full Equality Analysis is needed, then move on to the Stage 2 form. This is a detailed Equality Analysis which outlines what research has been carried out, who has been consulted, what the issues are, what action will be taken and how we will monitor the outcomes. By conducting the Equality Analysis at an early stage of the planning process, you should be able to make changes to policies in order to avoid discrimination or to promote equality. The Stage 2 form allows you to record the positive steps that you have taken before the Equality Analysis is signed off. 1 In relation to marriage and civil partnership, only consider whether there is potential for discrimination or harassment in employment. Page 1 of 8 Equality Analysis, Stage One: Identifying the Relevance Title of Policy: Name and job title of person completing form: The following 10 questions will help you to identify whether this policy is highly relevant to equality. If you want to add an explanatory note please do so in the column, after each of the numbered questions. Questions Yes/No 1. Is there any reason to believe that there could be less favourable treatment of protected groups? 2. Is this policy strategically important for your Department, Faculty or the University? 3. Will this policy have a significant impact on students, staff or the wider community? 4. Could work in this area help eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation? 5. Could work in this area help increase recruitment/admissions, or improve retention or success of students and staff? 6. Could work in this area help foster good relations, including tackling prejudice and promoting understanding? 7. Will/could this policy lead to procurement of services, works, goods or facilities? 8. Is there any reason to believe that this is an area of low participation by groups of users who share a protected characteristic? 9. Has this policy received a high profile (community, funders or national agenda)? 10. If equality issues are not addressed, is there any potential for adverse impact on particular groups or on the University generally? Total of questions answered ‘yes’ Score higher than 5: Please proceed to full Equality Analysis Score between 3 and 5: You should decide whether you feel a full Equality Analysis is required. If you feel it is not required, please provide a brief explanation in the box below. Score below 3: You do not need to proceed to a full Equality Analysis. Sign this form, keep a copy for future reference and send a copy to equalities@yorksj.ac.uk. Page 2 of 8 Recommendation Yes ☐ Full Equality Analysis required? No ☐ Name: Date: Equality Champion: Date: Dean/Director: Date: Unless this policy is reviewed before this date, the next Equality Analysis will be carried out in: Insert date (mm/yy) (a maximum of 3 years from date of completion of this form) Page 3 of 8 Equality Analysis, Stage Two: Full assessment Title of policy: Key objectives: Date of assessment (this may be a period of time rather than a date): Lead officer for this policy: Names of people carrying out the Equality Analysis Part A Information gathering, consultation and Equality Analysis Information gathering and consultation It is important to consider all available information that would help determine the impact that the policy will have on people who share a protected characteristic. Information might be statistical data, research reports, guidance, results of surveys and other consultations. Further detail is in Annex A of the guide. Where data is limited or not available, this should be noted. The action plan can include steps to increase the availability or quality of data. The people carrying out the Equality Analysis can use any existing mechanisms for consulting stakeholders, however additional consultation may be needed if these mechanisms are not representative. Annex B of the guide covers consultation, engagement and involvement. Following your information gathering and consultation, what evidence have you collected? 1. Give details of research, consultation and data that have been collected (these can also be included in an appendix). Page 4 of 8 2. Is there evidence in the assessment that the following were considered? Yes Partially No Age ☐ ☐ ☐ Disability ☐ ☐ ☐ Gender reassignment ☐ ☐ ☐ Marriage and civil partnership ☐ ☐ ☐ Pregnancy and maternity ☐ ☐ ☐ Race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins) ☐ ☐ ☐ Religion or belief (including lack of belief) ☐ ☐ ☐ Sex (gender) ☐ ☐ ☐ Sexual orientation ☐ ☐ ☐ 3. If there was not sufficient evidence to help make an informed assessment, give details of what evidence is missing. Based on the evidence gathered, what do you know about this policy in relation to equality? The person or group carrying out the Equality Analysis should draw on the findings of their research and consultation to determine the possible impact of the function on anyone who may be affected by it. The effects can be positive or negative or both. 4. Based on the evidence gathered, the impact is different for people who share the following protected characteristic to people who do not: Age ☐ Race ☐ Disability ☐ Religion or belief ☐ Gender reassignment ☐ Sex ☐ Marriage and civil partnership ☐ Sexual orientation ☐ Pregnancy and maternity ☐ Page 5 of 8 Now, for the selected protected characteristics, continue to describe the impact. 5. We are committed to eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation for all who work, study or otherwise engage with the University. What impact does this policy have? Positive impact Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ (reasons) Negative impact (reasons) Neutral (reasons) 6. We are committed to minimising negative impact on people from protected groups and meeting their needs where they are different from the needs of others. What impact does this policy have? Positive impact Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ (reasons) Negative impact (reasons) Neutral (reasons) 7. We are committed to encouraging and enabling people from under-represented protected groups to participate in University life. What impact does this policy have? Positive impact Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ (reasons) Negative impact (reasons) Neutral (reasons) Page 6 of 8 8. We are committed to tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not. How does this policy impact on that aim? Positive impact Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ (reasons) Negative impact (reasons) Neutral (reasons) Part B: Action plan See Appendix Signing off the Equality Analysis The policy has been fully assessed in relation to its potential effects on equality and all the relevant concerns have been addressed. Completed by Name: Date: Equality Champion: Date: Dean/Director: Date: Unless this policy is reviewed before this date, the next Equality Analysis will be carried out in: Insert date (mm/yy) (a maximum of 3 years from date of completion of this form) Page 7 of 8 Appendix: Part B Action plan Describe the measures that you will take to address the issues that you have identified. In particular, if you have identified a negative effect on people from a particular protected group what steps will you take to minimise this? Issue Action Required Lead (one person please) Timescale Outcomes Please give details of how you plan to monitor the impact of the actions you are taking. Completed by Name: Date: Dean/Director: Date: Page 8 of 8