iPad Lesson Plan

Shane Brown
ED 270
iPad Lesson Plan
Grade Level: This plan will is designed for a 6th Grade history class.
Content Area: This lesson will present material that outlines the events and
circumstances leading up to the Declaration of Independence.
Title Of Lesson: Events that lead to the American Revolution
Learning Goal: Students will have an understanding of the events (the Stamp Act,
the Boston Massacre, British troop presence, the Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts,)
that led to the outbreak of the American Revolution.
Technology Standards: All six of the NET-S standards will be addressed in this
unit. Creativity and innovation will be encouraged through the development of
group PowerPoint presentations. Communication and collaboration will occur as
groups work together to develop and present their projects. Research and
Information Fluency will be accomplished through web research and app usage.
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making abilities will be enhanced
as groups determine with information in most pertinent to the class and what will
be included in their presentation. Digital Citizenship will be taught and encourages
as student groups use the iPad apps, explore the web for information, and use other
technologies to present their material. Technology Systems and Concepts will also
be taught as students use these technologies in concert with one another to develop
their presentation.
Mobile Apps Integrated: Students will use the free American Revolution app
provided by The American Revolution Center as well as the The Revolution US
History interactive textbook app by Jeff Grimes.
Resources/Materials: Textbooks, iPad applications, the worldwide web, and
PowerPoint will each be used in this unit.
Unit Outline: This unit will take 4 class periods of 50 minutes each.
o Students are split into 5 groups and assigned their topic. (10 min)
o Student groups explore the timeline and information contained on the
American Revolution app and pick 1 event to research further and
present to the class. (15 min)
o Student groups begin to research their events using textbooks, the
interactive textbook app, and reputable websites. (25 min)
o Homework: Further explore websites for information
Day 2
o Student groups work together to develop a PowerPoint presentation
lasting approximately 15 minutes. (50 mins)
Day 3
o Group Presentations
Day 4
o Remaining group presentations (30 min)
o Lecture: Review and wrap-up (20 min)
o Homework: Students will choose another groups topic and write a
brief summary of the event and its significance.