Ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam support timely introduction of Tier III standards and North Sea NECA In recent years the reduction of emissions from shipping has gained more and more importance on the international and European policy level. Amidst decisions on the limitation of sulphur content in marine fuels and the ongoing debates on measures to reduce CO₂ emissions from shipping, the discussion has also focussed on NOₓ. During the next IMO MEPC meeting in April 2014 the implementation date of Tier III engines and NOₓ Emission Control Areas (NECA) will be decided upon. Already in 2011 the establishment of a correspondence group was agreed to guide the decision making process within MEPC. This group analysed whether engine manufacturers are making enough progress towards a timely certification of Tier III engines. In their final report the group stated that there was no reason, technical or other, to postpone the effective date of the Tier III NOx standards. In 2012 the North Sea Consultation Group, with financial support of the Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, German and Belgian authorities, concluded its report on the “Assessment of the environmental impacts and health benefits of a nitrogen emission control area in the North Sea”. The report finds that the introduction of a NECA in the North Sea will not generate any considerable impact on modal shift and that health benefits caused by the improvement in air quality in the surrounding countries would actually lead to significant net social benefits. Vessel engines that meet the TIER III emission standard emit 80% less nitrogen oxides in comparison with the TIER I standard; the TIER II levels, 20 % lower than TIER I, apply to seagoing vessels as from 1-1-2011. It is clear that this change to Tier III will result in a significantly reduced environmental impact. The new standards will only apply to newly built vessels effective from 1-1-2016, which means the degree of change is related to the rate at which the fleet will be renewed. This greatly mitigates the financial impact on the shipping sector. Moreover, all stakeholders consider it important that the sector is provided with legal certainty concerning Tier III/NECA as soon as possible so it can prepare itself in time for the new NOx emission standards. Currently existing engine technologies can achieve reductions of 70% of nitrogen oxide emissions compared to the 80% required under the TIER III. Full compliance with the TIER III standard can be achieved with after-treatment techniques (such as SCR catalytic converters, water-washing techniques possibly combined with exhaust gas recirculation). LNG as a single fuel would also be compliant. However, at the present time few shipping companies are opting for a single fuel due to the lack of adequate LNG infrastructure. The ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam are however aware of their public responsibility to stimulate the LNG market and foresee bunker facilities in their ports. The ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp would also like to stress that the introduction of Tier III should be accompanied by many needed supporting initiatives, especially for the industry and for ports situated in ECA’s. In this context it has to be noted that the measures presented in the European Commission’s “Sustainable Waterborne Transport Toolbox” which was launched on the occasion of the review of the Sulphur Directive have remained largely unexplored, notwithstanding the deadline for the stricter sulphur obligations within SECA’s (1 January 2015) comes near. The shipping sector needs a swift and vigorous policy to assist it in making the switch, even more so in the current economic climate. The European Union and its member states both have a responsibility to bear in this. Finally, the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam would like to express their hope that the introduction of Tier III in 2016 and the initiatives of the North Sea and Baltic region towards the implementation of a NECA will give rise to a European level playing field in the form of a NECA in all European waters. Based on the considerations above, the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp agree to the following: 1. To adhere to the introduction of the TIER III standard for designated NECA waters effective 1-1-2016 and consequently to stress the importance for the IMO’s MEPC to reconsider its decision at MEPC 65 regarding the circulated amendments to MARPOL Annex VI postponing the effective date of the NOₓ Tier III limits. 2. To propose the adoption of the North Sea and Baltic Sea as a NECA effective 1-1-2016 considering that this proposal: Is consistent with the port's sustainability goals; Is consistent with the approach of having every modality operate as cleanly as possible; Results in an ambitious but not unrealistic emission level for the maritime shipping sector; Creates clarity for the market, gives it an impulse, and promotes innovation; Contributes in a cost-effective way to the realization of environmental quality objectives, thus creating perspectives for further development of port and maritime industry.