QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Ontology (QIBO) Software Design Document June 2012 Rev 0.5 Required Approvals: Author of this Revision: Andrew Buckler System Engineer: Andrew Buckler Print Name Signature Date Document Revisions: Revision Revised By Reason for Update Date 0.1 Andrew Buckler First Issue 9-10-2011 0.2 Tiffany Ting Liu Address BioPortal and other 11-14-2011 technical issues 0.3 Andrew Buckler Added design detail 0.4 Andrew Buckler Prepared for Iteration 1 Testing 6-28-2012 phase 0.5 Andrew Buckler Prepared for Iteration 2 Design BBMSC 12-5-2011 6-28-2012 1 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 3 1.1. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE ............................................................................. 3 1.2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3. PLATFORM DETAILS .............................................................................................................. 4 1.4. REFERENCED STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 6 2. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... 7 3. COMPONENT-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 8 3.1. FUNCTIONALITY FOR FIRST DEVELOPMENT ITERATION ......................................................... 8 3.2. PERFORMANCE..................................................................................................................... 11 3.3. QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................. 11 3.4. “SUPER USER” AND SERVICE SUPPORT ................................................................................ 11 3.5. UPGRADE / TRANSITION ....................................................................................................... 12 3.6. SECURITY ............................................................................................................................ 12 3.7. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSEQUENT ITERATIONS ................................................................... 12 4. PLATFORM SPECIFIC MODEL .................................................................................. 13 4.1. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.2. ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ..................................................................................... 13 4.3. COMPONENT INTERFACE ...................................................................................................... 14 4.3.1. Interface Model ............................................................................................................ 14 4.3.2. Operations Details for <Interface Name> .................................................................. 14 4.4. MESSAGE INFORMATION MODEL ......................................................................................... 15 4.4.1. Information Model........................................................................................................ 15 4.4.2. Information Model Description .................................................................................... 15 4.5. SERVICE INTERACTIONS ....................................................................................................... 16 4.5.1. Actors ........................................................................................................................... 16 4.5.2. Interaction Details........................................................................................................ 16 4.6. IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................... 17 4.6.1. Security ......................................................................................................................... 17 4.6.2. Auditing ........................................................................................................................ 19 4.6.3. Privacy ......................................................................................................................... 20 4.6.4. Error Handling............................................................................................................. 21 4.7. DEPLOYMENT DETAILS ........................................................................................................ 22 4.8. CONSTRAINTS ...................................................................................................................... 23 5. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 23 BBMSC 2 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 1. Executive Summary Imaging biomarkers are developed for use in the clinical care of patients and in the conduct of clinical trials of therapy. In clinical practice, imaging biomarkers are intended to (a) detect and characterize disease, before, during or after a course of therapy, and (b) predict the course of disease, with or without therapy. In clinical research, imaging biomarkers are intended to be used in defining endpoints of clinical trials. A precondition for the adoption of the biomarker for use in either setting is the demonstration of the ability to standardize the biomarker across imaging devices and clinical centers and the assessment of the biomarker’s safety and efficacy. Currently qualitative imaging biomarkers are extensively used by the medical community. Enabled by the major improvements in clinical imaging, the possibility of developing quantitative biomarkers is emerging. For this document “Biomarker” will be used to refer to the measurement derived from an imaging method, and “device” or “test” refers to the hardware/software used to generate the image and extract the measurement. However, imaging biomarker data and knowledge are not standardized and thus integration and multi-scale analysis of this type of data is limited. Ontologies and linked data may be used to specify putative imaging biomarkers and related aspects such as clinical context of use. This specification is used to generate testable hypotheses and reference data sets for both technical and clinical validation of the biomarkers according to the hypotheses. 1.1. Component Description and Purpose Building upon existing tools and content in NCBO‘s BioPortal, we create a system that addresses some of these drawbacks. The Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Ontology (QIBO) represents and integrates heterogeneous knowledge in the domain of imaging biomarkers, for the goal of developing applications to enable the storage and retrieval of desired quantitative imaging biomarker, to discover novel imaging biomarkers, and to build validation frameworks for imaging experiments. As of this writing, the QIBO consists of 488 concepts spanning 9 upper classes, including Experimental Subject, Biological Intervention, Imaging Agent, Imaging Instrument, Image Post-processing Algorithm, Biological Target, Indicated Biology, and Biomarker Application. QIBO may be used to annotate imaging experiments with standardized terms in the ontology and to generate hypotheses for novel imaging biomarker-disease associations. Using QIBO, the Specify application is needed that interfaces to BioPortal as its repository of ontologies; BioPortal encapsulates disparate ontologies and related annotated data in one common interface available via REST Web service, and an application is needed to build on top of these services that works with any ontology in BioPortal – including QIBO and those linked through it. The ontology library is separately curated and updated by the administrators of BioPortal, decoupling us from the underlying representation and versioning of the ontologies, but accommodation for the unique aspects of this application with respect to curation is needed. The output of this is an RDF store referred to as the Biomarker DB. BBMSC 3 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 1.2. Scope The domain of the ontology encompasses imaging biomarkers for both pre-clinical and clinical applications, featuring molecular imaging due to its particular richness and biological specificity. A. Initial curation to collect terms To gather terms, relationships, and properties of the terms in the imaging biomarker ontology, At Stanford, we started with a literature review of the journal Molecular Imaging and Biology. We sampled 22 articles published since 2006. In parallel one of us (Buckler) distilled terms associated with 95 putative biomarkers in oncology indications from approximately 43 articles in such journals as JNM, JMRI, Cell, Molecular Imaging and Biology, and Transgenic Research; 47 putative biomarkers in cardiovascular indications from approximately 30 articles in such journals as JNM, Molecular Therapy, Stroke, and Circulation; 52 putative biomarkers in neurology indications from approximatley 25 journals such as Nuclear Medicine and Biology, NeuroImage, and Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research; 22 putative biomarkers in musculoskeletal indications from approximately 6 articles in such journals as EJNM and Molecular Imaging; 5 putative biomarkers in endocrinology indications from 3 articles in such journals as PNAS and VIIS conference proceedings; and 4 putative biomarkers from approximately 19 articles in pulmonary indications from approximately 19 articles in such jounals as European Respiratory Journal, Proceedings of American Thoracic Society, Medical Physics, and Thoracic Imaging. We examined methods and results of experiments reported in the papers, focusing on abstracting terms and relationships that characterize and annotate an imaging biomarker. This approach allows us to examine specific instances of biomarkers and to be able to build the ontology from the bottom up. B. Reusing other publiclly available ontologies To build the imaging biomarker ontology , we reviewed a range of publicly available ontologies, including MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) [1], NCI thesaurus [2], GO [3], FMA [4], and BIRNLex (a controlled terminology for Biomedical Informatics Research Network) [5] to adopt or adapt them wherever possible. For example, entities of anatomical structure were imported from FMA, and entities of biological process were extracted from GO, MeSH and NCI thesaurus. 1.3. Platform Details We have built the Web Ontology Language (OWL)-based ontology using Protégé, a widely used ontology editing tool [6]. Protégé version 3.4 supports two ontology modeling paradigms: OWL and frames, whereas Protégé version 4 supports only OWL. We chose to use Protégé version 3.4.4 in developing QIBO. Desipte of many similarities between the two languages, Protégé-OWL provides description logic reasoning capability with high expressive power [7]. classes can be asserted directly in the ontolgy in both OWL and frames, describing necessary conditions. Necessary and sufficient conditions can be only defined in OWL to specify new classes where an OWL classifier can run to generate inferred hierarchy. Inferred hierarchy is particularly suitable for representing the hetergenous knowledge in imaging biomarkers and allows for defining BBMSC 4 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 newly discovered biomarkers. OWL allows for powerful knowledge reasoning, and thereby is suitable to convey complexity and richness in imaging biomarker research. Based on the curation, we first identified top-level concepts of the Imaging Biomarker Ontology that capture major entities appearing in an imaging biomarker experiment. We also created synonyms and definitions for classes in the ontology. To ensure consistency, is-a relationship (subsumption) is strictly conserved in every branch of the ontology. Other relationships are defined as attributes, such as relationships between the first level classes. QIBO will be extended to relate and link to other established ontologies such as Foundational Medical Anatomy (FMA) [8], Gene Ontology (GO) [9], SNOMED [10] and RadLex [11]. It also incorporates caTissue [12], caArray [13], NBIA [14] and AIM UML models, associated common data elements (CDEs) and underlying NCIt and other ontology concepts. We use NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) [15] and Metathesaurus with concepts from Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) [16] and LS-DAM models and other standardized domain ontologies such as from the Open Figure 1. Current QIBO concepts are expanded Biological and Biomedical Ontologies with those from other relevant models according (OBO) Foundry [17]. We incorporate to links we have identified. (Example UML non-imaging data such as clinical representation shown behind the colors.) outcomes by mapping to concepts from the Patient Outcome Data Service (PODS) [18]. Thus, we create SPARQL endpoints for discoverable data services, using the semantic annotation based on the CDEs and the underlying controlled terminologies. We will extend the Quantitative Imaging Biomarker ontology (QIBO) [see previous work] to link to existing established ontologies [19] (Fig. 4). The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) [20] upper ontology will be leveraged to align different ontologies through a shared abstract level. Furthermore, the necessary portions of the current BRIDG and LSDAM conceptual UML models will be converted to ontology models in OWL. Use of OWL will facilitate harmonization of different knowledge representations, namely UML and OWL, into one form and furthermore allow us to leverage its broader knowledge representation capability. The UML to OWL conversion will be done either manually or automatically depending on how much of the model needs to be converted. Automated conversion would done in two steps: (1) convert current Sparx Enterprise Architect XMI for LSDAM (or BRIDG) to Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) UML format using a customized version of transform libraries developed as part of the NCI-CBIIT Semantic Infrastructure project [21, 22]; and (2) export resulting EMF UML into a RDF/OWL BBMSC 5 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 representation using TopBraid Composer, a powerful semantic modeling environment [23]. See an example RDF/OWL representation for LSDAM Gene UML class (Fig 4). 1.4. Referenced Standards In order to support these capabilities, the following strategy will be employed in the development and/or use of information models and ontologies (Tables 1 and 2): Ontologies: Ontology Available through Extend or just use? Dynamic connection? Example of use Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine--Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) UMLS Metathesaurus, NCBO BioPortal Use Dynamically read at runtime Grammar for specifying clinical context and indications for use RadLex (including Playbook) RSNA through www.radlex.org,or NCBO Bioportal Use Dynamically read at runtime Grammar for representing imaging activities Gene Ontology (GO) GO Consortium, www.geneontology.org Use Dynamically read at runtime Nouns for representing genes and gene products associated with mechanisms of action International vocabulary of metrology --- Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) Use Updated on release schedule How to represent measurements and measurement uncertainty Exploratory imaging biomarkers Paik Lab at Stanford Extend Dynamically read at runtime Grammar for representing imaging biomarkers Table 1: Ontologies utilized in meeting the functionality We have started developing tools to enable automatic annotation of imaging experiments using QIBO and other ontology standards. We have created QI-Bench, open-source informatics tooling used to characterize the performance of quantitative medical imaging as needed to specify and support experimental activities for the statistical validation of quantitative imaging using the Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Ontology (QIBO) and other resources [24]. In particular, as an initial development stage, we have created a web-interface that allows users to access the terms in QIBO and to link to terms in other ontologies. This interface also allows users input novel biomarker instances annotated by terms in QIBO. The new biomarker instance will be reviewed. If needed new terms that best annotate the novel biomarker will be added to QIBO. BBMSC 6 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 While this is an ongoing effort in developing and implementing a feasible approach to link these ontologies, we have considered employed an upper ontology approach first developed by basic Formal ontology (BFO) [25]. BFO is an upper ontology that provides a formal structure of upper level abstract classes that has been adapted by the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) foundry, a large collaborative effort for the goal of creating orthogonal and interoperable ontologies in biomedical research. Upper concepts in BFO are classified as continuant (which further classified as independent continuant and dependent continant) and occurrent with respect to time. As a practical matter, many (but not all) of these ontologies have been collected within the NCI Thesaurus (NCIT). It may be that there is utility in utilizing this to subsume included ontologies as a design consideration. Information models: Information Model Available through Extend or just use? Dynamic connection? Example of use Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) (drawing in HL7-RIM and SDTM) caBIG Use Updated on release schedule Data structures for clinical trial steps and regulatory submissions of heterogeneous data across imaging and non-imaging observations Life Sciences Domain Analysis Model (LSDAM) caBIG Use Updated on release schedule Data structures for representing multi-scale assays and associating them with mechanisms of action that link phenotype to genotype Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) caBIG Extend Updated on release schedule Data structures for imaging phenotypes Table 2: Information Models utilized in meeting the functionality 2. Definitions The following are terms commonly used that may of assistance to the reader. Ontology An explicit specification of a conceptualization to represent concepts that exist in a knowledge domain and relationships that hold among them. Entity Formal explicit description of concepts in a domain of discourse; also called classes Slot Properties of each concept describing various features and attributes of the concept; also called roles or properties BBMSC 7 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Relation Asserted relationships among entities that are true universally; example relationships are is-a, has, part-of, etc., which are represented by the ontological inherent hierarchy (is-a relation) or slots (other relations) Instance Individuals of entities Subsumption Is-a relations defined by the hierarchy in the ontology 3. Component-level Requirements Note that, the normal process of requirements development does not guarantee that adjacent requirements are directly related. In situations where requirements are tightly related or where requirements are to be considered in the context of an upper level requirement, explicit parent-child relationships have been created. These can be identified by the requirement numbering – child requirements have numbers of the form XX.Y indicating the Yth child of requirement XX. The following list of attributes is used: Origin – Identifies the project or Enterprise Use Case that originated the requirement. Component – Identifies all Enterprise Use Case/project components to which the requirement applies. Comment / TI – Additional information regarding the requirement. This may include information as to how the requirement may be tested (i.e. the test indication). Design Guideline – Used to identify requirements that are to be taken as guidance or are otherwise not testable. In such cases the phrase “Not a testable requirement” will appear. Requirements may, and often do, apply to multiple components. In such cases, the Component attribute will identify all components where the requirement applies (including components that do not apply to this Enterprise Use Case). The Origin of a requirement is intended to identify the application for which the requirement was originally defined. 3.1. Functionality for First Development Iteration Model: Requirements placed on input, output, or significant intermediate data used by the application. View: Supported views and other GUI requirements. Note: use of figures for screen shots is encouraged as necessary to show an essential feature, but not to show unnecessary implementation detail. Controller: Functional requirements on logical flow. BBMSC 8 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Requirements Origin Model View Controller Relationship to external knowledge sources (e.g., ontologies) needs to be understood and links are made. <curation takes place in Protégé, not part of QI-Bench directly.> SUC SUC QIBO is static except that requests may be made to extend it. Activity: Decide if new or existing biomarker EA Existing Biomarker DB entries may be edited or new ones added. Existing concepts and relations are displayed but also a blank that user may choose to fill in. Views for a listing of existing entries, an edit panel, and an add panel for any given concept. If a user chooses to fill in the blank, then an email is generated to the curator for their consideration. If a request is made to add, the user’s certificate is checked to see if they are authorized to do so. Scientist identifies novel measurement, observation, processing step, or statistical analysis method. Scientist defines new data structures. Interaction between biology and the intended imaging process are sufficiently understood to discern what is needed to mimic expected behavior. Activity: Specify clinical context (either as first for new biomarker or as additional for existing biomarker) SUC Views dynamically update for new or modified instances of concepts for clinical context using Bioportal services. See ontology traversal algorithm. Describe the patient population characteristics, which determine how general the study is, and therefore the importance of the result. The study design should include how to capture the data to back up claims about the patient population characteristics. A mechanistic understanding or “rationale” of the role of the feature(s) assessed by the imaging test in healthy and disease states is documented. BBMSC SUC SUC EA QIBO elaborates concepts for clinical context, including links to FMA, Snomed, and GO. SUC SUC 9 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Requirements Origin A statement of value to stakeholders (patients, manufacturers, biopharma, etc.), expressed in the context of the alternatives is understood (e.g., with explicit reference to methods that are presently used in lieu of the proposed biomarker). Consensus exists on whether the test is quantitative, semiquantitative, or qualitative (descriptive); what platform will be used; what is to be measured; controls; scoring procedures, including the values that will be used (e.g., pos vs. neg; 1+, 2+ 3+); interpretation; etc. The Profile is used to establish targeted levels of performance with means for formal data selection that allows a batch process to be run on data sequestered by a trusted broker that is requested by commercial entities that wish to obtain a certificate of compliance (formal) or simply an assessment of proficiency as measured with respect to the Profile. Activity: Specify assay method (either as first for new biomarker or as additional for existing biomarker) SUC High-level descriptions of the processing hardware and software, highlighting potential weaknesses, should be provided. Detailed descriptions of the procedures to be used for image acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the quantitative imaging biomarker as a clinical metric should be included. BBMSC Model View Controller QIBO elaborates concepts for assay methods, including link to Radlex. Views dynamically update for new or modified instances of concepts for assay methods using Bioportal services. See ontology traversal algorithm. SUC SUC EA SUC SUC 10 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Requirements Origin Procedures to be used when results are not interpretable or are discrepant from other known test results must be described; this is especially important for imaging tests used for eligibility or assignment to treatment arms. Develop a standardized schema for validation and compliance reports. Ensure consensus on the XML schema is attained with all QIBA participants. Discover novel imaging biomarkers using instances of ontology; e.g. establishing biomarker-targetdisease pairs and link common target to identify novel biomarkerdisease pairs. SUC Model View Controller SUC 3.2. Performance Non-functional requirements, such as how fast a capability needs to run. Requirements Origin Comment / TI User interface display and update time needs to feel quick. AAS Implication is that can’t load whole ontologies but rather work incrementally. Design Guideline 3.3. Quality Control Support for internal and/or external quality control. Requirements Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline 3.4. “Super user” and Service Support Additional capabilities needed by privileged users. Requirements Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline Need a way to assess irregularites in QIBO and/or Biomarker DB instances and to rectify them. BBMSC 11 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Requirements Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline 3.5. Upgrade / Transition Requirements to support legacy and/or prior versions. Requirements Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline Need to devise a means for orderly update as QIBO concepts come and go 3.6. Security Applicable security compliance requirements. Requirements User certificate needs to distinguish between view-only, authorized to create Biomarker DB instances, authorized to edit existing instances, and to curate QIBO. 3.7. Requirements for Subsequent Iterations Defined in the SUC but not yet staged for implementation. Requirements BBMSC Origin Comment / TI Design Guideline 12 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 4. Platform Specific Model 4.1. Overview Provide Technical overview of the platform. This includes the Domain Model and includes technology stack. This information can be a reference to a separate document if a number of components comply with the same platform. Bioportal is an open repository of biomedical ontologies that provides access to ontologies. The first version of the ontology is now on bioportal at http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/46341. Publishing the QIBO ontology on the production instance of bioportal involves a few simple steps: signing into bioportal and uploading QIBO. For subsequent versions of QIBO, we will use the Specify git repository that is already established. Domain Model Description NCI’s Implementation of ISO 21090 Data types The component specifications will be based on NCI’s restricted implementation of ISO 21090 data types QI-Bench Spanning Information Model Technology Stack Specify what technology stack is used to access the component. Only interface-specific technologies should be described here. Technology Affects Protégé 3.4.4 QIBO is curated in Protégé and represented in OWL NCBO BioPortal QIBO is uploaded to BioPortal and access by applications including Specify using REST services as documented in the Application Architecture Specification 4.2. Assumptions and Dependencies This section enumerates any assumptions made in this specification as well as any dependencies. Assumptions can include deployment environment constraints such as network connectivity, lack of firewalls etc. Assumptions Affects Definitive version of QIBO is Individuals wishing to extend the QIBO BBMSC 13 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 maintained in Git repo and updated with reference to Jira issues fro the “QIBO” component should utilize established mechansims Dependencies can include external components such as the caGrid Production environment, other components. This section can include both business as well as technical dependencies Dependency Description OBO Foundry concepts NCBO BioPortal service capability 4.3. Component Interface This section should provide details of the component interfaces implemented by this specification. A UML model with details of the main entry point of the component should be included. The content would depend on the technology binding used for this model. For example for a component implemented as java API, this could be the UML model showing the main java interfaces. For a web service this could show the service port type. For a web application implementation this should include screen shots. Details of the major component interfaces should be presented as part of this section such as java interface, WSDL portTypes. 4.3.1. Interface Model This section is a placeholder for an overall description of the interfaces implemented. Implemented Supported Interface No. Interface Name REST services described fro BioPOrtal Interface Description Link See Specify AAS 4.3.2. Operations Details for <Interface Name> This section should describe in detail the operations for each of the interfaces within the component. Each operation should be listed separately and described. NOTE: This section should be repeated for each implemented interface. BBMSC 14 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 <Operation Name> An overall description on what the operation does. An Description activity diagram showing the details of the operation can be optionally included. Pre-Conditions Specify any platform specific pre-conditions for invoking this operation. (Eg. User needs to have a X.509 Grid Proxy to invoke this secured operation) Security Controls Describe the controls used to enforce the security requirements for this operation Inputs Provide the syntactic detail of the input parameters (eg. Link to XSD in GME) Outputs Provide the syntactic detail of the output parameters (eg. Link to XSD in GME) Post-Conditions Provide details about the state of the system after this operation is executed successfully. Also describe any state changes for the data types in this operation Exception Conditions List down all the possible exception conditions along with its error code and error message Notes Include additional implementation details. 4.4. Message Information Model This section describes the information model of the messages sent to the component. This should match the semantic profile detailed above. It should include a UML model showing the object model for the component. It should also include a detailed description of the model elements in a tabular format. This section should also include artifacts such as an xml schema as required for the technology binding. 4.4.1. Information Model A UML diagram showing the component object model. 4.4.2. Information Model Description This section should include a detailed description of the component object model. This object model is the external facing object model which the clients of the component will use to interact with the component. This can include a tabular description of objects and attributes of the component model. Any artifacts that implementers of this component need to adhere such as an xml schema or java interfaces should be referred to here. NOTE: the following table should be repeated for each entity which acts as an input or output parameter within the Information Model. Note: Exceptions should be defined separately in the Error Handling section below BBMSC 15 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Object Name AdverseEvent Description of the Object Represents the Adverse Event occurring within the system Link to the Object Specification Provide link to the XSD or the Java Interface Specifications Attribute Name Type Description Id String / Number / II etc. Stores the Id of the Adverse Event … … 4.5. Service Interactions This section describes the actors involved with the component and the dynamic behavior of the component. It should include details of component behavior in all significant service interactions. An interaction diagram illustrating the interaction should also be included in this section. 4.5.1. Actors A description of the actors involved in component interactions. Name caEHR Type System Description System interacts with the component to input Adverse Event Data Subject Registry Service Uses the Subject Registry Service to retrieve additional subject information … … 4.5.2. Interaction Details Provide the interaction details between this component and other actors. Describe the technology used for this interaction. Also provide the exact version of the component to be used and the data specifications to adhere to for a particular interaction. The number BBMSC 16 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 of consumers of the component can always increase in the future. However provide a notional interaction with a consumer below to describe the specification of the *Producers provided the data which this component needs. *Consumers consume the data provided by this component. Actor Name Producer / Consumer Data Link Description Subject Registry Service v1.0 Producer Subject Information Provide link to the XSD or Java Specification defining the data element exchanged AE Service relies on Subject Registry Service to retrieve additional subject information Scheduled Calendar Service v1.0 Consumer AE Information Provide link to the XSD or Java Specification defining the data element exchanged AE Service supplies AE information to the Treatment Plan service … … 4.6. Implementation Considerations The following sections can optionally be used to specify any implementation specific details for this component. 4.6.1. Security Provide technical specification on security requirements to access this component. This includes authentication, authorization, encryption, and other LOA requirements. Access Control Does the Component require Access Control mechanism to be in place to restrict access to only authenticated users or systems? Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: BBMSC 17 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 1. Authentication Mechanism used to authenticate the user or external systems 2. Type of Credentials which are required to connect to the component 3. The minimal LOA which the users/systems need to provide to access the component 4. Does the Component allow anonymous access to its operations Application (Service) Security [Access Policy] Does the Component incorporate any security controls (Authorization) to ensure that access to information is granted to only the authorized users / systems? Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: 1. Explain the Authorization Mechanism used to secure the component (Grid Grouper, CSM, Custom etc.) 2. List down in detail the Authorization Policy which is implemented to restrict access to information and operations in the component to authorized users only. If the component allows Anonymous access list down the operations which allow Anonymous access as part of the Authorization Policy. NOTE: If the Authorization Policy is large, it can be provided as an appendix to this document Cryptography Does the Component require encryption of data transmitted to and from it? Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: 1. The Cryptographic algorithm / mechanisms used for encryption / decryption of the information Information Security and Risk Management Is the information served by the component confidential or privileged? And if yes, is it at risk from any external threats or vulnerabilities? Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: BBMSC 18 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 1. Policy against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction of information served by the component. 2. The possible risks to the component and the ways to reduce or mitigate these risks Legal, Regulations, Compliance and Investigations Does the information served by the component fall under any legal / regulatory compliance either at federal, state, local or institutional level ? Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: 1. List all the legal / regulatory compliance which the component has to cater too 2. The security controls in place to ensure that the legal / regulatory compliance is met Telecommunications and Network Security Does the component need any network or transport level security such as SSL, Firewall protection etc. Yes/No If Yes then provide the following in detail: 1. Transport level security requirements such as SSL and how it has been achieved in the component 2. Network requirements such as firewall configurations, DMZ configurations etc. 4.6.2. Auditing Provide auditing requirements for the component. The level of auditing required, what interactions need to be audited etc. Operation Name createAE BBMSC Auditing Details Logged in User Time stamp of creation AE Identifier 19 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 queryAE None … … Entity Name Auditing Details AdverseEvent Following operations for this entity are audited … Creation Updating Deletion … Also provide information about the technology used for auditing purposes and additional details like how long the audit information should be available, how to access audit information etc. 4.6.3. Privacy Dataset should be analyzed for various federal regulations. Specify if the component implements privacy policy (such as HIPPA, 21 CFR Part 11, PHI etc). Based on each of these regulatory requirements: Identify the data which requires privacy Provide details of various controls which will be put in place to ensure this privacy List down the requirements which a user needs to fulfill to gain access to this private data Also mention about breach of privacy scenario and how it will be handled (optional). Data Element Privacy Regulation Security Control in Place Access Requirement Subject HIPAA Component will use caGrid based Grid Grouper Authorization controls to restrict access User needs to be member of Study Co-ordinator or Site Co-ordinator group BBMSC 20 of 24 QIBO SDD Data Element Rev 0.5 Privacy Regulation Security Control in Place Access Requirement 4.6.4. Error Handling Provide technical specification on how the errors will be raised by the component and what information will be provided. Provide a technical model of the error conditions and its specific meaning. In this section, provide the technical specification on how the errors will be raised by the component and what information will be provided. Provide a technical model of the error conditions and its specific meaning. NOTE: This section should only list the errors which are to be returned to the clients. The component should provide an encapsulation boundary to all the internal errors and return only the errors which are of use to the client application. Overview Provide overview of the error handling and reporting mechanism for the specific implementation. Depending upon the technology used to implement the component specification, describe in detail the appropriate error reporting mechanism. E.g. In case of web services it would be web service faults or in case of EJB interface they will be Java Exceptions. Error Object Details Provide technology specific details about eacht attribute and its data type contained within the error object, which can be used to describe the error condition that occurred. It is recommended that each error object contain a unique code which can be used to identify the error condition programmatically. It should also be supported by a human readable message which can be used for display purposes. Also an attribute describing the criticality of the error can be present as well. Also an attribute describing the criticality of the error (FATAL, MAJOR, MINOR, etc.) can be present as well. In case of an EJB Interface these attributes become exception of the exception object as class attributes. In case of a WebService interface these attributes can be using the Error Code, String and Message fields of a SOAP Fault. Additional information like severity etc. can be represented in form of a Structured XML which can be included in the message part of the SOAPFault. Error Object Name BBMSC AEException 21 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 Description of the Error Object Represents the Exception object in the AE Service Link to the Object Specification Provide link to the XSD or the Java Interface Specifications Attribute Name Type Description Code CD Provides the Error Code Message ST Provides the Error Message Severity CD Provides the type of error (eg. FATAL, MAJOR, MINOR etc.) 4.7. Deployment Details The following sections can optionally be used to specify any deployment specific details for this component. Deployment Details Impact Deployment Modes Provide details of the different deployment mode provided by this detail. Performance details Provide specific measures of the component’s expected performance for each component operation. Scalability details Does this component need to support a particular number of requests? Are there performance requirements for the component? Discovery How can clients call this component? For example if this is an application it would be installed on their computers, downloaded from a public web site etc. Uptime Provide the details of the uptime provided by this implementation of the component. Failover Does this component need to provide hot failover? If yes, then how should it be handled at component / database levels etc? BBMSC 22 of 24 QIBO SDD Rev 0.5 4.8. Constraints This section should include any additional constraints on the component that have not been covered in the previous sections. Constraints Impact 5. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. BBMSC Lowe, H.J. and G.O. Barnett, Understanding and using the medical subject headings (MeSH) vocabulary to perform literature searches. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 1994. 271(14): p. 1103-8. Thesaurus, N., https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/tools/NCI_Thesaurus. 2011. Ashburner, M., et al., Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. The Gene Ontology Consortium. Nature genetics, 2000. 25(1): p. 25-9. Rosse, C. and J.L. Mejino, Jr., A reference ontology for biomedical informatics: the Foundational Model of Anatomy. Journal of biomedical informatics, 2003. 36(6): p. 478-500. Bug, W.J., et al., The NIFSTD and BIRNLex vocabularies: building comprehensive ontologies for neuroscience. Neuroinformatics, 2008. 6(3): p. 175-94. Rubin, D.L., N.F. Noy, and M.A. Musen, Protege: a tool for managing and using terminology in radiology applications. Journal of digital imaging : the official journal of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology, 2007. 20 Suppl 1: p. 34-46. Wang, H., Rector, A., Drummond, N., Horridge M. et al., Frames and OWL Side by Side. 9th International Protégé Conference, Stanford, California, USA, 2006. The Foundational Model of Anatomy ontology (FMA). Available from: http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/projects/fm/AboutFM.html, accessed 27 November 2011. The Gene Ontology project. Available from: http://www.geneontology.org/, accessed 27 November 2011. SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®). Available from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/Snomed/snomed_main.html, accessed 27 November 2011. RSNA RadLex. Available from: http://www.rsna.org/informatics/radlex.cfm, accessed 27 November 2011. 23 of 24 QIBO SDD 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. BBMSC Rev 0.5 caTissue Suite. Available from: https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/tools/catissuesuite, accessed 27 November 2011. caArray - Array Data Management System. Available from: https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/tools/caArray, accessed 27 November 2011. National Biomedical Imaging Archive. 2011; Available from: https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/tools/NCIA, accessed 27 November 2011. NCI Thesaurus (NCIt). Available from: http://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/, accessed 27 November 2011. The Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) Model. Available from: http://www.bridgmodel.org/, accessed 27 November 2011. The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies. Available from: http://www.obofoundry.org/, accessed 27 November 2011. Patient Outcomes Service (PODS). Available from: https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/caEHR/Patient+Outcomes+Service, accessed 27 November 2011. Tirmizi, S.H., et al., Mapping between the OBO and OWL ontology languages. J Biomed Semantics, 2011. 2 Suppl 1: p. S3. BFO Basic Formal Ontology. Available from: http://www.ifomis.org/bfo, accessed 27 November 2011. Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF). Available from: http://eclipse.org/modeling/emf/, accessed 27 November 2011. ECCF Transform Plugins for Eclipse. Available from: https://ncisvn.nci.nih.gov/WebSVN/listing.php?repname=seminfrastruc&path=%2 Ftrunk%2Feccf%2Feclipse%2Fplugins%2Fgov.nih.nci.si.eccf.transform%2F&rev =280&peg=280, accessed 27 November 2011. TopBraid Composer. Available from: http://www.topquadrant.com/products/TB_Composer.html, accessed 27 November 2011. Bench, Q., (www.qi-bench.org). Grenon, P., B. Smith, and L. Goldberg, Biodynamic ontology: applying BFO in the biomedical domain. Stud Health Technol Inform, 2004. 102: p. 20-38. 24 of 24