MDERS Capability Framework (proposed 11/18/2015) A set of MDERS goals might be: Goal 1: Enhance integration of emergency response plans across the Maryland NCR Goal 2: Provide logistical support to the disciplines across the Maryland NCR Goal 3: Coordinate training and exercises across the Maryland NCR Goal 4: Enhance integration of the Maryland NCR across the NCR region MDERS strives toward these goals and otherwise fulfills the mission of building emergency response capabilities regionally, through processes depicted in the following business model. Figure: MDERS Capability Development Model RESEARCH (Future State) ASSES (Current State) 1. Selection 2. Acquisition 3. Storage 4. Tracking 6. Execution IMPROVE 7. After Action 5. Maintenance EQUIP 5. FPC 6. Distribution 4. MSEL EXERCISE PLAN 1. Analysis 3. MPM TRAIN 2. IPM 1. C&O OPERATE 2. Design 5. Evaluation 4. Implementation 3. Development The figure below depicts the emergency management framework which lists the capabilities of an emergency management program and identifies the relationship between those capabilities. What we refer to as capabilities can be organized into three categories: administrative functions, emergency support functions, emergency disciplines. Investment projects are a fourth category, which are not capabilities themselves, but are a tactic to further develop a capability. Figure: MDERS Capability Framework Administrative Functions (for any organization) • Portfolio Management (Strategic Planning, Finance, Monitoring, Exercise/Evaluation) • Capital Asset Management • Human Capital Management: Org Design, Acquisition, Training, Assignment, Evaluation, Development, Separation • Stakeholder Engagement (Sponsors, Managers, Staff Public/Private Facilities, Public) • Community Resilience: Civilian Preparedness, Facility Preparedness, and Continuity • Intelligence/Crime Disruption • Communications: 9-1-1, computer aided dispatch, emergency alerting, incident reporting • Response Coordination: Incident Management, Transportation, Mutual Aid, Emergency Contracting, Waste Emergency Management Support • Language Interpretation Functions (span • Volunteer & Donations Management disciplines) Emergency Functions (the MDERS disciplines) • Discipline 1 (Fire Response): CBRNE response, Hazardous Materials, Water, Gas, Electric, Wildland Fire, Structure Fire, Vehicle Fire, Restoration • Discipline 2 (Police Response): Protection, Patrol, Traffic Control, Law Enforcement, Active Shooter Response, SWAT Operations, Civil Unrest Operations, Forensics & Attribution • Discipline 3 (Rescue Response): Vehicle & Machinery Rescue, Structure Fire Search, Elevator Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, High Angle Rescue, Large Animal Rescue, Water Rescue, Helicopter Rescue • Discipline 4 (Healthcare): Triage, Emergency Medical Services, Electonic Patient Care Reporting • Discipline 5 (Puiblic Health Response): Disease Surveillance, Lab Processing, Quarantine, Community Posturing, Supply Dispensing, Facility Evacuation, Medical Surge, Mass Fatality Management, Mass Veterinary Care, Family Reunification, Crisis Counseling, Family Assistance The below table serves as a summary of the regional emergency response capabilities, and planned MDERS efforts to assist our localities in enhancing them. Any funding above sustainment level requests gets devoted to capabilities designated as ‘Hi’ priorities in the near term, while ‘Med’ or medium priorities receive any additional funding in the short term, or next fiscal cycle, until the point that no approved development or investment projects exist, at which time they become ‘Lo’ priorities, funded only with sustainment funds. Capability 1. Portfolio Management 2. Capital Asset Management 3. Human Capital Management Figure: MDERS Capability Development Summary Stakeholders Priority Objective (year) Administrative Functions MDERS Director Hi Collaborate with MWCOG to improve planning, evaluation, and other management processes (2015) MDERS Director Hi Develop regional guidance and processes for resource management (2015) MDERS Director Hi 4. Stakeholder Engagement MDERS Director Hi 5. Community Resilience MCOEMHS, MCPHEP, PGOEM, PGDOH MCOEMHS, MCPD, PGOEM, PGOHS, PGPD MCOEMHS, MCFRS, PGOEM, PGFD MCOEMHS, PGOEM 6. Intelligence/Crime Disruption 7. Emergency Communications 8. Language Interpretation 9. Response Coordination 10. Volunteer & a. Establish regional guidance and processes for Org Design, Acquisition, Training, Assignment, Evaluation, Development, Separation of staff (2015) b. Acquire TECC training mannequins (2015) c. Implement a regional learning management system (TBD) Incorporate stakeholder analysis into capability development plans (2015) Emergency Support Functions Med Develop guidance to enhance regional community resilience, including civilian preparedness, facility preparedness, and continuity (2016) Lo Develop guidance to enhance regional intelligence and crime disruption (TBD) Lo Lo MCOEMHS, MCPHEP, PGOEM, PGDOH Med MCOEMHS, MCHHS, Med Develop guidance to enhance regional emergency communications, including 91-1, computer aided dispatch, emergency alerting, and incident reporting (2016) Develop guidance to enhance regional language interpretation services (TBD) a. Develop guidance to enhance regional response coordination, including Incident Management, Transportation, Mutual Aid, Emergency Contracting, Waste Management (2016) b. Implement First Watch regionally (2016) a. Coordinate Medical Reserve Corps Units for MCHHS and PGDOH Donations Management MCFRS, PGOEM, PGDOH, PGFD 11. Fire Services MCFRS, PGFD 12. Police Services MCPD, PGPD, MSP 13. Rescue Services MCFRS, PGFD 14. Healthcare Services MCFRS, PGFD, MOCEP, PG Co. hospitals, medical practice facilities, dialysis centers b. Research, identify target outcomes, define positions, and advise on local plans for volunteer & donations management (2015) c. Deliver classroom and online training on volunteer & donations management (2016) d. Implement a Volunteer & Donations Management system (TBD) Emergency Functions (disciplines) Lo Develop guidance to enhance regional fire response, to address CBRNE, Hazardous Materials, Water, Gas, Electric, Wildland Fire, Structure Fire, Vehicle Fire, Restoration (2016) Hi a. Develop guidance to enhance regional police services, to address Protection, Patrol, Traffic Control, Law Enforcement, Active Shooter Response, SWAT Operations, Civil Unrest Operations, Forensics & Attribution (2015) b. Acquire various equipment for MoCo and PG tactical law enforcement cache (2015) c. Acquire AEDs for MCPD SWAT medics (2015) d. Deliver classroom and online training on tactical law enforcement cache and AEDs (2016) e. Acquire TECC medical kits (2015) f. Deliver classroom and online training on TECC (2016) g. Implement regional Law Enforcement Emergency Medical Services integration (TBD) Lo a. Develop guidance to enhance regional rescue services, to address Vehicle & Machinery Rescue, Structure Fire Search, Elevator Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, High Angle Rescue, Large Animal Rescue, Water Rescue, Helicopter Rescue (2015) b. Acquire medical evac platforms (2015) Med c. Develop guidance to enhance regional healthcare services (2016) d. Develop regional Triage training (2016) e. Improve Electronic Patient Care Reporting regionally (2016) f. Acquire various pharmaceuticals and PPE for MoCo medical cache (2015) g. Acquire utility terrain vehicle patient transporters (2015) h. Implement a patient tracking system regionally (2016) i. Deliver classroom and online training on medical cache, UTVs, and First Watch (2016) 15. Public Health Services MCHHS, PGDOH, MCFRS, PGFD, MOCEP, PG Co. hospitals, medical practice facilities, dialysis centers Hi a. Develop guidance to enhance regional public health services, to address Disease Surveillance, Lab Processing, Quarantine, Community Posturing, Supply Dispensing, Facility Evacuation, Medical Surge, Mass Fatality Management, Mass Veterinary Care, Family Reunification, Crisis Counseling, Family Assistance (2015) b. Acquire various supplies for emerging infectious disease cache for 96 hours (2015) c. Research, identify target outcomes, define positions, and advise on local response plans for lab processing, isolation, outbreak investigation, mass dispensing, mass fatality, medical surge, veterinary care (2016) d. Deliver classroom and online training on outbreak investigation, mass dispensing, mass fatality, and med surge (2016) e. Acquire shelter kits for MCHHS and PGDOH (2015) f. Research, identify target outcomes, define positions, and advise on local response plans for mass sheltering, mass movement, family assistance (2016) g. Deliver classroom and online training on mass sheltering (2016) h. Research, identify target outcomes, define positions, and advise on local response plans for family reunification (2015) i. Deliver classroom and online training on family reunification (2016)