Analysis of Past Year Questions – Globalisation A Level’08 A Level’07 AJC’08 ACJC’08 DHS’08 HCI’08 IJC’08 MJC’08 NJC’08 SRJC’08 SAJC’08 TPJC’08 TPJC’08 TJC’08 AJC’07 AJC’07 ACJC’07 CJC’07 HCI’07 MJC’07 MJC’07 MJC’07 NJC’07 RJC’07 SRJC’07 Uneven Development and Indicators Explain why the impact of globalization is uneven amongst LDCs and NIEs. Give the meaning of the term development gap. Describe the development gap experienced within one world region. To what extent has globalization of economic activity aided the development process of Newly Industrialising Economies (NIEs)? Using examples, illustrate how globalization has affected the economies of DCs, LDCs and NIEs. Explain the effect of a ‘shrinking world’ on the global economy. To what extent is the North-South divide helpful in understanding today’s global economy? Support your answers with examples. ‘Globalization of economic activity has given opportunities for LDCs to compete effectively in the world today.’ Discuss. Using examples, assess how globalization has affected the economy and development of NIEs. Give the meaning of the term development gap. Discuss if human development index (HDI) is the best measure of the development gap. To what extent is it possible to measure development? To what extent do you agree that globalization has caused the LDCs to pose an economic threat to the DCs? With reference to examples, explain what you understand by the “globalization of economic activity”. Globalization of the world economy has led to the uneven development in many parts of the world. Assess this statement with reference to examples that you have studied. Do you agree that the impact of globalization has been uneven? Explain why the HDI may be considered a more reliable indicator of development than income per person. Using examples, discuss the reasons for the growing globalization of economic activity. With the help of located examples, discuss the economic disparities brought about by the globalization of economic activity. To what extent do you agree that the globalisatino of economic activity tends to favour more developed countries (MDCs) at the expense of less developed countries (LDCs)? You should refer to appropriate examples where possible. “The globalization of economic activity has continued to perpetuate ELDC dependency on EMDC.” To what extent do you agree with the above statement? Explain why the HDI may be considered a more reliable indicator of development than income per person. Using examples, assess how globalization of economic activity has affected the economy of NIEs. With the use of examples, explain three factors which have led to the globalization of economic activity. To what extent may globalization be summed up as the ‘domination of the North over the South’? Evaluate the statement that although there are undoubtedly globalizing forces at work, we do not have a fully globalized economy. To what extent has the globalization of economic activity produced variations in economic wealth among countries? 16 9 16 16 9 16 16 16 9 9 16 9 16 16 9 16 16 16 16 9 16 9 16 16 16 SAJC’07 VJC’07 YJC’07 A Level’08 A Level’07 A Level’07 A Level’07 AJC’08 CJC’08 DHS’08 HCI’08 IJC’08 IJC’08 JJC’08 MJC’08 NYJC’08 RJC’08 VJC’08 VJC’08 VJC’08 AJC’07 HCI’07 PJC’07 PJC’07 Assess the assertion that DCs can no longer compete with NIEs. With reference to examples, describe the implications for LDCs as a result of recent changes in the global economy. To what extent do you agree that for ELDCs, the globalization of economic activity is a new form of dependency on EMDCs. Role of Government / Supranational Bodies Discuss the role of different governments in attracting FDI. Assess one or more of the strategies a country may adopt to try to ensure its continuing competitiveness in the global economy. With the help of one or more located examples, describe the character of EPZs and outline why governments may develop them. Evaluate the role of supranational bodies in the economy of either a country or a regional grouping of countries. To what extent are supranational institutions responsible for perpetuating economic inequalities on a global scale? Evaluate the effectiveness of the state in economic development. To what extent are supranational institutions responsible for perpetuating economic inequalities on a global scale? With the help of one or more examples, describe the character of supranational bodies and the impact on national or regional economies. Evaluate the role of supranational organizations in the new international division of labour. Describe and explain the increasing importance of governments in promoting economic growth in their countries. “Globalisation has resulted in the death of the nation-state.” Discuss the validity of this statement with reference to the role of the government, TNC and supranational institutions within the context of economic development. Discuss the importance of government initiatives in the economic development of a country. Does the increasing globalization of economic activities erode the role of the nation-state? Assess the imapcts of supranational bodies on LDCs. Outline some criticisms of supranational bodies such as NAFTA, WTO and the IMF. Explain why infrastructural development is crucial to a country’s economic progress. To what extent do you agree that TNCs should be directly involved in the work of supranational bodies such as NAFTA, WTO and the IMF? How important is the role of government in the global economy? Describe the importance of government initiatives in the economic development of a country. “The globalization of production and consumption will mean the end of nation-state.” With reference to examples, assess to what extent this statement has been true in the economic development of the NIEs. Assess the ways in which government policy has influenced the character and location of manufacturing industry within one country you have studied. 16 9 16 16 16 9 16 16 16 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 16 9 9 16 9 9 16 16 SAJC’07 TPJC’07 TPJC’07 TPJC’07 TJC’07 VJC’07 YJC’07 ACJC’08 ACJC’08 ACJC’08 CJC’08 CJC’08 CJC’08 DHS’08 HCI’08 HCI’08 IJC’08 JJC’08 JJC’08 MJC’08 MJC’08 NJC’08 NJC’08 RJC’08 How far do you agree that the state is ineffective in economic development? What do you understand by the term Export Processing Zone and explain its rationale. To what extent does the creation of EPZ benefit the country? With reference to one country that you have studied, evaluate the effectiveness of the government in developing its economy. Using examples from one or more countries you have studied, evaluate the effectiveness of the state in promoting economic development. Do you agree that supranational bodies are unable to prevent and/or manage the problems faced by LDCs as a result of the activities of TNCs? With reference to examples, evaluate the effectiveness of the state in economic development of NIEs. TNCs / NIDL What is the impact of new international division of labour on production techniques and labour? Describe the changes and locational shifts in various economic activities in the last 50 years. To what extent are the impacts brought about by any one transnational corporation (TNC) you have studied beneficial to the host country? With reference to one transnational corporation (TNC), describe its socio-economic impact on a country in which it operates. To what extent is low-cost labour the key factor in influencing the location of TNCs? With reference to examples you have studied, discuss the impat of the new international division of labour (NIDL) on DCs. Discuss the impact of global economic change on the growth and locational shifts in economic activities. What other advantages may a location in LDCs offer to manufacturers, apart from low labour costs? To what extent is an appreciation of the new international division of labour, fundamental to understanding the organization and operation of TNCs? With reference to specific examples, explain the strategies used by TNCs to rationalize and reorganize their operations. Describe the main characteristics of the ‘new international division of labour’. “TNCs are a necessary evil for the economic development of a host country.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? With reference to examples, explain the extent to which the new international division of labour has been responsible for the global shift of economic activities in the last 15 years. To what extent do you agree that for the LDCs, the NIDL constitutes a new form of dependency on the DCs? With the help of one or more examples, describe how the NIDL plays a role in changing TNCs today With reference to one TNC, evaluate its socio-economic impact on a country in which it operates. Assess the extent to which low cost labour is the most important factor in the location of TNCs. 16 9 16 16 16 16 16 9 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 9 16 9 16 9 16 16 SRJC’08 SRJC’08 SAJC’08 SAJC’08 SAJC’08 TPJC’08 TPJC’08 TJC’08 TJC’08 TJC’08 VJC’08 YJC’08 YJC’08 AJC’07 ACJC’07 ACJC’07 ACJC’07 CJC’07 HCI’07 HCI’07 MJC’07 NYJC’07 NJC’07 PJC’07 RJC’07 With reference to examples, consider the extent to which the NIDL has been responsible for the global shift of economic activities in the last 15 years. With reference to one TNC you have studied, describe its spatial organization and assess its economic and social impact in the country in which it operates. Using the world map provided, map out the key spatial organizational units of one TNC you have studied, and account for its spatial organization. “The TNC has brought about nothing but trouble for its host country/countries.” Discuss this view with reference to one case study of a TNC. Outline the causes of the NIDL. Discuss the causes and impact of the emergence of the NIDL on global economic activities. Analyze the impact of TNCs to the economies of countries of regions in which they operate. Explain how TNCs are spatially organized in a global economy illustrating your answer with examples. Is it the case that FDI usually has a positive impact on national and regional economies? What has caused the emergence of the NIDL? To what extent do labour advantages influence TNCs in their choice of industrial location? Give the meaning of the term global shift. Describe the processes which are responsible for the global shift. “TNCs are essentially profit-oriented enterprises with little regard for social, economic or environmental concerns in the host economies in which they operate.” To what extent do you agree with this view? With reference to one TNC, discuss its impact on the society, economy and environment of the host country(ies). Define the term NIDL and explain the causes for NIDL. Discuss some of the characteristics of TNCs. For one named TNC, critically analyse its impacts on the host country. Critically evaluate the significance of TNCs in the economic development of a country or countries that you have studied. Explain the term NIDL with detailed reference to the organization and operation of one TNC you have studied. With reference to examples, assess how globalization has affected the economy of NIEs. With reference to one TNC you have studied, analyse the importance of NIEs in the spatial organization of the chosen TNC. Describe the factors that may affect TNCs’ decisions to locate their branch plants. Evaluate the importance of the role of a TNC to both the home and host economy/economies as an employer. Support your answer with one or more examples. Explain the term “international spatial division of labour” with detailed reference to the organization and operation of one TNC you have studied. With reference to examples, discuss the impacts of FDI on both the host and destination economies. 16 16 9 16 9 16 9 9 16 9 16 9 16 16 9 9 16 16 9 16 16 9 16 9 16 SRJC’07 SAJC’07 TJC’07 TJC’07 VJC’07 VJC’07 YJC’07 Discuss the importance of TNCs and newly-industrializing countries (NICs) in the changing global economy. Outline the methods with which governments attract FDI to their countries. Discuss the causes of the emergence of the NIDL. Discuss the way in which TNCs are spatially organized. With reference to examples, describe the strategies employed by state governments to benefit from the emergence of NIDL and/or the widespread adoption of ‘just-in-time’ production methods. To what extent can TNCs help eradicate poverty in the world? Explain the term NIDL with detailed reference to the spatial organization and operation of one TNC you have studied. A Level’08 AJC’08 DHS’08 JJC’08 NYJC’08 SRJC’08 YJC’08 NYJC’07 RJC’07 SAJC’07 Impact of New Technology With the help of examples, describe and explain the impact of new technologies on work in manufacturing industry. Illustrate how new technologies and economic practices are being increasingly performed at the workplace today. Illustrate how new technologies and economic practices are being increasingly performed at the workplace today. Outline the ways in which new technologies have impacted the nature of work. To what extent has the introduction of technology affected the nature of work both in the manufacturing and service sectors? Illustrate and explain the new technologies being increasingly practiced at the work place. Using examples, describe how new technologies have impacted upon work. Explain why mass production is no longer considered as the best method of production. Illustrate and explain the new technologies and economic practices being increasingly performed at the workplace today. Describe the ways in which new technologies have impacted work. 16 9 9 9 9 16 9 9 9 9 9 16 9 9 9 9 9 A Level’08 AJC’08 NYJC’08 NYJC’08 RJC’08 RJC’08 YJC’08 CJC’07 CJC’07 NYJC’07 NYJC’07 PJC’07 RJC’07 SRJC’07 SRJC’07 TJC’07 YJC’07 SMEs/Sectors Explain the meaning of the terms quaternary sector and quinary sector. Using examples, describe recent changes in either one of these sectors. Account for the growing importance of service firms in DCs. What factors help to explain the trends of offshoring and internationalization of services? What roles do SMEs perform in the modern global economy and in turn how does globalization affect them? Compare the service sectors operating in DCs, LDCs and NIEs. Differentiate between deskilling and reskilling. Describe attempts to counter the economic impacts of offshoring jobs from DCs. Discuss the impact of global economic change on the service sector of the economy. Illustrate the characteristics and impacts of globalization on a specific industry (either in manufacturing or services) that you have studied. Using examples, distinguish between the concepts of deindustrialization, tertiarisation, and reindustrialization. With reference to case studies, explain why the manufacturing industry has grown more rapidly in some regions than in others. Discuss the impacts of global economic change on the service sector. Define the term “functional linkages”. Briefly explain the linkages that may exist between the industries. Support your answers with examples. With reference to examples, account for the main factors in the rise of the tertiary or quaternary sectors. Describe and explain the recent growth in service employment. Explain what is meant by deindustrialization, reindustrialization and rationalization. To what extent has there been the same ‘global shift’ in the service sector as there has been in the manufacturing sector of the global economy? Discuss the social and economic consequences associated with the transition from an economy based on manufacturing industry to one which is based more on the service sector. 9 9 9 9 9 9 16 9 9 16 16 9 9 9 9 16 9