Ecosystem Science & Management Honors Student Contract Name: __________________________________ UIN:__________________________ As a student participating in the Leadership Honors program at Texas A&M University, you are expected to complete the following terms to receive this honors distinction for graduation: Initial Requirement 1. Have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.5. 2. Have a GPA of at least a 3.25 in honors courses. 3. No grade lower than a B in all honors courses. 4. Complete the following 18 credit hours of Honors classes: 12 hours of approved ESSM Honors Courses 3 to 6 hours of honors courses outside of the ESSM Department 5. You are responsible for ensuring that you complete all the requirements needed for this program. 6. Each time you meet with your major advisor, be sure to inform her that you are participating in the ESSM Honors program. 7. Before your final semester at Texas A&M, you need to meet with the ESSM Honors Coordinator to make sure you are eligible to graduate with ESSM Honors. Feel free to contact the ESSM Honors Coordinator with any questions or concerns. _____________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________ Date _____________________________________________ Academic Advisor Signature ___________________ Date _____________________________________________ ESSM Honors Director Signature ___________________ Date Ecosystem Science & Management Honors Student Contract Course Requirements Credit Hours Requirement Course Semester Final Grad e 12 hours of approved ESSM Honors Courses* 3 3 3 3 ESSM Course ESSM Course ESSM Course ESSM Course 3 to 6 hours of other honors courses either in or outside of the ESSM Department*** 3 3 Other Other Total: 18 Notes: *See advisor for updated list as there is no guarantee of the semesters offered **Recommended outside of ESSM Honors courses are courses that satisfy any University Core Curriculum requirement, emphasis area, minor requirement or directed electives ***See advisor if you are interested in honors contracts, ESSM 485: Directed Studies, or ESSM 291, 491: Undergraduate research to satisfy this requirement If approved by the University Honors Program Office, a maximum of 6 credit hours from AP/IB examinations and/or honors transfer credit may be used to satisfy the requirements of ESSM Honors. Honors courses are noted as 2XX sections. Contact the Honors Program Office each semester to learn about the process for receiving early honors registration time. (