BCLN – Rev. June, 2015 BIO 11 UNIT 07:Vascular Plants Name: ___________________ Project 1: Make a Microscope Potential Credits: /40 Project Goals: to build a smartphone microscope to use a smart phone microscope to investigate objects at magnifications of up to 1000x Necessary supplies: supplies should cost approximately $10.00 and may be bought from a dollar and/or hardware store smartphone (not included in estimated cost ) 3x 4 1/2" x 5/16" carriage bolts 9x 5/16" nuts 3x 5/16" wing nuts 5x 5/16" washers 7" x 7" piece of plywood or shelving board for the base (thickness does not really matter) 7” x 7” piece of 1/2" thick plexiglass for the camera stage 3" x 7" piece of 1/2" thick plexiglass for the specimen stage ~2" x 4" piece of 1/2" thick plexiglass may be used for a specimen slide but is optional 1 or 2 focusing lenses from an inexpensive laser pointer such as a keychain laser pointer 1 inexpensive LED click light such as can a key chain flashlight Image is from http://www.instructables.com/id/10-Smartphone-to-digital-microscope-conversion/ Page 1 of 3 BCLN – Rev. June, 2015 BIO 11 UNIT 07:Vascular Plants Necessary tools: drill assorted drill bits ruler Instructions: Please construct your microscope after referring to either of the websites below to learn how to construct your microscope: o instructables for a "How To" video and a written step by step guide at: http://www.instructables.com/id/10-Smartphone-to-digital-microscopeconversion/?ALLSTEPS o IFLScience for just the "How To" video at: http://www.iflscience.com/technology/how-build-smartphone-microscope-stand10 Please provide photographic evidence of you building your smartphone microscope. (25 marks) Please pick any 5 objects/specimens to view with your smartphone microscope under various magnifications and lighting conditions (natural light, overhead light, LED light). Please record your observations including taking photos of your objects and recording: o the object being viewed o lighting conditions o smart phone zoom (i.e., ~ 25%, 50%, 75%) o any other relevant or interesting observations about the microscope, the preparation of the object or about the object itself Please present your observations as formatted in the example below. (15 marks) Please note that cell specimens can often be better viewed when stained. There are many stains that you can access and use at home. Please refer to the link below for some examples. o Microscope Talk at https://microscopetalk.wordpress.com/tips/diy-microscopystain/ Page 2 of 3 BCLN – Rev. June, 2015 BIO 11 UNIT 07:Vascular Plants Example: Object: Red Onion Cell Image 1: ~25% camera magnification Natural light Specimen was prepared by slicing onion as thin as possible with a razor and then staining with 1 drop of methylene blue for 30 seconds. Image 2: ~25% camera magnification LED light Specimen was prepared by slicing onion as thin as possible with a razor and then staining with 1 drop of methylene blue for 30 seconds. Image 2: ~75% camera magnification LED light Specimen was prepared by slicing onion as thin as possible with a razor and then staining with 1 drop of methylene blue for 30 seconds. Marking Guide: construction of working smartphone microscope with photographic proof of you doing the actual construction presentation of 3 different view conditions each of 5 different specimens/object using the smartphone microscope /25 Total = Page 3 of 3 /15 40