KNOW YOUR MICROSCOPE Press the button when you’re sure… remember to take your time as you only get one chance! Quick Quiz 5 Which part would you adjust to focus the slide? ar tB 25% P 25% ar tA 4. ar tC 3. D C A B 25% P 2. Part Part Part Part P 1. ar tD 25% P Q1 Q2 Which of the following words means “cannot be seen without a microscope”? 1. Millimetre 25% 2. Minute 25% 3. Tin 25% 4. Microscopic 25% Q 3 If a biological diagram of a 1mm long organism measures 7.5 cm, what is its magnification? 0 25% 35 0 25% 55 4. 0 3. 25% 95 2. 750 950 550 350 75 1. 0 25% Which part is called the stage? Q4 1. 2. 3. 4. Part Part Part Part E C D H Q5 1. Parts A and C 25% 2. Parts C and D 25% 3. 4. Parts D and E Parts A and B 25% 25% Which two parts are responsible for magnifying the slide? Where is the objective Q 6 lens? 25% 25% 25% 25% C 2. A 3. D 4. B B D A C 1. Q7 Which stain do we use for animal cells? 1. methylene blue 25% 2. cell stain 25% 3. iodine solution 25% 4. ribena 25% What do we use as the light source Q 8 for this microscope? 1. 2. 3. 4. light light light light shining up from part A coming out of part D shining through part E travelling down part F 25% 25% 25% 25% light shining up from part A light coming out of part D light shining through part E light travelling down part F