
Habitats Quiz by C. Kohn
1. A place where a population of a species lives is its…
a. Habitat b. Population c. Community
d. Niche
2. A group of interacting species sharing resources of an area is known as a…
a. Habitat b. Population c. Community d. Niche
3. The specific role an organism plays in a habitat is its
a. Habitat b. Population c. Community d. Niche
4. A group of the same organisms sharing the same place at the same time is a….
a. Habitat b. Population c. Community d. Niche
5. An ecosystem is…
a. A habitat
b. A series of interactions between the living and non-living components of a specific area
c. The non-living portion of the environment
d. A specific kind of habitat only found in North America
6. An example of a predation niche is…
a. Pollination of flowers by butterflies
b. Attacking and killing of a squirrel by a hawk
c. The farming-style relationship between ants and aphids
d. The co-dependence of cattle and the microbes in their stomach
7. An example of symbiosis is…
a. Pollination of flowers by butterflies
b. Attacking and killing of a squirrel by a hawk
c. The farming-style relationship between ants and aphids
d. The co-dependence of cattle and the microbes in their stomach
8. Structure of a habitat includes…
a. Air, water, sunlight, weather, and terrain
b. All living species of an area
c. The types, arrangement, and dispersal of plant life
d. The rate of change of a habitat
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Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used provided the author is cited.
9. Succession in a habitat is…
a. Air, water, sunlight, weather, and terrain
b. All living species of an area
c. The types, arrangement, and dispersal of plant life
d. The rate of change of a habitat
10. Habitat succession is different from human-caused disturbances primarily because…
a. Habitats do not change under natural succession
b. Habitats only change once under natural succession
c. Habitat succession occurs at a much slower rate
d. None of the above; succession and disturbance are the same thing
11. Patchiness is…
a. The amount of borders a habitat has
b. The measure of how “broken up” a habitat is
c. The amount of invasive species in a habitat
d. The measure of dispersal of living species
12. Edge is harmful to a habitat because it…
a. Increases the spread of disease
b. Shows the most impact from pollution
c. Is most affected by invasive species
d. All of the above
13. Fragmentation is the measure of…
a. Edge
b. Patchiness
c. Edge and Patchiness
14. The higher the fragmentation the
a. Higher
b. Lower
c. More un-measurable
d. More measureable
the biodiversity
15. In a nutshell, the Island Biogeography Model states that…
a. The more isolated the island, the greater the biodiversity
b. The larger and closer the island, the greater the biodiversity
c. The further away the island, the greater the biodiversity
d. The smaller the island, the greater the biodiversity
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Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used provided the author is cited.