Stage 4 Grumi* et Le*

The next major test is scheduled for Nov 30 (A day) and Dec 3 (B day).
All tests are cumlative
Students must be able to
*identify the eight parts of speech in Latin and English
*identify the subjects of English and Latin sentences
*know that the subect of a Latin sentence is in the nominative case
*identify prepositional phrases in Latin and English sentences
*know when a Latin preposition is followed by the accusative case or the ablative case
*identify the direct obect of Latin and English sentences
*know that the direct obect of a Latin sentence is in the accusative case
*decline nouns in the nominative, genitive, accusative, and ablative singular, as well as
the nominative plural (nominative plural to be learned after Thanksgiving)
*identify the number, gender, and case of a noun, as well as the reason for the case
*identify the number, gender, and case of an adjective, and determine the noun with
which it agrees
*identify linking verbs in English and Latin sentences
*distinguish between predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives
*know that predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives are in the nominative case
*identify the person and number of present tense verbs in Latin and English
*conjugate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd io, and 4th conjugation verbs in the present tense
*conjugate sum, esse in the present tense
*define principal parts
*give the first two principal parts of Latin verbs
*identify infinitives in English and Latin and translate Latin infinitives
Test format
There will be a SIGHT passage of Latin. This means that you will not have seen the
passage previously. This will be the ‘bulk’ of the test.
*I will ask vocabulary and derivatives from words in the passage. I will take some words
from the story and ask you to give the meaning of the word. I may also ask you to
provide the nominative, genitive, gender, and definition for a noun OR the first two
principal parts and definition for a verb. I may ask you to explain an English derivative
that comes from a word in the passage.
*I may ask comprehension questions based on the passage. These will be in English.
*I will ask you to translate part of the passage.
*I will ask grammar questions based on the passage.
I will ask you to give the conjugated form of a verb. I will give you the principal parts of
the verb. This is not a vocabulary test, but a conjugation test.
I will ask you to translate from English to Latin. Pay careful attention to the case of nouns
and the conjugation of verbs. I usually pick ‘easy’ words for this section. My intent is not
to test vocabulary, but to make sure you can manipulate the Latin vocabulary.
I will ask you questions about grammar.
PRACTICE TEST – I will give you time to ask questions / get work checked in class. I will have
copies of this for any student not able to print at home. Please note that this test does NOT
include examples of every question type
Use the passage to answer the following grammar questions.
Celer in vīllā labōrat. Celer pictūram in triclīniō pingit. magnus leō est in pictūrā. Celer ē vīllā
discēdit et ad forum ambulat.
Grumiō ē tabernā revenit et vīllam intrat. Grumiō est ēbrius. subito Grumiō pictūram videt.
Grumiō est perterritus.
“ēheu!” inquit Grumiō. “leō est in triclīniō. leō mē spectat. leō mē ferōciter petit.”
Grumio ē triclīniō currit et culīnam intrat. Clēmēns est in culīnā. Clēmēns Grumiōnem spectat.
“cūr tū es perterritus?” inquit Clēmēns.
“ēheu!” leō est in triclīniō,” inquit Grumiō.
“ita vērō,” respondet Clēmēns, “et servum ēbrium in culīnā videō.”
et servum ēbrium in culīnā videō.
leo me ferociter petit.
Celer e villā discedit et ad forum ambulat.
Use the underlined words to answer the grammar questions.
1. What case is picturam and why is it in that case?
2. What part of speech is magnus? What case is it and why is it in that case?
3. What case is forum and why is it in that case?
4. What part of speech is et?
5. What/Who is the subject of intrat?
6. What part of speech is subito?
7. What case is leō and why is it in that case?
8. What is e tricliniō? This is a grammar question, not a translation question.
9. Is est a linking verb in this sentence? Why?
10. What part of speech is tu?
11. What person and number is es?
12. What case is perterritus and why is it in that case?
13. What part of speech is ēheu?
14. What case is culīnā and why is it in that case?
Random grammar questions
1. What is the genitive singular ending for the 1st declension? 2nd declension? 3rd
2. Given sacerdos, sacerdotis m priest, what is the stem of the word?
3. Give an example of a Latin infinitive and translate it.
4. Define principal parts.
5. What are the personal endings?
6. What is Latin 2nd person plural pronoun?
Verb conjugation
Use these verbs for the following questions:
1. I think
2. You (singular) block
3. He writes
4. We hold
5. You (plural) seize
6. They block
7. Quintus and Caecilius write
8. You and I think
9. You and Quintus block
10. Metella writes