Tips for answering the revision questions: Chapter 14

Tips for answering the revision questions:
Chapter 14,
Media Psychology (A2 Level Psychology
page 603)
Question 1
a) You could start by outlining psychological explanations of media effects—such as
social learning theory, desensitisation, disinhibition, cognitive priming, and so on—
together with an explanation of exactly how these could apply to violent video and
computer games and young people. You would need to evaluate the studies in some
way, such as on the basis of the sample involved, and the methodology. And/or you
could use the General Aggression Model and look at studies into anti-social
behaviours; with elaboration, comments, and evaluations; again focusing on video
and computer games and young people. Alternatively, you could just focus on
specific research studies into the given area, such as the National Television
Violence Study (as the question is concerned with violence), and go on to explain,
elaborate, and evaluate.
b) Notice here that the instruction you are given is “including”. This means that you
could just write about the social psychological and evolutionary explanations, but
you could also discuss other explanations if you wish in addition to these, but not
instead of them. One way to begin your answer is to outline and explain the
Celebrity Worship Scale, and use this to lead in to social psychological explanations;
with evidence, elaboration, and evaluation. You could then move on to evolutionary
explanations, particularly the differing characteristics valued by males and females,
based on differing parental investment. This can be described, elaborated on with
examples, and evaluated and contrasted with social psychological and other
Question 2
a) A good starting point is Festinger's theory, which you can outline and explain,
with examples.
b) You have to use the Hovland–Yale model here, because you are instructed to
“include” it, but you can add in other models if you so wish. Each model needs
outlining and explaining, for example identifying key factors, then elaborating and
evaluating with research studies.
c) The basic idea of television's effectiveness in persuasion is that it combines both
visual and auditory stimuli, and is involving. Explain this idea, elaborate with
examples, and then perhaps move on to cultivation theory and agenda setting and
priming, all of which could persuade by various means, which you will need to
identify. You can then go on to elaborate and evaluate, using research examples, and
consider the ethical and methodological issues, as well as alternative explanations.
Question 3
a) You could start by outlining psychological explanations of media effects, such as
social learning theory, desensitisation, disinhibition, cognitive priming, and so on,
together with an explanation of exactly how these could influence pro- and antisocial behaviour. And/or you could use the General Aggression Model and look at
studies into anti-social behaviours, with elaboration, comments, and evaluations,
again focusing on pro- and anti-social behaviour. Alternatively, you could just focus
on specific research studies into the given area, such as the National Television
Violence Study, and its explanations of pro- and anti-social effects.
b) Celebrity worship need not be anti-social or threatening, whereas stalking is
potentially both of these. So, you could start with an explanation of the Celebrity
Worship Scale and go on to the Absorption–Addiction model. Explain and evaluate,
with research studies and comments. You could write about this in great depth, or
you could use less detail to give yourself time to discuss stalking, and its features.
Think about the research evidence on stalking and what it suggests about stalkers.
Why is it difficult to construct a theory of stalking? What methodological issues are
involved here? If you can answer these questions you will have good material for
this essay.