Employee Performance Appraisal Form

Performance Appraisal - Employee
Employee Name:
Appraisal Period:
Employee Title:
** Select **
Rater Name:
Part I. Competency Evaluation—How this Employee Achieved Results (Mandatory)
Raters are encouraged to seek employee input on the performance appraisal, either before and/or during the review session. This
appraisal provides an opportunity for an open and honest discussion of ways the employee and organization can be more productive.
Instructions: As part of the performance appraisal process, the rater and the employee must review the Position Description to ensure
that it is accurate. To complete this appraisal form, the rater will mark one box under each competency. Raters are encouraged to
provide detailed comments to support the rating and to emphasize what the employee is doing well or needs to improve. If
appropriate, use the blank areas on page 4 to evaluate criteria particular to your area. After completing this form, the rater will
conduct a formal performance review session with the employee.
Quality of Work
The degree to which the
employee produces
accurate, neat and thorough
Quantity of Work
The employee’s level of
productivity/output and
timeliness of work.
Work Relationships
The employee’s ability to
work with others including
diplomacy, cooperation, etc.
Consistently produces work of highest quality.
Produces high quality work; makes few errors.
Produces acceptable work.
Produces marginally acceptable work; makes more than an average number of errors.
Produces unacceptable work; makes excessive errors.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Consistently exceeds productivity requirements; consistently completes work ahead of schedule;
seeks additional tasks; highest output level.
Exceeds productivity requirements; completes work ahead of schedule; above average output level.
Meets basic productivity requirements; meets deadlines; acceptable output level.
Below basic productivity requirements; often misses deadlines; marginal output level.
Fails to meet basic productivity requirements; misses deadlines, unsatisfactory output level.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Consistently achieves outstanding working relationships.
Helps to create a cooperative work environment; good team worker.
Cooperative; works well with others.
Sometimes uncooperative; experiences difficulty relating to others.
Uncooperative; frequent problems working with others.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
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Supervision Required
The amount of direction and
supervision the employee
The employee’s ability to
recognize and analyze
problems, evaluate solutions
and make recommendations.
The degree to which the
employee demonstrates
independent action and
resourcefulness on the job
by developing new methods,
offering constructive
suggestions and/or seeking
additional work.
The employee’s ability to
adapt to and manage
Job Knowledge
The employee’s
understanding of job duties
and ability to accomplish
the job.
Requires little or no direction/supervision, even on non-routine assignments.
Requires less than normal direction/supervision, even on non-routine assignments.
Requires normal direction/supervision on routine assignments; requires assistance with non-routine
Requires more than normal direction and supervision to complete assignments.
Requires constant direction and supervision to complete assignments.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Consistently demonstrates outstanding problem-solving skills; able to handle complex problems
Demonstrates good problem-solving skills; occasionally able to handle complex problems.
Solves routine problems satisfactorily; requires assistance with complex problems.
Has difficulty recognizing and solving routine problems; analytical skills need improvement.
Cannot recognize or solve problems; does not show evidence of needed analytical skills.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Consistently exceeds requirements for independent action and resourcefulness; highly motivated.
Exceeds requirements for independent action and resourcefulness; diligent worker.
Meets basic job requirements for independent action and resourcefulness; acceptable worker.
Sometimes lacks independent action and resourcefulness required by job; marginal worker.
Rarely initiates independent action as required by the job.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Adapts well to change and quickly, efficiently and creatively makes adjustments to manage change.
Adapts well to change and quickly makes adjustments to manage change.
Adapts to change and makes adjustments to manage change.
Adapts slowly to change and is slow to make adjustments to manage change.
Does not adapt well to change and does not make adjustments to manage change.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Has exceptional knowledge and outstanding skills in even the complex aspects of the job.
Has better than average knowledge and skills in all aspects of the job.
Has knowledge and skills to handle job duties.
Occasionally lacks knowledge or skills to handle certain job duties.
Application of knowledge is limited. Required skills are poorly demonstrated.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
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Communication Skills
Promptly and consistently
shares relevant information
with others. Listens
carefully to others and seeks
clarification to ensure
understanding. Speaks and
writes concisely and
expressively. Comprehends
and appropriately applies
information to situations.
Work Ethics and
The employee’s proper
handling of confidential
information, adherence to
policies and commitments to
productivity, coworkers and
work schedules.
Work Organization
The employee’s effective
use of logical and organized
work steps and time
Consistently demonstrates excellent communication skills.
Demonstrates above average communication skills.
Demonstrates acceptable communication skills.
Communication skills need improvement.
Lacks acceptable communication skills.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Practices exceptional work ethics; demonstrates exceptional integrity in all work.
Practices excellent work ethics; demonstrates excellent integrity in all work.
Practices good work ethics; demonstrates integrity in all work.
Usually practices good work ethics; usually demonstrates integrity at work.
Fails to practice good work ethics; does not demonstrate integrity at work.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Plans and organizes exceptionally well; sets priorities considering broad perspective; uses time
Plans and organizes work very well; sets priorities logically; uses time efficiently.
Plans and organizes work well; sets priorities; uses time well.
Sometimes does not plan and organize work well; priorities not always appropriate; sometimes
wastes time.
Does not plan and organize work well; does not set priorities; wastes time.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Customer Relations
The employee’s interaction
with others within or outside
the department or
Personal Presentation
The impression created by
the employee’s appearance,
disposition and attitude.
Exceptional in anticipating and meeting customer needs; communicates well with customers.
Anticipates and meets customer needs; communicates well with customers.
Meets customer needs; communicates adequately with customers.
Meets most customer needs; communication with customers needs improvement.
Fails to meet customer needs; communicates poorly with customers.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
Creates excellent lasting impression; dress and grooming are exceptional; maintains pleasant
disposition and positive, professional attitude.
Creates very good impression; dress and grooming are excellent; maintains pleasant disposition and
professional attitude.
Creates good impression; dress and grooming meet standards for the position; maintains good
disposition and attitude.
Sometimes creates poor impression; dress and grooming sometimes fail to meet standards for the
position; disposition and attitude sometimes need improvement.
Generally creates poor impression; dress and grooming are often inappropriate; disposition and
attitude are poor.
Supporting comments (400 characters max):
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Custom Evaluation
Custom Evaluation
Attach additional sheet(s) if more custom evaluation criteria and / or supporting comments are needed.
Part II. Overall Performance Rating (Mandatory)
The rater will assign an overall performance rating for this employee, taking into consideration both the results
that were achieved as well as the means by which they were accomplished (competency evaluations). Raters
will select only one of the ratings listed below by placing an “X” next to the option that corresponds to the
employee’s overall evaluation.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Marginal/Needs Improvement
Performance at this level far exceeds expectations
consistently; accomplishments have a significant impact
on the mission/goals of the organization.
Performance consistently meets and frequently exceeds
job requirements; well above average.
Performance consistently meets job requirements;
expected level of performance for employees.
Performance meets some but not all job requirements;
guidance and coaching is needed for improvement.
Performance does not meet job requirements; immediate
and significant improvement is needed.
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Part III. Rater Comments (Mandatory)
The rater will provide any additional comments that he/she believes are important in describing the employee’s
performance and contributions, including any factors that may have positively or adversely impacted
performance. Employee strengths and areas needing improvement should be specifically addressed, if not
covered in other sections of the appraisal.
Part IV. Objectives (Optional)
The rater and employee should agree on measurable objectives for the employee to work toward or complete
during the coming year. In discussing these objectives, the rater should make sure the employee has the
resources needed and knows the steps to take to achieve the objectives. The rater may wish to use the spaces
provided to document objectives and list any resources you and the employee agree are needed and to outline
action steps.
Did the employee meet last year’s objectives? If not, why not?
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Part V. Professional Development: (Mandatory)
The rater and employee will identify key performance objectives for the upcoming performance period and the
professional development needed to support the employee’s success in meeting these objectives. Raters are
encouraged to consider their program, divisional, and agency goals in identifying and promoting appropriate
employee development.
The employee’s professional development can be achieved through a variety of activities. A partial list
of suggested development activities follows:
Professional organizations
Local/State/National conferences
Personal coaching
Job shadowing
Reading assignments
Report assignments
Buddy assignments
On-the-job training
Assignment to teams/committees
Committee leadership
Please list professional development activities to be completed and the resources needed to support those
activities, if applicable.
Professional Development Needs
Resources/Support Needed
Target Date
Part VI. Position Description (Mandatory)
The employee and rater have reviewed the Position Description and an updated form is attached
(required annually).
Part VII. Signatures (Mandatory)
Employee: I understand that my signature indicates only that I have read and discussed this
performance appraisal with my rater. It does not necessarily mean that I agree with the appraisal’s
contents. I may attach written comments, if desired. If comments are attached, check here:
Employee Signature (required):
Rater Signature (required):
Next Level Supervisor (required)
Next Level Supervisor/
Associate Director/Designee’s
Signature (optional):
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