
Ivelina Pavlova Pavlova
INF 240b – "Website Development"
Project 2
Business Webpage
I, Ivelina Pavlova have completed successfully the assignment of the second project that
acquires me to implement a business Website of 4-5 pages. All the codes in my project are my
own. I have used some pictures from internet and also some tea recopies. I developed the site by
my own and I didn't use any Web design software to develop it instead of me. I used NotePad in
order to create my Web site. I also used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for the pictures.
Signature: Ivelina Pavlova
/Ivelina Pavlova/
Website description
1. Main Page
My business page is about a tee house which selling different kind of tee from all around the
world. On the home page I incorporated for buttons in a horizontal navigation bar which are
leading to for deferent pages: the first go back to the home; the second one - About us; the third the menu; the forth - tee stories.
On the left side there are two vertical news bars. The first provides the information concerning
contacting the owners and the company. The second one is a form that ask for the customers'
information for on line booking. I used a couple of divs that play the role of containers for the
main information. I also used the footer that has a search form and a go to top button. In the main
container for the first page I am giving 12 interesting facts about tee in general, putting them
unordered list. I drew the line under the title by Adobe Illustrator and edited some on line
pictures by Adobe Photoshop. I also drew the design of the bullet points.
2. About us
The picture, the title, the navigation bars and the div containers repeat each other from the first
page. I used 3 catchy pictures and I edited them. I also provided information about the company
and the face of the coffee shop as I want to attract people in order to make the tea house more
famous. The picture that I used are ones from the interior of a tea house I liked online. I imagine
my tea house looking as the one from the first picture. I also give some information about the
quality of the products we provide and the atmosphere of the shop itself.
I also imagine having a book corner in the shop so everyone can just sit and read while drinking
some tea. I listed some of the countries that provide us with tea and the influence the tea has on
the clients. I kept the same structure, lots of green colors and pictures with rounded edges and a
border for softening of the webpage.
In this page I don't use pictures, just the images I drew as horizontal lines. In this page is the
menu of the tea house as it is divided on a couple of sectors depending on the type of tea;
GREEN, BLACK, WHITE etc. The color of the heading and the line under it is connected to the
color of the tea leaves of the type. I used definition list as the name of the tea was the title and
the italics under it- the definition.
I divided the main div container into two, left and right one, and attached the elements to them so
there are two columns.
The banner, the title and the navigation bars stay the same as the content in the main container is
changing in the different pages.
4. Tea Stories
This is the page that gives the reader some information about legends different countries have
about tea. I used the main container as I also incorporated picture that are not mine however are
really pretty and contribute to the legends.
All of the pictures are with round edges and border so that the whole face of the site looks more
complete. I still use the same green colors, the style of the styles and the drawn horizontal line.
The legends are all real, and I believe it is going to be interesting for the reader to know some
more about the things they are buying.
Screenshots from the Validator