北京外国语大学 王立礼 2012-7-25 《高级英语》的教学目的与特点 《高级英语》的课堂教学 突出人文精神与思辨能力培养 总目的是提高阅读原文的理解能力。具体目标为: 扩大词汇 增加对语言现象及写作风格的敏感性 扩大知识面、扩大视野,挖掘课文人文精神的深刻内涵 在细读和分析性阅读的基础上加强思辨能力培养 语言训练与能力发展相结合,突出人文精神与思辨 能力培养 时代性与经典性并重,新增选篇题材广泛、时代性 强,作者具有重要影响力,体现世界多元文化 增加对文中典故、文化背景知识的注释 加强对作者、写作背景、作品主题、文章结构等方 面的介绍 调整题型,整合练习模块,鼓励自主学习与研究型 学习 教学原则: 教学活动应加强对课文的理解,不应分散或转移对 课文的专注 教学环节鼓励学生多参与;教师注重发挥指导作用 语言教学与人文精神内涵的探索应有机结合 Steps of handling a text in Advanced English: Pre-class Activities: (required and highly recommended) Read the whole text Read about the text Read notes to the text In Class Activities: Oral presentation Background information Warm-up questions about the text Detailed study of the text Exercises Read, Think, and Comment Group discussion (optional) Oral presentation: 目的是鼓励学生调研,根据课文题目收集、整理背景 资料,形成自己的观点,用口语流利地加以呈现。 例: “Everyday Use” Suggested topics for oral presentation: Alice Walker and her work Compare the two sisters Dee and Maggie Background information: 背景难点,如人物、地点、历史事件、文化典故等 帮助学生更好地理解课文,扫除理解障碍 Notes: 1. 背景信息应与主题密切关联,切勿转移或分散学 生阅读的注意力 2. 勿另立新题,加重学习负担 例:Book1第4课 “The Trial That Rocked the World” 课文中很多细节、对话和幽默点,如果对事件发 生的背景不了解,将很难理解。因此,介绍历史 背景十分重要,包括美国20世纪20年代的特点, revival of fundamentalism,审判涉及的主要历史 人物,美国的法律程序等等。 视频: The Trail That Rocked the World Warm-up questions: 可根据About the Text的内容来设计问题 例:“The Trial That Rocked the World”: 1. Why was it called the “Monkey Trial”? 2. Who is the narrator of this event? 3. Who are the central characters? 目的: 检查学生预习的情况 对课文的整体有初步了解,为detailed study 做准备 启发学生思维,强调师生互动 Detailed study of the text: 重心,占课堂的大部分时间 了解文章的结构框架,按内容分sections Notes: 1. 避免逐字逐句的解释或翻译,应了解总体轮廓 2. 建议充分利用练习部分关于 structure的问题 例:Book1 第11课 “The Way to Rainy Mountain” 时空跳跃强,表面看似凌乱,但内在却有一个框架将 看似不连贯的事件纳入其中,其中有两条主线: 1. 眼前的景物描写和历史事件回顾相结合 2. 祖母的故事和整个Kiowa部落的兴衰相结合 具体讲解内容包括: 词汇、修辞手段、难句paraphrasing 、translation、 段落大意等。有的练习题(如Questions, Paraphrase, Translation) 可融入到讲解中,不宜将讲解和练习完 全分开。 视频链接: Mark Twain—Mirror of America 扩大学生的知识面,开阔视野 关注当今世界重要话题,挖掘课文的人文 精神的深刻内涵 培养学生独立自主学习,在细读和分析性 阅读的基础上提高思辨能力 Read, Think, and Comment: 第三版为培养思辨能力专门设计的新环节 特点: 1. 表面上语言简单,少有生词或难句,但却有深 刻的思想内涵 2. 旨在通过阅读、思考和评论这三个连续的步骤, 提高学生阅读理解和思辨的能力 例:第7课 “Everyday Use” Below are excerpts from Alice Walker’s essay “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: The Creativity of Black Women in the South”(1974). What did the author see in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. that led her to search in her mother’s garden? How did her mother’s art influence her as a writer? 例:Book 1 第8课 “Three Cups of Tea” When the porcelain bowls of scalding butter tea steamed in their hands, Haji Ali spoke. “If you want to thrive in Baltistan, you must respect our ways,” Haji Ali said, blowing on his bowl. “The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family, and for our family, we are prepared to do anything, even die,” he said, laying his hand warmly on Mortenson’s own. “Doctor Greg, you must make time to share three cups of tea. We may be uneducated. But we are not stupid. We have lived and survived here for a long time.” 根据课文,教师可以提很多发人深省的问题,如: Why does Haji Ali (the village head) explain the meaning of three cups of tea to the author? Does drinking three cups of tea have a symbolic meaning? If so, what is it? Why does Haji Ali say, “We have lived and survived here for a long time?” 为突出人文精神教育,可在课文处理完毕后 就一些thought-provoking questions and topics进行全班讨论。讨论题应该是能够引起 学生兴趣、引发思考、有话可说的话题。 视频: Ships in the Deserts 每篇课文都有多层次的意义,即multi-layers of meanings,不能停留在表层的意义,而要挖 掘深层次的意义,探索其中的人文关怀和人文 精神。挖掘课文的人文精神应自始至终贯穿于 课堂教学中。 The End Thank You! @北外王立礼