Long term planning 2015-2016 Year 1 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Enterprise skills Enterprise skills Enterprise skills Enterprise skills Enterprise skills Enterprise skills Communication- role play, re-telling stories Teamwork- Nativity Communication- Role play and retelling stories using props. Teamwork- Creating and performing a class assembly to show parents what we have learnt. Problem solvingplants investigations Financial Literacymaking and selling products for the Summer Fayre. Focus of work/Topic name Focus of work/Topic name Focus of work/Topic name Growing Under the Sea Financial LiteracyMaking products for the Christmas Fair. Focus of work/Topic name Focus of work/Topic name Financial LiteracyFundraising for summer school trip. Focus of work/Topic name African Animals Traditions Winter Wonderland Houses Trips (Tropical world) Trips (Visiting local nursing homes to perform Nativity) Trips (Local walk for observational drawings) Trips (Harlow Carr) Talk for Writing Talk for Writing Talk for Writing Talk for Writing The Mitten (Lost and Found) The three little pigs (Overcoming a monster) Jack and the Beanstalk (Rags to riches) The Snail and the Whale (Adventure) Trips (The Deep) Talk for Writing/Literacy Trips (R.E- Church visit) Talk for Writing/Literacy Handa’s Surprise (Journey) Little Red Riding Hood (Warning) Postcards (Meerkat Mail) Invitations Non chronological reports (Penguins) Recount Instructions Acrostic poem Non-rhyming poems Nonsense poems Shape poem (Role play- Cottage in the woods) (Role play- Igloo) (Role play- House) (Role play- Garden Centre) Other Texts Other Texts Other Texts Other Texts Other Texts Goldilocks and the 3 Lost and Found, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Penguin Small, Letters (Dear zoo) Sound poems Sense poems (Role play-Fruit shop, African Animals) Other Texts The Tinga Tinga tales, (Role play-Under the sea) Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter Pan, Going on a Bear Hunt, Funnybones, The Very Hungry Caterpillar bears, The Gruffalo’s Child, Snow White, The Lost Bear Snow White, The Gruffalo, Where the Wild Things Are, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff Aladin, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Oliver Twist Where the Wild Things Are, The Gingerbread Man. Numeracy focus Numeracy focus Numeracy focus Numeracy focus Numeracy focus Numeracy focus Place value and size Addition and subtraction Doubling and grouping Halving and Sharing Money (applying all skills learnt) Shape, Time and Measure Science (Size and ordering numbers in provision) Science Seasonal changes (last 2 weeks) Animals, including humans Animals, including humans Topic (Touch on money for fundraising) Science Science Science Science Seasonal changes (2 weeks) Everyday materials Seasonal changes (2 weeks) Plants Everyday materials Plants Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Africa Maths focus- graphs Literacy- describing animals I.T focus- researching African Animals Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Traditions Literacy focus- letters and invitations for Nativity. Winter Wonderland Houses Plants and Growing Under the Sea Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Curriculum knowledge, skills and understanding covered Maths- count and calculate in a range of practical context. Begin to explore numbers and place value (shop) Maths- add and subtract using mental and written forms Maths- Repeat key concepts in many different practical ways. Use language to describe position, direction and movement Maths- Multiply and divide using mental and written methods Maths- explore the properties of shape Maths- Handle data. Use and apply a range of measure, including time) Reading- listen to traditional tales Writing- write nonsense poems Writing- labels, instructions Geography- explore Writing- glossaries, write poems that use Writing- write labels, captions, recounts, write stories set in places they have been (Science and provision) D&T- understanding where food comes from, healthy and varies diet Science- Handa’s Surprise- fruit tasting. Graphs- recording favourite fruits. Music- African music, dance Art- use ideas as inspiration for artwork (fruit drawing, create own animal, cut animal body parts and put together) Writing- write stories that use imaginary settings Science- animals and humans, all living things. Music- Nativity Art- Cards and calendars, colour picture with black crayon and scratch off. P.E- perform dances Writing- write recounts, nonchronological reports (seasons) Reading- learn some poems by heart, listen to novels over time Geography- explore weather, aerial . Local area walk (map drawing) Science- Materials (designing things for the snowmans house) Who can free the person in the ice cube? Ice house- What happens when its warm? Art- Winter pictures using chalk and black paper. Science- materials, habitats weather in UK and around the world Art- 3D sculpture (houses), looking at artists Science- plants History- people and places in their own locality . Florence Nightingale (compare to local nurses) Geography- Use geographical vocabulary (look at local area) Art- explore a variety of techniques D.T- Potatoes (grow and eat) rhyme Reading- learn some poems by heart Science- plants D&T- understanding where food comes from P.E- team games