STUDY SKILLS*Class Syllabus (2008-2009)

STUDY SKILLS—Class Syllabus
Auburn Riverside High School
Mr. Dickson
The goal of this class is to create a learning environment that helps you become a more efficient academic
learner and producer. The purpose of this class is to provide you with an opportunity to improve academic
success through time management, organization, and the building of academic self-esteem.
PLEASE NOTE: You DO earn credits in Study Skills because you DO work in academic areas. You do
not earn credits for Study Hall because you do not have assignments and work to complete. This is NOT a
Study Hall Class.
All Study Skills students are required to bring the following from their other five classes daily:
 Homework
 Projects
 Assigned reading
 Make-up work
 Relevant study materials
 Long range assignments
 A personal reading book
 Binder/or accordion file
 Paper, pen, pencil
 Assignment sheet (AND monthly map if teacher desires)
 Anything else you may need to complete your assignments
 Work for culminating portfolio
Each quarter your Study Skills teacher may elect to check your binder or accordion folder to make sure it is
organized logically and that it is in good working condition. We are here to help you learn how to organize
your work and we will help you with this process if you are challenged. Organization is an important and
necessary skill for educational success, for the world of work, and for you own adult sanity.
All students are required to fill out their assignment sheets at the start of class and submit them at the end of
class. In order to earn points, they must be properly filled out daily, signed by your teacher, and turned in.
Mr. Dickson elects to keep them each day in his binder. This way if teachers email him about assignments,
he simply marks the assignment sheet with the information needed so you have it the next day.
Mr. Dickson will work with you to check your grades and then conference individually with you. You will
be required to come up with a plan either to continue your successful work OR remedy poor grades. We
will work together to help you succeed.
Attendance will definitely affect your grade. Each day you will have the opportunity to earn from zero to
100 points. If you are not here, no points will be awarded unless you are absent due to a field trip from one
of your other classes. If you have perfect attendance AND are never tardy, you will have your grade raised
ONE FULL LETTER at the end of the semester. Attendance breeds success in school and in the world of
work, so please keep this in mind and make wise choices. Also, Mr. Dickson will miss you if you aren’t
attending. Many times he dials for students who are absent…
Tardies are discouraged. You will automatically lose 20 points each time you are tardy. Study Skills
classes follow the ARHS tardy policy at all times. That being said, after you go to the office for your tardy
slip, you will be welcomed into the class. Late is definitely better than absent.
Absences WILL prove detrimental to your grade. If you are absent for any excused reason, and if you want
to make up work and/or time in order to recapture your points, you may earn l00 points for each 50 minutes
of the following:
 Attend ARHS tutoring sessions, have a note signed by the teacher offering the sessions (record
time in and time left), and show Mr. Dickson.
 Attend Mrs. Rohlff’s Recapture after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:45-4:45 and
have her sign the assignment sheet.
 Attend make up sessions in other classes, have a note signed with the time in and time left, and
give to Mr. Dickson
Please note: We will no longer be offering Wednesday School make up for Study Skills.
All Auburn Riverside High School school-wide rules and expectations will be enforced in this classroom.
You may refer to your Student Handbook if you need details or clarification.
This classroom is a drug free environment. This means all references to drugs and alcohol are disallowed.
Plagiarism is illegal. The study skills department enforces the ARHS school-wide policy regarding
plagiarism. DON’T PLAGIARISE. This also means you are not to copy the work of other students or
anything from on-line. You must do your own work.
New Rule: Within the first few minutes of class, Mr. Dickson will ask you to take out your phones
and turn them off. The last minute of class, you may turn them back on. We are going to be a cell
phone-free zone for the period.
No cell phones, text messaging, MP3 players and/or electronic items deemed inappropriate in the
classroom setting will be allowed in this classroom. If you violate this rule, your electronic devices will be
confiscated on the first offense, you will lose 150 points, and your device will be presented to Ms. Wilson,
our assistant principal, for your collection.
I have a few guest teachers who are my good friends and for whom I have the greatest respect. These
include Mr. Cerino and Mr. Stow. These teachers are wonderful human beings. If you give any of them a
bad time, you will lose l50 points and you will have an automatic Thursday School. I can’t emphasize
enough how important it is for these wonderful teachers to enter my classroom, feel welcomed, and feel
respected. Thank you for understanding and respecting my choices. These teachers are wonderful human
beings who are good with teens.
It is truly a pleasure to have you in my class this semester. I LOVE teaching STUDY SKILLS because I
know it is valuable, I get to know my students and their various challenges and needs on a one-to-one basis,
and I can share a lot of what I know. I treat each and every one of my students with respect and dignity and
I expect the same treatment in return. Please treat each and every student in this class the way you would
like to be treated. I would like everyone to look forward to coming to our class. Together we will make
this happen.
Each day you will come to class on time with your books/supplies. As soon as the bell rings, you will fill
out your daily assignment sheet and then have it signed by Mr. Dickson. Then you will begin working on
your assignments. At the end of the period, Mr. Dickson will evaluate and sign off your points and then
place your assignment sheet in his binder. The teacher’s word is final regarding points. If you are working
hard, you will earn all points. If you are not, you will not. If you argue, you lose all points for the day.
 Bring all materials and supplies to class (you will not be permitted to leave to get them)
 Fill out Assignment Sheets properly and completely
 Get to work and stay on task
 Show positive progress in your other classes
o You will be asked to check your grades and progress son Skyward
o Teacher will email teachers when there is a challenge
 Having excellent attendance and not being tardy
 Not asking to leave class for a plethora of reasons
 Helping fellow students if/when you have time and skills
 Exhibiting a positive attitude towards your teacher, classmates, ARHS
 Getting ahead and staying ahead in all five other classes
 Turning in assignment sheets on time
 Making up points when you are absent
 When you are caught up, working on your culminating portfolio work
 Good manners
GRADING SCALE: I understand quarter grades will NOT be averaged and that the cumulative score
will determine the final grade.
Below 60
I look forward to a productive, positive, successful semester with you! WELCOME!
Updated 2013
For learning, cooperation, and attendance
Student’s name:
Class: Study Skills
Semester/Year _________
Teacher: Mr. Dickson
I hereby take the responsibility for my own learning, cooperation, and attendance in this class. I
understand the school policies and the class guidelines as stated in the class syllabus. I agree to abide by
the consequences should I not follow the stated guidelines.
If I have a concern about my learning, progress, or achievement, I have the responsibility to seek
advice and assistance from the teacher at a convenient time for both of us.
I also understand I have the right to due process, which means I may negotiate with the teacher in
good faith or appeal to an administrator when a disagreement occurs.
I understand the quarter grades will NOT be averaged and that the cumulative score will determine
the final grade.
______________________________________________________ Student _____________ Date
_______________________________________________________Parent/Guardian _________ Date
Please let me know the best way to reach you during the school day.
Which parent/guardian should be contacted? ________________________________________
Cell phone_____________________________
Work phone____________________________
Home phone____________________________
Other method of contact?______________________________________________________________
Please sign up with the main office for Parental Skyward grading access. This way you may go on
line and check progress for your teens.