SEND All About Me - Example profile A

All about Me
I am 16 year old who is
bubbly, confident and fun and
a very talented singer!
How I like to be supported…
I have memory difficulties which affect my short term memory and I would like support to help
me find my own ways to document what I have done in a day and to remember instructions
without support. When giving me instructions it is important to give them step by step. I can
struggle with processing information and might not think about things that might happen next.
Clear easy instructions help with this. For example “Put the things in your hand down. Peel the
veg.” I would like support to increase my independence skills and reach my life goals. I would
like support towards independent travel – at my pace.
It is important for me to a have support who is reliable, caring and calm, It is important for
them to be someone I feel comfortable with and who would “rescue me when I am panicking.”
I would like them to be young so I can build up a friendship with them.
I would love to be a holiday entertainer one day as I love
singing and entertaining people. I have even won holidays
with my singing talents!
To help me with this I would like to reach the following outcomes:
Look into any local drama/music clubs that I can get involved in
Increase my confidence and self-esteem.
Find my own ways to document my day, remembering instructions and
increase my independence.
Support towards independent travel and road safety.
Increase my inter-personal skills.
Support to try new things and open up more opportunities for me to
develop as a person.
Support to increase my money handling skills.
Things I would like to do:
Getting the bus in to town
Going on countryside walk
Going to play snooker or pool at Riley’s.
My goals and