History 111 History of the Dark Ages Learning Outcomes Learning Outcome #1: In this course students will learn to thoughtfully examine the European and Mediterranean societies that emerged after the collapse of the late antique Roman Empire and that achieved full formation in the century following the turn of the first millennium C.E. The societies studied include the new Germanic, Irish, Latin, Slavic, and Viking polities of western and northern Europe, the Muslim caliphates of the southern and eastern Mediterranean, and the renewed Roman Empire of the Greeks centered at Constantinople. The examination will be historical with an interdisciplinary inclusion of artistic, musical, literary, legal, religious, and cultural remains. There is an emphasis on an examination of historical remains (documents, images, et al.) by presenting at least one per class and inviting the students to respond in conversation about their significance and occasionally individually through the use of questions of understanding, interpretation and evaluation polled with iclickers. Mastery of the narrative history will be demonstrated in conversation at the individual oral midterm and final examinations, where one quarter of the exam credit is dedicated to mastery of the narrative of history. Learning Outcome #2: In this course students will come to understand the major theories of interpretation for significant historical transformations of the era, including the rise of a new European culture which was complex in its informing traditions— imperial politics, classical learning, Christian religion, and Barbarian customs—and complex in its diverse political, economic, and Christian manifestations. Students are introduced to major historical schools of interpretation—cultural, intellectual, and economic. Historical interpretations by two major authors—Christopher Dawson and Marc Bloch—are offered, as well as other significant historical theories, among them, the Pirenne thesis of the closing of the Mediterranean by the nascent Arabic empire. Students will come to understand, through the same major historians, theories of the rise and success of Arabic-Islamic empire and the renovation of the Roman empire of the Greeks. Lastly, students will come to understand the major theories around the formation of European civilization. They will be able to discuss knowledgeably the range of possibilities around the questions of the definition and origin of Europe. Monographs by the historians mentioned above are assigned as reading. Students take a daily open book, 5-minute, one-question reading check on their understanding of the reading. Student-led conversation is part of every class. Students write essays on the monographs in which they are asked to interpret the authors' theses, their use of evidence, and their arguments, and to evaluate the authors' theses in light of what they know from the rest of the course material. Students are asked also to demonstrate understanding in the oral midterms and finals. Learning Outcome #3: In this course, students will learn how to collect, analyze, and present the evidence of primary sources of history, mostly in translation. Primary documentary evidence, in translations, art, artifacts, and music, will be offered as part of the lecture of each class. The students' research work will be mainly, but not solely, for a major lecture—of twenty minutes—that every student will give on a topic of their choice. The work of research for the lecture will involve guidance in the search for primary and secondary sources, reporting of sources, and creating a bibliography. Students at the beginning of the course are given a guide sheet for the research with avenues of research in the library, through interlibrary loan (Link+ and Illiad), and online. Students are also presented with a lecture on the cautions of using Wikipedia and the ways of evaluating online resources. Students then submit a preliminary bibliography on the way to completing their research. Every bibliography must include a predominance of print sources. When students make their presentation they must distribute their bibliography to the class and in Q&A they are responsible for commenting on the uses of their sources. The same skills of research and gathering of data emphasized for the preparation of a major lesson are enjoined on the students as they prepare and take part in the daily leading of discussion of the readings. A student leader is asked to state three major points from the assigned reading, supply background information that help the class understand the reading, and then pose a question or series of questions to help initiate the conversation. Learning Outcome #4: In this course, students will learn how to interpret evidence about the social, political, and cultural history under study. They will do this through daily writing on and discussion of the readings with a focus on critical analysis of the authors' work of selection and interpretation of evidence; interpretive essays, preparation and delivery of twenty-minute lesson, and oral one-on-one midterm and final examinations that revolve around the students' abilities to bring all of the coursework together into an interpretive whole. The five-minute, open-book daily reading checks establish a regular communication between the professor and the individual student whereby I can track their understanding. The work on the lesson that students present enables the student to demonstrate the depth and sophistication of understanding. The essays are a primary means of showing the ability to interpret the material. Students must analyze an assigned author's thesis and methodology, major school of interpretation (whether cultural, intellectual, or economic), and the success of the thesis. They are also asked in the second and subsequent essays to compare and contrast historians. The oral exams complement the work of the essay writing in allowing the student to demonstrate the same learnings in conversation. Syllabus, with parenthetical applications of goals. [See syllabus for the remainder of the information.] Course Requirements Grade Evaluation Student Disability Services, etc...