Vocab Word sets 2015-2016 Vocab Set #1 Solid-packed together tightly- has a definite shape & volume Inorganic-not living or never was livingNaturally occurring-made by processes that occur in the natural world Crystal Structure-lines up in a pattern that will repeat itself over & over Ex: 12341234, %%2%%2 Definite Chemical Composition-always made of the same elements in the same proportions, chemical formula for water H2O Mineral-a solid that is naturally occurring, inorganic, has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition Vocab Set #2 Streak-The color of a mineral’s powder Luster-used to describe how light is reflected from a mineral’s surface (Dull, waxy, earthy, metallic, shiny) Foliated-Metamorphic rock that has grains arranged in parallel layers or bands. Clastic Rock- Sedimentary rock that forms when rock fragments are squeezed together under high pressure Chemical Rock-Sedimentary rock that forms when minerals crystallize from a solution. The water has to evaporate Vocab Set #3 Deposition- Process in which sediment is laid down in new locations by wind water or ice. The sediments settle out of the water or wind Cementation-when dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediment together (GLUE) Compaction- when sediments are pressed together under their own weight. (TRASH Compactor) Rock Cycle-A process on the surface and inside the Earth where rocks are slowly changed from one type of rock to another. Sediment- Small solid pieces of material that come from rocks or organisms; earth materials deposited by erosion.