Co-Teaching Lesson

EDEX 691 Summer II
Co-teaching Lesson Plan Guide
Names __Teresa Heilman and Amanda Long___________
Points (25) ____
Grade level__3rd___ Subject ___Language Arts_______ Target Students _Caroline-Dysgraphia,
Teresa- ADHD, Iesha- ADHD, Kellie- Visual Impairment, and Isabel- Hearing Impairment
General Education
Special Education Considerations
 Lesson objective:
o The students will create an invitation
correctly labeling parts with
corresponding information with 100%
 Rationale/relevance:
o This can be a fun way to get students
involved with written communication.
o Through this lesson students will get
more practice with handwriting also with
 Curriculum standards addressed:
o 3-5.1 Create written communications
(for example, friendly letters that
include a greeting, body, closing, and
signature and invitations that include
the time, date, and place of the event).
 Related to students’ lives/broader purpose:
o Understanding invitations will help
students to understand how each
component will help then know more
about something they are invited to.
o Invitations can help teach social skills
so that students will understand what
type of event, where the event will be
held, etc. They are something that is a
part of everyone’s live whether it’s to a
party, spend the night, end of the year
celebration, etc.
 Materials/technology:
o Document Camera
o Invitation Examples
o Visual Timer
o Way to project invitation on screen
o Paper, Markers, etc. for students to
create invitations
o Accommodations for students
 Dysgraphia
 Goal: Will effectively
communicate through text
with assistive technology to
complete assigned task.
 Accommodations: Allow use
of assistive technology
 Support materials: Computer
and printer, scribe, speech to
text, etc.
 Goal: Will stay focused and
complete assigned tasks
with minimal reprimands.
 Accommodations: proximity
of teachers, use of visual
timers, being in front of
 Support Materials: visual
timer (digital, on board, stop
watches, etc.)
 Goal: Will stay focused and
complete assigned tasks
with minimal reprimands.
 Accommodations: proximity
of teachers, visual timers,
being in front of classroom
 Support Materials: visual
timer(digital, on board, etc)
 Visual Impairment
 Goal: Will complete assigned
tasks through assistive
 Accommodations: enlarged
texts, lined paper, simplified
text (minimal pictures,
distractions, colors,
etc.),preferential seating
Support Materials:
Magnifying glass, Enlarged
printed material
 Hearing Impairment
 Goal: Will complete assigned
tasks through assistive
 Accommodations: Video
Transcripts, Visually display
preferential seating
 Support Materials: Text to
speech, outlines,
Set up:
 Co-teaching structure:
o Team-Teaching
 Teacher roles:
o Amanda-present the
set-up and get the
students ready for
o Teresa-getting
document camera
set-up and materials
to pass out
Set up: How will you do the following?
 Getting attention:
o To get the students ready for the
lesson and settled we will perform an
attention grabbing activity. Amanda
will quietly say if you can hear me do
what I’m doing. (She will have one
hand in the air and the other showing
the quiet symbol. While doing this she
will reinforce the students who are
doing as they are supposed to.)
 Explaining behavioral expectations:
o Amanda: Once the class is all ready to
start and settled the behavioral
expectations will be set. [The students
will be told]: “We are all going to listen
with our ears, pay attention, and use
our brains to learn something new”.
Lesson opening: How will you do the
Lesson opening:
 Co-teaching structure:
 Brief overview: lesson objectives (Tell them
o One Teach One Drift
what knowledge/skills they will gain by the
 Teacher roles:
end of the lesson and the importance of
o Amanda: Passing out
invitations and
o Teresa: “Ms. Long is passing out
drifting during lesson
something to each of you. I want you to
look at it and see if you know what
o Teresa: Introduce
these are? Have you ever seen one?”
objective and parts of
o Teresa: Today were going to learn the
an invitation
parts of an invitation and why they are
 Adaptations:
important. Learning about an invitation
o Kellie- enlarged
will help us in the future so next time we
get one we will know what the
o Isabel- point
information is telling us. Also if we are
specially to what we
going to invite people to something then
are talking
we will know how to write one and what
about/have individual
is important.
 Brief review prior knowledge/prior
o Iesha/Teresalesson(Teresa):
Amanda drifting
o Raise your hand if you have been to a
during presentation
party, event/special celebration with
for proximity control
your friends or family, outing, birthday
party, sleep over?
o If you have been to one of those things
how did you know about it?
o How did you know how to get there?
 Make connections/Provide motivation:
o Teresa: After answers have been
provided from students, I will then tell
students that we can get this
information from an invitation just like
the examples that we have provided.
Lesson body: How will you do the following?
 Teacher explanations, demonstrations,
o Amanda: “Let’s talk about the main
points of an invitation. Up on the board
we have an example of an invitation.”
Students will be asked to name the
parts of an invitation from the screen on
the board.
 Teacher guided problems/discoveries (guided
o Amanda: “Alright since we know the
different parts of an invitation let’s
create an invitation together.” Self-talk
will be provided to the students so that
they can see what ideas/connections
should be made to make an invitation.
 What type of party will this be?
 Where is the party going to be?
 What time should I have the
 What day will the party be held?
 Who should my friends contact
to say if they can come?
o Example of an invitation will be
displayed on the board and Amanda
will fill in each part as she goes over.
o *Have students fill out information while
each part is reviewed?*
 Active participation:
o Students will be answering questions
asked during guided practice. Student
answers will be used to create an
 Universal interventions to reach all students:
o Sample invitation
o Guided practice on how to write an
o Break down of all 5 common parts of an
o Teacher drifting to help students stay
on task
 Check for understanding:
o Teresa: Before students create their
own invitations, as a class we will
Caroline- none at
that point
Lesson body:
 Co-teaching structure:
o One teach one drift
 Teacher roles:
o Amanda: Write on
Document Camera
o Teresa: Drift
Amanda: Drift
Teresa: Write
brainstormed ideas
on board
o Kellie- enlarged
o Isabel- point
specially to what we
are talking
about/have individual
invitation (pre-labeled
o Iesha/TeresaAmanda/Teresa
drifting during
presentation for
proximity control
o Caroline- none at
that point
Differentiated instruction
needed for certain students:
Peer Assisted Learning:
o All partners can help
each other whether it
is to help stay on task
or to guide them
during the lesson.
Also during
independent tasks
they may ask their
partner to clarify an
brainstorm ideas for each part of an
invitation. This will give all students
extra practice and ideas that they can
o Teresa: Written examples of how time
should be written and also a date will
be provided on the board. This will
provide examples for students so they
will have something to refer to when
making their own.
Extended practice: How will provide
independent practice?
 Activities/Seatwork/Homework:
o Teresa: “Alright now that we have gone
over the different parts of an invitation,
it’s your time to make an invitation.
You’re going to create an invitation.
Remember to include the parts that we
have reviewed.”
o Teresa: “You will have 10 minutes to
make your invitation. For the first 3
minutes you will brainstorm and fill in
each part. After 3 minutes is up Ms.
Long and I will tell your table when you
may go to collect the materials you
would like to use to create your
invitation. A timer will be displayed on
the board to help with knowing how
much time is left.”
o Teresa/Amanda: “Okay we have 1
minute left we need to start wrapping it
up. Also go ahead and put up the
markers, colored pencils, and any other
craft supplies. Think of 1 thing you
would like to share with the class.”
o Visual Timer set for 10 minutes:
Lesson closing: How will you do the following?
 Summarize/ Review key points:
o Teresa will ask students to provide a
part of an invitation. Once one part
is asked I will ask for a student to
provide an example from their
invitation. (This type of questioning
will continue until all 5 parts of an
invitation are discussed.)
 Tie material together:
o Amanda will remind students why
this information will be important in
the future (school events, parties,
invite friends over, etc.)
 Organize the transition:
o Amanda will then tell students that
we are now going to take up the
invitations so make sure your name
Extended practice:
 Adaptations:
o Kellie- lined paper (predrawn lines)
o Isabel- written
o Iesha/Teresa- visual
timer, written instructions
o Caroline- use of
computer to create
Lesson closing:
 Co-teaching structure:
o One teach one drift
 Teacher roles:
o Amanda: Close
lesson and begin
transition time
o Teresa: Review
 Adaptations:
o Kellie- none at that
o Isabel- partner point
out each part
discussed/outline of
an invitation
o Iesha/Teresa- drift
with proximity,
is on them. Also please put away
any craft supplies and return to your
seat to get ready for the next activity.
Evaluation: This can be before the closing or at
a later date. How will you determine they
achieved the lesson objectives?
 Matches the objective:
o The students will independently match
the parts of an invitation with
corresponding information. This will be
addressed with the students’
independent performance.
 Independent performance:
o To evaluate the students, we will collect
the invitations that students produced.
This will show us if the students were
able to satisfy our objective.
everyone will
Caroline- none at
that point
 Matches IEP goals:
o Students with IEP
goals will also be
held accountable for
creating an invitation
with appropriate
 Adaptations:
o Students will be
allowed to use any
accommodations that
will help them to
complete the
1) Attention Grabber (Amanda) – “If you can hear me….(nod, raise your hand, hands in your lap,
2) Behavioral Expectations (Amanda) ]: “We are all going to listen with our ears, pay attention,
and use our brains to learn something new”.
3) Introduction and explanation of an Invitation (Teresa) -Invitation on document camera
“Today were going to learn the parts of an invitation and why they are important. Learning
about an invitation will help us in the future so next time we get one we will know what the
information is telling us. Also if we are going to invite people to something then we will
know how to write one and what is important. Raise your hand if you have been to a party,
event/special celebration with your friends or family, outing, birthday party, sleep over? If
you have been to one of those things how did you know about it? How did you know how to
get there? After answers have been provided from students, I will then tell students that we
can get this information from an invitation just like the examples that we have provided.”
4) Amanda - : “Let’s talk about the main points of an invitation. As a group we will fill in the parts
of an invitation. (Pass out invitation outline) (Provide strips of paper with information for
a. Event: John’s Birthday Party
b. Place: Riverbanks Zoo
c. Time: 11:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
d. Date: Saturday, August 10, 2012
e. RSVP: John’s Mom, Pam. 803-555-1234
5) Independent Practice (Teresa) – Explain independent work.
a. 2-3 Minutes – Brainstorm invitation ideas
b. 10 minutes – Create invitation (Computer for Caroline)
i. Event: Third Grade SC History Program
ii. Place: Heilman-Long Elementary School
iii. Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
iv. Date: Friday April 11, 2012
v. RSVP: Ms. Long or Ms. Heilman
6) Review invitations (Teresa) – “Who can tell me a part of their invitation”
7) Tie Material together – Explain why this information will be important in the future. Take up
invitations. “You will get these back so you can keep them for the future to refer to when you
want to invite someone to a party or event”