Role of the Church in the Middle Ages notes 2

The Role of the Church in Medieval Europe
Name ______________________
Label and explain the system of rank in the Roman Catholic Church.
The Chart lists seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. Write the correct term to the
right of its definition.
Holy Orders
Extreme unction
_________Sacraments _______________________Definitions________________________________
Formal declaration of belief in God
Blessing given to someone in danger of dying
Entry into the church
Consecration of bread and wine
A man becomes a priest
Confession of sins
A formal union blessed by the church
During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church played a central role in the lives of people
in Western Europe. Create a diagram that shows the influence of the Roman Catholic Church
on the areas of life you read about. Follow these steps to create your diagram.
 For each area of life listed below, include two influences that have survived to modern times.
 Use words and pictures in your diagram.
Art and architecture
religious orders
The Role of the Church in Medieval Europe
Members of which group believed that God had given them the right to rule? monarchy
These actions are examples of what process? Strengthening the power of the church
o Outlawing the selling of church positions
o Prohibiting kings from appointing priests
o Excommunicating Holy Roman emperor Henry IV
Which of these is NOT true of the Roman Catholic church during the Middle Ages?
o Church leaders helped govern western Europe.
o Each parish had its own pope.
o The church owned valuable land and property.
o Daily life in village revolved around the church.
The Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages in Europe can be best described as a
church that:
o Favored separation of church and state
o Avoided involvement in social and educational matters
o Was a strong force that divided many people
o Was a stabilizing influence during a period of weak central gov’t
In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the
“All things were under its domain….Its powers were such that no one could hope to escape its
scrutiny.” What European institution during the Middle Ages was best described in this
statement? church
What were the Holy Wars called? The Crusades
Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades?
o Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East.
o Islamic influence dominated Europe.
o Europeans developed tolerance of non-Christian religions.
o Trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded.
What were two indirect results of the Crusades? Trade and Commerce increased, and the
feudal system was weakened.
The Crusades have been called “history’s most successful failure.” Which statement best
explains this expression?
o The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they brought many
desirable changes to Europe.
o Although the Crusades captured the Holy Land, they were unable to bring about
democratic reform.
o The Crusades helped bring about the Fall of the Roman Empire.
o The Crusades prevented the Turks from capturing Constantinople for many centuries,
In Europe, a long term effect of the Crusades was an increased demand for goods form the
Who would have been most likely to make the following statement? pilgrim
I am traveling to Jerusalem to show God how sorry I am for having sinned. I hope we have a safe
Medieval paintings often told the story of Christ’s life. What does this suggest about people at
that time? Most people did not read. Stories were told in paintings and stained glass
windows as teaching tools.
The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with religious