File: IJ GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING PROGRAM The Rockingham County School Board affirms that parents are the student's first teachers and that the public schools should serve to strengthen family and parental support. No student will be required to participate in any personal/social counseling program to which the student's parents object. All students are expected to participate in academic, career, and character education guidance programs. For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply: a) Academic Guidance (Academic Advising) - Advice which assists students and their parents to acquire knowledge of the curricula choices available to students, to plan a program of studies, to arrange and interpret academic testing, and to seek post-secondary academic opportunities; b) Career Guidance (Career Advising) - Advice which helps students to acquire information and plan action about work, jobs, apprenticeships, and post-secondary educational and career opportunities; c) Character Education Guidance (Character Advising)- Advice and lessons to assist students in developing strong character traits, including citizenship, responsibility, caring, respect, trustworthiness, and fairness, and which emphasize the prevention of bullying. Grades K-5 Grade 6-8 Classroom lessons emphasize these six character traits. Grades 4 and 5 also experience a developmentally appropriate bullying prevention program. Grade 6 classroom presentations emphasize these six character traits, and experience a developmentally appropriate bullying prevention program. Grades 7 and 8 experience a developmentally appropriate bullying prevention program, while further developing these six character traits. Grades 9-12 The high school character education program is led by an assigned school administrator and team of staff members. Various activities and recognition events for students are held throughout the school year. The guidance counselors support school-wide efforts to enhance character development. d) Personal/Social Counseling - Counseling which assists a student to develop an understanding of themselves, the rights and needs of others, how to resolve conflict and to define individual goals, reflecting their interests, abilities and aptitudes. Such counseling may be provided either (i) in groups in which generic issues of social development are addressed or (ii) through structured individual or small group multisession counseling which focuses on the specific concerns of the participant(s). At least annually, parents shall be notified in writing about the academic, career and character education programs, and the personal/social counseling programs which are available to students within the school division. Parents will be advised concerning the purpose, general description of the programs, how parents may review materials to be used in the programs, and procedures by which parents may limit the students’ participation in the program. Information and records of personal/social counseling shall be kept confidential and separate and not disclosed to third parties without prior parental consent or as otherwise provided by law. (continued) 10/04 RCPS ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD File: IJ (page 2) It shall be the policy of the Rockingham County School Board with respect to personal/social counseling that parents will notify the school division in writing if the student is not to participate in the personal/social counseling program, (Opt - Out) Counseling techniques, which are beyond the scope of the professional certification or training of counselors, including hypnosis, or other psychotherapeutic techniques that are normally employed in medical or clinical settings and focus on mental illness or psychopathology are prohibited. Adopted: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Legal Ref.: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, sections 22.1-209, 22.1-209.1. Regulations of the Virginia Board of Education Governing Guidance and Counseling Programs, 8 VAC 20-620-10 Cross Ref. 10/04 RCPS IGAI Character Education JO Student Conduct ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD