Pupil Premium Report on outcomes for 2014-15

Pupil Premium Report for 2014 -2015
The aim of this report is to outline the impact of the Pupil Premium (PP) spend at Orchard Primary school for 2014 -2015. Pupil Premium spending is integral
to the school’s drive to achieve the best outcomes all pupils who are eligible for free school meals and for looked after children (those in local authority care).
The PP spend contributes to the overall aims and mission of Orchard Primary School which:
has Islamic values at its heart
is a place where every child matters
is dedicated to the spiritual, academic and social development of all of its pupils
is committed to a rich curriculum and strong community partnerships
is building a firm foundation of Emaan for the pleasure of Allah and to promote lifelong learning
Principles Informing the Use of the Pupil Premium Grant
School provision should meet the needs of all learners
A range of factors can be used to categorise pupils as being socially disadvantaged, including those that are eligible for FSM and looked after children
Pupils eligible for free school meals sometime can have other factors that can be a barrier to learning (e.g. special educational needs)
The school strives to ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils have their needs quickly identified and addressed
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.
Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium funded provision at any one
A high priority focus for spending of the PPG will relate to securing the best rates of progress for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils
The school undertakes research to look at best practice examples (e.g. Sutton Trust toolkit on strategies that work) and evaluates the strategies
deployed at Orchard. This is to ensure that the funds made available to the school are used efficiently and are focussed on strategies that are
successful in achieving improved outcomes for learners.
Orchard School Context
Orchard is a one form entry school serving a deprived intake. It is positioned high in the upper quartile of the most deprived schools in Lambeth (top 25%)
based on eligibility for free school meals (FSM), inward mobility and pupils at earlier stages of English (Lambeth Schools Disadvantage Index).
FSM pupil numbers are high compared to the local and national averages. The vast majority of pupils come from a minority ethnic background and have
English as an additional language.
Pupils entering Reception include some with very little or no pre-school experience and a majority at an early stage of English.
There are 25 pupils per class, therefore cohort / group size and other factors (e.g. SEN) tend to have a stronger impact on the attainment and progress data
compared to larger schools.
Pupil Premium Grant allocation for 2014/15 amounted to: £152,100. 00
Key objectives underpinning the Pupil Premium Spending 2014/15
A key priority for the school is to achieve above national standards for all learners and narrow attainment gaps between different groups. In order to
achieve this a number of key priorities were identified at the end of the 2013 /14 academic year.
These included:
PP/FSM pupils across the school make good or better progress
The attainment gaps between PP/FSM and non-PP/FSM at the end of KS2 are narrowed
Ensuring that outcomes for PP / FSM at the end of KS1 and KS2 continue to compare favourably with national averages for this group
Attainment and progress for PP pupils at the end of KS2 is exceeding national averages in reading and maths and in line with the national
average in writing
Providing SMSC and PSHE support for PP / FSM pupils
The table from page 3 onwards outlines the:
key objectives / priorities that were set
strategies adopted
funding allocated and
outcomes achieved for 2014 -2015
Pupil Premium spending and outcomes for 2014 -2015
Total allocation: £152, 100 - Based on 117 pupils
The following plan is a draft to be amended as the year progresses and will be responsive to emerging needs identified through on-going monitoring and end of year
self-evaluation process.
Priority /
Total amount set
Specific strategies adopted or Steps
Provider and Time period Breakdown of
objective set
aside for this
priority / objective
Reception class
Supply TA providing
From very low starting points, good
PP/FSM pupils
Total cost: £102,550 GIVE GOOD SUPPORT FOR FOCUS
additional support full time
Cost: £4,200 –
progress for learners in Reception class
across the
was achieved by July 14.
school make
Average point progress for FSM was:
good or better
Supply TA (Nov 14 – Mar
Orchard: 30.1 (LA average 31.0)
Orchard Good Level of Development:
54% (LA average 46%)
Targeted group work and 1:1,
Apr 14 - Sept 14
Cost: £9,200
Good progress for learners from their
starting points as indicated within the
The attainment
maternity leave since mid
EYFS data above.
gaps between
Sept 14
Inexperienced teacher better able to
PP/FSM and
Teaching and learning support for Rec
meet the needs of FSM with barriers to
their learning (e.g. SEN, EAL)
at the end of
Targeted group work and 1:1
Apr 14-Jul 14 (TA support
Improved outcomes in terms of
KS2 are
for Y2 - Y6)
Cost: £14,000
attainment and progress for pupils at the
end of Key Stage 1 (Yr. 2) and KS2
Additional support being
Cost: £3,200 –
provided to Y2 through
Part time TA
Aim is to begin to match local and
supply TA (5 Days, Sept 14
national averages
– Mar 15)
Targeted group work and 1:1
Apr 14 – Mar 15
Cost: £17,000
Data for July 14 indicated good to
support for pupils with slow progress /
TA providing 1:1 support
outstanding progress for FSM pupils in
barriers to learning in a range of
Cost: £9,800
Year groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. The APS
within these year groups ranged from
+3.2 to +7.2 in reading, writing and
In Year 5 FSM pupils made good points
progress in reading (4.4)
Progress in writing and maths was
satisfactory (2.8 and 2.7 respectively)
Targeted group work and 1:1
support pupils with SALT & literacy
needs in a range of classes
Support to increase engagement with
Somali parents, with reference to those
at early stage of English and/or SEN
Apr 14 – Mar 15
Full time TA on a temp
contract providing support
Cost: £15,400
Most pupils to met their IEP targets
Positive communication with parents
resulting in good levels of engagement
in their children’s learning
General additional support
Priority /
objective set
Ensuring that
outcomes for
PP / FSM at
the end of KS1
and KS2
continue to
favourably with
averages for
this group
Total amount set
aside for this
priority / objective
Total cost: £16,700
Part time TA provided
support Apr 14 – Aug 15
Targeted support and group work for
pupils with slow progress
Full time TA now providing
support from
Sept 14 – Mar 15
Additional support to boost levels
Additional support to help Year 6
achieve good maths and writing levels
Full time Supply cover
teacher Jan 15 – Mar 15
Via experienced supply
teacher (Jan 15 – Mar 15)
Cost: £3,100
Cost: £9,800
Cost: £12,000
Cost: £4,850 – 2
Days a week
Additional small group support to boost
reading and writing levels of FSM pupils
well below current ARE in lower KS2
Aim is to improve overall outcomes in
terms of raising attainment and progress
and closing the gaps between
advantaged and disadvantaged pupils
by June 2015
Additional small group support to boost
writing and maths levels of FSM pupils
well below current ARE in upper KS2.
To lead to improved outcomes for this
cohort by May / June 2015.
Specific strategies adopted or Steps
Provider and Time period
Breakdown of
Raising standards in writing by:
May 14-June 14
Staff: Asnia Haider
Cost: £500
22% of pupils on PP within Year 6
achieved L5 (National average was
Apr 14 – Jun 14
Chris Millar (Fleet Tutors agency)
Cost: £3,000
Year 4 PP pupils made 3.4 points
progress in writing by June 2014 as
compared to 3.7 for non-FSM pupils.
Year 5 PP pupils made 2.8 points
progress in writing by June 2014 as
compared to 3.6 for non-FSM pupils.
Note: PP pupils in Year 5 included to
statemented pupils
July 14 KS2 data indicates:
96% of PP pupils in Year 6 achieved
L4+ in reading (NA was 89%)
87% of PP pupils in Year 6 achieved
L4+ in writing (NA was 87%)
Writing booster groups for Y6
Target L5 writers
Tuition for writing
Y4 & Y5
Wordsmith Programme and Resources
 resource for intervention for pupils
who are in danger of not meeting
their targets
 staffing to deliver programme
Annual subscription
Sept 14-Jul 14
Teachers and agency
Cost: £3,200
Cost: £10,000
Attainment and
progress for
PP pupils at
Total: £1,000
Focus group: 2B target pupils in Y2
Sept 14-Mar 15
3 x 40 mins wkly
TA providing support
Cost: £1,000
July 14 KS1 data indicates:
67% of pupils in Year 2 achieved L2B+
in writing (NA was 70%)
Total: £15,500
Raising attainment in maths by
Maths support booster groups – Focus
groups: pupils in Y5 and Y6 Pupils in
Apr 14- Jun 14
Delroy Dunkley (Maths
Cost: £3,500
July 14 KS2 data indicates that PP
pupils at Orchard exceeded national
averages in reading and maths and
danger of not making L4 / 2 levels of
the end of KS2
is exceeding
averages in
reading and
maths and in
line with the
average in
Total: £4,000
were in line with the national average in
writing. Data indicates as follows:
96% of PP pupils in Year 6 achieved
L4+ in maths (NA was 88%)
74% of PP pupils in Year 6 achieved
L5+ in maths (NA was 47%)
Sept 14-Mar 15
Angie Jones (Maths
Cost: £4000
Focus group: Y5 class, pupils in danger
of not making 2 levels of progress –
Additional maths teacher for setting Y5
Apr 14-Jul 14
Cost: £3,600
Subscription to the Abacus maths
package including pupils having home
access to resources (home learning
Y5 SEBD pupil placement for Sum14
Kennington Bridge to School provision
Annual subscription
Maths books
Staff training (x2 sessions
in Sept 14)
Apr 14-Jul 14
Cost: £4,400
Ongoing – planning now all in line with
the new curriculum
Cost: £4,000
Pupil to adhere to boundaries, have
good engagement with learning and to
meet targets for writing and maths. Has
had some impact and pupil has now
been successfully reintegrated into
current Year 6 class.
Jack Adkins (teacher)/other
Advice and support for other SEBD
Priority /
objective set
SMSC and
PSHE support
for PP / FSM
Total amount set
aside for this
priority / objective
Total: £600
Specific strategies adopted or Steps
Provider and Time period
Breakdown of
SEN (social inclusion)
Horse riding provision for SEN
(statemented pupils) – both FSM
Autumn 14
X2 statemented
pupils in Y6
Cost: £600
Both pupils are currently in line to meet
IEP targets. Annual reviews successfully
completed in Jan. 2015.
Total: £1,500
Free school milk to be provided to PP
pupils from January 2015 – Compulsory
requirement for all primary Schools
Provide trips for PP pupils either for free
or at a subsidised rate.
Jan 15 – Mar 15
Cost: £1,500
Apr 15 – Mar 15
Cost: £5,000 –
Partially spent
Art club for all pupils including FSM
Provided via Art PPA cover
from Apr 14 – Jul 14
Provided via an agency
from Jan 15 – Mar 15
Cost: £1,550
Supporting good physical development
in terms of supplementing the dietary
needs of PP pupils.
Enhancing the curriculum provision for
PP pupils to ensure breadth and
balance. (In keeping with equalities
Enhancing the curriculum provision for
PP pupils to ensure breadth and
(In keeping with equalities policy)
Making a positive impact on outcomes
for PP pupils as can be ascertained from
school data.
Total: £5,000
Total: £2,550
Run art club one day a week – no
charge for FSM pupils
Year 5 (current Year 6) receiving
booster from Angie Jones.
To lead to improved outcomes for this
cohort by May / June 2015.
Pupils to meet their targets for maths
Year 5
Points progress in maths was
satisfactory (2.7)
Cost: £1,000
This will be used
to cover the Art
Total: £2,000
Total: £700
Library development
Improving conditions for learning:
New library to raise profile of reading
across the school, enable groups to use
the library, provide children with greater
choice of reading materials.
Swimming lessons for Y4 PP pupils
Apr 14 – Mar 15
Teacher and
Cost: £2,000
Apr 14 – Mar 15
Cost: £700
Total cost:
Enhancing the reading provision further
to support teaching and learning for all
pupils including in PP.
Developing further opportunities for
physical development and the adopting
of healthy lifestyles for all pupils
including PP.