Native Greek horses: from man- and fish-eaters B.C to DMRT3 gaiters in modern times Theodore G. Antikas, DVM, PhD Assoc. Prof., Aristotle U of Thessaloniki (ret.); Visiting Onassis Prof., U of Washington Dept. of History Abstract: ‘Mythical’ or prehistoric data re man eating horses in the 3rd or 2nd millennium BC reported by Greek writers, historians and tragedians in classical times are elucidated by a new approach reflecting the taming, domestication, zoogeography and evolution of Equus caballus in Greece, from Thrace to Crete. Recent finds of fish eating horses in Central Macedonia of the 7th-4th centuries BC reveal that Herodotus was reporting facts in his Histories thus rejecting the epithet ‘father of lies’ given to him by ancient and modern writers. The ongoing collaborative research project of the Aristotle and Texas A&M University concerning the DMRT3 gait mutation’s presence in native Greek horses suggests that it is fixed and homozygous in over 80% of the tested horses. The next phase of this study entails aDNA tests on horse skeletal remains dating to the 16th-4th centuries BC from archaeological excavations, so as to confirm the presence of this mutation in ancient horses. It is noteworthy that gaiting athletic and/or war horses were depicted on vases, coins, frescoes, reliefs and statues dating from the Mycenaean to the Classical and Hellenistic periods. I. Man eating horses: Myth or Myth-history? It is our belief that several factual events in stories written by ancient writers or painted on vases by artists were thought to represent “unreal” or “mythical” data. Less sceptical minds however, begin to realize that many mythical events of the past were simply historical facts to which oral tradition, poets and tragedians had added mythical elements to render them more heroic or divine. A typical example is Homer’s Troy, Mycenae, Pylos, Ithaca and Argos described in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer’s heroes, horses and city-states had been considered unreal, until the pick axe of archaeologists unearthed Troy, Mycenae and Pylos. As if this weren’t enough, literally hundreds of Linear B’ tablets describing the number of chariots stored in palaces, and tombs containing the cremains of heroes such as Agamemnon or Nestor are now the delight of museum visitors. Examples of fact misinterpreted as myth are also found in the tragedies of Aeschylus1 and Euripides2. They both reported the existence of man-eating horses in what we call prehistory. In Aeschylus’ tragedy Glaucus was the first son of Sisyphus, lived in the Boeotian city of Potnies, he owned mares, and to render them more aggressive he fed them human flesh. Alas when he took them to Iolkos in Thessaly to take part at the funeral games (probably chariot races) organized by Acastus to honor his father Pelias, the mares turned crazy and devoured him. The reason? Human flesh, the ‘food’ they were accustomed to, wasn’t available in Iolkos. Instead the mares were given local hay! Another Boeotian myth claimed that this was not the reason the mares went crazy; instead, it was Aphrodite who turned angry with Glaucus and punished him because he would not allow his mares to reproduce. Note that Glaucus was worshipped in Corinth as hero, the locals called him Taraxippos (horse terrorizer) and claimed he scared the horses at the Isthmian and the Olympic equestrian events. Jockeys and charioteers used to sacrifice and offer libations to Taraxippos before racing to appease the hero-daemon3,4. Heracles, a worshipped Pan-Hellenic hero thanks to his twelve athla (labors), was involved in a very interesting myth reported by Euripides, Aelian5 and Diodorus6. The eighth labor of Heracles was to steal the mares of the Thracian king Diomedes and bring them back to Argos. A black-figured kylix c. 510 BC at the Hermitage depicts his bravery much earlier than Euripides (Fig. 1). The hero is holding a stallion and at the same time threatens the animal with his club. The horse is trying to escape, and out of his mouth are the remains of a man (Abderos or Diomedes). Well, it seems that horses were meat eaters probabaly fond of human flesh in the 2nd or 3rd millenium BC. In one version of the myth, Heracles brought along many heroes to help him. They took the mares but were chased away by Diomedes and his men. Heracles was not aware that the horses, Podagros (the fast), Lampon (the shining), Xanthos (the blond) and Deimos (the terrible), were tethered to a bronze manger because they went crazy and uncontrollable due to their unnatural diet consisting of human flesh. Aeschylus, Glaucus Potnieus, passim Euripides, Alcestis 480 ff. 3 Pausanias, Touring Greece VI.20.19, IX.8.2 4 Plinius, Natural History 25.94 5 Aelian, On Animals 15.25 6 Diodorus, Library of History 4.15.13 1 2 Heracles left his friend Abderos in charge of the horses while he fought Diomedes but on his return to the stables he realized Abderos had been eaten by them. In revenge, Heracles fed Diomedes to the mares and then founded the city of Abdera next to the boy's tomb. This city--where Democritos was born--exists until today in western Thrace. In another version, Heracles stayed awake so that he wouldn't have his throat cut by Diomedes in his sleep, then cut the chains binding the horses and scared them onto high ground. When king Diomedes returned, Heracles killed him and fed the body to the mares to calm them. Both versions conclude that eating human flesh calmed the horses. Once subdued, Heracles brought them back to King Eurystheus who dedicated the horses to goddess Hera, who allowed them to roam freely around Argos as they were permanently calm. Eurystheus ordered the horses taken to Olympus to be sacrificed to Zeus. Diodorus Siculus7 writes that when the crazy horses were brought to Eurystheus, he dedicated them to Hera, they roamed freely to Thessaly, and their breed continued down to the reign of Alexander the Great producing the famous Macedonian cavalry. It is tempting to think that if modern horse, cattle or chicken breeders had taken some time to study Greek mythology, they might have prevented zoonoses such as BSE (mad cow), H1N1 or other ailments. The postulate may sound exaggerated but it is logical: the crazy mares of Diomedes symbolize nothing more than the fact that ‘savage’ equids (not domesticated) had reached the Greek mainland from central Asia through Thrace, an area joining Asia to Europe. Following the ‘heroic’ labor of Herakles, the Thracian mares were tamed (domesticated), led by sea or land (moved) to Argos long before the Trojan War. Finally, the horses were dedicated to a female deity and were left to roam freely on the Greek mainland. In Troy we note hundreds of war horses8,9: from Mycenae and Sparta (Agamemnon’s Aethe, Menelaus’ Podargos, Eumelus’ and Diomedes’ chariot mares), from Thessaly (Achilles’ Balios, Xanthos, Pedasus), from Crete (Meriones’ chariot horses), from Thrace (King Rhesus’ chariot mares) and Troy in Asia Minor (Hector’s mare Podarge). Eons later their descendants reach Macedonia to breed cavalry horses. Ergo. The myths on man eating horses are symbolic and explanatory at the same time. The primary lesson taught by them is that Man’s hubris of feeding meat to herbivorous animals is a grave insult to mother Nature and will inevitably lead to tragedy and disaster. In a very subtle manner the myth-history of Glaucus’ and Diomedes’ man-eating horses explains the zoogeography, the movement, the domestication and last but not least, the expansion of Equus caballus on the Greek mainland during the early second-late third millennium BC. Moreover, there is a hard lesson to learn from the Greek tragedies: people have reverted to eating horse meat for fear of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. I call innocent horses exported or stolen to supply the kitchens of consumers ’from stable to table.’ II. Fish eating horses: Was Herodotus lying? In 2004 the pick axe of archaeology unearthed five horses and two dogs dating to the 7th-4th centuries BC buried in a human cemetery found at Sindos, near Thessaloniki. A zooarchaeological study on these important finds which reflect the Macedonian and Mycenaean10 habit of burying heroes with their horses and dogs has been published11. The preservation of the horses’ skeletons was so impressive (Fig. 2) that prompted the research team to send samples for stable isotope analyses to two laboratories which came up with more or less identical and surprising results (Fig. 3). Namely, the 13C, 15N values and C/N ratios indicate that at least 20% of the horses’ feed consisted of protein of fish origin12. As to the fish species Herodotus called ’papraces and tilones’, the labs have gone as far as to identify the species found until today in the Axios and Aliakmon rivers close to Sindos (Fig. 3, bottom left). More analyses are necessary to compare the equine data to those of herbivorous (cattle, capra/ovis) and omnivorous animals (canines, felines) from the same time period and the same region, i.e., the Macedonian plains, but this is part of a future research project due to lack of funds. Herodotus has been criticized for including exaggerated realities in his Histories, however recent studies by archaeologists, geneticists, paleobotanists, archaeozoologists and physicists have found elements of truth in his exaggerations. As surprising Herodotus’ statement on “fish-eating horses” may seem, a less skeptical approach should lead modern scholars into considering his text from a new scientific angle. Diodorus Siculus, Historic Library 4.15.3 Homer, Iliad, 23; see also his long list of horses owned by Greek and Trojan heroes 9 Antikas TG, Hippoi and Hippologia, To Tetarto Editions, Katerini 2012 10 Homer, Iliad, 23.171-74 11 Antikas TG, Fish Eating Horses in Macedonia, 5th c. BC: Was Herodotus Right? Veterinarija ir Zootechn. 44(66):31-37, 2008 12 I. Maniatis, EKEFE “Democritos” Archaeometry Lab Report, Athens 2004 7 8 Firstly, one has to wonder why at least four ancient writers mention man-eating or fish-eating horses. None of them was known to be a liar. Secondly, why should the perissodaktylon (odd-fingered) Equus need four sizable canine teeth, if it were purely herbivorous, must be answered. Last but not least, one has to consider whether Herodotus, an invitee at the Macedonian court at Aegae, just 40 km from Sindos, should refer to “fish eating horses and other pack animals” unless he witnessed or heard from locals that this was a custom. In conclusion, Herodotus does not seem to have recorded myths in speaking of fish eating horses in the plains of Central Macedonia13. Just as Homer before him was not referring to a mythical Troy but to a real citadel, Herodotus was seemingly telling a story in his capacity as the father of history—not as a father of lies. III. Origins of the Greek horse breeds and the DMRT3 gait mutation Linear B’ scripts dating to the second millennium BC and decoded by Chadwick and Ventris have brought to light two ideograms: a-to-ro-qo (άνθρωπος) and i-qo [ίππος, hence equus]. Horse skeletal remains have been unearthed in Archanes-Crete, Dendra-Argos, Nemea-Corinth and Marathon-Attica. Linear B’ tablets stating the number of chariot wheels stored in the palaces of Knossos and Pylos date to the 15th-16th c. BC, long before the Trojan War. Zooarchaeologists may debate the origins of these horses, however there is data in ancient sources that may help in suspecting some origins: (a) King Nestor of Pylos, after his war with the Eleans brings 300 xanthes (chestnut) mares-in-foal back home14; (b) Agamemnon owns the fast chariot mare Aethe from Sikyon in the Argolid15; and offers twelve victorious chariot horses of Argos to Achilles to apease him16; (c) Eumelos owns mares bred in Pieria17; (d) Hector and Rhesus own chariot horses bred in Thrace and Asia Minor; (e) Meriones owns Cretan horses. As the Trojan War was fought in the mid-13th century BC, i.e., one century after the battle of Qadesh between Ramses and Muawatalli, I don’t see how we can ignore the origins of Greek, Egyptian or Hittite horse breeds. In the archaic and classical eras (680 BC to 241 AD) many vase scenes depict gaiting war horses (Figs. 4-5); and race/chariot horses at the festivals of Olympia, Pythia, Isthmia and Nemea (Figs. 6-9)18. Interestingly, all these horses are gaiters thus forcing the postulate that the DMRT3 mutation was fixed in their genome some 2,700 years ago. Also, that this important gait was preferred by riders and drivers for speed in racing and charioteering, as well as in cavalries consisting of war horses. In the classical and hellenistic eras Macedonian kings minted coins depictig gaiting horses: Alexander I the Philhellene, 498-454 BC, who rode to Plataies in 472 (Fig. 10); Perdikas, 448-13 (Fig. 11); Archelaos, 413-399, first Macedonian to win a wreath at the tethrippon race in Olympia in 408 (Fig. 12); Pausanias, 399 (Fig. 13); Aeropos, 399-396 (Fig. 14); and Philip II, 359-336, who won three wreaths at Olympia’s keles, tehrippon and synoris horse races (Fig. 15). It is also noteworthy that the Thracian Getae and the Skythians of King Ateas (Fig. 16), who were defeated by Philip in 339 BC, had been riding gaiters since the times Chersonesos was governed by Miltiades in the 6th century BC. In fact, Thopompus and Justin inform us that after defeating the Skythian king Ateas Philip brought back to Greece 20,000 ’well fed’ Skythian mares and 20,000 women and children to populate Macedonia19. It is postulated that most Macedonian kings may have used gaiters in their cavalry. If one considers that Philip II rode some 20,000 km in his campaigns and Alexander III more than 45,000 km riding bareback from Pella to Egypt and Pakistan, it would be no surprise to this author that everyone, king or soldier, would prefer to ride gaiters to save their gluteus muscles from turning into raw meat. The preference to use gaiters in cavalries was followed by Alexander’s successors. Coins minted by Eukratidas in the second (Fig. 17) and Azes (Fig. 18) in the first century BC depict gaiters. As to Alexander, after 329 BC he replaced his exhausted cavalry forces with Persian, Parthian, Bactrian and Indian men and horses. His example was naturally followed by several of his Epigonoi (successors) in Asia and in Egypt. Herodotus, Histories 5.16: Their horses and other pack animals they feed on fish which are so abundant… that when they open the trapdoor and let down an empty bucket on a rope, they have only a minute to wait before they pull it up again, full. The fish are of two kinds… papraces and tilones. 14 Homer, Iliad 11.680 ff. 15 Homer, Iliad 23.294 16 Homer, Iliad 9.123-24, 9.265-66 17 Homer, Iliad 2.765 18 Antikas TG, Ολυμπικά Ιππικά και Γυμνικά Άθλα. To Tetarto editions, Katerini 2012 19 Theopompus frag. 162, Justin 9.2, 9.3 13 In the post-Christian era, King Gondophares (Gr: Ινδοφέρρης) minted coins depicting gaiters (Fig. 19). It was he who took over the Kabul, the Punjab and the Sindh regions from king Azes, the Indo-Scythian successor of the two governors Telephos and Hippostratos Alexander had left behind in the third century AD. As to Byzantine kings as Justinian (Fig. 20), and saints as Theodoros Tyron and Stratelates (Fig. 21), we can only theorize that their gaiters were crosses of Greek to Eurasian breeds. It is interesting that the use of gaiting horse breeds was later followed in the east and the west: many English, French, Swiss, Italian and Μamluk manuscripts of the 14th, Chinese mabuscripts of the 15th, and Epirote empbroideries of the 17th century AD depict gaiting horses. It is hard to find sufficient written data in the Dark Ages in Europe or the rise of the Ottoman, Arab, Mamluk and Mongol chieftains in the east. Pictorial evidence however, may convince scientists that the gait mutation was fixed on horses both in the East and the West. Such gaiters show up in ecclesiastical texts, in paintings, on textile and on artifacts. As to which equine breeds gave birth to these gaiters it remains an enigma. Will aDNA testing tell us? I wonder as there is no sufficient DNA tests done so far. IV. The research project of DNA and aDNA testing native Greek horses A two-year research project (1999-2000) run by the Department of Reproductive Physiology of the College of Agriculure at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to define the phenotype of indigenous Greek horse breeds established that five breeds, from Mt. Pindos in Epirus to Mt. Ida in Crete, were gaiters. Their population had declined significantly in the late 20th century due to exports for slaughter, a sad horse reality: in 1950, Greece had ca. 280,000 horses, 170,000 mules and 450.000 donkeys (total, 900,000). In 1980, 105,000, 115,000 and 230,000, respectively (450,000); and in 2000, 34,509, 41,319 and 88,837 (~165,000), respectively. In a hard effort to save Greece’s native horse breeds from extinction, this project has registered in a data base 4,000 horses from Epirus to Crete (Fig. 26), defined six indigenous breeds, and published its finds in 200020. Thankfully, the horse genome was mapped successfully a few years ago and so did the outstanding find of the DMRT3 mutation on chromosome-23 of the horse. These two major discoveries led to an inter-university, interdisciplinary project led by the Hellenic Association of Traditional Equitation (HASTE) in collaboration with the Aristotle University and the Texas A&M University’s Dept. of Veterinary Intergrative Bioscience headed by Prof. E. Gus Cothran. From 2011 to the present, blood and hair samples of 177 native horses have been tested as to their origins (Tables I-II) and the presence of the gait mutation DMRT3 (Table II). V. Conclusions The DNA tests and statistics contained in the two tables below have come as no surprise: in short, they indicate that (a) the origins of the Greek native horses include three asiatic breeds, namely the AT-Akhal Teke, the KUKurd and the TU-Turkmen; (a) the majority of horses from five native Greek breeds are either homozygous or heterozygous for the DMRT3 gait mutation. The next phase of this pioneer project should be running aDNA tests in ancient horse skeletons found in many archaeological excavations from Dendra and Nemea in the Peloponnese (16th-15th c. BC) to Sindos, Polykastro and Therme in Central Macedonia (7th-4th c.), and analyzed by zooarchaologists21. The ambitious purpose of this future research project is to discern whether the DMRT3 mutation has been fixed on the genome of native Greek horses during the last four millenia. It is my hope that Poseidon Hippios and Athena Hippia will be favorable to this ambitious project that is presently suffering from lack of necessary funds. Acknowledgements: grateful thanks to the 100 owners from Crete, Epirus, Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace and the Peloponnese who were kind to help us get blood and hair samples from their native horses. Thanks are also due to Dr. Gus Cothran for his invaluable contribution without which this project would have beeen a utopia. T. A. Alifakiotis, transl. By T. G. Antikas, The Indigenous Horses in Greece. Ministry of Agriculture (ed), Athens 2000 T. G. Antikas, Fish Eating Horses in Central Macedonia, 5th c. BCE: Was Herodotus Right? Veter. Zootechn. 44(66):31-37, 2008; see also The Honour to be Buried with Horses: From Mycenaean Nemea to Macedonian Vergina. In: Les Equides dans le Monde Mediterraneen Antique. Arnelle Gardeisen (ed.), CNRS 143-51, France 20 21 Table I. Match frequency to the closest native horse breed after DNA testing¹ Greek Horses 3 matches 2 matches 1 match 0 match ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ Region Tested Crete 73 5 3 8 12 16 14 7 6 Macedonia 54 2 1 5 14 10 10 6 6 Peloponnese 18 0 0 1 4 7 6 0 0 Nafpaktos 11 0 1 3 1 1 4 1 0 E. Thrace 10 0 0 0 1 1 6 1 1 Thessaly 4 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 Epirus 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1? 0 Cephalonia 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Attica 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Total-Percent % 177 13-7.345% 53-29.944% 79-44.633% 29-16.384% ¹ the Asiatic breeds AT, KU, TU were considered quasi native due to close origins since the 4th century BC Table II. Indigenous breed frequency after DNA testing² Greek Horses EM-EZ PD-TH AT-KU-TU Foreign Region Tested Origins Origins Origins Origins Crete 73 46 25 22 13 Macedonia 54 31 19 10 11 Peloponnese 18 10 3 4 1 Nafpaktos 11 0 8 5 1 E. Thrace 10 4 5 0 2 Epirus 3 2 2 1 0 Thessaly 3 4 1 1 0 Cephalonia 3 2 8 0 1 Attica 1 0 0 1 0 Total-Percent 177 99-55.932% 71-40.112% 44-24.858% 29-16.384% ² EM-EZ=Elis Mountain-Elis/Zakynthos; PD-TH=Pindos-Thessalian; AT-KU-TU=Akhal Teke-Kurdish-Turkmen Table III. Frequency of DMRT3 presence after DNA testing Greek Region Crete Macedonia Peloponnese E. Thrace Epirus Cephalonia Attica Total-Percent % Horses Tested 73 49 16 10 3 3 1 155 Homozygous or Heterozygous 67 49 14 1 2 1 1 135-87.097% GG-Greek¹ Gaiters 56 37 2 1 2 1 1 100-64.516% Foreign Gaiters 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 23-14.838% Undetermined (test failed)² 6 0 2 0 1 1 0 10-6.452% ¹ the term GG is given to 2nd-3rd generation horses born in Greece regardless of their particular native breed ² inconclusive tests although clinical tests checking the kinetics of these ten horses showed true gaiting