Utopia Project Rubric - Prairie Spirit Blogs

Utopia Project Rubric
Project Component
Declaration of Independence
Group Members:
The declaration states clearly
why the students feel they need
to form a new society, what is
wrong with our current society,
has no grammatical or spelling
errors, and is 150+ words in
Crest is well designed, is
coloured, and is done in “good
copy”, and both the motto and
the crest incorporate the
fundamental components of the
society’s philosophy.
The declaration states fairly
clearly why the students feel
they need to form a new society,
what is wrong with our current
society, has few grammatical or
spelling errors, and is 150+
words in length.
Crest is well designed, is
coloured, and is done in “good
copy”, and both the motto and
the crest incorporate most of the
fundamental components of the
society’s philosophy.
List of Rules
The list is complete and typed
with no grammatical or spelling
errors. It addresses the basic
rules that a society requires to
function, and addresses a variety
of aspects of daily life.
The list is complete and typed
with few grammatical or spelling
errors. It addresses most of the
basic rules that a society
requires to function, and
addresses a few of aspects of
daily life.
Provisions of Life’s Necessities
The provisions are well thought
out, and all the angles are
covered. There are no spelling
or grammar errors. It is 100+
words in length.
The structure of the government
is clearly explained and shows
much thought and planning. The
decision making procedure is
clearly outlined. It is 100+ words
in length and has no spelling or
grammar errors.
The provisions are well thought
out, and most necessities are
provided for adequately. There
are few spelling or grammar
errors. It is 100+ words in
The structure of the government
is somewhat explained and
shows some thought and
planning. The decision making
procedure is outlined. It is 100+
words in length and has few
spelling or grammar errors.
Utopian Motto & Seal
There is some confusion as to
why the students feel they need
to form a new society, what is
wrong with our current society,
has many grammatical or
spelling errors, or is not 150+
words in length.
Crest is well designed, is
coloured, and is done in “good
copy”, either the motto or the
crest incorporate the
fundamental components of the
society’s philosophy, OR both
the motto and the crest
incorporate some of the
fundamental components of the
society’s philosophy.
The list is complete and typed
with some grammatical or
spelling errors. It addresses
some of the basic rules that a
society requires to function, and
addresses a few of the aspects of
daily life.
Some necessities are provided
for adequately, but there is little
evidence of planning and
forethought. There are some
spelling or grammar errors. It is
100+ words in length.
The structure of the government
is somewhat explained but
shows inadequate thought and
planning. The decision making
procedure is not well outlined. It
is less than 100+ words in length
OR has many spelling or
grammar errors.
The declaration does not state
why the students feel they need
to form a new society, what is
wrong with our current society,
has many grammatical or
spelling errors, and is not 150+
words in length.
Crest is poorly designed, is not
coloured, and is not done in
“good copy”. Neither the motto
nor the crest incorporate any of
the fundamental components of
the society’s philosophy.
The list is incomplete and/or is
not typed, and has many
grammatical or spelling errors. It
does not address the basic rules
that a society requires to
function, and/or it does not
address a variety of aspects of
daily life.
Few necessities are provided for
adequately, and there is little
evidence of planning and
forethought. There are many
spelling or grammar errors. It is
less than 100+ words in length.
The structure of the government
is not explained and shows little
thought and planning. The
decision making procedure is not
outlined. It is less than 100+
words in length AND has many
spelling or grammar errors.
Geographic Location and Map
Letter to a Friend or Relative
Journal Entry
Daily Itinerary
The maps are neatly drawn and
coloured. The map of the
settlement clearly demonstrates
forethought, planning, and
The letter is creative, clearly
persuasive, written in proper
letter format, and outlines many
reasons why they should come
live in the new society. It
contains no spelling or grammar
errors and is 200+ words in
Journal entries are very creative,
and clearly outline life in regards
to work, family, worship,
entertainment, school, etc. They
are written from a human
perspective and contain
descriptions of the person’s
feelings. There are no spelling or
grammar errors and are 400+
words in length (total).
The itinerary contains a daily
schedule for an entire family for
a full week. It takes into account
entertainment, school/work, and
free time for all people involved.
It demonstrates creativity and
has no spelling or grammar
The ad appeals to a wide
audience using a well thought
out design. It uses persuasive
language and visuals. It
describes life in the new
community. The picture uses
bright colours, is neatly drawn,
and demonstrates creativity.
The written component is well
written with no spelling or
grammatical errors.
The maps are neatly drawn and
coloured. The map of the
settlement demonstrates some
forethought, planning, and
The letter is somewhat creative,
somewhat persuasive, written in
proper letter format, and
outlines some reasons why they
should come live in the new
society. It contains few spelling
or grammar errors and is 200+
words in length.
Journal entries show creativity,
and outline life in regards to
work, family, worship,
entertainment, school, etc. They
are written from a human
perspective and contain
descriptions of the person’s
feelings. There are few spelling
or grammar errors and are 400+
words in length (total).
The itinerary contains a daily
schedule for an entire family for
a full week. It takes into account
most activities. It demonstrates
creativity and has few spelling or
grammar errors.
The maps are neatly drawn but
not coloured. The map of the
settlement demonstrates little
forethought, planning, or
The letter is somewhat
persuasive, mostly written in
proper letter format, and
outlines a few reasons why they
should come live in the new
society. It contains some
spelling or grammar errors and is
200+ words in length.
Journal entries show little
creativity, and vaguely outline
life in regards to work, family,
worship, entertainment, school,
etc. They are written more as a
report and contain few
descriptions of the person’s
feelings. There are some spelling
or grammar errors OR are not
400+ words in length (total).
The itinerary has most of a daily
schedule for an entire family for
a full week. It takes few aspects
of life into account. It
demonstrates little creativity and
has some spelling or grammar
The maps are not neatly drawn
OR coloured. The map of the
settlement does not
demonstrate forethought,
planning, or creativity.
The letter is not persuasive, is
not written in proper letter
format, and does not outline
reasons why they should come
live in the new society. It
contains many spelling or
grammar errors and/or is less
than 200+ words in length.
Journal entries show little
creativity, and vaguely outline
life in regards to work, family,
worship, entertainment, school,
etc. They are written as a report
and do not contain descriptions
of the person’s feelings. There
are many spelling or grammar
errors AND are not 400+ words
in length (total).
The itinerary does not contain a
daily schedule for an entire
family for a full week. It takes
few aspects of life into account.
It demonstrates little creativity
and has many spelling or
grammar errors.
The ad appeals to a wide
audience using a well thought
out design. It uses persuasive
language and visuals. It
attempts to describe life in the
new community. The picture
uses bright colours and is neatly
drawn. The written component
has few spelling or grammatical
The ad appeals to a limited
audience. The language and
visuals are somewhat
persuasive. It attempts to
describe life in the new
community. The picture is neatly
drawn but is not coloured. The
written component has some
spelling or grammatical errors.
The ad appeals to a limited
audience. The language and
visuals are not persuasive. It
does not describe life in the new
community. The picture is not
done in good copy or coloured.
The written component has
many spelling or grammatical
Overall Project
Project is bound together and
clearly lists everyone’s names. It
is typed, proofread, and edited.
Font is easy to read and an
appropriate size. All
components of the project are
Project is bound together and
lists everyone’s names. It is
typed, and somewhat proofed
and edited. Font is either not
easy to read or not an
appropriate size. One part of the
project is missing.
Project is not bound together
but lists everyone’s names. It is
typed, but not proofed and
edited. Font is either not easy to
read or not an appropriate size.
Two or three parts of the project
are missing.
Overall Effort
Students were on task and used
their time wisely. They did not
waste time. Students were on
time and in class.
Students were on task most of
the time. Though there was
some wasted time, most was
used wisely. Students were on
time and in class.
Students were off task and
required some prompting to get
back to work. Time was not
used wisely. Students were late
and/or absent.
Group Work
The group functioned well
together. They cooperated and
listened to each other’s ideas.
The work was divided up equally
and everyone did their share.
Everyone contributed equally.
The group functioned fairly well
together. They cooperated and
generally listened to each other’s
ideas. The work was divided up
somewhat equally, but one or
two people did more than the
others. Everyone contributed
fairly equally.
The group functioned somewhat
well together. They did not
cooperate and did not really
listen to each other’s ideas. The
work was not divided up equally,
but one or two people did more
than the others. Everyone
contributed fairly equally.
Project handed in on: _______________________________________________
Final Mark: ___________________________
Project is not bound together
and doesn’t list everyone’s
name. Parts are not typed, and
it is not proofed and edited.
Font is either not easy to read or
not an appropriate size. More
than three parts of the project
are missing.
Students were off task much of
the time and required many
prompts to get back to work.
Time was not used wisely.
Students were late and/or
The group did not function well
together. They did not
cooperate or listen to each
other’s ideas. The work was not
divided up equally. Not
everyone completed their share
of the work.