A Case Study: Acute Leukemia By Rashel Clark NDFS 4660 Fall 2014 1 Introduction The patient was a 27 year old female admitted to the hospital for a matched unrelated donor (MUD) peripheral blood stem cell transplant (PBSCT). The following case study presents information on the patient’s social and medical history. There will then be an in depth analysis of the most recent diagnosis, treatment, and nutrition assessment which occurred during the patient’s hospital stay. Patient Profile and Social History The patient was married with two kids. The family owned and operated a gym. The patient was also a cheerleading coach at the local high school. Both of the kids lived with grandparents during the chemotherapy and transplant treatments while the husband would travel back and forth. The children would skype the parents and come visit when possible. Past Medical History Previous to 2013 the patient was healthy and had no significant medical history other than the birth of two children. On October 18th the patient was diagnosed with acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL). Four days later 3+7 induction treatment began. On November 7th the patient came to the hospital for the second round of induction therapy. Discharge from that treatment was on December 20th the patient returned to the hospital January 14th for total body radiation therapy. This was in preparation for an allogeneic 10/10 MUD PBSCT, which occurred on January 21st. On February 12th the patient was discharged with homecare. On June 28th the patient returned to the hospital due to returning symptoms of leukemia and was diagnosed with relapsed AUL with leukemia cutis, central nervous system (CNS) disease, low-grade gut graft versus host disease (GVHD), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) 2 enteritis. At this time CLAG-M chemo cycle began. The patient was discharged again with homecare on July 3rd Treatment and Progress The patient was readmitted to the hospital on August 12th for a bone marrow transplant (BMT) preparative chemotherapy regimen. On August 20th the patient had the second MUD hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). Recovery was to occur in the BMT unit until the patient stabilized and counts recovered. During this time the patient experienced complications with mucositis and increasing liver function test labs. These complications led the patient to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) early September 16th At this time the patient was diagnosed with liver failure, respiratory failure, and hepatic sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS) formerly known as veno-occlusive disease. The patient was then discharged and transported to the another hospital to be enrolled in a clinical trial for the treatment of SOS. Anthropometrics From diagnosis to first transplant in January the patient had a 5% weight loss. This compounded to a 15% weight loss when relapsed AUL was diagnosed in July. Weight then stabilized until admit for second BMT late August. During the second transplant weight continued to climb. This brought the patient back within usual body weight range. However, most of the weight increase was due to edema in the legs and face, and ascites in the abdomen. A summary of weight progression for the patient can be seen below. Date/Time Weight Weight history Date/Time Weight 3 Nov 6th 52.25 Aug 1st 42.80 Dec 1st 50.50 Aug 11th 42.80 Jan 11th 49.50 Aug 20th 44.50 Feb 1st 48.90 Aug 27th 46.90 Mar 18th 42.82 Aug 29th 46.10 Jun 27th 44.70 Sep 1st 47.30 Jul 9th 45.70 Jul 28th 44.00 Biochemical The patient had many medications on board during the hospital stay. Medications and dosing would vary depending on the patient’s clinical state and symptoms. In appendix A a snapshot of medications, dosing, and purpose can be found. All of these medications had symptoms which were mostly counteracted by other medications that were taken. The patient mainly experienced symptoms of altered hydration status, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and skin rashes during the hospital stay. Labs were monitored daily to determine recovery status, monitor possible complications, total parenteral nutrition monitoring, and transfusion needs. A summary of the basic metabolic panel in this patient can be seen in Appendix B. Liver function tests can be seen in Appendix C. These values were indicative of the patient’s major complications which occurred while the patient was in the hospital recovering from a BMT. The general climb in the liver values was first thought to be related to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) complications. However after this was found to not be the problem the values were further investigated by 4 specialists. Lab values indicated liver failure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and dyspnea when the patient was transferred to the ICU on September 16th. Clinical Before transplant the patient was considered to only have a 10% chance of survival. This put the patient at a higher risk of complications during the second BMT. Edema in the legs and abdomen was fairly consistent and controlled as much as possible with Lasix to induce autodiruesing. Mucositis onset began on day two after the transplant and set in by day 5. It was mostly in the throat but extended through the digestive tract down to the stomach. The patient had a history of vitamin B12 deficiency and was being treated for this. Frequently the patient would have no bowel movements for a week even with medications. The patient also experienced rash, nosebleeds, and hematemesis. The patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) early September 16th This was due to liver failure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and dyspnea. It was determined the patient had a sudden onset of hepatic sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS) formerly known as venoocclusive disease. Later that afternoon the patient was discharged and transported to the another hospital to be enrolled in a clinical trial for the treatment of SOS. Dietary Every BMT patient is put on a continuous calorie count and reduced microbial diet due to the immunosuppression and compromised immune system. The patient suffered from chemotherapy induced nausea, vomiting, mucositis and anorexia throughout the entire stay at the hospital. These symptoms severely impacted nutritional status and were the basis upon which nutrition support was indicated. TPN was the nutrition support chosen due to severe 5 mucositis and concerns for possible GVHD. Below are the patient’s estimated needs which are increased due to BMT. Calories Protein Fluid 1320-1540 77-102g 1320-1540ml 30-35kcal/kg 1.5-2g/kg 30-35ml/kg Two complete nutrition assessment notes can be found in Appendix D. The summary of the patient’s nutritional status and interventions as monitored by the registered dietitian are as follows: 7/20- 8/17: Reduced microbial diet and calorie counts began upon admit per LDS hospital protocol with all BMT patients. Calorie counts indicated patient meeting 75% of estimated needs until 8/15 when intake severely declined due to increasing symptoms most likely caused by chemotherapy regimen. Average oral intake: 73% of calorie needs and 60% of protein needs 8/18- 8/20: TPN was initiated to meet half the patient’s estimated needs. This was due to severe nausea and vomiting resulting in the patient eating less than 50% of calorie and protein needs for two days per calorie count analysis. Average oral intake: 14% of calorie needs and 23% of protein needs Average nutrition support: 52% of calorie needs and 53% of protein needs 8/21- 8/22: TPN was discharged and one liter of Clinimix was started to help bridge the gap until adequate oral intake was achieved. The emesis and nausea due to the chemotherapy regimen prior to BMT had resolved at this point so intake was expected to increase. Average oral intake: 48% of calorie needs and 51% of protein needs Average nutrition support: 51% of calorie needs and 53% of protein needs 6 8/23-9/2: TPN was initiated to meet all of the patient’s estimated needs due to the onset of severe mucositis. This extended down through the esophagus and made it difficult for the patient to even talk. Calorie counts were discharged at this time due to the patient’s inability to consume any nutrients. Average oral intake: 0% of calories and 0% of protein needs Average nutrition support: 80% of calories and 95% of protein needs 9/3- 9/8 The lipids were taken out of the TPN due to abnormal total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase. Average oral intake: 0% of calories and 0% of protein needs Average nutrition support: 100% of calorie needs, 100% of protein needs 9/8- 9/16: Lipids were added back into the TPN. The patient had returned from a computed tomography scan and gastrointestinal (GI) consult due to abnormal lipid values and abdominal pain. The GI consult dictated that the liver values were likely related to poor oral intake for an extended period of time and biliary sludge that was found in the gall bladder. At this time oral intake was further encouraged to help resolve the problem. Day twenty of hospital stay the patient finally had first oral intake of ½ cup of noodles. Oral intake was never adequate to discharge or decrease TPN rate for the rest of hospital stay. Calorie counts were resumed on 9/8/2014 to track oral intake more closely. Average oral intake: 2% of calorie needs and 0% of protein needs Average nutrition support: 98% of calorie needs and 100% of protein needs Conclusion 7 The hospital admitted a 27 year old female for a second bone marrow transplant. The patient encountered many clinical complications related to the transplant which negatively impacted oral intake and thus nutritional status. While the patient was at the hospital nutritional and medical status was monitored by an entire team of professionals. The patient’s nutritional status was discussed in depth and even with all of this monitoring the patient encountered complications related to the bone marrow transplant. On September 16th the patient was transferred to the ICU with liver and respiratory failure and a diagnosis of SOS. The patient was transferred to another hospital for further treatment in a clinical trial for the treatment of SOS. Due to the sudden onset of these complications the medical team was unable to stabilize the patient again. The patient passed away two weeks later. 8 Acute Leukemia Literature Review There are approximately 48,000 new cases of leukemia diagnosed in the United States each year. Those living with or in remission from leukemia total about 274,9301. This type of cancer begins in the bone marrow affecting the white blood cells2. To understand the physiology of this disease it is important to first examine the bone. The bone is made of an outside layer of compact bone, spongy bone on the ends, and bone marrow in the center. In a healthy body the bone marrow makes immature blood stem cells that mature over time. These stem cells become either a myeloid or lymphoid stem cell. Lymphoid cells become white blood cells; myeloid cells become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets3. Leukemia causes a malignant transformation to occur at the stem cell level resulting in abnormal proliferation, clonal expansion, and diminished apoptosis. This leads to normal blood cells replaced with the malignant, leukemic, cells2. The cause for most leukemia cases is not known; however once the leukemic shift begins these cells survive better than normal cells1. This suppresses normal blood cell and bone marrow formation which in turn hinders hematopoiesis with ensuing thrombocytopenia and granulocytopenia. Due to being a blood borne illness it can also infiltrate organs such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidney and gonads, and central nervous system (CNS)2. Complications for this patient occurred in the CNS and liver. The rate at which this occurs depends on the type of leukemia 1. Leukemia is divided into four classes. The first differentiation is acute or chronic which signifies if the transformation begins in the mature or immature cells. Next the disease is classified according to if it affects the myeloid or lymphocytic cells. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia 9 (ALL), chronic myeloid leukemia, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia are the four main types of leukemia1. Acute leukemia will progress rapidly if not treated3. THE PATIENT had been diagnosed with acute undifferentiated leukemia due to the inability to specify where the leukemic shift occurred. Signs and Symptoms Symptoms generally begin merely days to weeks before diagnosis. Abnormal hematopoiesis results in the subjective symptoms of anemia, infection, easy bruising, and bleeding. The anemia and hypermetabolic state will also result in pallor, fatigue, fever, malaise, weight loss, tachycardia, and chest pain. A patient’s increased risk for bleeding is manifested through petichiae, easy bruising, epistaxis, bleeding gums, and menstrual irregularity. Leukemic cell infiltration can cause joint pain, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and leukemia cutis1,2. THE PATIENT presented to the hospital with six weeks of fatigue, weight loss, bleeding, and joint pain. When a patient presents at the hospital with these symptoms there are several diagnostic procedures which take place. A complete blood count will show high or low levels of white blood cells (WBC) and leukemia cells in the blood1. This test as well as the peripheral blood smear are the first tests completed. If the test results indicate pancytopenia and peripheral blasts the patient is diagnosed with acute leukemia. An aspiration or needle biopsy is then completed to confirm the diagnosis and look for any chromosomal abnormalities. Studying the results of these tests are also how the typing, classification, and treatment of the leukemia is determined1,2. The patient initially had a complete blood count and peripheral blood smear 10 which indicated a leukemia diagnosis. A bone marrow biopsy was then completed to try and type the leukemia. The patient was determined to have acute undifferentiated leukemia. Medical Treatment The type of treatment chosen will differ depending on the patient’s age, disease classification and progression, and prior health status. Regardless of the type of treatment chosen the goal is the same for every patient; complete remission. Remission is when there is a restoration of normal blood counts, normal hematopoiesis with less than five percent of leukemic cells, and elimination of the leukemic clone3. Basic treatment includes two general categories; supportive and active treatment. The patient was actively involved in both forms of treatment through the LDS hospital. Patients need to be closely monitored during therapy. Facilities must be available to provide supportive care. Transfusions of platelets, packed red blood cells, and granulocytes are administered as needed to keep lab counts within the parameters the medical staff sets for the patient2. Patients’ immune systems are suppressed to prevent rejection of the new stem cells. The medications work in several different points. Most often the mediation will suppress T and B lymphocyte ability to complete the immune response; and thus lower the likelihood of antigen and antibody development which would kill the new stem cells. While the immunosuppression does help the engraftment to take place it also inhibits the body’s immune response to harmful bacterial, viral, or fungal subjects4. Thus antibiotic and antifungal drugs are used to keep infections at bay in this population. Hydration is twice the daily maintenance volume. Urine alkalinization should be kept at a pH of 7-8 to help prevent hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperkalemia, or tumor lysis syndrome2. 11 Besides supportive care another important part of leukemia treatment is the active fight against the disease with the goal of complete remission. The specific treatment regimen will largely depend on the type of leukemia and the health status and desires of the patient. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often used at some point in the treatment. Chemotherapy uses drugs to either stop the leukemic cells from dividing or kills the cells. Most often this is used as a combination therapy to help it be more effective3. Induction therapy is the most common first line of defense against leukemia. Radiation therapy uses high-energy xrays or other types of radiation to kill the leukemic cells or keep them from continuing to grow and divide3. Often this therapy is used as a total body radiation to prepare the body for a stem cell transplant4. Since diagnosis The patient had different types of chemotherapy treatments, total body irradiation therapy, and induction treatment. Removal and replacement of stem cells is considered a bone or stem cell transplant. A bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a patient’s only option to complete recovery after diagnoses of leukemia. Over 50,000 of these procedures occur each year4. Chemotherapy is administered and then stem cells are replaced through an infusion. These new cells restore the body’s blood cells3. New cells come from the bone marrow (HSCT), peripheral blood (PBSCT), or umbilical blood. The patient underwent a MUD PBSCT for the second transplant since diagnosis. There are three different types of bone marrow transplants. Autologous transplants have the cells harvested from the patient. This therapy usually involves fewer complications and only has a 5-10% mortality rate. Syngeneic HSCT do not occur very often because it is when the cells are collected from an identical twin. Allogeneic HSCT stem cells are collected from a donor whose humal leukocyte antigens (HLA) match the patient’s. This is ideally a related 12 donor; although sometimes it is necessary to reach out to unrelated donors through several international volunteer agencies4. THE PATIENT cells were harvested through an allogeneic source. Allogeneic PBSCT is the preferred treatment for acute leukemia and is the treatment the patient received in the hospital. It has been shown to have a higher percentage of success when compared with just chemotherapy treatment as a means of treatment for this population. Allogeneic PBSCT showed in a variety of multicenter trials in comparison with bone marrow transplant to have a stronger GVH effect, faster engraftment, less transplant related complications, and a reduced treatment cost. Although a registry shows that chronic GVHD is more prevalent in PBSCT4,5. However relapse was 38% higher in a study with 89 patients. But the transplant related mortality was lower in PBSCT compared to HSCT6. Medical Nutrition Therapy Patients undergoing an allogeneic stem cell transplant are prone to malnutrition due to the intense treatment. Corresponding symptoms of changes in appetite, taste, salivary function, gastric emptying, and intestinal function cause low intake and can last for extensive periods of time7. Further symptoms include gastrointestinal complications, vomiting, oral mucositis, diarrhea, protein loss due to enteropathy, inflammatory syndrome, infections, hepatic sinusoidal obstructive syndrome, and GVHD. All of these symptoms and complications compound together to make the patient’s metabolic needs very high in order to prevent catabolism8. THE PATIENT experienced all of these symptoms at some point during the hospital stay; although the worst complications were SOS, mucositis, and gastrointestinal complications. 13 Routinely parenteral nutrition (PN) is the method of choice for nutrition support in this population. The study of enteral nutrition (EN) versus PN in BMT patients is a new field. Under a Cochrane review this area still needs further evaluation and expertise, but there are several studies that have come to these same conclusions9. With enteral nutrition patients were found to have “lower duration of fever (2 vs 5 days), reduced need for empirical antifungal therapy (7 vs 17), lower rate of central venous catheter placement, and a lower rate of transfer to the intensive care unit (2 vs 8). Although the early death rate of 14% was the same in both of the groups. There was also no increased risk of GVHD in the enteral nutrition group”9. Some patients reported intolerance of enteral support during treatment. One way to try and increase this tolerance is by slowing the rate. The tube should be placed before mucositis sets in to promote tolerance9. On the other side EN in some studies had increased morbidity, diarrhea, hyperglycemia, and delayed engraftment; but less weight loss and less body fat. It can sometimes be a challenge to provide safe enteral access after transplant preparative regimens due to coagulopathy, risk of aspiration pneumonia, sinusitis, diarrhea, ileus, abdominal pain, delayed gastric emptying, and vomiting. Once neutrophil and platelet counts have returned and GI tract is healed, EN is a safe transition step from PN to oral diet7. The following are guidelines set by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in regards to nutrition support during BMT. 1. “All patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation with myeloablative conditioning regimens are at nutrition risk and should undergo nutrition screening to identify those who require formal nutrition assessment with development of a nutrition care plan. 14 2. Nutrition support therapy is appropriate in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation who are malnourished and who are anticipated to be unable to ingest and/or absorb adequate nutrients for a prolonged period of time (7-14 days). When parenteral nutrition is used, it should be discontinued as soon as toxicities have resolved after stem cell engraftment. 3. Enteral nutrition should be used in patients with a functioning gastrointestinal tract in whom oral intake is inadequate to meet nutrition requirements. 4. Pharmacologic doses of parenteral glutamine may benefit patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. 5. Patients should receive dietary counseling regarding foods which may pose infectious risThe patient and safe food handling during the period of neutropenia. 6. Nutrition support therapy is appropriate for patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation who develop moderate to severe graft-vs-host disease accompanied by poor oral intake and/or significant malabsorption”7. Disease Management Aggressive therapy of acute leukemia is necessary in order to decrease mortality rates. The improved medical and supportive treatment in these patients has greatly increased the complete remission rates. Therapy has to be aggressive to achieve complete remission because partial remission offers no benefits for the patient. 60-70% of adults are expected to achieve the status of being disease free. More than 25% of adults are expected to survive three or more years and may be cured. 60% of adults younger than 60 are expected to have remission at some 15 point in their life. So while diagnosis rates have gone up over the years, mortality rates have fallen3. Stem cell transplant short and long term outcomes are affected by diagnosis, disease stage, transplant type, degree of donor histocompatibility, preparative regimen, stem cell source, age, prior therapy, and nutrition status7. Long-term recovery can have fatigue and physical debilitation persist for many months after treatment. Long term complications can be GVHD, obstructive lung disease, cataracts, aseptic vascular bone necrosis, gonadal and ovarian failure, dental decay, hemolytic uremia syndrome, renal dysfunction, hemosiderosis, and secondary tumors4. THE PATIENT only had a 10% chance of surviving the second BMT due to complications and prior health status. Disease relapse can occur months or years after transplant. Alternatives for allogeneic relapsed transplants are a second transplant or stimulation of the donor antitumor effect by stopping GVHD drugs or infusing more donor cells4. 16 Appendix A Medication *BIOTENE ANTIBACTERIAL ACETAMINOPHEN (TYLENOL) ACYCLOVIR (ZoviRAX) CALCIUM CARBONATE (TUMS) DOCUSATE SODIUM (COLACE) DiphenhydrAMINE (BENADRYL) ENOXAPARIN (LOVENOX) HYDROmorphOne 0.2MG/ML (100ML DRIP/PCA) LORAZEPAM (ATIVAN) MAGNESIUM SULFATE METOPROLOL (LOPRESSOR) MICAFUNGIN SODIUM MIRALAX 17GM [GLYCOLAX] PALONOSETRON HCL(ALOXI) PANTOPRAZOLE (PROTONIX) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE PROCHLORPERAZINE (COMPAZINE) Penicillin G Potassium SENNA(SENOKOT) TEMAZEPAM (RESTORIL) Dose Frequency 15 ml QID, PRN 500 mg Q 6 HRS, PRN 500 mg Q 12 HRS 500 mg PRN 100 mg DAILY, PRN 12.5 Q 4 HRS, PRN mg 30 mg DAILY Purpose Antibacterial Analgesic Antiviral Diarrhea Stool Softener 20 mg Q 1000 HRS Analgesic 0.5 mg 4 gm 5 mg 50 mg 1 EA 0.25 mg 40 mg 40 meq 5 mg 1 MMU 10 ml Q 4 HRS, PRN AS DIRECTED TID, PRN DAILY DAILY, PRN Sleep/anxiety Stool Softener Antihypertensive Antifungal Stool Softener Q 72 HRS Antinausea BID AS DIRECTED Q 4 HRS, PRN Antigerd Supplement Antinausea DAILY Supplement BID, PRN AT BEDTIME, 15 mg PRN Sleep/anxiety Anticoagulant Stool Softener Sleep/anxiety 17 Appendix B Na Last Reference 137Range: 146 Units: K Cl CO2 3.5-5.0 98-109 19-30 Anion Gap Glucose (Na Cl CO2) 3-16 65-99 BUN Creatinine 6-21 0.52-0.99 8.4-10.4 mg/dL mg/dL mmol/ mmol/ mmol/ mmol/ mmol/ mg/dL mg/dL L L L L L Ca 09/16 137 4.7 102 25 10 225 H 27 H 0.62 8.8 09/14 133 L 4.5 101 27 5 85 22 H 0.76 9.0 09/14 133 L 4.8 103 23 7 137 H 14 0.63 8.5 09/14 135 L 3.6 113 H 16 L 6 133 H 11 0.59 6.5 L 09/13 134 L 4.8 104 24 6 113 H 13 0.57 8.5 09/11 138 4.5 105 26 7 102 H 15 0.55 9.0 09/09 139 5.0 106 25 8 104 H 16 0.53 9.1 09/07 139 4.7 107 24 8 98 14 0.49 L 9.4 09/06 139 4.4 107 25 7 112 H 13 0.48 L 9.2 09/04 139 3.7 106 26 7 112 H 13 0.43 L 9.1 09/02 142 3.7 107 27 8 113 H 17 0.43 L 9.3 08/31 140 3.7 109 24 7 124 H 12 0.39 L 9.3 08/30 139 3.7 108 23 8 111 H 12 0.41 L 9.1 08/28 139 4.1 107 26 6 117 H 12 0.41 L 9.2 08/26 142 3.8 108 28 6 102 H 12 0.44 L 9.2 08/24 139 3.8 109 26 4 108 H 10 0.49 L 9.0 18 Appendix C Hepatic Function Panel Show more... Test Prot Albumin Status Last Reference Range: Units: Bili, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Alk Phos ALT AST 6.0-8.4 3.3-4.8 0.2-1.3 0.0-0.5 0.2-1.3 40-120 9-52 9-40 g/dL g/dL mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL U/L U/L U/L 09/16 Final 5.0 L 2.7 L 2.2 H 1.4 H 0.8 234 H 644 H 875 H 09/14 Final 5.0 L 2.6 L 1.2 0.8 H 0.4 345 H 109 H 166 H 09/13 Final 5.0 L 2.7 L 1.1 0.7 H 0.4 384 H 48 66 H 09/11 Final 5.9 L 3.0 L 0.7 0.3 0.4 425 H 52 52 H 09/09 Final 5.8 L 3.1 L 0.7 0.3 0.4 441 H 61 H 53 H 09/06 Final 6.0 3.2 L 1.0 0.5 0.5 266 H 44 39 09/04 Final 6.1 3.3 1.7 H 1.0 H 0.7 249 H 44 38 08/02 Final 6.8 3.9 0.7 0.3 0.4 110 55 H 24 07/13 Final 6.8 3.7 0.9 0.3 0.6 119 37 16 Specimen Type Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma Serum or Plasma 19 Appendix D September 5th Assessment: Pt is a 27y/o female admitted for Bu/Flu MUD BMT. Currently 111% of admit weightdecreasing fluids d/t edema in abdomen and ankle. Medications noted. Labs: ALP elevated and trending up, T-bili elevated and trending down- lipids stopped in TPN. Continues on full TPN d/t mucositis, nausea, and vomitting. Hasn't recieved lipids in TPN for the past 2 days d/t elevated liver panel. Plans to keep lipids out of TPN again today until liver panel normalizes. Over the past 3 days, TPN has provided 88% of energy needs and 100% of protein needs. Still no oral intake. However, energy provided from TPN will trend down without lipids. Diagnosis: Inadequate oral intake (NI 2.1) related to decreased ability to consume sufficient energy, nutrients as evidenced by calorie counts, need for TPN, mucositis. Predicted suboptimal nutrient (NI 1.4) intake related to planned procedure, therapy or medication predicted to decrease ability to consume sufficient energy or nutrients as evidenced by transplant. Intervention: TPN to meet all of estimated needs Lipids removed from TPN Encourage beginning oral intake Calorie Counts Monitoring/Evaluation: RD to monitor TPN, weight, and labs closely. August 25th Assessment: Pt is a 27y/o female admitted for Bu/Flu MUD BMT. Wt is currently 110% of admit weight. Labs: Mag low- increasing mag in TPN to 4 mg daily, ALT/AST elevated, alb and creat low- TPN to meet protein goal. Pt with poor oral intakes d/t severe mucositis. Clinimix has been d/c'd and TPN started on 8/23 that has provided 46% of energy needs and 70% of protein needs. Plans for TPN to provide 100% of energy and protein needs until mucositis resolves/improves. Diagnosis: Inadequate oral intake (NI 2.1) related to decreased ability to consume sufficient energy, nutrients as evidenced by calorie counts, need for TPN, mucositis. Predicted suboptimal nutrient (NI 1.4) intake related to planned procedure, therapy or medication predicted to decrease ability to consume sufficient energy or nutrients as evidenced by transplant. 20 Intervention: TPN to meet all of estimated needs Monitoring/Evaluation: RD to monitor TPN, weight, and labs closely. 21 References 1. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. http://www.lls.org/#/resourcecenter/freeeducationmaterials/leukemia/. Updated 2012. Accessed: September 20, 2014. 2. Porter RS, Kaplan JL. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. 19th edition. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck Sharp and Dohme Corporation; 2011. 3. National Cancer Institute. http://www.cancer.gov/researchandfunding/snapshots/leukemia. Updated September 8, 2014. Accessed September 18, 2014. 4. Hasse J, Blue L. Comprehensive Guide to transplant Nutrition. Chicago, Illinois: American Dietetic Association; 2002 5. Zhang W, Yang D, Wang J, et al. Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation is a Promising and Safe Choice for the Treatment of Refractory/Relapsed Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, Even with a Higher Leukemia Burden. Biology Of Blood & Marrow Transplantation [serial online]. April 2013;19(4):653-660. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 24, 2014. 6. Liu Q, Liu C, Xu X, et al. Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation compared with bone marrow transplantation from unrelated donors in patients with leukemia: A single institutional experience. Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases [serial online]. June 15, 2010;45(1):75-81. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 24, 2014. 22 7. August D, Huhmann M. A.S.P.E.N Clinical Guidelines: Nutrition Support therapy during Adult Anticancer Treatment and in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. V33(5):472-500 2009 8. Seguy D, Berthon C, Micol J, et al. Enteral Feeding and Early Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Following Myeloablative Conditioning.Transplantation. September 2006;82: 835-839 9. Guizee R, Lemal R, Cabrespine A, et al. Enteral versus parenteral nutritional support in allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Clinical Nutrition2014 v33 533-538 23