Prove It Lesson

Prove It-Multiplication
Author: Mallory Sandridge
Writing, Mathematics, Reading, Technology
This is a Tech Step lesson where the students will prove why multiplication is an important concept to
learn. They will research information on teacher selected websites, create a diagram, summarize
research and hyperlink the websites to their diagrams.
40 minutes for 4 days
Grade 4
The students will be able to research a topic to find facts that support a statement. They will use a
graphic organizer and hyperlinks to display and organize research facts and be able to write a shot
'Prove It' summary using their research.
Prove It Rubric.docx
Materials and Resources
TechStep website, list of teacher approved websites, graphic organizer, and pencil
Technology resources:
Word, Internet Explorer
Content Specific Requirements
Standards and Key Concepts
Content Area Standards
WV- West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives
Subject: Reading and Language Arts
Grade or Course: Fourth Grade
Standard: Standard 1: Reading (RLA.S.1) Students will use skills to read for literacy experiences, read to
inform and read to perform a task by:
Objective RLA.4.1.6 : use graphic organizers and visualization techniques to interpret information (e.g.,
charts; graphs; diagrams; non-verbal symbols).
Standard: Standard 2: Writing (RLA.S.2) Students will employ a wide range of writing strategies to
communicate effectively for different purposes by:
Objective RLA.4.2.4 : use strategies to gather and record information for research topics (e.g., notesmaps - charts - graphs - tables; summarize - paraphrase - describe in narrative form; gather direct
Subject: Technology
Grade or Course: Fourth Grade
Standard: Standard 5: Technology Research Tools (TEC.S.5) Students will:
Objective: TEC.4.5.2: explore grade level appropriate search engines as tools to locate information
Subject: Math
Grade or Course: Fourth Grade
Standard: M.S.4.1 Number and Operations Through communication, representation, reasoning and
proof, problem solving, and making connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students
Objective: M.O.4.1.9 quick recall of basic multiplication facts and corresponding division facts.
Essential Question
Why is multiplication an important concept to learn?
Instructional Process
Ask students," In real life when do we use multiplication?" Brainstorm ideas and write them down on a
poster board that the students can refer back to when completing this project.
Day 1
After brainstorming with the students pass out the graphic organizers, list of approved websites and the
rubric that the students work will be graded from. Tell the students, "Today we are going to start
working on a 'prove it' TechStep." Explain that the graphic organizer is what they are going to be
creating in this project, but before they start the TechStep the students are going to do research to
prove a statement. Have the students look at the rubric so they know what the project will need in order
to receive a prefect score. Then, have the students look at the graphic organizer and explain that they
are going to try to prove the statement at the top,which says that Multiplication is an important math
concept to learn. Using the list of approved websites the students will find three statements(from three
different websites) that prove that Multiplication is an important math concept to learn. Explain to the
students that they will write their statements of the graphic organizer and the website where they
found it on the box below the statement. Take the students to the computer lab and have them start
their research.
Day 2
The students will go back to the computer lab and finish researching. They need to have a statement in
each box on their graphic organizer and the website where they found the statement. When the
students have found three statements to prove the topic have a class discussion to see what they
students learned about how important multiplication is in real life.
Day 3
Take students to the computer lab. Have them go to the TechStep site and sign in using their school
name and password (it's on the board in the computer lab). When they have signed in the need to find
the TechStep titled Prove It. When the students have opened the project I will talk and show them step
by step how to complete the project (Showing them using a computer and the computer projector.)
TechStep Project Steps to follow: (Print out version is provided with these instructions)
The students will open the Prove It project. On the drawing toolbar show and have the students click the
inset diagram or organizational chart button. In the diagram gallery have the student select the first
diagram type and click OK. Now have the students use the graphic organizer that they put their
information on and type it into the chart (except for the websites, they will hyperlink these sites on the
following day). In the top box they will type the statement I provided them with, and then in the three
boxes below the topic they will type the three statements that they found in their research. Have the
students save their project and we will finish on the next day.
Day 4
Take the students to the computer lab. Today I will teach the students how to hyperlink their websites
to the statements that they made. First, have the students open their project that they saved from the
day before. Explain to the students that a hyperlink allows anyone who reads their diagrams to return to
the Web page that they used for their research. First, I will show the students on the projector how to
hyperlink their website to their project.
To hyperlink: (Print out provided with these instructions)
They will hyperlink their website by selecting one of the statement boxes in their diagram. Then, from
the Insert menu, choose hyperlink. Make sure that in the text to display box, that the selected text is
displayed. In the link to section choose existing file or web page. In the address box the students will
type (or copy and paste) the website address that they wrote on their diagram. Then, click OK. The
hyperlinked word will appear underlined and in color. Continue these steps until each statement has
been hyperlinked to its web page.* Make sure that you have the students test each hyperlink to make
sure that it works correctly.
In the colored space in the Prove It template have the students write a short summary of their research.
After the project is complete reflect on the work that the students completed. Ask the students: How
did the diagram help you to organize you information? How did the Internet help you to prove your
topic statement? How did the hyperlinks help you to write you summary? Finally what did you learn
about the importance of multiplication?
Responsive Strategies
Websites or other resources (if applicable)
TechStep Websites.docx