NOTICE OF INTENTION TEMPLATE GAINING RECOGNITION OF AN ALTERNATIVE CURRICULUM (AND/OR REPORTING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT) THAT ALIGNS WITH THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT OUTLINE The Western Australian School Curriculum and Standards alternative curriculum (and/or reporting on student achievement) recognition process seeks to determine the extent to which a curriculum (and/or reporting on student achievement) can deliver educational outcomes for students that align with the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. Completion of the Notice of Intention template provides information to the Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority so that appropriate Recognition Review Panels can be established to assess submissions. Please note 1. The functions of the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority, particularly in relation to curriculum, assessment and reporting, are detailed in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Act 1997, Sections 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19C, 19D, 19E and 19G. 2. Any nationally recognised curriculum that is included in ACARA’s Recognition Register (as at 30 September 2013) for Pre-primary to Year 10 English, Mathematics, History and Science will be recognised as an approved curriculum for implementation in Western Australian schools with the following caveats: schools seeking this recognition need to confirm in writing, by completing the School Curriculum and Standard’s Authority’s Nationally Recognised Curriculum template to certify that their curriculum is consistent with that provided to ACARA in their application for recognition; this approval will not extend to subjects/learning areas in Phases 2 and 3 of the Australian Curriculum; when the P-10 curriculum is articulated in all learning areas (including Phase 2 and 3 subjects/learning areas) in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline recognition of alternative curriculum will need to be sought from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority; and this recognition does not include exemption from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s Reporting Policy: Pre-primary to Year 10. 2015/34033 NOTICE OF INTENTION TEMPLATE PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION Name of organisation Year levels offered Manager/Other authorised leadership Governing authority Executive Officer Recognition Sought (tick below) Curriculum and Assessment Reporting on Student Achievement (Complete Part C) (Complete Part B) Organisation address Unit/Suite No. Street No. Street name Suburb State Telephone Fax Email Website Postcode Identify the name of all schools or locations using the alternative curriculum (and/or reporting on student achievement) for which recognition is sought 2 PART B: CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Complete this section if you are applying for alternative curriculum and assessment recognition Identify the alternative curriculum for which Western Australian recognition is sought Curriculum title Publishing details that will identify the specific version of the curriculum The process requires that direct comparisons be made between the Western Australian Curriculum from the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline and the curriculum submitted for recognition in relation to relevant points across year levels. Identify the major comparison points between the Western Australian Curriculum from the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline and the proposed curriculum for which State recognition as meeting the requirements is to be sought. Proposed comparison points Learning areas Western Australian Curriculum: English compared with _____________________ Western Australian Curriculum: Mathematics compared with _________________ Western Australian Curriculum: Science compared with _____________________ Western Australian Curriculum: History compared with ______________________ Identify the major comparison points between the Western Australian Curriculum from the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline and the proposed curriculum framework for which national recognition as meeting the requirements of the Western Australian Curriculum is to be sought. The proposed points are to include points at the end of Year 6 and the end of Year10 Proposed comparison points (add as required): Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year 6 Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year 10 Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year ___ Year ___ with Australian Curriculum Year ___ 3 The process also requires proponents to nominate: the proposed alternative curriculum component with which to compare Western Australian Curriculum content descriptions; and the proposed alternative curriculum component with which to compare Western Australian Curriculum achievement standards. Western Australian Curriculum content descriptions are to be compared with ____________ __________________________ Western Australian Curriculum achievement standards are to be compared with __________ __________________________ Any additional information that may assist the Board? 4 PART C: REPORTING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT OVERVIEW Complete this section if you are applying for alternative reporting on student achievement recognition Identify the curriculum implemented within the school Curriculum title Publishing details that will identify the specific version of the curriculum (and/or reporting on student achievement) Schools are required to identify the major comparison points between the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s Reporting Policy: Pre-primary to Year 10 and the proposed alternative reporting on student achievement method for which State recognition as meeting the requirements is to be sought. Proposed year level comparison points: Primary Secondary Pre-primary Year 7 Year 2 Year `10 Year 6 Any additional information that may assist the Board? I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE RECORD (Manager/Other authorised leadership) Print name Signature 5 Date