ICAP Checklist I & II

Name ___________________________User Name _________________Password_____________________
ICAP Check List
Follow this checklist to complete you Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
You access your ICAP
● go to www.collegeincolorado.org,
● Sign in
● Click on “Your portfolio”
● Click on “ICAP”
Check off these activities in order:
Interests Work interest profile - interest profiler
Work interest profile - career key
Career Cluster interest survey
Save a Career Cluster
Enter your postsecondary and workforces
Career Plan A
Create and save a career pathway (use your Career Cluster to help or go to the
Career Planning tab -> Explore Careers -> Career Finder)
Save a career
Complete “Your Plan of Study” for your saved career. Include CMC classes you
would like to take.
College Plan A
z Explore programs and majors – save to your portfolio
Explore schools – save you your portfolio
Check program and school requirement - Enter your ACT Scores (if you are a
senior), reevaluate your program and school choices if needed.
Enter “After High School Transition Plan”
v Goals – change them if you have new ideas
Decide if plan is A is still something you might like to
Plan B
Complete another career and college plan Plan B that you may also be
interested in.
When you have some extra time check out these features on College In Colorado
● Cost of living calculator under career planning
● Working for Yourself under “Career Plans”
Name ___________________________User Name _________________Password_____________________
ICAP Check List II
Follow this checklist to complete you Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
You access your ICAP
● go to www.collegeincolorado.org,
● Sign in
● Click on “Your portfolio”
● Click on “ICAP”
Check off these activities in order:
Finances Components of financial aid plan
Academic planning and progress
Bb Enter Grades and courses in “your plan of study” section
Enter ACT score
Enter CMC grades and courses (if you have taken any)
Assess “planning for my career goals while in high school”
Contextual and Service learning
zz Extracurricular activities
Community service and service learning
Check program and school requirement - Enter your ACT Scores (if you are a
senior), reevaluate your program and school choices if needed.
Enter “After High School Transition Plan”
After high school transition planning
v Components of financial aid plan
Work experience
Leadership experience
Write and upload resume