Jeffco ICAP Process

Jeffco ICAP Process
For the 2015-16 school year, Jeffco will be making some modifications to our ICAP. Our goal is to make
ICAP more meaningful, so we will be focusing more on reflective questions than task requirements.
Schools will have the freedom to decide how quality indicators are met in their building instead of
mandating that all schools do the exact same tasks. We have made major modifications to the 7th and
9th grade end of year survey, and it is now more aligned with the state quality indicators. This survey will
be their ICAP. Next year will be a trial run for these two grade levels, and slowly over time we will modify
8th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade tasks and ICAP survey.
7th Grade ICAP survey:
*1. CAREER AWARENESS: List 3 careers or pathways that you are interested in:
*2. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: What are the skills needed for the career you are interested in? (Check all that apply)
Positive Attitude
Communication Skills
Teamwork/Ability to Work in Groups
Time Management
Being on Time
Being Prepared
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Knowledge of Your Work
Creative Thinking
*3. ENVIRONMENTAL EXPECTATIONS: What attitudes and behaviors that you can work on to be successful in
your career? Why are those important?
*4. POST-SECONDARY OPTIONS: What do you like about your future? What do you think is exciting or possible?
*5. POST-SECONDARY ASPIRATIONS: Pick three of the themes listed below that are your strengths
(Please select exactly 3 choice(s).)
Future Thinker
*6. ACADEMIC PLANNING: Rate your academic skills in the following areas (1=Not Good, 2=Needs Work,
3=Sufficient, 4=Pretty Good, 5=Very Good):
Time Management
Communication Skills with Teachers
*7. FINANCIAL LITERACY: How do you plan to pay for the education that you will need for your career?
(Please select exactly 1 choice(s).)
I have no idea, I haven't even thought about that
I am going to work hard in school and earn scholarship money
I am planning on getting an athletic scholarship
I will get a job and work to pay for my education
My family has plans to pay for my education
I plan on joining the military
I plan on joining the workforce after high school, I don't need to pay for that
8. HOW USEFUL WAS THIS?: Please rate the following ICAP tasks as to how meaningful they were to you (1=Did
not help me think about my future at all, 2=Not very helpful, 3=It was ok, 4=Somewhat helpful, 5=It changed my
thinking and my life) If you did not participate in a task, do not rate it:
Strengths Explorer Survey in Naviance
Financing Your Future
9th Grade ICAP
*1. The three careers that I am interested in are:
*2. POST-SECONDARY ASPIRATIONS: Why are the careers you have chosen a good fit for you? How will they
make you happy?
*3. ENVIRONMENTAL EXPECTATIONS: What are your values and beliefs? How do those influence what you want
to do for a career?
*4. ACADEMIC PLANNING: Please describe how classes you selected in your 4 year plan will help you be
successful in the career you are interested in.
*5. POST SECONDARY OPTIONS: What experiences have you (or will you) participate in to help prepare you for
your life after high school?
Leadership positions
Extra Curricular Activities
Warren Tech
Concurrent Enrollment Classes
Rigorous Course load (AP, IB, Honors classes)
Work Experience
Having a Thoughtful ICAP
Summer Enrichment Programs
Military Programs
College Preparation Programs
Community Service
College Tours
Gear Up
6. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: What skills will you gain from the activities checked above, and how will those
directly benefit you in your potential career(s)?
*7. CAREER AWARENESS: What economic factors are a part of the decision for your career path? (Check all that
apply to you)
The amount of education for the career I'm interested in
The need for my career in the future
The need to make money as soon as possible
Money required for education I need in my career
Status, Power, and Salary of the career I'm interested in
I'm not thinking about economic factors, I want something that makes me happy
*8. I plan to continue preparing for my career path after high school by:
*9. FINANCIAL LITERACY: Check one or more answers from the list below that apply to how you plan to pay for
your education after high school:
I don't have any plans, I don't need any money
I will work and pay my own way through my education
My family has plans to pay for my education
Federal Financial Aid (work study, grants, loans) through filling out the FAFSA
ASCENT Program (free year of college if the student has been taking concurrent enrollment classes)
I have plans, but I have no idea how I will pay for any of this. Can I get more information?
10. HOW HELPFUL WAS THIS?: Rate the following ICAP tasks as to how meaningful they were to you (1=Did not
help me think about my future at all, 2= Not very helpful, 3= It was ok, 4= Somewhat helpful, 5= It changed my
thinking and my life). If you did not participate in a task, do not rate it:
Career Interest Profiler on Naviance
Four Year Plan