Glover Grades 5-6 Week: February 8-14 Afternoon Schedule: Afternoon Schedule: Social Studies (Mrs. Frey) Jan. 9-Feb. 1 Projects (Mrs. Troina) Feb. 2-Feb. 24 Reading Title: Maniac Magee Genre: Realistic Fiction Focus Skill: Point of View Reading Vocabulary: publicize, contortions, grimy, testimony, faint, foresight, distraction Spelling Words: (See Unit 19 List Below) Wed. 8 5th Math Lesson 68 ‘Naming Thur. 9 5th Math Lesson 69 ‘comparing & ordering decimal numbers’ Fri. 10 5th Math Lesson 70 ‘writing equivalent decimal numbers’ Mon. 13 5th Math Investigation 7 Tues. 14 5th Math Test 13a 6th Math Test 11a 6th Math Lesson Investigation 6 6th Math Lesson 61 ‘Adding three or more fractions’ 6th Math Lesson 62 ‘Writing mixed numbers as improper fractions’ 6th Math Lesson 63 ‘Subtracting mixed numbers w/ regrouping’ Language Arts Book Report Presentations DOL Day 68-69a Science W/Frey’s Class Daily Science Exercise Part 3: Real-World levers Language Arts Story Town Day 1 Write Source Book pg. Science Daily Science Exercise Lever Written Test Part 1: One-pulley systems Homework 5th Math Lesson 69 6th Math Inv. 6 Unit 19 Spelling (Wed.) Autobiographical Narrative (Wed.) Book Report Feb. 23 Language Arts Story Town Day 2 DOL Day 69 Science Daily Science Exercise Part 1:One-pulley systems Language Arts Story Town Day 3 Write Source 51-52 Science Daily Science Exercise Part 2: two-pulley systems Language Arts Story Town Day 4 Write Source Book pg. 70-71 Science Daily Science Exercise Part 2:two-pulley systems Homework 5th Math Lesson 70 6th Math Lesson 61 Unit 19 Spelling (Wed.) Autobiographical Narrative (Wed.) Book Report Feb. 23 Homework 5th Math Investigation 7 6th Math Lesson 62 Unit 19 Spelling (Wed.) Autobiographical Narrative (Wed.) Book Report Feb. 23 Homework 6th Math Lesson 63 Unit 19 Spelling (Wed.) Autobiographical Narrative (Wed.) Book Report Feb. 23 Decimal Numbers’ Homework 5th Math Lesson 68 Unit 19 Spelling (Wed.) Autobiographical Narrative (Wed.) Book Report Feb. 23 Autobiographical Narrative Prompts (True story about yourself, written in the first person point of view) 1. Think of some things you like to do on weekends. Which is your favorite? Write about a memorable experience you had while enjoying this activity. 2. Who are your closest friends? Choose one, and write about an adventure you had with your best friend. 3. Think about a time when you used patience and skill to achieve a goal, like Maniac Magee. Write a narrative describing what you did and how you felt. Spelling Unit 19 1. Responsible 2. Approachable 3. Reversible 4. Changeable 5. Acceptable 6. Adorable 7. Sensible 8. Profitable 9. Forcible 10. Favorable 11. Edible 12. Visible 13. Flexible 14. Notable 15. Legible 16. Available 17. Probable 18. Valuable 19. Invisible 20. Capable Math Lesson Continuum 5th Grade Lesson 66 Reading a Centimeter Scale; Lesson 67 Writing Tenths and Hundredths as Decimal Numbers; Lesson 68 ‘Naming Decimal Numbers’; Lesson 69 ‘Comparing and Ordering Decimal Numbers’; Lesson 70 Writing Equivalent Decimal Numbers; Investigation 7 Displaying Data; Test 13a; Lesson 71 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents; Lesson 72 Area, Part 1; Lesson 73 Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers; Lesson 74 Units of Length; Lesson 75 Changing Improper Fractions to Whole or Mixed Numbers; Test 14a; Lesson 76 Multiplying Fractions; Lesson 77 Converting Units of Weight and Mass; Lesson 78 Exponents and Square Roots; Lesson 79 Finding Equivalent Fractions by Multiplying by 1; Lesson 80 Prime and Composite Numbers; Investigation 8 Graphing Points on a Coordinate Plane, Transformations; Test 15a 6th Grade Lesson 56 Common Denominators, Part 2; Lesson 57 Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Three Steps; Lesson 58 Probability and chance; Lesson 59 Adding Mixed Numbers; Lesson 60 Polygons; Investigation 6 Attributes of Geometric Solids; Test 11a; Investigation 7 Lesson 61 Adding Three or More Fractions; Lesson 62 Writing Mixed Numbers as Improper Fractions; Lesson 63 Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Regrouping, Part 2; Lesson 64 Classifying Quadrilaterals; Lesson 65 Prime Factorization, Division by Primes, Factor Trees; Test 12a;