WEEKLY NEWS Ashmount Primary School DEAR PARENTS/CARERS, If I haven’t managed to speak to you since the start of term Happy New Year! Two main announcements, firstly we will continue to work together on ensuring all children attend every day and on time – please be in the playground 2 minutes before the start of the day to ensure all children get the most out of their learning. Secondly, when clubs start next week please be aware that from 3:45 p.m. all external entrances to the school will be locked, except the front gate – this is to guarantee greater security for all our children. Please support us in the move to make our school site even more secure. Anthony Carmel Head Teacher RECEPTION 2015 Please note the applications for Reception places in September 2015 MUST REACH Islington Council by 15th JANUARY 2015 to be on time. We have been informed by Islington Council that several children in our nursery have yet to complete applications for Reception places. SAVE THE CHILDREN WEAR A CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY Thank you to everyone for supporting ‘Wear a Christmas Jumper Day’ and for being so generous with your donations. The school collected an amazing £326. All money donated will go to Save the Children fund. Many thanks. DIARY DATES Next week Monday’s assembly will be a special health eating assembly focusing on an ‘Eat well plate, 5 a day and portion size’ – parents are welcome to attend this assembly – it starts at 10:30 p.m. prompt. 13th Jan Parents’ Evening 3.30pm-7.30pm 14th Jan Parents’ Evening 3.30pm-5pm 23rd Jan Yrs 5/6 Cross Country Competition 12th Feb Valentine’s Disco 4pm-6pm 16th Feb – 20th Feb HALF TERM 9th January 2015 REMINDER - QUICK DROP BOX Note that the ‘Quick Drop Box’ has been relocated next to the Reception desk. I would ask you to please drop into this box all reply slips, correspondence for class teachers or any forms to be returned to the office. Please place in an envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name and class. The reception area is extremely busy at times and this will save you time rather than queuing up at the desk. Thank you for your co-operation. UNICEF Rights Respecting School – Recognition of Commitment Award In September Ashmount started its journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School, putting the United Nation Rights of the Child at the centre of our school ethos and vision. During the Autumn term children learnt about their rights, how to access their rights and how to ensure other children are able to access their rights. In December we were thrilled to receive the ‘Recognition of Commitment Award’ from UNICEF, formally recognising that we were well on our way to becoming a Rights Respecting School. If you would like more information about what the Rights Respecting School Award is or about children’s rights then have a look on the RRS page on the school blog for more information. PARENTS EVENINGS: TUESDAY, 13TH JANUARY—3.30PM - 7.30PM WEDNESDAY, 14TH JANUARY 3.30PM - 5PM I am delighted to invite you to a Parents Evening Consultation with your child’s class teacher on Tuesday, 13th January or Wednesday, 14th January. It is extremely important that you arrange to meet with your child’s class teacher on one of these evenings. LOST PROPERTY If your child has lost any item of clothing, please come and retrieve it from the lost property table which will be located outside the library during Parents Consultation Evenings. Please help yourself to any items not labelled with a child’s name as we have so much unclaimed uniform we need to recycle. REMINDER: Please ensure that all items of clothing worn at school are clearly labelled. Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.