Farris, Latin Wheelock II, Syllabus page 1 HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY Ad Veritatem per Fidem et Rationem INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Farris (e-mail: bfarris@holyfamilyacademy.org) COURSE TITLE: Latin Wheelock II COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will continue and finish their study of Wheelock’s Latin (chapters 20-40) and consequently will have acquired both an ability to analyze, parse, explain, and translate the parts of a Latin sentence as well as an ability to translate sentences from English to Latin in order to aid in the knowledge and practice of Latin grammar. They will also continue to acquire a sense for the original writings of a wide variety of Roman authors, philosophers, orators, and statesmen, most notably, Cicero. Students will take the Latin II National Latin Exam. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To read Latin prose fluently. 2. To translate more difficult sentences with precision. 3. To translate complex sentences from English to Latin. 4. To gain increased facility in reading longer prose passages from notable Roman authors. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: 1. Wheelock’s Latin, Chapters 20-40 COURSE TEXTS: Wheelock’s Latin, by Frederic M. Wheelock, 6th Edition Revised ****Other materials may be used / assigned at the Instructor’s discretion**** COURSE SUPPLIES: One 1” 3-ring binder with pockets Loose leaf paper for notes and homework Black pens and/or pencils for notes, quizzes, tests, and exams GRADING: Participation: 15% Written Homework: 15% Vocabulary Quizzes: 15% Tests: 40% (8 at 5% each) Final Exam: 15% Farris, Latin Wheelock II, Syllabus page 2 PARTICIPATION: Your participation grade will be based on (A) your willingness / preparedness to take part in the class discussions, and (B) your behavior. Tardiness counts against (B), and no participation points will be awarded for unexcused absences. 3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF HOMEWORK: 1. LESSON PREPARATION: The first day of class spent on each chapted will be a discussion of the new grammar taught in that chapter. For such the discussions, the student will be expected to have read the chapter beforehand and to be ready to discuss the material in class. The students preparedness in this area will affect his/her PARTICIPATION score. 2. TRANSLATION PREPARATION: Most days in class we will spend translating the Latin sentences in each chapter of the text. For each of these days, the students will have been assigned certain sentences to prepare at home. The student’s apparent preparedness to translate these sentences in class at the appropriate time will affect his/her PARTICIPATION score. 3. WRITTEN HOMEWORK: The student will be assigned at least 2 (TWO) written homework assignments per chapter in the text. These assignments will involve (A) translation from Latin into English, (B) translation from English into Latin, (C) and other related tasks. These assignments will affect the student’s WRITTEN HOMEWORK score. VOCABULARY QUIZZES: Once per chapter, the students will take a quiz over the new vocabulary words for the given chapter. TESTS AND EXAMS: The students will take a test after each chapter completed in the text. This will result, usually, in about eight tests per trimester. The students will also take a cumulative exam at the end of each trimester. The students should be aware that, given the truly cumulative nature of language study, each exam will, in different ways, call upon knowledge they have gained not only in previous trimesters of the current course, but also upon knowledge they have gained in previous courses in Latin. **** The Instructor retains the right to change, add, or subtract anything on the syllabus, subject to notifying the enrolled students about such changes in a timely manner.****