
Science Fiction Prezi Presentation
A science fiction story is, at its heart, a story that contains a question about a scientific idea or possibility. The question
starts with "What if . . .?" What if time travel were possible? What if we could travel faster than the speed of light? What if
paper had never been invented? What if we could tell how well a child will do in school from a blood test at birth? In each
case, what the author is doing is suggesting what might change if this were possible. So the "what if . . .?" question is
about the consequences of science. For this reason, when you look at the content of a science fiction book for your report,
you are really looking for this question.
Tip: There may be more than one "what if . . .?" question being asked by the author. Sometimes it's easy to spot. In
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley asked, "What if we could create life?"Sometimes it's hidden inside the story. In Bicentennial
Man, a story by Isaac Asimov that was made into a feature film, the question isn't "what if we could build realistic robots?"
The question Asimov asked was "what if we built a robot who became a person?"
Part A: Read your Science Fiction Novel
Select a novel that is of a science fiction theme. Read it over the winter holidays. You need to have your novel read by
Sunday January 10th.
Part B: What is the science in your fiction?
Create a Prezi presentation that answers the following questions. Each slide should be a question and answer. Your
presentation should include appropriate images and effects that aid in the presentation of your novel.
Use the questions below to aid you in the building and order of your presentation
What is your novel about?
 Here you should have a brief summary that quickly informs the audience the plot elements of the story.
 You should start off with a slide that informs the audience where the story takes place ( setting)
 Your next slide should deal with introduction of principal characters.
 Your next slide should highlight major plot events and how the book ends.
What area of science is involved in this story?
You can be fairly general here (biology, physics, time travel, robotics, gene manipulations, and so on).
How do you know that this novel is science fiction?
 What examples or evidence do you have to support the previous question?
Finally personal opinions or views about the novel or ideas presented by the author.
 For example does the author give you whatever background you need to understand or does the author assume a
reader will know certain things?
 Consider the tone of the ending. Is it optimistic or pessimistic? Why does the author feel this way?
 Did you enjoy the novel? Give reasons?
 How believable is the science? Do you think it is close to a reality or are we too far off and this is more fantasy?
Organization and
Story elements
Communicates and presents
all written information in very
clear and organized manner.
Mostly communicates and
presents all written
information in an organized
understanding and
interpretation of genre by
answering most questions
with evidence and examples
Some written information is
communicated unclearly
and presentation is
somewhat unorganized
Demonstrates some
understanding and
interpretation of genre by
answering some questions
with some evidence and
Somewhat able to produce
Prezi presentation that uses
images, effects, and slides.
Communicates and presents
written information in
disorganized manner
Demonstrates some
understanding of narrative
elements: summary,
characters, the setting, the
events, tone and the
Somewhat able to orally
communicate ideas using
appropriate, tone, voice, and
Demonstrates limited
understanding of narrative
elements: summary,
characters, the setting, the
events, tone and the themes.
Demonstrates clear
understanding and
interpretation of genre by
thoroughly answering all
questions with strong evidence
and examples
Able to produce effective Prezi
presentation that skillfully uses
various images, effects, and
Demonstrates excellent
understanding of narrative
elements: summary,
characters, the setting, the
events, tone and the themes.
Orally communicates ideas in
clear and coherent manner
using appropriate, tone, voice
and vocabulary
Able to produce effective
Prezi presentation that uses
many images, effects, and
Demonstrates good
understanding of narrative
elements: summary,
characters, the setting, the
events, tone and the
Mostly able to orally
communicate ideas in using
appropriate, tone, voice
and, vocabulary
Demonstrates little
understanding and
interpretation of genre by
answering few questions with
little evidence and examples
Able to produce simple Prezi
presentation that uses few
images, effects, and slides.
Difficulty communicating
ideas orally using appropriate
structure, tone, voice, and
Movie poster assessment (use the following guide to help with creating your poster)
Movie Title: explanation of why you placed the title, the size, colour, lettering, etc
Names and images of actors and actresses: explanation of reason you chose actors, reference to novel
Framing decisions for visuals: Explanations prominence, location, foreground, background
Use of colour and mood: Explanation with reference to Novel
Symbols used from book: Explanations with reference to novel
Rating: Explanation with reference to novel
Trailer/ slogan: Explanation with reference to novel
Quotes from media sources.
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