Kirk Douglas Johnson, Ph - Goldey

Kirk Douglas Johnson, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Economics, Michigan State University, December 2001
Major Fields: History of Economic Thought and Economic History
Dissertation Title: The Roles of Property in the Works of Adam Smith
Advisor: Warren J. Samuels, Distinguished Professor of Economics,
Professor Emeritus
M.A., Economics, Michigan State University, May 1996
Major Field: Econometrics
B.A., French, Mathematics and Economics, Olivet College and Université d’Haute
Bretagne, May 1988
Teaching Experience:
Goldey-Beacom College, Associate Professor (2008-present), Assistant Professor (2004-2008),
Department of Finance and Economics, Wilmington, Delaware
Courses taught: Economics [Undergraduate level courses: Principles and Intermediate
Level Micro and Macro, Money and Banking], Finance [Graduate level courses: Financial
Management, Corporate Finance, and Investments and Portfolio Management], and
Mathematics [M.B.A. Prerequisite Course in Statistics and Calculus]
Wesley College, Assistant Professor (2002-2004), Department of Business Administration and
Finance, Dover, Delaware
Courses taught: Economics [Micro, Macro, International Trade and International Finance],
Finance [M.B.A. Managerial Finance]
Michigan State University, Visiting Assistant Professor (2002), Instructor (2000-01), Department
of Economics, East Lansing, Michigan
Courses taught: Economics [Micro, Macro, Intermediate Macro, History, Labor, Public
Finance and Industrial Organization]
Northwestern College, Visiting Professor (1998-99), Department of Business Administration and
Economics, Orange City, Iowa
Courses taught: Economics [Micro, Macro, Intermediate Micro, International, History of
Thought], Business [Ethics], Finance [Corporate/Investments]
Olivet College, Assistant Professor (1992-97), Instructor (1990-92), Department of Economics,
Olivet, Michigan
Courses taught: Economics [Micro, Macro, Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro,
Advanced Macro, History, Labor, Money and Banking, History of Thought, Industrial
Organization, Game Theory, Senior Seminar, Honors Thesis Chair], Finance [Corporate
Finance and Investments], French [Introductory Language and Culture – Study Abroad
Kellogg Community College, Visiting Instructor [Replacement for medical leave personnel]
(1990), Economics Program, Battle Creek, Michigan
Courses taught: Microeconomics
Wayne State University, Teaching Assistant (1989), Department of Economics, Detroit, Michigan
Course taught: Macroeconomics
Documents On and From the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, with
Warren J. Samuels and Marianne Johnson (2008).
The Legal-Economic Nexus, co-author with James M. Buchanan, Warren J. Samuels, et.
al. New York: Routledge (2007).
Essays on the History of Economics, co-author with Henderson, Johnson and
Samuels. New York: Routledge (2004).
Essays and Articles:
“The 8th Duke of Argyll, the Economics of Land Tenancy, and Stigler’s “Coase Theorem””
in History of Economic Thought and Policy, Volume 2 (2014): 5-28.
“Modeling the effect on discretionary income of a private good higher education system”
in Papers and Proceedings of GBI Annual Meetings – Rome (2014).
“Traditions, Rules, and Social Conditions; when mutually exclusive institutional structures
meet” in Papers and Proceedings of WBSS Annual Meetings – Paris (2014).
“Recovering from the Housing Bubble; when social traditions transmogrify into
institutional rules” in Papers and Proceedings of EAEPE Annual Meetings – Krakow
“The 28-36 Rule in Personal Finance; An application of the rule using microeconomic
analysis of household budgets through the housing bubble” in Papers and Proceedings of
2011 GBI Annual Meeting – Las Vegas (2011).
“Lloyd Mints’ Notes on Money and Banking, Economics 330, University of Chicago, Fall
1946” in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 27-C
(2009): 111-158.
“Incomplete Course Notes From Milton Friedman’s Price Theory, Economics 300B,
University of Chicago, Spring 1947” in History of Economic Thought and Methodology,
Volume 27-C (2009): 159-200.
“Seminars by Hicks and Koopmans, University of Chicago, October 1946” in History of
Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 27-C (2009): 201-212.
Glenn Johnson’s Notes From John U. Nef’s Course, Introduction to English Economic
History, University of Chicago, Spring 1947, with Warren J. Samuels for Research in the
History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 26-C (2008).
Glenn Johnson’s Notes From Theodore W. Schultz’s Course on Resource Administration
and Policy, Economics 355, University of Chicago, Fall 1946, with Warren J. Samuels, for
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 26-C (2008).
“Economics 1 and 2, 1929-30 Lectures in the Ph.D. Program at the University of
Chicago” editor for publication in Research in the History of Economic Thought and
Methodology, (2008).
Lecture Notes from James S. Earley’s Course on Money, Income and Price, Economics
192, University of Wisconsin, Spring 1955, edited with Warren J. Samuels for Research
in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 25-C (2007).
“Material from Economics 1, Taught by Walter B. Smith, Williams College, Fall 1929” and
“Material from Economics 2, Taught by Walter B. Smith, Williams College, Fall 1929” in
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 24-B (2006): 3-108.
“The Duke of Argyll and Edwin L. Godkin as Precursors to Freidrich Hayek on the
Relation of Ignorance to Policy, Part 4” with W. Samuels and M. Johnson, Storia del
Pensiero Economico Vol. 2, No. 2 (2005).
“The Duke of Argyll and Edwin L. Godkin as Precursors to Freidrich Hayek on the
Relation of Ignorance to Policy, Part 3” with W. Samuels and M. Johnson, Storia del
Pensiero Economico Vol. 2, No. 1 (2005).
“Comparison of H.C. Simon’s 1933-34 and 1946 Lecture Notes taken by Gordon Tullock
and Helen Hiett,” Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
“H.C. Simon’s 1946 Lecture Notes taken by Helen Hiett” editor in Research in the History
of Economic Thought and Methodology
“The Duke of Argyll and Edwin L. Godkin as Precursors to Freidrich Hayek on the
Relation of Ignorance to Policy, Part 2” with W. Samuels and M. Johnson, Storia del
Pensiero Economico Vol. 1, No. 2 (2004): 37-68.
“The Duke of Argyll and Edwin L. Godkin as Precursors to Freidrich Hayek on the
Relation of Ignorance to Policy, Part 1” with W. Samuels and M. Johnson, Storia del
Pensiero Economico Vol. 1, No. 1 (2004): 5-35.
Chapters in Books:
“The Duke of Argyll and Henry George: Land Ownership and Governance” with W.J.
Samuels and M. Johnson, in Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought, ed. John
Laurent. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., (2005).
“What authors of history-of-economic-thought textbooks say about the history of
economic thought” with W.J. Samuels and M. Johnson, in Essays on the History of
Economics, Henderson, Johnson, Johnson and Samuels. New York: Routledge (2004).
“What we learn from the problem of recent economic thought” with W.J. Samuels and
Marianne Johnson, in Essays on the History of Economics, Henderson, Johnson,
Johnson, and Samuels. New York: Routledge (2004).
Current Research – Working Papers:
“Property and Power in Adam Smith’s Social System,” conditionally accepted at Journal
of the History of Economic Thought.
“Comparing the U.S. Histories of E.B. Andrews and G. Tucker.” Working title for article
series in progress.
“The development of property as incentive; an inquiry into the popular access to wealth
and the early English Classical Political Economists.” Draft presented at University of
Paris – Sorbonne.
Institutional Service/Committee Experience:
Goldey-Beacom College:
Athletic Committee (Chair), 2004-present
N.C.A.A. Faculty Athletic Representative, 2004-present
College Forum, 2005-06, 2007-2008
Finance/Budget Committee, 2005-present
Accreditation Subcommittee on Mission, 2005-06,
on Education Programs 2014-2015
Retention, 2006-2007, 2009-2010
Non-Business Academic Program Development, 2006-07
Student Activities Programs in Personal Finance and Wealth Management
New Student Orientation – Faculty Speaker, 2010-present
Faculty Fellow – N.C.A.A. Division II, 2007 with continuing service
Continuing Education:
Financial Planning Certificate – Texas A& M University, Commerce Center for
Professional Development, College of Business and Technology, 2010. CFP
Community Service Experience:
Community Budget Oversight Committee, Capital School District, Dover, Delaware
Term of service 2013-present
Recognition and Honors:
Goldey-Beacom College, 2008 Teaching Excellence Award
Department of Education, State of Delaware, 2008 Superstars in Education, volunteer
with Capital School District, Dover.
Michigan State University, 2001 School of Business Commencement Ceremony,
Faculty/Student Marshall – selected by graduating class for significant contribution to
their educational experience