SITE C – Amenity Areas - Capitol Hill Community Council

The Capitol Hill Transit Oriented Development project uses a “pooled” approach in calculating the
provision of Amenity Areas.
On Site C the public amenity areas include:
 Denny Way façade setback and plinth
 Broadway retail façade setback
On Site C the private amenity areas include:
 Upper floor bay/balcony zone
The scoring will include the ranges of Exceptional, Good, Acceptable, and Unacceptable for the various
elements associated with the proposed amenities. These elements are derived from the Project
Requirements in the Development Agreement as well as the Coordinated Development Plan. This
approach allows for flexibility in proposal responses and proposals will be evaluated for the quality and
inclusiveness of the proposed solutions, concepts and strategies in keeping with the DA and CDP.
For the public amenities along the Broadway and Denny Way façade setbacks , the most responsive
proposals will provide quality materials and accents for pavement; define patterns of colors and scoring
of pavement surfaces; carefully detail planters, railings and stairs, and other features such as lighting.
Responsive concepts for these amenity areas should be coordinated with the retail concept elements,
including coordination with the design and materials of the adjacent facades, overhead soffits signage
and devices for weather protection.
Sound Transit desires proposals that will address the private amenity areas by providing quality
architectural concepts and specifying quality materials for the bay and balconies.
The following elements of the proposed amenity area approach will be evaluated for consistency with
the Project Requirements, quality and integration of approach in meeting or exceeding the Project
Requirements and intention of the Coordinated Development Plan:
Narrative and visual depiction of the retail setback along Broadway including:
o Type, colors, patterns, and locations of pavement materials
o Pavement accents, including scoring, expansion joints, in-pavement lighting, etc
o Coordination with retail concepts and strategies
Narrative and visual depiction of the façade setback along Denny Way including:
o Concepts to reconcile the grade change between the retail floor elevation and Denny
Way (sloping from Broadway to Nagle Place)
o Type, colors, patterns, and locations of pavement materials
o Pavement accents, including scoring, expansion joints, in-pavement lighting, etc
Materials and details of stairs, railings, if included
Coordination with retail concepts and strategies
Narrative and visual depiction of the design of the bay and balcony zone on the upper building
floors (residential floors) including:
o Dimensions and configuration
o Materials, patterns and details of railing
o Relationship to interior floor plan
o Relationship to façade design