Book Title: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Assigned

Book Title: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Assigned Reading: pages 88-113
Due Feb. 15th
Comprehension Questions:
1. When the captain confronted the crew, who was the tenth man on deck? Why was he
2. What did the captain do to him?
3. Explain the order Zachariah refused to carry out for the captain?
4. What happened to him?
5. How did Charlotte respond to the captain’s actions?
6. Later when Charlotte offered her apologies to the captain, what advice did he offer her?
Book Title: Dave at Night
Assigned Reading: pages 76-96
Due Feb. 15th
What new friend did Dave make during his first night out?
What makes Solly (Mr. Gruber) a gonif?
Is Solly teaching Dave how to be a gonif? How do you know?
Why did Dave not get back to the HHB until morning?
Who caught Dave sneaking back into the HHB?
Book Title: Code Talker
Assigned Reading: pages 85-104
Due Feb. 15th
1. Ned says that his weeks in training at Camp Elliott are "some of the best in my life" (p.
81). Why is this so?
2. When Ned is terribly worried about crossing the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean in a
boat, how does his friend Bill Toledo encourage him (p. 90)?
3. How did the Navajos survive the two-day training exercise in Hawaii?
4. Why didn’t the Navajos share their secret with the other marines?
5. What is one of the unwritten rules of war (p.100)?
6. Why did Ned feel so comfortable with the native people on the island?
Book Title: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Assigned Reading: pages 115-148
Due Feb. 17th
Book Title: Dave at Night
Assigned Reading: pages 97-110
Due Feb. 17th
Book Title: Code Talker
Assigned Reading: pages 105-135
Due Feb. 17th
Book Title: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Assigned Reading: pages 149-178
Due Feb. 21st
Book Title: Dave at Night
Assigned Reading: pages 111-134
Due Feb. 21st
Book Title: Code Talker
Assigned Reading: pages 136-158
Due Feb. 21st