Recepies for a patients with diabets - Wake –up, Shake-up

Diabetes is a disease in which the food is of utmost importance. In the average degree and a severe form of diabetes
treatment is impossible without regular dieting.
Patients with diabetes should follow the laws of nutrition:
- Meals should be regular, at least 5 times a day, at the same time. If the patient takes insulin, the meal should be one
hour or 30 minutes before drug administration.
- The diet is balanced in content of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and nutritional products.
- All carbohydrate foods are converted to grain units for precise control of carbohydrates consumed with food.
Sample menu:
Banned products:
Patients with diabetes are strictly forbidden to use sugar, chocolate, candy
1 breakfast at 7-00: Porridge welded on skim milk, tea with sweetener.
25% of the daily requirement .
and confectionery products with added sugar, such as cakes, jams and ice cream.
2 Breakfast at 9-00: fat cottage cheese with low-fat natural yoghurt with no fillers.
Drinks and juices with sugar syrup are not allowed. Food should not be spicy, smoked,
15% of the daily requirement .
with hot pepper, mustard. Bananas, grapes, raisins, figs, and other sweet fruit species
Lunch at 13-00: vegetable soup, a piece of black bread , crumbly buckwheat porridge, a slice of
should be eliminated.
baked hake salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil, fruit compote.
30% of the daily requirement.
Snack 16-00: apples and pears.
The purpose of the diet in diabetes:
The diet is formulated to maintain normal blood glucose level throughout the
10% of the daily requirement.
Dinner at 18-00: vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, cucumber, and tea.
day, as well as to restore proper metabolism in the body and relieve the patient from
15% of the daily requirement.
excessive body weight. Therefore, patients with diabetes restrict carbohydrate intake,
Before going to bed: a cup of non-fat yoghurt and 2-diet cookie.
especially digestible, the menu includes foods rich in vitamins and fibres.
5% of the daily requirement.
General principles of nutrition in diabetes:
Caloric intake should cover the energy costs of the patient. However, for the overweight daily calorie intake is reduced.
Sugar is substituted by xylitol, sorbitol, and fructose. Patients with diabetes can eat biscuits, waffles, jam or chocolate, but those
manufacturers especially for diabetics.
Ready meals should be salted insufficiently.
Food should be warm and drinks - cool.
Ready meals should be grainy, rough, and fibrous.
Mousse semolina
Requires: 100 g of apple puree and semolina, 200 grams of sugar, 700 ml of milk.
Method of preparation.
Cover Apple sauce with hot milk, add sugar and stir. Cook for a few minutes, then remove from heat and strain. Bring the syrup to
boiling, put it in the semolina and stir, boil for 5-6 minutes Cover Apple sauce with hot milk, add sugar and stir. Cook for a few minutes,
then remove from heat and strain. Bring the syrup to boiling, put it in the semolina and stir, boil for 5-6 minutes.
Cool the mass, put it on ice and whisk until it gets thick.
ALMOND Hedgehog.
Required: 100 g butter and almond nuts, 70 g of powdered sugar, egg, lemon peel, 1 cup of flour, a bag of vanilla, 1 tbsp. of water
or milk.
Method of preparation.
Beat the softened butter with powdered sugar. Consistently add egg yolk, lemon zest and vanilla, water or milk, then flour. Knead
the dough and let it stand for about half an hour. After that, roll the dough. Carve slices, brush them with egg white and sprinkle with
coarsely chopped almonds. Bake until "hedgehogs" browned.
How to cook jelly juice. Recipe.
The complexity of preparation: Moderate
Cooking time: up to 1 hour
Ingredients for 2 servings:
Strawberry juice (250 ml.)
Banana juice (250 ml.)
Gelatine (’10)
This jelly is very tasty and tender, it can not be found in stores. Instead of banana and strawberry juice, you can choose any other what you want. First, in a saucepan, pour the strawberry juice. Pour
half of gelatine and mix thoroughly.
Wait for 10 minutes. When this time has passed, put the pot on a small fire, heat the juice to 40 degrees. When heated, the mixture should be constantlystirred. Gelatine must be dissolved, then turn
off the fire.
Warm gelatine - strawberry mixture pour into glasses. Put the glasses in the fridge, you need to wait for 2 hours. Pour the second half of gelatine in banana juice and wait for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, put the mixture on the stove and heat to 40 degrees, as it is required to dissolve the gelatine. Remove from the refrigerator and pour banana jelly. You will need to wait for another
3 hours till jellies completely freeze.
Cauliflower Cream:
Parsley (chopped, add any other herbs - tarragon, basil , etc.)
A mixture of ground peppers
Water - 700 ml
Processed cheese - 100 g
Cream (22%) - 150 g
Cauliflower - 400 g
Potatoes (medium size) - 2
Carrots (medium size) - 2
Potatoes and carrots should be washed, peeled, cut into chunks gutters. Add water, bring to a boil and cook.
When the vegetables are cooked, add the cheese, stir well and remove from heat.
Whisk all the ingredients together in a blender and pour them back into the pan, put it on the fire, add the cream, add salt, bring everything to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
Sprinkle it with parsley and freshly ground pepper. You can use any other greens as desired / presence / taste / mood.
Bon appetite!
Soup of dried fruits:
Wash dried fruits, cover them with cold water for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in two or three waters. Remove apples and pears, cover them with cold water and simmer for 20-25
minutes. Put the rest of the fruit in the broth, add sugar, cinnamon and cook for 10 more minutes until fruit is cooked. If you wish, you can add cooked rice. Serve the soup, season it with cream or
sour cream.
Ingredients (2 servings)
Dried fruits 500 g
2.5-3 l of water
Sugar 250 g
Potato starch 60 g
0.75-cup cream
Or 0.75 cup sour cream
Carrot cake:
4 servings
A carrot cake is s very good option for a vegetable side dish or even a
main dish. They are easy to cook and children like it.
Ingredients (4 servings)
Carrots - 3
Eggs - 3
Vegetable oil - 50 g
Flour - 100 g
“Mushroom Clearing”
Ingredients for a starter "Mushroom
Cucumber - 2
Crab sticks - 200 g
Cheese - 150g
Egg - 4
Mushrooms (marinated)
Best regards!
Vilnius Lev Karsavin secondary school