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Blood Cell Worksheet: Functions & Components

Red Blood Cells
What is the job of the red blood cells?
What shape do they have?
White Blood Cells
What does haemoglobin do?
Draw a diagram
What is the job of the white blood cells?
Draw a diagram
What do they produce?
Why do they not have a nucleus?
Why do they have a large surface area?
Delete the wrong answer:
White blood cells have/do not have a nucleus.
What does the plasma do?
What do the platelets do?
Draw a diagram
What is the problem if someone does not have platelets?
Draw a diagram
Red Blood Cells
What is the job of the red blood cells?
To carry oxygen around the body.
White Blood Cells
What is the job of the white blood cells?
They can kill any unwanted micro-organisms by
What shape do they have?
Biconcave disc (doughnut).
What do they produce?
Why do they not have a nucleus?
To allow more room to carry oxygen.
Why do they have a large surface area?
To absorb more oxygen.
What does haemoglobin do?
It binds to the oxygen to form
What does the plasma do?
• It carries many things such as:
• red blood cells;
• white blood cells;
• nutrients;
• glucose;
• urea;
• hormones;
• antibodies;
• carbon dioxide.
Antibodies and antitoxins.
Antibodies to which fight micro-organism, antitoxins
neutralise toxins produced by micro-organisms.
Delete the wrong answer:
White blood cells have/do not have a nucleus.
What do the platelets do?
They help the blood to clot, stopping too much blood
coming out and preventing infection.
What is the problem if someone does not have platelets?
People can bruise easily and lose too much blood.