Eli Feinerman Short Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Addresses Office : Department of Environmental Economics and Management, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel. Tel: 972-8-9489148, fax: 972-8-9466267 Email: eli.feinerman@mail.huji.ac.il Residence : 41/4 Levin Epshtein St., Rehovot 76461, Israel. Tel: 972-54- 8820605 Place of Birth: Kfar Yehezkel, Israel Citizenship: Israeli Family Status: Widower, 3 children Education 1972- B.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction, 1975- M.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction 1980- Ph.D, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University; Ph.D. Dissertation: "Economic Analysis of Long-Term Irrigation with Saline Water under Uncertainty”. Academic Positions at the Hebrew University 2011 – Present: Head of the Authority for Community and Youth of The Hebrew University. 2005- 2009: Dean of the Faculty 2002- Present: Full Professor 1999- 2000: Chairman of the Hotel Management Program 1999- Present: Incumbent of the Yekutiel Federman Chair in Hotel Management 1996 -1998, 2003-2005 and 2014 - 2015 – Head of the Department 1992 – 1995: Chairman of the departmental teaching program Research Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas. Courses Taught at The Hebrew University Economics of the Agricultural Firm, Economics and Structure of the Moshav, Investments, Agricultural Planning, Price Theory (Microeconomics), Introduction to Information and Decision Theory, Introduction to Economics, Resource and Environmental Economics, Graduate Seminar Main recent public positions out of the university include: Chairman of the Committee for Agricultural Water Pricing, nominated by the Director General of Prime Minister's Office; Member of the Refereeing Committee for New Teaching Programs submitted to the Israeli Council for Higher Education, nominated by the Minister of Education; Head of the Refereeing Committee for Agricultural Economics Proposals, nominated by the Chief Scientist of Ministry of Agriculture; Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Agricultural Economics, Member of the Council of the National Authority for Water and Sewage (as one of two public representative nominated by the Israeli Government). Positions at Universities Abroad include: Post doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley and Riverside and Visiting Professor at the: Department of Economics and the center for agricultural and rural development (CARD), Iowa State University (USA); Departments of Applied and Agricultural Economics and Department of Economics at Virginia Tech University (USA); Mansholt Institute, Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and Department of Civil Engineering, Porto University (Portugal). Selected Publications Feinerman, E . and D. Yaron (1983). "Economics of Irrigation Water Mixing Within a Farm Framework." Water Resources Research . 19, 337-345. Feinerman, E . and K. C. Knapp (1983). "Benefits from Groundwater Management: Magnitude, Sensitivity, and Distribution." American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 65, 703-710. Feinerman, E . and D . Yaron ( 1983). "The Value of Information on the Response Function of Crops to Soil Salinity." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management . 10, 72-85. Feinerman, E ., J . Letey, and H . J . Vaux, Jr. (1983). "The Economics of Irrigation with Non-Uniform Infiltration." Water Resources Research . 19, 1410-1414. Feinerman, E . (1983). "Crop Density and Irrigation with Saline Water." Western Journal of Agricultural Economics . 8 , 134-140. Feinerman, E ., E . Bresler, and G . Dagan (1985). "Optimization of a Spatially Variable Resource: An Illustration for Irrigated Crops." Water Resources Research . 21, 793-800. Irrigation Science . 6, 201210. Feinerman, E ., G. Dagan, and E. Bresler (1986). "Statistical Inference of Spatial Random Functions." Water Resources Research . 22 , 935-942. Feinerman, E . and P. B. Siegel (1988). "A Dynamic Farm Level Planning Model for Beef Feedlot Production and Marketing." Journal of Agricultural Economics . 39, 413-425. Feinerman, E . (1988). "Groundwater Management: Efficiency and Equity Considerations." Agricultural Economics . 2 , 1-18. Feinerman, E ., E. Bresler, and G. Dagan (1989). "Optimization of Inputs in a Spatially Variable Natural Resource: Unconditional vs. Conditional Analysis." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management . 17, 140-154 . Feinerman, E . (1990). "Mean Preserving Spread of Price Distribution Revisited." The American Economist . 34, 28-33. Feinerman, E . and D. Yaron (1990). "Adoption of Drip Irrigation in Cotton: A Case Study of Kibbutz Cotton Growers in Israel." Oxford Agrarian Studies . 18, 43-52. Feinerman, E ., E. K. Choi, and S. R. Johnson. (1990). "Uncertainty and the Split of >Nitrogen Application in Corn Production." American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 72, 975-984. Feinerman, E . and M. Falkovitz (1991). "An Agricultural Multipurpose Service Cooperative: Pareto Optimality, Price-Tax Solution, and Stability." Journal of Comparative Economics. 15, 95-114. Feinerman, E . and Y . Kislev (1991). "Agricultural Settlement with Joint Production Services." Agricultural Economics . 6, 1-13. Choi, E. K. and E. Feinerman. (1991). "Price Uncertainty and the Labor-Managed >Firm." Southern Economic Journal . 58 , 43-53. Choi, E. K. and E. Feinerman (1993). "Producer Cooperatives, Input Pricing and Land Allocation.” Journal of Agricultural Economics . 44, 230-244. Babcok, B. A., E. K. Choi, and E. Feinerman (1993). "Risk and Probability Premiums for CARA Utility Functions." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics . 18, 17-24. Feinerman, E . and E. K. Choi (1993). "Second-Best Taxes and Quotas in Nitrogen Regulation." Natural Resource Modeling . 7, 57-84. Feinerman, E . (1994). "Value of Information on Crop Response Function to Soil Salinity in a FarmLevel Optimization Model." Agricultural Economics . 10, 233-243. Feinerman, E.and H. Voet (1995). "Dynamic Optimization of Nitrogen Fertilization of Citrus and the Value of Information from Leaf Tissue Analysis." European Review of Agricultural Economics . 22, 103118. Choi E. K. and E. Feinerman (1995). "Regulation of Nitrogen Pollution: Taxes Versus< Quotas." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics . 20, 122-134. Choi , E. K. and E . Feinerman(1996) . "Price Uncertainty and the Labor-Managed Firm. Reply." Southern Economic Journal . 62, 776-777. Feinerman, E . and I. Finkelshtain (1996). "Introducing Socio-Economic Characteristics Into Production Analysis under Risk." Agricultural Economics . 13, 149-161.. Plessner, Y. and E. Feinerman(1997). "On the Economics of Irrigation with Saline Water: A Dynamic Analysis." Natural Resource Modeling . 9, 255- 276. Finkelshtain, I. and E. Feinerman(1997) "Framing the Allais Paradox as a Farm Decision Problem: Tests and Explanations." Agricultural Economics . 15, 155- 167. Feinerman, E . and H. Voet (2000). "Site-Specific Management of Agricultural Inputs: An Illustration for Variable Rate Irrigation." European Review of Agricultural Economics.27, 17-37. Feinerman, E.and J. Lipow (2001). “Is There a Bias Towards Excessive Quality in Defense Procurement?” Economics Letters. 71, 137-142. Feinerman, E., Y. Plessner, and D. Disegni (2001). "Recycled Effluent: Should the Polluter Pay?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 83, 958-971. Feinerman, E. and E. Seiler (2002). “Private Transfers with Incomplete Information: A Contribution to the “Altruism-Exchange Motivation for Transfers’ Debate.” Journal of Population Economics . 15, 715736. Feinerman, E. and M. H. C. Komen (2003). "Agri-environmental Instruments for an Integrated Rural Policy: An Economic Analysis." Journal of Agricultural Economics . 54, 1-20. Feinerman, E ., D. J. Bosch, and J. Pease (2004). "Manure Applications and Nutrient Standards." American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 86, 14-25. Feinerman, E ., I. Finkelshtain, and I. Kan (2004). “The Political Economics of NIMBY: Theory and Application to Landfills Siting.” American Economic Review . 94, 369-381. Feinerman, E., A. Fleischer, and A .Simhon (2004). "Distributional Welfare Impacts of Government Spending: The Case of Urban vs. National Parks." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.29, 370-386.. Feinerman, E. and J. Peerling (2005). "Uncertain Land Avialability and Investment decisions: The Case of Dutch dairy Farms." Journal of Agricultural Economics. 56, 59-80. Feinerman, E. and C. Gardebroek, (2007). " Stimulating organic farming via public services and an auction-based subsidy." European Review of Agricultural Economics , Urbanization on Size, Population Mix, and Welfare of an Agricultural Region." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(4), 10321047. Axelrad, G. and Feinerman, E. (2009). "Regional Planning of Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation and River Rehabilitation." Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60, 105-131. Axelrad, G. and Feinerman, E.(2010). "Allocation of treated wastewater among competitive farmers under asymmetric information." Water Resources Research, 46, 1-9. Feinerman, E., I. Finkelshtain, A. Tchechik and M. Delgo (2011). "Impact of Counter- Urbanization on Size, Population Mix, and Welfare of an Agricultural Region." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(4), 1032-1047. Axelrad, G., T. Gershfeld and E. Feinerman (2013). “Reclamation of sewage sludge for use in Israeli agriculture: economic, environmental and organizational spects. ” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (10), 1419 – 1448. Atzil, A., and E. Feinerman (2014). “Motivations for the Transfer of Support from Children to their Retired Parents in Israel.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41(2), 94-108. Feinerman, E. and Y. Tsur (2014). “Perennial Crops under Stochastic Water Supply.” Agricultural Economics, 45 (6), 757-766.