Sentence one explains the purpose of your marketing

National Paddling Week (NPW) Marketing Outline
NPW is a national week of paddle recreation sport recognition and promotion that needs to
develop exposure and participant confidence during its building phase. NPW is not a turnkey
franchise, or unit sales operation marketing opportunity. NPW is case where cyber and actual
pavement pounding, “stick to it ness” and “patience is a virtue” in marketing applies. The solid
groundwork established here should generate ongoing consistent momentum building results
seeing annual growth toward eventual capacity. The public and partners will determine
capacity by their needs and limitations. Participants will equate success and competence with
sustained presence, so NPW will blanket our target market aiming for the cumulative effect of
consecutive, layered awareness on local, provincial and national fronts.
NPW wants to build on its reputation as a: respectable, professional, legitimate and
empowering providing national programs with recognized standards and access to the certified
trainers with solid skills. NPW is a source of information, ideas, and encouragement. NPW
needs to engage our target partners, and provide unbiased promotion and non-financial support.
NPW will produce marketing materials that: are distinctive, yet cohesive; have valuable
content; convey a clear understanding of what NPW does; is helpful in addressing clients’
needs; is a resource people will want to come back to; and will welcome contact.
Creating marketing tactics that support, reinforce, and cross-promote each other will result in
creating a NPW buzz in the twitter sphere, on the web and via the phone line. The goal is to
imprint multiple, positive impressions of NPW in our clients’ minds through the following
E and phone cold calls
1:1 Follow up Meetings
Partner Presentations
Trade Show Booth
Email signature line
Ad: Open For Business
NPW Cyber Open House Display
NPW Partner Solicitation/Business Brochure
NPW Workshop / Seminar Brochures
NPW articles
NPW Workbook
(NPW) Marketing Outline
Marketing Breakdown:
Marketing efforts have been allocated into three groups of clients (fitting the target profile),
using the 60/30/10 rule adapted for the current start up phase:
NPW will devote 35% of marketing efforts on current/past clients of presenting partners.
A further 50% of time will be applied to converting prospective partners that fit the targeted
client profile.
Lastly, 15% of marketing efforts will be placed on broader market. This includes everybody in
not represented in the first two groups in the target client profile. Devoting resources to this
group will be done in as efficient a manner as possible, and in a way that promotes the business
in the community, established NPW credentials and re-affirms our quality of product. This effort
has the potential to generate important contacts and leads.
The maintenance promotion goal after year two will be a ratio of: 60/30/10
Substantive benefits marketing points:
1. Quality service: NPW offers topnotch consulting work. Key markers of which are: Delivering
the service desired with competence, speed, and minimal disruption. NPW plans and executes
our projects efficiently and in an environment of trust so that clients are comfortable with our
recommendations and confident of our results.
2. Cost effective: Best for your budget! Our programs meet national standards; meet partner
needs and retain the partner's input and control of the outcomes and advantages.
3. Service responsiveness: timely and qualified professionals available to clients
4. Personal selling of consultants’ credentials, a give-and-take exchange with the client
characterized by:
 Intense listening
 Insightful questioning
 Presentation of creative ideas.
 Engaging clients in a substantive discussion of the issues so they can perceive that NPW
has a grasp on the macro issues and nuances of the service and organization in question
5. Reinforce the importance of the client/partner
6. Generate and offer testimonials/referrals/references