Oct 5, 2011 - SUNY Oswego

CTAB Applications & Equipment Committee
Minutes of Meeting – 10/05/2011
Attending: Rick Buck, Nicole Decker, Greg Fuller, Chris Hebblethwaite, Joe Moreau, Natalie
Sturr, Paul Taylor, Abby Wiertzema, Dan Wood, Tim Yager
1. Survey on VHS Classroom Use
Chris Hebblethwaite and Dave McQuin asked the committee to review the survey one
last time
o Minor suggestions included adding a box for an optional name and also including
a deadline
o The survey will be sent via the Provost’s office. The committee suggested
reminders also go out on the oswego-daily and techboard lists.
o [Update] The Survey was distributed Oct 6 with a deadline of Oct 21.
2. Google Consumer Services – Terms of Service
 Contract is still being negotiated with SUNY Counsel. They are working to protect our
intellectual rights and content ownership.
 When Consumer Services are turned on, there is a chance that users will see a Google
Announcement that they need to accept before accessing their account.
o This announcement includes pretty strong statements saying the “domain
administrator … will have access to account information, including email.”
 Our domain administrator actually has much less access than is stated
3. Google Consumer Services - Testing
 Currently there are 64 such services, and 16 are turned on in our Google Test
o Blogger, Chrome Web Store, Google Analytics, Google Bookmarks, Google
Books, Google Chrome Sync, Google Groups, Google In Your Language,
Google Maps, Google Reader, Google Web Master Tools, iGoogle, Mobile
Test Tools, Picasso Web Album, User Managed Storage
 The Committee has been asked by CTS to look at these services and help determine
o Do any require significant training and/or support?
o If any are particularly valuable to us. Possibly we will want to set up formal
support and/or workshops on how to use them better.
 Committee Members: Please test at least 2 of the Consumer Services and share the
results of your testing at our next meeting.
4. Google Test Accounts
 To login: http://www.google.com/a/gtest.oswego.edu/
 To check if you have an account or to request an account or to have your password reset,
send an email to: lakerapps-admin-list@ls.oswego.edu
5. CTS Update
 Virtual Computer Lab - http://www.oswego.edu/cts/labs/virtual_lab.html
o A very nice pilot that provides access to Adobe CS 5 Design Premium and
o Currently you need the VPN to access it off-campus
 VPN access for Windows 7 and 64 bit computers
o CTS/Networking is working on a web-based method. This sounds very exciting.
o Access Gateway – is a different model that would provide authentication just for
the Virtual Computer Lab
 Mailto: links
o Clicking mailto links want to fire up a client, such as Thunderbird or Outlook.
o There is a way to setup Firefox to have mailto links open in LakerApps.
 Tools / Options / Applications / mailto = Use Gmail
 This does work nicely
o Even though there is not something similar in IE, the Committee felt the Firefox
solution should be advertised. Having 1 browser work is better than none!
 Angel to Blackboard Conversion
o We will be migrating to Angel v8 sometime next year. It will be supported by the
vendor until 2015.
o We will not migrate to Blackboard until at least 2013 as there are some Angel
features our faculty are using that are not yet in Blackboard.
6. Wireless
 There was a concern from the last meeting that there is not enough wireless on campus.
However, we do not know if the statement was about a general area, or a specific floor or
office. To see where there is wireless coverage, you can look at this map from CTS:
 CTS/Networking is investigating guest access to wireless and wireless access for phones
and other devices. There is now a new class of tools available: Mobile Device
Management Solutions
7. Topics for future meetings (not discussed , but listed here):
 Software requests by faculty for specific labs. Even though there is a process in place,
many faculty are unaware of what it is. A more formal process and procedure exists for
General Access Labs.
 There was a posting on the techboard list concerning replacing the PRS clickers
o This is a great topic to pursue; however, we need folks to join the discussion who
are using clickers in their classes and/or familiar with the technology.
8. My apologies for the human-created glitch that prevented the agenda for this meeting from
being distributed to the list. I’ll try harder next time!
9. Next meetings
 Wed, Nov 2 – 8am - 9am
 Wed, Nov 30 – 8am - 9am
o Both meetings will be in Library Instruction Room #1 in the Library
Natalie Sturr
Chair, CTAB Applications/Equipment Subcommittee
Library, x3565