Time Travel Back to Twelfth Century Japan: Research/ Travel Guide

Kessler Cuffman
6th & 7th Grade World History & Geography
Center for Creative Arts
Time Travel Back to Twelfth Century Japan: Research/ Travel Guide Activity
7.31 Analyze the rise of a military society in the late twelfth century and the role of the shogun and
samurai in that society.
Class time required: 2 double blocked class periods (2 Hours 50 Minutes)
Students will understand:
The rise of a military society
The roles of the shogun and samurai in that society
How ideological beliefs shape society
How individual figures or individual ideas shape society
1. Opener (10-15 minutes):
Class should open with some kind of bell-ringer that allows the students to brain-storm and
elaborate on what they all ready know (or think they know) about samurai and shogun
culture. Use the points they present to guide some kind of brief discussion that will hook
them on the subject and also get them excited about what they are about to learn. There
are very few people out there who don’t get excited when you say that they are going to
study the samurai so don’t waste this opportunity!
2. Set up the activity (10 minutes):
Following the discussion the teacher should split the class into groups of 3-4 students.
Once the students are split up the teacher should then introduce the activity and hand out
the activity sheet. Next the students should take about 2-3 minutes to select the topics that
they are going to be responsible for researching. It may be helpful to have the students
write their initials next to their topics. Following the activity introduction take a couple
minutes to answer any questions.
3. Start the research! (60 minutes / the remaining time of day 1 – 45 minutes Day 2):
Allow the students to now begin their research covering the topics they have selected. As
they work be sure to walk around the room actively monitoring progress and lending a
hand where needed. This is a perfect opportunity to work one-on-one with students and
really get to know them as you work along side them.
4. Carrousel Presentation (20-25 minutes):
After the students have completed their travel guides arrange the tables in the room into a
circle or giant square. Take the completed travel guides and place each one at different
point in the room and on the circle. Instruct each student to get out 1 piece of notebook
paper and a pencil. Their job is to take down notes or points of interest at each station.
They will have about 2-5 minutes per station depending on the class size. Students should
stay with their groups and rotate clockwise. REMEMBER TO ACTIVELY ANNOUNCE THE
REMAINING TIME AT EACH STATION. Middle school students don’t have a solid grasp
on the concept of time management yet. You reminding them will keep them on task.
5. Wrap-up writing / Formative Assessment (10-15 minutes):
Prepare a work sheet that has plenty of room for writing with the following prompt at the
“Explain how ideas and cultural beliefs shape samurai and shogun society. You must use at
least 5 key terms from the research assignment to answer the question. Be sure to
underline each key term that you use.”
This prompt will test the students understanding of what they have just researched. Every
aspect of this unit is based on cultural values and belief systems. After they have
completed this assignment you can simply collect and grade it or you can take more time
and extend the assignment. After they have completed this assignment you can simply
collect and grade it or you can take more time and extend the assignment.
Personally, I feel that if the teacher provided time for peer editing then a better
understanding would be achieved. Have the students read each other’s papers and
explain why they are right or why they are wrong. Following either of the possible
scenarios should be some kind of brief discussion where the students are able to share
their answers while the teacher gives feedback.
Students will respond in an extended response format to the following prompt:
“Explain how ideas and cultural beliefs shape samurai and shogun society. You must use at
least 5 key terms from the research assignment to answer the question. Be sure to
underline each key term that you use.”
This prompt will test the students understanding of what they have just researched. Every
aspect of this unit is based on cultural values and belief systems. After they have
completed this assignment you can simply collect and grade it or you can take more time
and extend the assignment. After they have completed this assignment you can simply
collect and grade it or you can take more time and extend the assignment.
Personally, I feel that if the teacher provided time for peer editing then a better understanding
would be achieved. Have the students read each other’s papers and explain why they are right or
why they are wrong. Following either of the possible
Student Handouts – Copy and paste the following into a blank word document:
NAME: _________________________ Group Member Names: __________________________
Block: _____________
Shogun and Samurai Japan Travel Guides
It is 2015…According to the movie Back to the Future we should now have floating
skateboards and more importantly, TIME MACHINES. We are going to pretend that Delta
now provides flights back in time to twelfth century Japan. Your job is to come up with a
travel guide advertising for vacations back to medieval Japan where travelers will be able to
spend time with the Shogun and Samurai.
Generally, people want to go to medieval Japan. However, you will need to create a travel guide
that convinces travelers that this is where they need to go visit! You will be working with a small
group of 3-4 people to create your guide. Between you and your partners you will all need to
include ALL 21 key terms in your guide. Use the terms to guide your research! You will have all of
today and half of the next class to complete this activity. Be sure to circle the topics you and your
group will cover. Each member is responsible for the individual topic they have selected.
Medieval Japan: Key Terms
Martial Arts
Code of Honor
Taira Family
Minamoto Family
Minamoto Yoritomo
Trade and market
Prince Shotoku
Japanese Calligraphy
Text Resources:
McGraw-Hill Textbook: Discovering Our Past – A History of the World
2014 McGraw-Hill Education
Pages 224-231
Online Resources:
Text Resources:
McGraw-Hill Textbook: Discovering Our Past – A History of the World
2014 McGraw-Hill Education
Pages 224-231
Online Resources:
Tech Resources:
Smart phones