10th seminar on Cooperation between Russian and Finnish

on Cooperation between Russian and Finnish
Institutions of Higher Education
Saint Petersburg
Welcome to the 10th Seminar on Cooperation between Russian and Finnish Institutions of Higher Education. Similar to the previous seminars inHelsinki,
Joensuu, Jyväskylä, St. Petersburg and Turku the seminar will address current
issues in Finnish-Russian university cooperation, related to the mobility of higher education students and staff and joint projects.
Finnish-Russian cooperation in higher education has long traditions. However,
the context for higher education cooperation is constantly changing. Both countries are implementing reforms within the Bologna process. Pressures from society have an impact on structures and contents of higher education. Rapid expansion of economic cooperation and trade between Russia and Finland is an
important issue.
The aim of the seminar is to provide a forum to discuss the current state and future perspectives of cooperation between Finland and North-Western Russia, as
well as to give an opportunity to foster existing cooperation arrangements and
explore funding possibilities the in Baltic Sea Region.
The seminar will bring together higher education professionals from both countries including colleagues from international offices, faculty, and university leadership and student organizations. Selected partners from Baltic States are also
invited. The expected number of participants is up to 120. The seminar languages will be English and Russian (simultaneous translation is provided).
The Seminar will include following sessions:
 Plenary "Impact of educational reforms to international cooperation"
Experts of Ministries and Higher Education Institutions give their perspectives on current issues: Structural changes and higher education reforms
in Finland and Russia
 Two workshops concentrating different funding programmes and instruments facilitating mobility and cooperation between Russia and
EU/Finland. The workshops will give an insight on opportunities and offers a platform for exchanging good practices.
 Panel discussion: How to engage stakeholders: University-business cooperation.