8th Honors Language Arts Parent Letter / Course Outline

8th Grade Language Arts Parent Letter / Course Outline 12-13
Charleston County School District
Kara_Placito@charleston.k12.sc.us (for Mrs. Coleman)
 Course topics are derived from the South Carolina State Standards.
 Course syllabus:
o First Nine Weeks:
 Focus on procedures and expectations: PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) and
Cornell Notes
 SAT vocabulary and Latin/Greek stems (Introduction of 8th Grade lists and review of 7th)
 The House on Mango Street novel- review summer read and figurative language
 Chinese Cinderella- Honors summer reading review and writing assignment
 The Outsiders Novel Study
 Short Story Unit: Focus on Lucille Fletcher, O.Henry, and Poe
 Narrative writing
 Analysis of literature: short story elements and characterization
Sentence writing strategies
 Comprehensive study of traditional grammar to include practice, usage, and diagramming.
o Second Nine Weeks:
 SAT vocabulary and Latin/ Greek stems
 Comprehensive study of traditional grammar to include practice, usage, and diagramming.
 Sentence writing strategies
 Expository writing
 Novel Study: Life As We Knew It (Science Integration)
Please note that this novel study is an addition, and students will need to have it purchased before the start of the second
nine week period.
o Third Nine Weeks:
 Paragraph writing strategies
 SAT vocabulary and Latin/ Greek stems
 Introduction to research skills focusing on the acquisition and representation of information obtained
through both traditional and technological means.
 Propaganda and bias, informational text
 Novel Study: To Kill A Mockingbird (SS Integration)
 Write Traits and business letter writing
 PASS Review
 Research Skills
 Socratic Seminars
o Fourth Nine Weeks:
 Review SAT vocabulary and Latin/ Greek stems
 Emphasis on communication skills including public speaking and active listening/note taking
 Review Write Traits
 Novel Study: The Cage (SS Integration)
 William and Mary inter-disciplinary unit: The 1940’s
 Socratic Seminars
* The above syllabus is a working document and is subject to change based on student/ class academic needs.
* Students will write throughout the 9 weeks, but only one published piece will come home. We will be working closely with science
and social studies teachers as well to enhance writing across the curriculum.
 Students are expected to come to class each day on time and ready to learn. Failure to come to class prepared will result in
disciplinary action sited in the Cario handbook.
 School policy requires that make up work be completed within 5 days of the excused absence.
 Homework is expected to be received on the day it is due. Any late work turned in during the first semester will be given a
70. Work must be turned in up to 5 days from the date due. No late work will be taken during the second semester.
Students will have homework nightly (extension of class work, reading, studying SAT words)
 All students are required to have a novel with them at all times for silent sustained reading times.
 Reading requirements: (Students are required to read for at least 30 minutes each night) We have adapted our curriculum
so that each child meets the guidelines set forth by SREB: Southern Regional Education Board, which is 25, books a year.
o Each student will be required to read 4 books independently each nine weeks.
o Honors students will have one additional book requirement each nine weeks period.
 SAT Quizzes will be on Thursday of every full week of school. Every Friday students are required to have next weeks’
words and definitions copied down for credit. They may turn in a completed list on Monday for lower credit.
 Grades will be based on a variety of assessments including tests, reading conferences, writing assignments, participation,
quizzes, homework, and class work.
 Grades are calculated in the following manner:
class work:
book conferencing/ writing analysis:
tests/ projects:
 We have the highest expectations for our students and will be using positive reinforcements in the classroom.
 Discipline will be handled in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Progressive Discipline Plan provided by
 Four tardies to a specific class will result in an office referral.
 Four infractions will result in a silent lunch and four silent lunches will result in an office referral- these will be cumulative
throughout the team.
 All dress code violations will be an infraction and provisions will be made to fix the issue for the day.
 All students have an agenda book for recording assignments and projects.
 Preferred method of communication is the email address mentioned above.
 Within the first week, please email me from the address that you prefer to receive class updates. This will allow me to save
your address as part of a class email address for updates.
 eChalk will be updated regularly.
 Twitter Updates: More information to come at Open House
 Voice mail can be used to contact the teacher at any time. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for a response.
Agenda, Literature Book/ class novel
Composition notebook for all ELA notes
Pencil pouch containing a flash drive, sharpened pencils, pens, sticky notes, flags, and a highlighter.
Binder with dividers and paper
Spiral file cards for SAT words
THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN! Please feel free to contact us at any time during the
school year. We look forward to working with you.
Please sign your child’s agenda book tonight to let us know you have read and understand the rules and expectations of our class.