Published by Murray-Darling Basin Authority Postal Address GPO Box 1801, Canberra ACT 2601 Office location Level 4, 51 Allara Street, Canberra City Australian Capital Territory For further information contact the Murray-Darling Basin Authority office Telephone (02) 6279 0100 international + 61 2 6279 0100 Facsimile (02) 6248 8053 international + 61 2 6248 8053 E-Mail Internet MDBA Publication No: 28/12 ISBN: 978-1-922068-36-1 (online) © Murray–Darling Basin Authority for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2012. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, the MDBA logo, all photographs, graphics and trademarks, this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The MDBA’s preference is that you attribute this publication (and any material sourced from it) using the following wording: Title: Assessment of environmental water requirements for the proposed Basin Plan: Macquarie Marshes Source: Licensed from the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The MDBA provides this information in good faith but to the extent permitted by law, the MDBA and the Commonwealth exclude all liability for adverse consequences arising directly or indirectly from using any information or material contained within this publication. Australian Government Departments and Agencies are required by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) to ensure that information and services can be accessed by people with disabilities. If you encounter accessibility difficulties or the information you require is in a format that you cannot access, please contact us. Macquarie-Castlereagh Region Assessment of Macquarie Marshes environmental water requirements 1. Introduction The Water Act 2007 (Cwlth) established the Murray‐Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and tasked it with the preparation of a Basin Plan to provide for the integrated management of the Basin’s water resources. One of the key requirements of the Basin Plan is to establish environmentally sustainable limits on the quantities of surface water that may be taken for consumptive use, termed Sustainable Diversion Limits (SDLs). SDLs are the maximum long‐term annual average volumes of water that can be taken from the Basin and they must represent an Environmentally Sustainable Level of Take (ESLT). The method used to determine the ESLT is described in detail within ‘The proposed “environmentally sustainable level of take” for surface water of the Murray-Darling Basin: Method and Outcomes,’ (MDBA 2011). A summary of the main steps undertaken to determine the ESLT is presented in Figure 1. The assessment of environmental water requirements including specification of sitespecific flow indicators at a subset of hydrologic indicator sites (Step 3 of the overall ESLT method) is the focus of this document. The work described herein is the MDBA’s current understanding of the environmental water requirements of the Macquarie Marshes. It is not expected that the environmental water requirements assessments will remain static, rather it is intended that they will evolve over time in response to new knowledge or implementation of environmental watering actions. Within this context, feedback is sought on the material presented within this document whether that be as part of the formal draft Basin Plan consultation phase or during the environmental watering implementation phase within the framework of the Environmental Watering Plan. 1.1. Method to determine site-specific flow indicators Assessment of environmental water requirements for different elements of the flow regime using the hydrologic indicator site approach is one of the key lines of evidence that has informed the proposed SDLs. Effort focussed on regions and parts of the flow regime with greatest sensitivity to the scale of reduction in diversions necessary to achieve environmental objectives, an ESLT and a healthy working Basin. Within the overall framework of the ESLT method (Figure 1) the MDBA used an iterative process to assess environmental water requirements and develop site-specific flow indicators. The hydrologic indicator site approach uses detailed eco-hydrological assessment of environmental water requirements for a subset of the key environmental assets and key ecosystem functions across the Basin. Effort focused on high flow (freshes, bankfull flows and overbank flows) requirements reflecting the prioritisation of effort on parts of the flow regime that are most sensitive to the determination of the ESLT and SDLs. The Macquarie Marshes is one of the key 1 environmental assets where a detailed assessment of environmental water requirements was undertaken. Detailed environmental water requirement assessments lead to the specification of site-specific flow indicators to achieve site-specific ecological targets. Flow indicators were expressed at a hydrologic indicator site or sites. Environmental water requirements specified at hydrologic indicator sites are intended to represent the broader environmental flow needs of river valleys or reaches and thus the needs of a broader suite of ecological assets and functions. Figure 1: Outline of method used to determine an Environmentally Sustainable Level of Take. (Source: MDBA 2011). This report provides a description of the detailed eco-hydrological assessment of environmental water requirements for the Macquarie Marshes including information supporting the development 2 of site-specific flow indicators for the site (with reference to flows gauged on the Macquarie River at Marebone Weir). More information on how the site-specific flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes were used within the Basin-wide modelling process to inform the ESLT (i.e. Step 5 and 6 in Figure 1) can be found in the report ‘Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: Methods and results’ (MDBA 2012). A description of the detailed eco-hydrological assessments of environmental water requirements for other indicator sites are described in other documents in the series ‘Assessment of environmental water requirements for the proposed Basin Plan’. 1.2. Scope and purpose for setting site-specific flow indicators The MDBA’s assessment of environmental water requirements and associated site-specific flow indicators at hydrologic indicator sites has been used to inform the development of SDLs. This enables the MDBA to estimate the amount of water that will be required by the environment over the long-term to achieve a healthy working Basin through the use of hydrological models. Accordingly, site-specific flow indicators are not intended to stipulate future use of environmental water. MDBA expects that the body of work undertaken to establish these site-specific flow indicators will provide valuable input to environmental watering but this watering will be a flexible and adaptive process guided by the framework of the Environmental Watering Plan and natural ecohydrological cues. It will be up to the managers of environmental water, such as the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, State Government agencies, and local communities to decide how best to use the available environmental water during any one year to achieve environmental outcomes. 2. Site location and extent The Macquarie Marshes hydrologic indicator site is an extensive wetland system on the lower reaches of the Macquarie River in central New South Wales. The Marshes begin downstream of Warren and extend about 120 km to near Carinda (NSW Department of Water Resources 1991), as shown in Figure 2. The Macquarie Marshes cover about 200,000 ha and include areas inundated by flows from the Macquarie River and its streams and anabranches, specifically the Macquarie River, Marebone Break, Bulgeraga Creek, Buckiinguy Creek, Monkeygar Creek, Old Macquarie River, Bora Channel, the Ginghet, Mullins Swamp, Gum Cowal – Terrigal Creek to its confluence with Marthaguy Creek, Long Plain Cowal and Dusty Swamp (NSW Department of Water Resources & NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1986; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Department of Land and Water Conservation 1996; NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010a). Most of the Marshes are privately owned, except for about 22,300 ha managed by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, which includes the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve and the property Pillicawarrina (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010a; NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010b). The Macquarie Marshes Ramsar sites covers 18,726 ha and include the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve as well as the privately owned Wilgara Wetland and Mole Marsh (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010). The Nature Reserve and Mole Marsh were listed as Ramsar sites in 1986 and the Wilgara Wetland was listed in 2000 (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010a; 3 Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010). Recently the property Ninia was added to the Nature Reserve (Figure 2). Figure 2 Location and extent of Macquarie Marshes hydrologic indicator asset 4 Generally the Marshes are subdivided into the Southern Marsh starting from near Marebone to Mole Marsh, the Northern Marsh from Mole Marsh north along the Macquarie River and Bora Creek system to near Carinda, and the East Marsh along the Gum Cowal Creek system (Figure 2) (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) used the Directory of important wetlands in Australia dataset (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2001) to map the lateral and longitudinal extents of the Macquarie Marshes. The Ramsar Wetlands in Australia dataset was used to define the western extent of the system. Spatial data used in this map is listed in Appendix A. 3. Ecological Values The Marshes support a variety of flood-dependent vegetation types that include extensive water couch (Paspalum distichum) and common reed (Phragmites australis) grasslands, river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest and woodland, coolibah (E. coolabah) and black box (E. largiflorens) woodland, and lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta) and river cooba (Acacia stenophylla) shrublands (Paijmans 1981; Bowen and Simpson 2009). They are an important example of associations of these vegetation types (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1993; Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010). Species and communities that do not depend on flooding to complete their life cycle occur on the edge of flooded areas and as pockets within the Marshes. These areas are flooded rarely or not at all, and include weeping myall (A. pendula), belah (Casuarina cristata), and poplar box (E. populnea) woodlands, chenopod shrublands, and grasslands (Paijmans 1981; Bowen and Simpson 2009). Extensive areas of common reed and water couch and stands of cumbungi (Typha domingensis and Typha orientalis) provide critical habitat for waterbirds and other wetland animals in the Marshes (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). Much of the 19,000 ha that supported these communities in 1991 no longer contains flood-dependent vegetation. More than half has been replaced by chenopod shrubland (Wilson 1992; Bowen and Simpson 2009). River red gum forests and woodlands are also a distinctive feature of the Marshes. They are among the most diverse of the wetland communities in the Marshes, and many have an understorey of aquatic species (Bowen and Simpson 2009; NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a). River red gum provides critical habitat for waterbirds and other wetland animals, and is the tree species most used for nesting by colonial nesting waterbirds in the Marshes (Oliver and Parker 2006; Blackwood et al. 2010). Lignum and river cooba shrubland and coolibah and black box woodland are also important flooddependent species in the Marshes, providing critical habitat for many birds and animals (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). Lignum occurs in areas flooded at frequencies of once in 2 to 10 years for durations of 3 to 12 months (Roberts and Marston 2011). Found throughout the Marshes as an understorey plant, lignum provides critical breeding habitat for waterbirds, especially ibis species. 5 Black box is found in the Marshes on less frequently flooded parts of the floodplain where it forms black box and coolibah – black box woodlands. Coolibah – black box woodland is listed as an endangered ecological community under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a). The Macquarie Marshes are one of the more important wetlands in Australia for breeding of colonial nesting waterbirds (Kingsford and Auld 2005). Seventy-six waterbird species have been recorded in the Marshes, 42 of which have been recorded breeding. Species include some listed as being threatened both in New South Wales and nationally, as well as the only recorded pied heron (Ardea picata) breeding in New South Wales (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). Sixteen species have been recorded breeding, with the eastern great egret (A. modesta), intermediate egret (A. intermedia), little egret (Egretta garzetta), rufous night heron (Nycticorax caledonicus), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca), strawnecked ibis (T. spinicollis), little pied cormorant (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos) and little black cormorant (P. sulcirostris) occurring in the largest numbers (Kingsford and Johnson 1998; Kingsford and Auld 2005). Most breeding sites are located in semi-permanent wetland vegetation and river red gum forest and woodland, requiring frequent and prolonged flooding (Kingsford and Auld 2005; NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). The Macquarie Marshes have long been regarded as an important refuge for waterbirds during dry times, as well as supporting some of Australia’s largest recorded waterbird breeding colonies (Macquarie Marshes Investigation Committee 1951; Marchant and Higgins 1990; Kingsford and Johnson 1998; Kingsford and Auld 2005). The Macquarie Marshes support many important species that are listed in international agreements and include vulnerable and endangered species. Appendix B provides a summary of the conservationally significant species recorded at the site. The ecological value of Macquarie Marshes is reflected in its rating against the criteria used by the MDBA to identify key environmental assets within the Basin. The MDBA established five criteria based on international agreements and broad alignment with the National Framework and Guidance for Describing the Ecological Character of Australian Ramsar Wetlands (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008) and the draft criteria for identifying High Conservation Value Aquatic Ecosystems (SKM 2007). Based on the ecological values identified at the Macquarie Marshes, the site meets all of the five criteria for determining a key environmental asset (Table 1). 6 Table 1 Assessment of the Macquarie Marshes against MDBA key environmental asset criteria Criterion Ecological values that support the criterion 1. The water-dependent The Macquarie Marshes are formally recognised in, or are capable of supporting species ecosystem is formally listed in the Japan–Australia, China–Australia or Republic of Korea – Australia migratory recognised in bird agreements. The Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve, Mole Marsh and the Wilgara international agreements Wetlands met the five criteria for Ramsar listing. or, with environmental watering, is capable of supporting species listed Species listed in international agreements that have been recorded at Macquarie Marshes are in Appendix B. in those agreements 2. The water-dependent The Macquarie Marshes are one of the largest inland semi-permanent wetlands in south- ecosystem is natural or east Australia. The site is rare in terms of both its size and diversity of wetland types near-natural, rare or (Paijmans 1981; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service1993; NSW Department of unique Environment, Climate The Change water-dependent and Water 2010c). ecosystem is natural or near-natural, rare or unique 3. The water-dependent The Macquarie Marshes are renowned for supporting large waterbird breeding events. The ecosystem provides vital Marshes are one of the few places in Australia that support large breeding colonies of habitat straw-necked ibis, asThe wellwater-dependent as some of the largest ecosystem breeding provides colonies vital habitat of intermediate egret, rufous night heron and royal spoonbill (Platalea regia) in southern Australia. Many other waterbirds, including cormorants, herons and ducks, also breed there. The Marshes are one of the few sites in New South Wales where magpie geese (Anseranas semipalmata) breed (Kingsford and Auld 2005; NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2006; Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010b). These remaining wetlands have become a regionally important refuge for wildlife, and an important drought refuge. 4. Water-dependent ecosystem that supports Species and communities listed as threatened under both Commonwealth and state legislation that have been recorded at the site are listed in Appendix B.. Commonwealth, state or territory listed threatened species or communities 5. The water-dependent Water-dependent ecosystem that supports Commonwealth, state or territory listed threatene The Macquarie Marshes support significant biodiversity (NSW National Parks and Wildlife ecosystem supports, or Service 1993; NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). They with environmental regularly support more than 20,000 waterbirds and over 500,000 waterbirds in large watering is capable of floods, including substantial numbers of cormorants, herons, ibises, spoonbills, swans, supporting, significant geese, ducks, raptors and migratory waders (Department of the Environment, Water, biodiversity Heritage and the ArtsThe 2010). water-dependent ecosystem supports, or with environmental watering, is capable of sup 7 4. Hydrology The Macquarie River rises on the western side of the Great Dividing Range, south-east of Bathurst, and flows about 500 km north-west and north before joining the Barwon–Darling River in northern New South Wales. The main tributaries enter the river upstream of Narromine and most are upstream of Burrendong Dam, the river’s largest water storage. As the Macquarie flows onto the Darling riverine plain downstream of Narromine, it develops distributary streams and forms extensive floodplain wetlands (NSW Department of Water Resources 1991). These streams flow north and north-west to join the Bogan and Barwon Rivers. The main Macquarie River channel continues north from Narromine, forming the Macquarie Marshes about 50 km north of Warren. The Marshes extend for about 120 km to Carinda before the river re-forms and flows to the Barwon River between Walgett and Brewarrina (NSW Department of Water Resources 1991). The upper Macquarie catchment has winter-dominant rainfall of between 600 mm and 1,000 mm per year and evaporation of about 1,300 mm/y. The climate of the lower Macquarie is hot and semiarid, with summer-dominant rainfall averaging about 400 mm/y and evaporation of about 2,000 mm/y. Most of the river flow comes from rainfall in the catchments upstream of Narromine. Annual flows in the Macquarie River are extremely variable. Recorded flows at Dubbo range from 2% to 900% of average flow since records were first kept in 1898 (NSW Department of Water Resources 1991). Studies using measured and modelled flow data have found significant changes to the flow regime of the river due to river regulation and extraction, including: reduced moderate-to-high flows in the Macquarie River and end-of-system flows (CSIRO 2008); an increase in the average period between large flows exceeding 200 GL volume between 1 June to 30 November at the Oxley gauge by 114% or from 2.2 years to 4.7 years on average and a reduction in the average volume of these events, from 328 GL to 278 GL per event (CSIRO 2008); a reduction in the number of small flows greater than 1 GL/d likely to cause flooding passing the Oxley gauge since construction of Burrendong Dam (Jenkins and Wolfenden 2006, in NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a); permanent low flows in previously intermittent streams (Grimes 2001); and a significant reduction in the frequency of floods in the Marshes and the area inundated (Thomas et al., in prep. (b); NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a). 5. Determining the site-specific flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes 5.1. Setting site-specific ecological targets The objective setting framework used to determine the ESLT is outlined in the report ‘The proposed “environmentally sustainable level of take” for surface water of the Murray-Darling Basin: Method 8 and Outcomes’ (MDBA 2011). In summary, the MDBA developed a set of Basin-wide environmental objectives and ecological targets, which were then applied at a finer scale to develop site-specific objectives for individual key environmental assets. Using these site-specific objectives, ecological targets that relate specifically to the Macquarie Marshes were developed (Table 2). Information underpinning site-specific ecological targets is shown in Table 2. Site-specific ecological targets formed the basis of an assessment of environmental water requirements and the subsequent determination of site-specific flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes, as described below. Table 2 Site-specific ecological targets for Macquarie Marshes Site-specific ecological targets Justification of targets Provide a flow regime which supports the habitat requirements of waterbirds and is conducive to successful breeding of colonial nesting waterbirds To breed successfully, colonial nesting waterbirds require, at a minimum, flooding of sufficient volume and duration for colony sites and feeding areas to be inundated for at least four to five months between August and March (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c). These flows are also critical for maintaining wetland vegetation and to complete aquatic invertebrate life cycles (Jenkins and Wolfenden 2006). Provide a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition Wetland vegetation is the critical component that provides both diversity and waterbird habitat. Provide a flow regime which supports recruitment opportunities for a range of native aquatic species (e.g. fish, frogs, turtles and invertebrates) Provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions, particularly those related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain It is highly likely that insufficient flow size, frequency, duration and timing will cause a decline in the health of wetland vegetation, waterbird habitat, aquatic ecology and waterbird breeding sites at the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve Ramsar site. Threats associated with water availability and water management are applicable to both this Ramsar site and the entire Macquarie Marshes (NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009b). Bowen and Simpson (2009) outline changes in extent and condition of the vegetation communities of the Macquarie Marshes in the period 1991–2008. This information has been used as a basis for the vegetation targets. Given the extent of changes to the hydrology and ecology of the Macquarie Marshes, maintaining the extent of flood-dependent vegetation communities at 1991 levels is considered to be unachievable through the Basin Plan. 5.2. Determining site-specific flow indicators The following sections outline the various lines of evidence (e.g. ecological, hydrological and geomorphological) and the method used to determine the environmental watering requirements of the Macquarie Marshes to meet the site-specific ecological targets in Table 2. 5.2.1 Wetlands and vegetation The ecological targets for the site are not aimed at restoring all flood-dependent vegetation communities to their previous extent. Many areas of the Marshes no longer support wetland vegetation. Erosion and channel formation mean it will not be possible to return flows to many areas without substantial structural works. The nature and extent of these works is beyond the scope of the Basin Plan. 9 For example, in 1991 about 39,000 ha of river red gum forest and woodland were mapped in the Marshes (Wilson 1992). The condition of large areas of this forest and woodland has changed since 1991 because of changes in flow regime. Most areas now have an understorey dominated by chenopod shrubs (Bowen and Simpson 2009; NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a). Many areas show a significant decline in canopy condition, with more than half the area mapped in 1991 recently showing more than 40% dead canopy (Bowen and Simpson 2009). Restoration of the extent of river red gum forest and woodland to the extent recorded in 1991 is considered unachievable. The main flood dependant vegetation types of the Macquarie Marshes are described in Bowen and Simpson (2009), and summarised above in Section 3. These vegetation types require different watering regimes. Roberts and Marston (2011) provides the most up-to-date information on watering requirements of flood dependant vegetation species in the Murray–Darling Basin. Based on this work, water requirements for the flood-dependent vegetation communities of the Macquarie Marshes are shown in Table 3. The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2010c) analysed historical inundation patterns of the Macquarie Marshes, linking the inundation extent of historical flow events to river flow data at Marebone Weir. This work provides an understanding of the flows required to achieve different levels of inundation. Based on this analysis, the MDBA selected the following flow events (volumes) to represent the typical range of environmental watering events (from small to large) in the Macquarie Marshes; 100 GL, 250 GL, 400 GL, 700 GL and 1,300 GL. These volumes are measured over 5 successive months June to April/May. To gain an understanding of the frequency of these events, and an indication of the potential associated outcomes, the MDBA assessed modelled without-development flow data for the period 1895 to 2009. This analysis showed that events of 1,300 GL volume are relatively rare, occurring in only 3% of years under without-development conditions. Current understanding of the water requirements of flood dependant species (e.g. Roberts and Marston 2011) indicates that events of this frequency are unlikely to be critical to support flood-dependent vegetation. The extremities of the floodplain, watered by large, infrequent events of this size, are likely to support flood tolerant vegetation communities that are more dependent on local rainfall or groundwater for their survival. Consequently, the MDBA used the 100GL, 250 GL, 400GL and 700 GL flood events as flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes. A comparison of inundation extents with vegetation mapping undertaken by Bowen and Simpson (2009) in 2008 enabled the proportions of vegetation communities inundated by the specified flow volumes to be estimated. Table 4 has been adapted from NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2010c) and shows the area of key flood-dependent vegetation estimated to be inundated by the selected flow volumes. 10 Table 3 Water requirements of vegetation communities in the Macquarie Marshes (adapted from Roberts and Marston 2011). Species Maintenance Regeneration Critical interval Flood frequency Flood duration Timing of flooding Black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) 1 in 3- 7 years 3-6 months for vigorous canopy and flowering. 2-3 months for moderate to good canopy and flowering. Tolerates shorter flooding, but becomes less vigorous. Probably not important. Advisable to follow natural timing for a site, where known Germination on wet soils on flood recession or in run on areas after rain. Spring-Summer recession favours seedling growth. Re-flooding 3-7 years to maintain good condition. Trees may survive 12-16 years with no flooding but in poor condition, forming dysfunctional woodlands, and with diminished capacity for full recovery. River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forests 1 in 1-3 years 5-7 months. Individual floods may be longer or shorter without major consequence; some variability is encouraged. Not critical. More growth achieved in spring and summer More growth after spring-summer floods. Warm, moist soil conditions best for germination and seeding growth. Flooding for 4-6 weeks duration is adequate for re-generation. Reflood after about 3 years if trees are to retain vigour. Longer intervals may be tolerated periodically, but if these become routine tree condition is likely to deteriorate in long term. River red gum woodlands 1 in 2-4 years 2-4 months. Individual floods may be longer or shorter without major consequence; some variability is encouraged. As for river red gum forests As for river red gum forests Reflood after about 5-7 years if trees are to retain vigour. Longer intervals may be tolerated, but if these become routine tree condition likely to deteriorate in long term. Lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta) 1 in 1-3 years for large shrubs 3-7 months for vigorous canopy Not critical Sequential or sustained flooding may be needed to trigger flowering, set and disperse seeds. Brief follow-up flooding in 9-12 months increases seedling establishment but not critical. Reflood after 5-7 years to maintain vigour. Rootstock may survive unflooded for up to 10 years, but branches totally dead. Must be followed by optimal flooding conditions to re-establish vigour. River oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana) In-channel freshes and overbank flows provide the flow variability that is probably important in maintaining groundwater levels in immediate riparian zone. One long and probably several short peaks following main period of winter– spring flooding. Not known how long vigour is maintained without flooding River cooba (Acacia stenophylla) 1 in 3- 7 years Not known. Seedlings possibly tolerant of temporary waterlogging but duration not known. Not known, possibly maintains vigour for up to 5 years without flooding. Trees near creeks and waterbodies maintain vigour much longer, possibly 10-15 years. Small shrubs can tolerate 1 in 7-10 years 2-3 months Not likely to be important 11 Species Maintenance Regeneration Critical interval Flood frequency Flood duration Timing of flooding Coolibah (Eucalytus coolabah) 1 in 10-20 years; drought hardy Not known (water-logging is likely to be detrimental) Not expected to be important. May be important for understorey plants. Germination most likely on wet soils, either following flood recession or in run-on areas after rainfall. Uncertain. Can maintain fair to good condition for several years with no flooding, being reliant on rainfall and groundwater, possibly for 10-20 years Cane Grass (Eragrostis australasica 1 in 2-3 years; will tolerate 1 in 5-7 years 1-6 months Non-critical Nothing known about regeneration from seed, seedling establishment or circumstances when this is important. Uncertain. Stems die off in less than a year, but rootstock is assumed to persist longer, possibly a few to several years. Flooding to replenish seed bank is needed at about 7 years. Common reed (Phragmites australis) 1 in 1-2 years 8-12 months Spring to autumn Regeneration from rhizome most important. Seeds commonly infertile or low viability. Reflood after 2-3 years to maintain vigour. Can recover from up to 7 years without flooding. Water couch (Paspalum distichum) 1 in 1-2 years 5-8 months Critical: late winter or spring. Flooding needed over summer. Regeneration from seed, not known. In most instances, regeneration is probably from rootstock. Reflood after 2-3 years to maintain vigour. Seeds short-lived, to 2 years, so seed bank needs to be replenished almost annually for regeneration from seed. Rootstock persists 5-7 years in heavy clay. Cumbungi (Typha domingensis and T. orientalis) Annual. Every 2-3 years may be tolerable 8-12 months Start in autumn– winter. Dry phase late summer into autumn Germination and early seedling growth is on wet muds or shallow water. Regeneration is any time from spring to autumn. Reflood after 2 years to maintain vigour, but can recover from up to 5 years without flooding Marsh clubrush (Bolboschoenus fluviatilis) Annual 3-5 months Critical. Flooding to start in late winter if shoots are to complete life cycle. Regeneration from seed possibly not important: may be reliant on regrowth from rhizome and tubers. Not certain. Reflood at about 3-5 years to maintain vigour, but flooding needs to be optimal to encourage recovery. May recover after 5-7 years from rhizome and tubers, but likely to be much less vigorous. 6 months is tolerable, if flooded annually, 12 Table 4 Expected areas of inundation for selected flow volumes in the Macquarie Marshes (based on Bowen and Simpson 2009 and NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010d) Flow volume (GL) over 5 successive months JuneApril/May at Marebone weir Area of floodplain inundated (ha) Area of common reed, mixed marsh, water couch and cumbungi communities inundated (ha) Area of river cooba and lignum communities inundated (ha) Area of river red gum communities inundated (ha) 100 19,000 7,744 477 9,705 250 50,000 13,395 1,728 23,437 400 80,500 16,325 2,353 29,674 700 145,160 19,884 2,890 35,526 Coolibah and black box woodlands are generally found in the Marshes on the less frequently flooded parts of the floodplain. As a result, the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2010c) included these with a range of flood tolerant communities in a functional group it called ‘floodplain vegetation’. For the four selected flow volumes the inundation extents for floodplain vegetation varied between 1,400 ha and 75,000 ha. Given that Bowen and Simpson (2009) mapped 8,412 ha of coolibah woodland and 16,114 ha of black box woodland, MDBA has assumed that most of these communities will be inundated by the 700 GL flood volume. Analysis of modelled without-development flows between 1895 and 2009 show that the flow volumes selected from those determined by the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2010c) would provide sufficient inundation frequency to ensure the resilience of most flood-dependent vegetation in the Macquarie Marshes. For this reason, these flows form the basis for the environmental water requirements for the Macquarie Marshes. Table 5 outlines the proposed flow indicators for vegetation communities of the Marshes. To maintain semi-permanent wetlands and other lower elevation vegetation communities (including some river red gum forest) a volume of 100 GL over a period of 5 months is proposed. To inundate a larger proportion of the marshes, including the majority of river red gum forest and wetland communities a volume of 250 GL over a period of 5 months is proposed. To inundate the broader Marshes, including woodland communities, volumes of 400 GL and 700 GL over periods of 7 and 8 months respectively are proposed. The timing of these flows should be between June to April or May to align with natural high flow periods. 5.2.2 Waterbirds The Macquarie Marshes are renowned for supporting some of Australia’s largest waterbird breeding events. The Macquarie Marshes Water Management Plan 1996 (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Department of Land and Water Conservation 1996), work undertaken by Kingsford and Auld (2005), and the draft report on the ecological character of the Macquarie Marshes Nature 13 Reserve Ramsar site (NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009b) link flood size and duration to the size of breeding events for waterbirds. The Macquarie Marshes Water Management Plan 1996 (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Department of Land and Water Conservation 1996) indicates that a flood of 250 GL may result in the smallest number of breeding pairs of waterbirds at the fewest sites. For example, in 1993/94 flood of 220 GL in 7 months enabled 4,600 pairs of intermediate egrets to successfully complete breeding. At flows below this threshold, the area and duration of inundation might not be sufficient to support a successful breeding event. As the volume of water increases above this threshold, there is a sharp increase in the number of birds breeding. For instance, in 1990 when the water volume over a seven-month period was 485 GL, there were 17,200 pairs of intermediate egrets and 65,000 pairs of ibis breeding in the Marshes (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Department of Land and Water Conservation 1996). The Plan also noted that breeding starts no earlier than August, and has not been recorded starting later than January. Kingsford and Thomas (1995) found annual flows, measured at the Oxley gauge on the Macquarie River, are significantly related to total colony size (number of nests) of waterbird species, including intermediate egret, rufous night heron, glossy ibis, straw-necked ibis, Australian white ibis and royal spoonbill. Analysis of breeding data between 1986 and 2001 indicates significant relationships between numbers of colonies established and flow and flooded area. It also indicates that the best predictor of nest numbers for all species is the amount of water flowing past Oxley in the three months before breeding, although the strength of this relationship varies among species (Kingsford and Thomas 1995; Kingsford and Johnson 1998; Kingsford and Auld 2005). Between 1978 and 2000, colonial nesting waterbird breeding events commenced in the Marshes once inflow volumes exceeded 200 GL (based on flow measured at the Oxley gauge), and the size of breeding events increased with larger inflow volumes (Kingsford and Thomas 1995; Kingsford and Johnson 1998; Kingsford and Auld 2005). The draft report on the ecological character description of the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve Ramsar site (NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009b) states that the minimum flow requirement for successful colonial nesting waterbird breeding throughout the entire Marshes is flooding of sufficient volume and duration to inundate colony sites and feeding areas for at least five consecutive months between August and March. According to the report, this requires between 180 GL and 300 GL, depending on preceding conditions. The preceding information indicates that an inflow volume of around 250 GL to 300 GL (measured at Marebone Weir) enables successful waterbird breeding. On this basis three of the flow indicators proposed for vegetation outcomes are also likely to provide suitable conditions for colonial-nesting bird breeding. The timing of proposed flow indicators for vegetation also aligns broadly with the timing of bird breeding events. 5.2.3 Native fish There is still debate in the scientific literature as to the relative role of flooding to fish community dynamics, and an understanding of the nature of ‘fish ecology’-‘river flow’ interactions is by no means clear (Humphries et al. 1999, Mallen-Cooper and Stuart 2003, Graham and Harris 2004; King 14 et al. 2009). For example, it has been suggested that some fish species, such as golden perch and silver perch, require flow pulses or floods for spawning i.e. flood recruitment hypothesis (Humphries et al. 1999). This is partly supported by King et al. (2009) which suggests that flow is one environmental variable, although not always the key environmental variable, identified explaining the occurrence and abundance of spawning of golden perch, silver perch and Murray cod at BarmahMillewa Forest. Other factors such water temperature and day length, or the interaction of a range of environmental variables including flow, are suggested to also be important for native fish recruitment (King et al. 2009). Notwithstanding the ongoing debate regarding the link between hydrology and fish ecology, available evidence suggests that provision of flows that connect the river channel to the floodplain (e.g. Beesley et al. 2011), as well as in-channel flow variability, are important to sustaining key ecological features such as native fish populations. Flow indicators described herein for flood dependent vegetation communities and waterbirds are expected to provide outcomes to support life-cycle and habitat requirements of native fish including provision of cues for spawning and migration and access to food sources. 5.2.4 Other biota There is little in the way of studies in the Macquarie examining flow-ecology relationships with regard to other faunal groups. Nevertheless, the MDBA is confident that the specified environmental water requirements for floodplain wetlands and waterbirds will have valuable beneficial effects on the life-cycle and habitat requirements of amphibians, and water-dependent reptiles and invertebrates. Key ecosystem functions associated with river and floodplain connectivity will also be enhanced. 5.2.5 Proposed flow indicators The site-specific flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes are set out in Table 5. Generally, the flow indicator component with the greatest level of uncertainty across the Basin is the definition of the desirable frequency of flows, expressed as the proportion of years an event is required. This uncertainty is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it is likely that there are thresholds for many plants and animals beyond which their survival or ability to reproduce is lost, but the precise details of those thresholds are mostly unknown or where there is information (for instance river red gum communities) our knowledge is evolving. Secondly, vegetation communities are located across the floodplain and would have experienced significant variability in their inundation frequency under pre-development conditions which subsequently makes specification of a single frequency metric deceptively certain. For many species and ecological communities the relationship between water provisions and environmental outcomes may not be threshold based, rather there could be a linear relationship between flow and the extent of environmental outcomes or the condition of a particular ecological species/community. Recognising the degree of confidence in specifying a desirable frequency, ‘low–uncertainty’ and ‘high–uncertainty’ frequency of flow events have been specified (Table 5). For the low–uncertainty frequency, there is a high likelihood that the environmental objectives and targets will be achieved. The lower boundary of the desired range is referred to here as the high uncertainty frequency. This 15 is effectively the best estimate of the threshold, based on current scientific understanding, which, if not met, may lead to the loss of health or resilience of ecological communities, or the inability of species to reproduce frequently enough to sustain populations. The high–uncertainty frequencies attempt to define critical ecological thresholds. The high–uncertainty frequency is considered to indicate a level beyond which the ecological targets may not be achieved. For the Macquarie Marshes the proposed inundation frequencies for wetlands and vegetation communities have been informed by the requirements of the dominant vegetation communities. Current understanding of these requirements is set out in Table 3, adapted from Roberts and Marston (2011). For waterbird breeding, in the absence of detailed studies, the MDBA has used its judgement to specify desired inundation frequencies for waterbird breeding that are consistent with the life cycle requirements of bird species and fall between the frequencies experienced in the withoutdevelopment and current-arrangements model runs. Two key factors dictate that waterbirds do not need to breed every year on the same river system (Scott 1997). Firstly, Australian waterbirds are highly mobile and their mobility over large spatial scales is a defining characteristic (Scott 1997; Overton et al. 2009). Most of the 80 odd species of (non-vagrant) Murray-Darling Basin waterbirds that use inland wetlands have broad Australia-wide distributions and it is believed that individuals of most species are capable of dispersing at the scale of the continent (Overton et al. 2009). As such, prior to river regulation at least some individuals of the more mobile waterbird species have would have been able to seek suitable conditions for successfully breeding somewhere within the Basin in most years (Scott 1997). Secondly, it is not essential for waterbirds to breed every year to maintain sustainable populations as they are generally long-lived (Scott 1997). Waterbirds become sexually mature at the age of one to two years and have a life expectancy ranging generally from 3-4 years for ducks, up to 8 years for larger birds such as ibis (Scott 1997). These two key factors have informed the frequency of events for site-specific flow indicators intended to support the habitat requirements of waterbirds, including provision of conditions conducive to successful breeding of colonial nesting waterbirds. Specifically, it is desirable to provide multiple opportunities for successful waterbird breeding within the range of their life expectancy. The proposed flow indicators are consistent with this rationale. It is recognised that periods between inundation events are an important consideration when trying to determine ecosystem resilience or thresholds of irreversible change. When investigating the environmental water requirements for the various sites, consideration was given to specifying a maximum period between events or metrics related to maximum dry. However, the literature regarding the tolerance of various floodplain ecosystems to dry periods is limited. In addition where this information exists, recommended maximum dry intervals often conflicts with the maximum dry experienced under modelled without development conditions. Considering these issues, MDBA has not proposed a maximum dry period with the exception of a small number of sites across the Basin, which does not include the Macquarie Marshes. Even so, the 16 importance of maximum dry periods and their role in maintaining ecosystem resilience is recognised. Maximum dry periods between successful events is reported for hydrological modelling associated with the Macquarie Marshes indicator site (see MDBA 2012) despite reducing the maximum period between events not being the primary objective of the modelling process. 17 Table 5 Site-specific ecological targets and associated flow indicators for Macquarie Marshes Site-Specific Flow Indicators Event Frequency-proportion of years event required to achieve target (%) Site-Specific Ecological Targets Flow volume required (GL) Provide a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition Provide a flow regime which supports the habitat requirements of waterbirds and is conducive to successful breeding of colonial nesting waterbirds Provide a flow regime which supports recruitment opportunities for a range of native aquatic species (e.g. fish, frogs, turtles and invertebrates) Provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions, particularly those related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain. Note: Without-development and baseline event frequencies Timinga Low uncertainty (%) High uncertainty (%) Proportion of years event occurred under modelled withoutdevelopment conditions (%) Proportion of years event occurred under modelled baseline conditions (%) 100 Volume to be provided with 5 successive months between June and April. 85 80 91 80 250 Volume to be provided with 5 successive months between June and April. 50 40 66 35 400 Volume to be provided within 7 successive months between June and April 40 30 49 27 700 Volume to be provided within 8 successive months between June and May 17 17 19 17 Multiplication of the flow by the frequency (proportion of years event required) does not translate into the additional volume of water the site needs to be environmentally sustainable. This is because part of the required flow is already provided under baseline conditions. Additional environmental water required is the amount over and above the baseline flows. 18 6. Flow delivery constraints Basin wide environmental objectives have been developed within the context of being deliverable in a working river system that contains public and private storages and developed floodplains. To understand and assess the implications of key constraints on the ability to achieve flow indicators at the Macquarie Marshes, MDBA has drawn upon a combination of existing information (e.g. Water Sharing Plans, flood warning levels) and practical knowledge of river operators supported by testing using hydrological modelling. The watering requirements (and thus objectives) of Section 5 are met through an appropriate water delivery regime. Implementation of a delivery regime is potentially subject to a number of constraints that may mean that environmental requirements are not met at all times. An example of the constraints that apply to water delivery to the Macquarie Marshes is given below: Prolonged flows of more than about 4,000 ML/d at Marebone Weir will cause flooding of Gradgery Lane. Under current operating practices high priority is given to minimising the period that a flow of 4,000 ML/d at Marebone Weir is exceeded. Recognising that the delivery of environmental flows is highly dependent on existing system constraints, the site-specific flow indicators for the hydrologic indicator sites across the Basin have been classified into three broad types (Table 6). Despite the delivery of environmental flows being highly dependent on existing system constraints, the site-specific flow indicators for Macquarie Marshes are considered to be deliverable as mostly regulated flows under current operating conditions. Table 6 Site-specific flow indicators for the Macquarie Marshes and effect of system constraints Site-specific ecological targets Site-specific flow indicators Provide a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition Achieve a total in-flow volume of 100 GL during June to April for 80% of years Provide a flow regime which supports the habitat requirements of waterbirds and is conducive to successful breeding of colonial nesting waterbirds Provide a flow regime which supports recruitment opportunities for a range of native aquatic species (e.g. fish, frogs, turtles and invertebrates) Provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions, particularly those related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain Achieve a total in-flow volume of 250 GL during June to April for 40% of years Achieve a total in-flow volume of 400 GL during June to April for 30% of years Achieve a total in-flow volume of 700 GL during June to May for 17% of years 19 Key for Table 6 Achievable under current operating conditions Flow indicators highlighted in blue are considered deliverable as mostly regulated flows under current operating conditions. Achievable under some conditions (constraints limit delivery at some times) Flow indicators highlighted in yellow are considered achievable when delivered in combination with tributary inflows and/or unregulated flow events. They may not be achievable in every year or in some circumstances, and the duration of flows may be limited to the duration of tributary inflows. Difficult to influence achievement under most conditions (constraints limit delivery at most times) Flow indicators highlighted in brown require large flows that cannot be regulated by dams and it is not expected that these flows can currently be influenced by river operators due to the river operating constraints outlined above. 7. Summary and conclusion The Macquarie Marshes is a key environmental asset within the Basin and is an important site for the determination of the environmental water requirements of the Basin. MDBA has undertaken a detailed eco-hydrological assessment of Macquarie Marshes environmental water requirements. Specified flow indicators are indicative of a long-term flow regime required to enable the achievement of site-specific ecological targets at Macquarie Marshes and for the broader river valley and reach. Along with other site-specific flow indicators developed across the Basin at other hydrologic indicator sites, these environmental flow requirements were integrated within hydrological models to inform the ESLT. This process, including consideration of a range of constraints such as the one outlined in Section 6, is described in further detail within the companion report on the modelling process ‘Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: Methods and results’ (MDBA 2012). 20 References Blackwood, A, Kingsford, R, Nairn, L & Rayner, T 2010, The effect of river red gum decline on woodland birds in the Macquarie Marshes, Australian Wetland and Rivers Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney. Bowen, S & Simpson, SL 2009, ‘Changes in extent and condition of the vegetation communities of the Macquarie Marshes floodplain 1991–2008’, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Sydney. CSIRO 2008, Water availability in the Macquarie–Castlereagh, report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project, CSIRO, Australia. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2001, A directory of important wetlands in Australia, Australian wetlands database — spatial data, viewed November 2008, <>. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008, National framework and guidance for describing the ecological character of Australian Ramsar wetlands, module 2 of the national guidelines for Ramsar wetlands — implementing the Ramsar Convention in Australia, viewed 5 January 2010,‐2‐framework.html Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010, The Macquarie Marshes, Australian Ramsar wetlands, viewed 22 April 2010, <>. Graham, R & Harris, JH 2004, Floodplain inundation and fish dynamics in the Murray-Darling Basin. Current concepts and future research: a scoping study. CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra. Grimes, S 2001, Ecological status and flow requirements of the Bogan River and Duck and Gunningbar Creeks, NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, Dubbo, New South Wales. Humphries, P, King, AJ and Koehn, JD 1999, ‘Fish, flows and flood plains: links between freshwater fishes and their environment in the Murray-Darling River system, Australia’. Environmental Biology of Fishes 56, 129-151. Jenkins, KM & Wolfenden, BJ 2006, Invertebrates, fish and river flows: historical and baseline data analysis of the Macquarie Marshes environmental management plan, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales. King, AJ, Ramsey, D, Baumgartner, L, Humphries, P, Jones, M, Koehn, J, Lyon, J, Mallen-Cooper, M, Meredith, S, Vilizzi, L, Ye, Q & Zampatti, B 2009, Environmental requirements for managing successful fish recruitment in the Murray River Valley – Review of existing knowledge, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 197, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg. Kingsford, RT & Thomas, RF 1995, ‘The Macquarie Marshes in arid Australia and their waterbirds: a 50-year history of decline’, Environmental Management, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 867–878. 21 Kingsford, RT & Johnson, WJ 1998, ‘Impact of water diversions on colonially nesting waterbirds in the Macquarie Marshes of arid Australia’, Colonial Waterbirds, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 159–170. Kingsford, R & Auld, K 2005, ‘Waterbird breeding and environmental flow management in the Macquarie Marshes, arid Australia’, River Research and Applications, vol. 21, pp. 187–200. Macquarie Marshes Investigation Committee 1951, Report of Macquarie Marshes Investigation Committee, NSW Department of Conservation, Sydney. Mallen-Cooper, M & Stuart, IG 2003, ‘Age, growth and non-flood recruitment of two potamodromous fishes in a large semi-arid/temperate river system’. River research and applications 19: 697-719. Marchant, S & Higgins, PJ 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds volume 1: ratites to ducks, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. MDBA (Murray-Darling Basin Authority) 2011, The proposed “environmentally sustainable level of take” for surface water of the Murray-Darling Basin: Method and Outcomes. Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Canberra. MDBA (Murray-Darling Basin Authority) 2012, Hydrological modelling to inform the Basin Plan. Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Canberra. NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2006, ‘Ecological character description of Wilgara Wetland private Ramsar site in New South Wales’, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Sydney. NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009a, ‘Draft Macquarie Marshes adaptive environmental management plan’, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Sydney. NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change 2009b, ‘Ecological character description of the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve Ramsar site’, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Sydney. NSW Department of Environment and Conservation 2006, Goonawarra Nature Reserve — Draft plan of management, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Griffith, New South Wales. NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2009a, Atlas of NSW wildlife, viewed October 2009, <>. NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2009b, Justification for key environmental assets within New South Wales, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Sydney. NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010a, The Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve, viewed 22 April 2010, <>. 22 NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010b, Water for the environment, viewed 20 May 2010, <>. NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010c, Macquarie Marshes adaptive environmental management plan- Synthesis of information projects and actions. NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Sydney. NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2010d, Water requirements of iconic wetlands in the Murray–Darling Basin — Phase 1 Macquarie Marshes Version 3, unpublished report, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Sydney. NSW Department of Water Resources 1991, Water resources of the Castlereagh, Macquarie and Bogan valleys … doing more with water, NSW Department of Water Resources, Sydney. NSW Department of Water Resources & NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1986, Water management plan for the Macquarie Marshes, NSW Department of Water Resources, Sydney. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 1993, Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve plan of management, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Department of Land and Water Conservation 1996, Macquarie Marshes water management plan, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & NSW Department Land and Water Conservation. Oliver, DL, & Parker, DG 2006, Woodland birds of the New South Wales Central Murray catchment: measuring outcomes of the Greening Australia fencing and tree-planting program, a report to Birds Australia, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Queanbeyan, New South Wales. Overton, IC, Colloff, MJ, Doody, TM, Henderson, B & Cuddy, SM (eds) 2009, Ecological outcomes of flow regimes in the Murray–Darling Basin, report prepared for the National Water Commission by CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, CSIRO, Canberra. Paijmans, K 1981, The Macquarie Marshes of inland northern New South Wales, Division of Land Use Research technical paper no. 41, CSIRO, Division of Land Use Research, Melbourne. Roberts, J & Marston, F 2011, Water regime for wetland and floodplain plants. A source book for the Murray–Darling Basin. National Water Commission, Canberra. Scott, A 1997, Relationship between waterbird ecology and environmental flows in the Murray– Darling Basin, CSIRO Land and Water technical report 5–97, Canberra. SKM 2007, High Conservation Value Aquatic Ecosystems project ‐ identifying, categorising and managing HCVAE, Final report, Department of the Environment and Water Resources, 16 March 2007. Thomas, RT, Lu, Y, Cox, SJ & Hunter, SJ in prep. (b), ‘Inundation mapping in significant floodplain wetlands: the Macquarie Marshes and Gwydir Wetlands: final report to the New South Wales Wetland Recovery Program’, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Sydney. 23 Wilson, R 1992, Vegetation Map of the Macquarie Marshes, NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Sydney. 24 Appendix A Data used in producing hydrologic indicator site maps Data Dataset name Sourcea Basin Plan regions Draft Basin Plan Areas 25 May 2010 Murray–Darling Basin Authority (2010) Dam walls/barrages GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia 2006 Gauges 100120 Master AWRC Gauges Icon sites Living Murray Indicative Icon Site Boundaries Murray–Darling Basin Commission (2007) Irrigation areas Combined Irrigation Areas of Australia Dataset Bureau of Rural Sciences (2008) Lakes GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Maximum wetland Wetlands GIS of the Murray–Darling Basin Series 2.0 Murray–Darling Basin Commission extents (Kingsford) (1993) National parks/nature Digital Cadastral Database New South Wales Department of reserves Lands (2007) National parks/nature Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database — Department of the Environment, reserves CAPAD 2004 Water, Heritage and the Arts (2004) Nationally important Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia Spatial Department of the Environment, wetlands Database Water, Heritage and the Arts (2001) Ocean and landmass GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Ramsar sites Ramsar wetlands in Australia Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2009) Rivers Surface Hydrology (AUSHYDRO version 1-6) Geoscience Australia (2010) Roads GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) State border GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) State forests Digital Cadastral Database New South Wales Department of Lands (2007) Towns GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Weirs Murray–Darling Basin Weir Information System Murray–Darling Basin Commission (2001) Weirs 2 a River Murray Water Main Structures Murray–Darling Basin Authority (2008) Agency listed is custodian of relevant dataset; year reflects currency of the data layer. 25 Appendix B Species relevant to criteria 1 and 4: Macquarie Marshes Species Recognised in international agreement(s)1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservatio n Act 1999 (Cwlth) Fisheries Management Act 2004 (NSW) Threatened species conservation Act 1995 (NSW) Amphians and reptiles Sloane’s froglet (Crinia sloanei)5 V Birds Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus)2 V Australian bustard (Ardeotis australis)2 E Barking owl (Ninox connivens)2 V Bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica)2 Black-breasted buzzard (Hamirostra V melanosternon)2 Black-chinned honeyeater (eastern subspecies) V (Melithreptus gularis gularis)2 Black-necked stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus)2 E Black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa)2, 3 V Blue-billed duck (Oxyura australis)2 V Brolga (Grus rubicundus) V Brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus)2 V Bush stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius)2 E Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia)2, 3 Cattle egret (Ardea ibis)2, 3 Common greenshank (Tringa nebularia)2 Common sandpiper (Actitis hyoleucos)2 Cotton pygmy goose (Nettapus coromandelianus)2 Curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)2 Diamond firetail (Stagonopleura guttata)2 E V 26 Species Eastern great egret (Ardea modesta)2, 3 Recognised in international agreement(s)1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservatio n Act 1999 (Cwlth) Fisheries Management Act 2004 (NSW) Threatened species conservation Act 1995 (NSW) Freckled duck (Stictonetta naevosa)2 V Glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami)2 V Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)2, 3 Grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis)2 V Hooded robin (Melanodryas cucullata)2 V Latham’s snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)2, 3 Magpie goose (Anseranas semipalmata)2 V Major Mitchell’s cockatoo (pink cockatoo) V (Lophochroa leadbeateri)2 Marsh sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)2 Masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae)5 V Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)2 V Painted honeyeater (Grantiella picta)2 V Painted snipe (Rostratula benghalensis) V E Red-backed button-quail (Turnix maculosa)2 V V Red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)2 Red-tailed black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus V banksii)2 Sharp-tailed sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)2, 3 Square-tailed kite (Lophoictinia isura)2 V Superb parrot (Polytelis swainsonii)2 V Turquoise parrot (Neophema pulchella)2 V V White-bellied sea-eagle (Haliaeetus luecogaster)3 Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)2 Fish Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)2 V 27 Species Recognised in international agreement(s)1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservatio n Act 1999 (Cwlth) Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus)2 Fisheries Management Act 2004 (NSW) Threatened species conservation Act 1995 (NSW) V Mammals Little pied bat (Chalinolobus picatus)2 V Squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis)2 V Yellow-bellied sheathtail bat (Saccolaimus V flaviventris)2 Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)5 V Eastern freetail bat (Mormopterus norfolkensis)2 V Stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura)2 V Plants Aromatic pepper-cress (Lepidium hyssopifolia)2 E Rock fern (Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. E pseudovellea)5 Greenhood orchid (Pterostylis cobarensis)5 V Pine donkey orchid (Diuris tricolor)5 V Red Darling pea (Swainsona plagiotropis)5 V Spiny mint-bush (Prostanthera spinosa)5 V Communities Aquatic ecological community of the Macquarie E Marshes4 Coolibah – black box woodland of the northern Riverine Plains in the Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions E 4 Myall Woodland in the Darling Riverine Plains, Brigalow Belt South, Cobar Peneplain, Murray– E Darling Depression, Riverina and NSW South Western Slopes bioregions4 28 E = endangered V = vulnerable 1 Japan–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement, China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement, or Republic of Korea – Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 2 NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2009a) 3 NSW Department of Environment and Conservation (2006) 4 NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2009b) 5 NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2009a) 29